Who Is The Greatest Wrestler

Shawns#1 Fan

Dark Match Winner
Someone else has probably made a similiar thread so if so feel free to delete but i need everyones opinion: "Who Is The Greatest Wrestler"

Know i'm not asking who the greatset of all time is, i'm asking of all the people in the World Wrestling Entertainment ( only active wrestlers please) who is Number one

Mic Skills:Jericho

Mat Skills: Benjamin

Aerial Skills:Evan Bourne

Technical Skills:Shawn Michaels

Crowd Skills:Taker

and all the other main skills combined who is the Best. My opinion

Edge: No matter who you are most people tuned into Smackdown when Edge was carrying things over there. He has that character that you hate so much that you watch him just to see him get his ass beat. When he talks you listen. We all say that Shawn Michaels is the greatest wrestler alive and i agree, but Edge is only trailing behind Shawn by 1 point maybe a 1/2 os a point. He makes you boo him. he doesn't have to say "Excuse Me" 12 times to get a reaction. My favorite is Shawn Michaels but Edge sure as hell is 2nd. At only 35 yrs old he has already cemented his legacy and is a sure fire hall of famer. W/O a doubt in my mind Edge is the Greatest wrestler they have got and should be making more then Batista, Cena, and Punk.
I really think this thread is good so i'll post my opinion.

Mic skills Edge-This guy has all the potential in the world,and he uses it to his advantage. He is not the best tech wrestler but his mic skills are the best by far.

Tech skills This is easy. It's Kurt Angle easily. I don't even need to explain why I think this.

Aerial skills Evan Bourne. This guy amazes the SHIT out of me every single time he steps into the ring. That shooting star press drops my jaw no matter how many times i see it. This one is by far Evan.

Best Overall John Cena. I'll admit i'm not the biggest Cena fan but I sure as hell respect the shit out of this man. He has mic skills, and he can either have the crowd fucking hate him, or love him with the blink of an eye. He is WWE right now, and will be for years to come.
I really think this thread is good so i'll post my opinion.

Mic skills Edge-This guy has all the potential in the world,and he uses it to his advantage. He is not the best tech wrestler but his mic skills are the best by far.

Tech skills This is easy. It's Kurt Angle easily. I don't even need to explain why I think this.

Aerial skills Evan Bourne. This guy amazes the SHIT out of me every single time he steps into the ring. That shooting star press drops my jaw no matter how many times i see it. This one is by far Evan.

Best Overall John Cena. I'll admit i'm not the biggest Cena fan but I sure as hell respect the shit out of this man. He has mic skills, and he can either have the crowd fucking hate him, or love him with the blink of an eye. He is WWE right now, and will be for years to come.

are we talking wwe? if so

dont understand "overall" for cena u mean mic skills,ring skills,reaction,etc. cause that doesnt make sense cena has good reaction but i orton gets more face reaction as heel then cena does face,its true he gets a big reaction good or bad ,but edge,or jericho,or triple h gets more,cena isnt even the best mic skills there great but not he best and his in ring skills suck,so i dont really understand that anwser but anyways lol.

if were talking wwe,

Mic Skills: got to give it to jericho
intensity: orton but cena is good to just not real enough
tech skills: regal or noble
aiR: i would say bourne(p.s) matt sydal is a better name i just think of jason bourne when i hear that lol
overall: is edge(he could carry sd by himself)
Greatest at the moment is tricky. There's actually a lot of them I could choose. Personally, I'd like to say Edge. But there's one man who has recently proven how much the WWE needs him, and that man his John Cena. Yes, I don't like him. But the important thing there is that I'm in the minority. Did you see the crowd on his return? Did you see the ratings jump? There's no way people can vote against Cena here.
Someone else has probably made a similiar thread so if so feel free to delete but i need everyones opinion: "Who Is The Greatest Wrestler"

Know i'm not asking who the greatset of all time is, i'm asking of all the people in the World Wrestling Entertainment ( only active wrestlers please) who is Number one

Mic Skills:Jericho

Mat Skills: Benjamin

Aerial Skills:Evan Bourne

Technical Skills:Shawn Michaels

Crowd Skills:Taker

Whoa, Michaels having the best technical skills? That seems a little far fetched. I might have bought that claim around Wrestlemania 12, but right now it doesn't seem realistic. For lack of a better alternative, I'll agree with Jericho.

