Top 10 Greatest Wrestlers of all time

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1. HBK- Held WWF together in the 90's when the top draws where leaving.He had the best matches on the card as the IC Champ back then.
2. Ric Flair-The epitome of the term "CHAMPION", and the greatest HEEL of alltime. I rank him below HBK because I feel that HBK was a better overall worker than Flair.
3. Hogan- I dont like him never did but, his impact on this industry is undeniable.
4. Rock- The Best mic worker ever and had some great feuds but left to soon.
5. Sting- Was loyal to "DUB YA C DUB YA" for years even when they werent loyal to him, great worker, great energy, ok mic skills, MIS-USED!.
6. Kurt Angle- Likely the best all around wrestler of all time, he cant be left off this list.
7.Chris "Y2J" Jericho- What can I say, Ive loved Crhis since his WCW days and hes only gotten better with time. HE IS THE BEST WORKER TODAY!. I feel he is not viewed this way by WWE.
8. Bret "Hitman" Hart- The most technically sound 90's guy, I loved Bret and thought he was great for years up till he turned heel and started doing the Anit-USA stuff with the Hart Foundation. He started to whine more instead of letting his actions do the talking. He has had some great matches though. HBK, OWEN, AUSTIN, TAKER, BULLDOG, PERFECT, YOKO, BENOIT, ETC. He cant be left off the list.
9. Undertaker- Loyal and has only gotten better with age.
10. RVD- This one might be controversial but, RVD inspired MILLIONS and has had some great great moments in ECW (90'S) and WWE and could still give us great moments if he where to come back. There was never a star like RVD who has a crossover appeal to so many. And he is STILL VERY POPULAR. Despite his mistakes.
1: Undertaker (with the streak at WM and some of the best matches of all time add to that a great mix of moves and he is #1)

2: Hulk Hogan (I do not like him but i have to respect him he is the most well known wrestler in history and a close second)

3: Bret Hart (a true hero and huge part of the sport he truly left his mark in history)

4: Triple H ( the king of kings, the game has to get this spot great in ring skill can put most superstars over and is a huge factor in the WWE)

5: HBK (this man is truly awesome great finisher unlimited talent and can put anyone over)

6: Chris Jericho (this man is so smart with what he does and one of the most perfect mix of gimmick and talent in the current wwe roster)

7: Edge (this man can truly shine in and era the WWE can come up with one of the best heels in the WWE)

8: Kurt Angle (this man was great in WWE his ankle lock is in the top three best submission holds and he had such great matches my favorite of his matches had to be triple threat Vs Big Show and Brock lesner now that was epic)

9. Stone Cold (the attitude era's King he has had some of WWE greatest feuds and put on top notch matches a true HOF wrestler)

10. Masked Kane (if it were not for the streak he would have been the first to beat Taker he had badass music and an awesome hype and should make this list)
1. Shawn Michaels - He is the greatest in ring performer and the most charismatic wrestler ever.
2. Hulk Hogan - put professional wrestling on the map and he carried WWF for years.
3. Undertaker - has been dominant since his debut almost 20 years ago.
4. Kurt Angle - the greatest pure wrestler of the 21st century.
5. Ric Flair - 16 time world champ, 35 year career and dirtiest player in the game says it all.
6. Stone Cold - He made the Attitude Era what it was.
7. The Rock - Also made the Attitude Era what it was.
8. John Cena - not a great wrestler but he puts asses in seats and in the end that's all that matters.
9. Chris Jericho - he is the best in the world at what he does.
10. Edge - Helped put the TLC match on the map. He is so dedicated that he even made out with Vickie Guerrero for television purposes. I know i wouldnt do that.

Honorable mentions:
HHH - he is the greatest wrestler to ever sleep with the bosses daughter. But seriously hes not that bad.
Big Show - appart from Andre the Giant and Undertaker, he is the greatest big man ever.
John Morrison - if I was making this list in ten years from now, i garuntee that he would be in my top five.
In particular order.

10. John Cena

It used to be cool to hate him. Then it was cool to like him. I think it's now the avant-garde thing to dislike him again. either way he's good and the biggest wrestlers on the planet. And he makes me squeal like a schoolgirl when his music plays.

9. Edge

Has anyone said him yet? He might not be the greatest, but he's one of my favourites and he even got to the finals of the WZ Tournament. And if you don't like it, stop reading my list. This is my own little bubble, where Edge is number 8 and ice cream is referred to as "Ambrosia"

8. Bret Hart

Personally I always found his wrestling a tad tedious. Maybe it was because I watched all of his matches on his DVD on a continuous loop for a month. Oh well. Yeah he's good. If you need a reason desperately, I have a fetish for Pink and Black.

7. Stone Cold Steve Austin

It seems almost a bit tedious at this point all things considered. If someone cares this much to read my opinion, then they have probably read everyone elses on why Steve Austin was chosen. I'm really doing it for the post count so i'll say....Wrestlemania 13. also, purple elephant.

