Which MMA Fighters could cut it in WWE?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok, MMA fighters are real and its a much tougher sport blah blah blah, but which MMA Fighters would you like to see in WWE and who do you think has the charisma and agility to be a WWE Wrestler?

Personally I think Tito Ortiz and Quintin Jackson are the 2 who stand out. Both have "the look", both have charisma and I think both could sell a Wrestling match with a few months training - especially given they both have Wrestling disciplines in the way they fight!
Probably not all that many to be honest. They could definately perform well. No denying that. But if you ask me, WWE is actually more physically demanding than MMA. Not the ring work. MMAists definately hurt eachother a lot more in their matches, but the schedule is simply extreme in comparason. In WWE you're on the road most of the week, in which you've got to train wrestle and do all of the paperwork that comes along with traveling so damn much.

And most people who could be successful at pro wrestling would probably make easier money in UFC. And those that do choose to go froim real fighting to faking it will do so only when they've past their expiry date as a MMAist and thus too old to be a heavily pushed.
Totally agree with AJ Remix and performing in the WWE is harder you have to be aware that your not pummeling the other guy to dust and you have to make everything get a reaction from the cowds. I truly believe fighters that could cut it have left WWE to go to MMA instead already, like Lesnar, Lashley and Batista <-- the last of whom cannot wrestle to save his life lol.

I wouldn't mind seeing Lesnar return and F-5 a few people but any other "fighters" nah they probably wouldn't work in WWE.
I could see Rashad Evans. If you watch some of his fights, interviews and his time on the ultimate fighter, you can tell that he's kinda cocky and has that arrogant edge to him. And since he'd be classified as a cruiserweight, i could see him helping out that division as well
Totally agree with AJ Remix and performing in the WWE is harder you have to be aware that your not pummeling the other guy to dust and you have to make everything get a reaction from the cowds. I truly believe fighters that could cut it have left WWE to go to MMA instead already, like Lesnar, Lashley and Batista <-- the last of whom cannot wrestle to save his life lol.

Playing to the crowd isn't that hard imo. Sure it's not sometihng that MMAists are used to doing, but it's sometihng that can be tought to people with far less physical ability than MMAists. And successful fighters know how to work a crowd so that they want to see a fight. Successful MMAists have an advantage over guys who are in shape and just decided to be a pro wrestler with no experience at all.
Mayhem Miller. Guy has all the mic skill and personality to be a success, he's also a fan of sports entertainment so it'd be more likely than some of the fighters who appeal to purist mentalities of "real fighting". Rampage is another, Ortiz is an easy candidate, Randy Couture, Josh Koscheck, Rashad Evans, Paul Daley, Dan Hardy, Michael Bisping, Chuck Liddel, Brock (for obvious reasons).

A ton of MMA fighters could do it, just about all the fighters who are well known have larger than life personalities and they're obviously fairly skilled athletes, whether they'd want to is a bigger question, as far as likelihood of it happening, Rampage and Miller are my picks because they've never shown a disdain for pro-wrestling and often refer to themselves as entertainers. Koscheck would probably be down for it too, being paid to talk shit would be the easiest job in the world for him.
I don't think many would. AJ brought up a GREAT point about the schedule, but I am going with a different reason: Pro wrestling is fake. In UFC or whatever, you are expected to knock the other guy the f out. But in the WWE, you are expected to perform safely to the best of your abilities. Plus, the matches in the WWE are all laid out. I guess that adds to the genuine unpredictability of MMA, but how many times has a big match been hyped only to last like 5 minutes?

I also think there would be a pride issue. Someone mentioned Rashad Evans.. The guy seems pretty much like a proud asshole to me. Do you think he would be able to just lay down for someone?
This is an interesting topic, I think.

When I think about wrestlers, I usually think about mic skill and in-ring talent. Everything else that a wrestler would need comes secondary to those things and can be added with time. However, if you do not have any charisma, then you are screwed in the WWE because the fans just will not accept you. Look at Vladimir Kozlov for an example of this. He never talks and the fans just cannot connect with his persona. This is a bit of shame really because he does have some skill inside the ring.

The one person whom I feel could shine with the WWE would be &#8220;Rampage&#8221; Jackson. You only need to look at his performance on Raw a few months ago to see that he does have the skills on the mic that would easily get him over. Moreover, if you watched the Ultimate Fighter between him and Rashad Evans, then you can really see his personality shine through. To me, he would be very much like Jericho when he came to the WWE. He just said what he felt like saying and people bought into it 100%. If you were to give him a loudmouth persona, he would get over in no time.

I also feel as though he could be dangerous in the ring. His physique is clearly cut out for this type of work and if his in-ring talent was up to scratch, he could easily fill the role that Batista vacated a couple of months ago. All in all, I think he could really set the heather alight as a wrestler.
Ok, MMA fighters are real and its a much tougher sport blah blah blah, but which MMA Fighters would you like to see in WWE and who do you think has the charisma and agility to be a WWE Wrestler?

Brock Lesnar, definitly. That guy has the build, the athleticism, the look to make it big in pro wrestling. Probably would pick up the WWE Championship at least 3 times.
Tito Ortiz simply because of his character. On one documentary, he said Austin was the inspiration for him becoming a badass and if WWE would let him be a badass in WWE, he could easily cut as he's a successful legit badass.

Somehow I can also Nate Marquadt in WWE. I think he has the look for a Slyvester Terkay type gimmick also I remember him pulling off a Piledriver in the octagon, cant remember who against but yeah.
Brock Lesnar, definitly. That guy has the build, the athleticism, the look to make it big in pro wrestling. Probably would pick up the WWE Championship at least 3 times.

Pretty sure Lesnar has already held the title 3 times...

I think a lot of them could with the proper training.

I think MMA is much MUCH more demanding than wrestling. Wrestlers work out and have and awful schedule...But professional mixed martial arts fighters, train and work out 8 hours a day for months to prepare for a fight. Same with boxers, they are in extreme physical shape. I don't think there is an arguement at all.
MMA fighters schedules are a lot more demanding. They train everyday for 8 hours a day for fights. They watch videos of past fights. They travel to other parts of the world to train for a certain aspect like Boxing or jut-jitsu. If you lose two fights in a row you can lose your contract.
If only we can see them dancing to 3 Count, a la Tank Abbot, id welcome any member of the UFC into the WWE.

i keed, i keed.

Tito or Rampage have to be the clear favorites, but you would have to be an established name to make it in the WWE. Shamrock and Severn only made it because they were probably the most famous MMA fighters of the day... neither of them had too much charisma. but then again UFC was a lot more loose back then.

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