WWE Is...

okay but what is the difference between wwe trying and tna trying? Vince has 20 years headstart on a company like TNA so we shouldn't be sitting here complaining about the wwe product being predictable. i do think that the wwe had improved in some ways over the last several months but it seems that when they do improve in one area, they slide in another. take the supershow idea - great idea except it means that we get to see Orton twice as often as before and people were already complaining he was overexposed. and why is it the raw supershow? why not on smackdown too? with smackdown being on syfy, wouldn't you want to send some raw guys over there to help out. i find it crazy when 2 smackdown guys have a match on raw. don't they have a show? it is the lack of thought that ticks people off. for the most part, the quality of the matches has been good for a long time, it is the lack of thought and logic behind that thought that makes people mad.
In general, the IWC complains. It's what it's known for more than anything else no matter how badly or well things go.

Last night, for instance, I read a few posts complaining about the Punk vs. Bryan match. I actually read a post in which a person was bitching because the timing was a little off at the end, when Bryan's shoulder was up when he was pinned just prior to Punk tapping out. The poster completely ignored the fact that it was a fantastic match and focused on one minor imperfection as if it's somehow supposed to have spoiled the entire match. It's pathetic and a perfect example of how WWE cannot win when it comes to internet fans.

As of yesterday, CM Punk has been WWE Champion for approximately 6 months, yet fans complain. Net fans have been clamoring for the past several years for Punk to be in the spot he's in now, fans have been wanting to see longer title reigns come about, fans have been wanting to see matches like Punk vs. Bryan, etc. However, people are complaining that Punk is "stale" and that maybe it's time to drop the title. It's a ludicrous standard that some fans have, a standard that they know can't ever be met so it gives them carte blanche to bitch like there's no tomorrow.

When it comes to wrestling being "predictable", people need to suck my hairy pecker. I've heard this whining complaint for years and, as I've said before, if you want wrestling to have a more unpredictable feel, stay off the goddamn internet!!! It's not going to be "unpredictable" if you go online trolling for spoilers to upcoming broadcasts, possible feuds, possible pushes, potential upcoming matches & wrestlers debuting with the company. Stay away from the dirtsheets, forums & websites for a few months, take yourself out of the loop and the know for a while and you'll definitely get the "unpredictable" feeling back because you won't have any idea what's going to happen or what could be happening.

At the end of the day, I watch wrestling for the sake of being entertained. I wanna watch wrestlers that make me care about what they're doing, wrestlers that I care about listening to speak on the mic, wrestlers that make me want to see them wrestle and interesting storylines to make me wanna watch. I don't watch in the hopes of finding something to piss and moan about just so I can think I'm sounding cool on a friggin' internet forum.

As for last night's show, it wans't the greatest ppv of all time and yes, there were a couple of extremely predictable moments. In my eyes, most of the matches were at least solid and a couple of them were great. If you were turned off by last night's show overall, then I guess you're entitled to your opinion but, honestly, I don't know what people expect. Everything cannot be this amazing, epic spectacle that turns the entire industry on its ear. The biggest letdown of the show was the main event because, let's face it, the idea of us watching the authority figure get the crap beaten out of him has kind of worn off. We've seen it soooooo much since the Attitude Era that it's lost its novelty. The ending was also completely flat, but in my view, that one match doesn't disolve what was an overall solid show into a pile of crap.
...as I've said before, if you want wrestling to have a more unpredictable feel, stay off the goddamn internet!!!

Generally I agree with that statement but when it comes to the Big Show turn it was more then predictable. It was transparent. It would have made more sense to not fire him but have him pissed at Big Johnny and then turn on Cena with no explanation. I'm sorry, it was just very weak.

I think it's funny that on RAW it was stated that Show was rehired on Saturday which makes the match on Sunday a DQ win for Cena.

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