We are talking about all around ability right? (mic skills/wrestling/entrance/achievements)
1. Ric Flair
2. Kurt Angle
3. Macho Man (come on he had great matches, fueds, titles, entrance, and OHHH YEAH his gimmick was NEVER boring on the Mic)
4. The Rock/Steve Austin (both were on a different league from everyone else, its hard to put one over the other IMO they both played equal roles in the attitude era)
5. HBK
6. Bret Hart
7. Chris Jericho
8. Hulk Hogan (in his early days he could do it all for a big man, he had good matches, hell even the Warrior match at wrestlemania was good.)
9. Undertaker (best all around big man of all time)
10. Ricky Steamboat
1. Ric Flair
2. Kurt Angle
3. Macho Man (come on he had great matches, fueds, titles, entrance, and OHHH YEAH his gimmick was NEVER boring on the Mic)
4. The Rock/Steve Austin (both were on a different league from everyone else, its hard to put one over the other IMO they both played equal roles in the attitude era)
5. HBK
6. Bret Hart
7. Chris Jericho
8. Hulk Hogan (in his early days he could do it all for a big man, he had good matches, hell even the Warrior match at wrestlemania was good.)
9. Undertaker (best all around big man of all time)
10. Ricky Steamboat