Taker has built a career of stoicism, so to say he has the best crowd skills seems contradictory. He gets a pop, true, but that's not skill, its status. I guess if we're not talking about mic skills, I don't really know what crowd skills mean, other than who's the biggest face/heel.

I feel like trying to choose the greatest wrestler and limiting it to WWE is like trying to choose the hottest girl and limiting it to a Bingo Hall.
Here's my list..

Mic Skills: Chris Jericho

---This guy bar none is great on the mic. Nobody can touch him..I would also put JBL as a close second..Sometimes these guys do 10 minute promos and never skip a beat

Mat Skills: Kurt Angle

---Not much to say after that, a very close second is Shelton Benjamin

Aerial Skills: Well, the days of the high flyer are slowly starting to fall off the way side..I guess i would go w/ Evan Bourne..Rey Mysterio is getting stale, & the TNA roster is slowly starting to lose their high flyers..ie Amazing Red

Technical Skills: This is kind of an odd category, cause i kind of compare it to mat skills...Michaels is the greatest all around performer but i would say Benjamin for technical skills, most underrated talent maybe in the history of the wwe

Crowd Skills: I guess I would have to go w/ John Cena, as much as it pains me...For whatever reason, the little kiddies love him & the older guys hate him.For someone to create that kind of energy deserves it. Even if he doesn't mean to create it:thumbsup:
Mic Skills: Jericho's heel promos have been some of the best mic work I have seen in a long time in the WWE. Edge is pretty damn good at delivering a heel promo too....and for some comedy--Santino Marella never fails to make me laugh out loud--please tell me some of you follow WWE.com's "Santino's Casa"--hilarity!

Mat Skills: well for TNA, Angle, duh-- but WWE--Shelton Benjamin--sad really how underused he is...

Aerial Skills: Right now, even though he's injured--Evan Bourne--nobody comes close really, the Hardy's high flying days are pretty much behind them

Technical Skills: Again I'd go with Benjamin -- but don't ignore guys like Regal and Finlay

Crowd Skills: I'll ignore the obvious, John Cena--people love and hate him. And does anyone get a better pop without delivering solid promos than Jeff Hardy--the crowd nuts themselves when he goes out there!!
It has to be John Cena. He is the greatest wrestler to come along in years. He may not be the flashiest, and he may only perform like 5.4 moves a match, but who cares. To me, he is still one hell of a wrestler and never fails to entertain me. Especially when an epic match is set up, Cena always delivers. I like him better as a chaser of the belt, but I understand why he has it. He is the biggest name in the company and the company makes more money when he is champion.

Edge and Randy Orton also deserve mentions as well. On the promo front, there are not many people as good as Edge or Orton. It's amazing that they used to be a tag team and not long after they are ruling the particular brand they are on (Edge, mainly). I like Randy Orton's style of wrestling more than I like Edges', but that is because Edge relies on heel tactics to get by, not that there is anything wrong with that. I love Orton because of his intensity in his matches and the way he sells the RKO, like it's the most effective move ever.
Overal currently it has to be the legend killer, this guy has amazing ring skills and and is very belivable on the mic
Mic Skills: In TNA I think Team 3D are great on the mic. Sometimes they sound stupid and all but I think they can hold their own on the mic. Now Bubba Ray is better than Devon the both of them together sometimes makes for some great TV. In WWE I still don't can't pick between these three: HHH, Jericho, and Edge. All three have their own style and all three are affective in getting everyone's attention.

Mat Skills: In TNA that is a no brainer everyone knows that Kurt Angle is the best mat wrestler period. Now someone who is impressing me with his mat skills Jack Swagger. I know I know I can hear you all saying "WHAT?" But he has impressed with his mat skills. I would say the best mat wrestler in WWE is again William Regal. He is underrated as well as Shelton Benjaminis

Aerial Skills: In TNA, AJ Styles has to be the best aerial guy in TNA. In WWE there isn't anyone that really sticks out since they started going away from aerial moves. Evan Bourne was great until he got hurt, so right now I would have to go with Jeff Hardy.

Technical Skills: In TNA I would say Petey Williams or Kurt Angle. In WWE Benjamin is underrated but William Regal is by far the best technical wrestler in the WWE.

Crowd Skills: In TNA it use to be Samoa Joe, "Joe gonna kill you" was awesome to hear during his matches before he won the title. Now in TNA, I would have to say AJ Styles. Now in WWE, I would have to say HHH. I went to a live RAW and everyone got on their feet when HHH music's hit.

Those are just my thoughs.....

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