6. Triple H

He held people down. He booked his World Titles. He cheats the Wellness Policy. I couldn't give less of a shit. He is one of my favourites regardless of the critics who say he hasn't been good in 9 years, or that he can't wrestle unless its a gimmick match. I'm sure he's a lovely guy too.

5. Shawn Michaels

I own his DVD. It's pretty good. It really puts him over as one of the best ever. I would love to see a biography DVD in which they trash him for being rubbish and having the same match over and over. Nah, he's good though.

4. John Morrison

It pleases me greatly to see his meerkat skin outfits and slow motion entrance. He also does lots of flippy things which makes my eyes happy.

3. Vince McMahon

I guarantee this guy never showed up for work late. He's worked some of the biggest matches, been at Mania several times and stolen the show more than a few. Has the biggest feud of the Monday Night Wars, and he's still going to this day.

2. God

He would be number 1, but he walked out on his match at Backlash, a real shame. But umm, thanks big guy, for creating the world and hence, the WWE. I hope you appreciate the number 2 spot.

1. Lawrence Taylor

Main Evented Wrestlemania in his first match and won. He's never been pinned, has an untarnished streak the likes Taker could only dream of. This guy is untouchable. Greatest ever hands down. Seriously, get them down.
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10. Bret Hart
Hugely overrated. I could ramble on and on about how he was one of the greatest technical wrestlers of all time, but since everyone and their grandmother has done that, I'll just say he gets a free pass because he swaggers around in pink. Pink FTW.

9. Triple H
Fuck sleeping with the boss's daughter, HHH is one of the greatest guys to step in the ring. He's got great mic skills, great in-ring skills, and has had some of the greatest feuds in WWE History. He hasn't done anything revolutionary, but he's more entertaining than Bret Hart ever was; outside of interviews about the Screwjob.

8. Chris Jericho
He's funny, great in the ring, and he interrupted The Rock on his first night on Raw. Plus, he's fucking Y2J. Need I say more?

7. Ric Flair
Wooo! This guy has won 16 World Titles. Sixteen. And he won at least half of them when backstage politics didn't have much effect on the final product. And for those who say Flair only won the titles because of Vince, think again, Flair is only a one-time WWE Champion. Ric Flair was the NWA. And he's only Number 7 because I, admittedly, am a huge Cena mark. Plus, Flair never carried the top brand of the top wrestling company in the world.

6. John Cena
Love him or hate him, you are a massive bowl of dickchop soup if you don't respect him. He carried Raw through the majority of the past four years, he is one of the top merchandise sellers, and he continues to help ratings and give cash to the WWE. Cena will go down as one of the greatest wrestlers ever, mark my fucking words. And the scary part is: John Cena hasn't even reached his prime yet. He's been in movies, magazines, TV shows, and is basically a full-blown celebrity. Not saying he Denzel Washington or anything, but he's higher than a B-lister, but not exactly an A-Lister. John Cena will be the most commercially successful professional wrestler ever.

I'll be back with my Top 5 later.
So this thread asks for the greatest of all time, and 90% of you can't think to consider anyone who stopped operating before 1995. Aside from a couple of you randomly splashing Andre the Giant into your lists, you have all completely failed to acknowledge that wrestling existed before you were born, and the implications that such nobodies as Owen Hart, Brock Lesnar and RVD are greater than Thesz, Wagnar and Sammartino is as depressing as it is laughable.

Allow Gelgarin Entertainment Incorporated to present the first list that isn't steeped in ignorance.

10) John Cena

My one and only concession to the 'Wrestling stated in 2005' clowns, I'm going mostly on future potential. Right Now John Cena has done fuck all to set himself aside for the legions of big names in wrestling, but it's quite apparent that the WWE plans to build the company around him, so I suspect he will have earned his spot in a few years time.

9) Verne Gagne

Gagne was probably the greatest scientific wrestler ever to live, with the possible, and highly debatable, exception of Lou Thesz. He combined in one body the greatest technical attributes, and best perspective on the business, of any of his generation. Gagne excelled at everything he did, be it wrestling, promoting or the golden bullet... training.

Here is a list of people that we definitely wouldn't have without Verne Gagne:

Ric Flair
Ricky Steamboat
Curt Hennig
Bob Backlund
Iron Sheik
The Undertaker

Gagne trained approximately 100 names during his career and not only brought forth some of the greatest talent of the next generation, but also saved the style that we as internet fans still worship to this day.
When this was going on the revelation that you could take any mildly charismatic power lifter, teach him the fundamentals and then rely on him to draw was beginning to take over professional wrestling. Scientific wrestlers were beginning to die out, and Gagne went on his "one man crusade" to keep the style alive.

Look at the names he trained, then look at all the guys in the industry who got into the industry based on what those names accomplished (have you noticed that there's a massive void when in comes to wrestlers who got into the business because of Hogan?) and then look at the inspirations of the talent today. Almost every scientific ring general for the past three generations has roots trailing back to Verne Gagne, and as such he makes it on to my list.

