Who is the greatest heel of all time?

Maybe Vince Mcmahon but I'm not counting him because he doesn't exactly have to work hard to get what he wants as far as his character direction goes if you know what I mean.

It might be unpopular but just by logic I think its legit that Hollywood Hulk Hogan is the greatest heel of all time by default just because he's the greatest wrestler of all time so you can't have anyone heel or face better than that. He was a heel too so that solidifies the argument. (which is not undisputed so I don't mean it as fact just opinion thought up by logic)

Hulk Hogan is known as a face and will be more recognized that way forever but he actually debuted in the wwf as a heel or maybe it was the wwwf back then, correct me if I'm wrong.

Despite qualifying as greatest heel of all time by default, Hollywood Hulk Hogan could've made a more practical claim to greatest heel of all time if he needed to.
Hollywood had some great moments including a couple of quite lengthy title reins plus a couple of short stints as champion always the result of something controversial.
He's had some very cool Heel moments like catching sting in a net and beating the shit out of him and having his nwo hold people down so he could execute his devastating "Hollywood" leg drop. He was the leader the greatest heel stable of all time which was also one of if not the most influential stable of all time.
Hollywood had one of the most unique tag partners in history - Dennis Rodman.
He finally Pinned Rowdy Roddy Piper, something the good guy version of Hulk Hogan could not do.
He slammed and defeated the giant and was still influential enough to end up with Giant on his side and used him to help him and his nwo destroy macho man randy savage and eliminate the four horseman at wargames. He defaced the wcw heavyweight championship of the world with the letters "NWO"
He spray painted Ric Flairs white hair black!
He beat Bret Hart so bad in a match he had to be stretchered away. Hart was so convinced that Hogan was the man after that he joined the nwo!
He actually featured in top story lines which were superior to anything the wwf could do at the time and his character alone was largely responsible for beating the wwf ratings for 80 weeks or something.
He beat the ultimate warrior.
He tried to kill the rock by smashing a large truck into an ambulance the rock was inside as a result of one of the nwo's famous beatings.

So Hollywood Hulk Hogan definitely has a legitimate claim. Other people who could challenge are people like Ric Flair or Triple H both great heels. Equally though? I'm not sure about that.

His best feud as a heel? vs the rock, he saved the best for last.

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