Shawns#1 Fan
Dark Match Winner
Someone else has probably made a similiar thread so if so feel free to delete but i need everyones opinion: "Who Is The Greatest Wrestler"
Know i'm not asking who the greatset of all time is, i'm asking of all the people in the World Wrestling Entertainment ( only active wrestlers please) who is Number one
Mic Skills:Jericho
Mat Skills: Benjamin
Aerial Skills:Evan Bourne
Technical Skills:Shawn Michaels
Crowd Skills:Taker
and all the other main skills combined who is the Best. My opinion
Edge: No matter who you are most people tuned into Smackdown when Edge was carrying things over there. He has that character that you hate so much that you watch him just to see him get his ass beat. When he talks you listen. We all say that Shawn Michaels is the greatest wrestler alive and i agree, but Edge is only trailing behind Shawn by 1 point maybe a 1/2 os a point. He makes you boo him. he doesn't have to say "Excuse Me" 12 times to get a reaction. My favorite is Shawn Michaels but Edge sure as hell is 2nd. At only 35 yrs old he has already cemented his legacy and is a sure fire hall of famer. W/O a doubt in my mind Edge is the Greatest wrestler they have got and should be making more then Batista, Cena, and Punk.
Know i'm not asking who the greatset of all time is, i'm asking of all the people in the World Wrestling Entertainment ( only active wrestlers please) who is Number one
Mic Skills:Jericho
Mat Skills: Benjamin
Aerial Skills:Evan Bourne
Technical Skills:Shawn Michaels
Crowd Skills:Taker
and all the other main skills combined who is the Best. My opinion
Edge: No matter who you are most people tuned into Smackdown when Edge was carrying things over there. He has that character that you hate so much that you watch him just to see him get his ass beat. When he talks you listen. We all say that Shawn Michaels is the greatest wrestler alive and i agree, but Edge is only trailing behind Shawn by 1 point maybe a 1/2 os a point. He makes you boo him. he doesn't have to say "Excuse Me" 12 times to get a reaction. My favorite is Shawn Michaels but Edge sure as hell is 2nd. At only 35 yrs old he has already cemented his legacy and is a sure fire hall of famer. W/O a doubt in my mind Edge is the Greatest wrestler they have got and should be making more then Batista, Cena, and Punk.