8) Rikidozan

The father of Puroresu, his battles with Lou Thesz should be credited with popularising the sport of professional wrestling in the land of the rising sun. When Japanese wrestling was in it's infancy Dozan was one of it's top stars, and after he defeated Lou Thesz in a sixty minute 2/3 falls match which was viewed by almost 70% of the TV owning audience at the time, wrestling was handed a legacy in Japan that has never faded away.
Unfortunately Dozan was murdered not long after, but his legacy was carried on by disciples Antonio Inoki and Giant Baba, both of who when on the shape Puroresu in later years.

7) Steve Austin

Attitude era. Austin cemented a legacy and actually mattered. People who aren't me have already soliloquised on his career, and I couldn't give a fuck, so we'll leave it at that.

6) El Santo

My one concession to Lucha Libre, I am far away from being an authority on Mexican wrestling, but Santo was to Mexico what Rikidozan was to Japan, or Hogan was to America. In fact, when it comes to fanatical support, Santo had the other tow beaten bang to rights. If you want to know more then I'd recommend reading something by Tastycles, because my Mexican knowledge starts and ends with Mil Mascaras.

5) George Wagner

Ever heard of heels? Year, George Wagner pretty much invented that. For over five decade professional wrestling has drawn crowds based on the premise of good against evil, and elitist snob Gorgeous George popularised the whole concept. He was the first man to use entrance music, he was the first man to really dedicate time to working the crowd, he became famous for underhand heel mannerisms that we still see in wrestling today.

On an unrelated note, he was also an extremely talented scientific wrestler his abilities strong enough to get publicly recognised by Lou Thesz on multiple occasions. In his early days he also once nearly scored a point aginst the great man by making Thesz burst into laughter in the middle of the ring.

4) Bruno Sammartino

Take Hulk Hogan, teach him to mat wrestle and send him back a few decades and you get Bruno. After Buddy Rogers displayed himself to the a complete fuckwit, Bruno was left essentially carrying the WWWF, which became the WWF, which became the WWE. If Bruno hadn't worked out it is very possible that Vince Sr would have been muscled out by Jim Crockett Promotions during the WWWF's infant years, and we'd all be watching something totally different today.

During the 1970's Bruno drew better than anyone else in the world, and even today a great deal of professional wrestling's success was built on that legacy.

3) Antonio Inoki

Probably the most influential man in the history of Japanese wrestling, Inoki literally shaped the industry (both backstage and in the ring) for decades. If Rikidozan fathered puroresu, then Inoki was responsible for its upbringing, and you only have to look at the mainstream product in Japan today to witness the strength of his influence.

In other interesting news, Inoki had a couple of matches with Thesz, one of which I am given to understand he lost in under a minute after a greco-roman backdrop. Later on the pair would face off again in what I still consider to be a fantastic contest, in spite of the fact that Thesz was getting on for sixty years old.

2) Hulk Hogan

Blah, blah blah. If Hogan isn't near the top of your list then you're an idiot. He was more popular than any other character professional wrestling has ever seen. Even the internet media acknowledged him as the the greatest draw in the history of the spot. That being said, I could still care less to talk about him, so I'll once again gloss over the man.

1) Lou Thesz

Well who didn't see this coming?
Without Lou Thesz there is no professional wrestling. At all.

Before Thesz wrestling was nothing more than a handful of local promotions of varying degrees of legitimacy. It was popular in a few areas, but its proliferation into American society was nothing like deep enough for it to become a national phenomena. It needed Thesz the greatest hooker who ever lived, to spend over a decade bringing the territories together before wrestling could go national.

Thesz was wrestling's true pioneer. He crossed the great plains and tamed the bad lands to become wrestling's first undisputed national champion. We always talk about how amazingly over guys like Hogan and Austin got, but I say that getting over nationally is easy when you're showing up on television every week. Thesz got himself over across the entire country based on nothing but hard work and word of mouth. In fact, he got himself over far beyond the confines of the USA. Thesz helped popularise wrestling in Japan by putting over local favourite Rikidozan during a time when the Japanese desperately needed a hero. He also played a part in bringing the sport to Mexico and even Europe (although I appreciate that it didn't get quite as over down this way).

People look at success of the WWF promoting on a national scale, but without Lou Thesz acting as the NWA's linchpin, professional wrestling would have been left as a ragtag of local promotions.

That's without me bothering to go in to the ways in which Thesz helped shape the industry backstage, or the in ring pioneer he was, although I will mention that both Austin and Cena use moves than he is credited with inventing (Thesz press and STF), despite never using either of them.

In terms of importance, ability, influence and dedication to professional wrestling, Lou Thesz is the greatest that there has ever been. He never left the industry, spending his final years helping with the Wrestling Museum, the Cauliflower Ally Club, and keeping in touch with fans of old.

To translate all this into a language that the posters who have preceded me might understand;

Lou Thesz FTW!
Hard List to put together, ya know, except for being damn sure that John Cena is nowhere NEAR the top ten. ANd for any of you fools who think he is, you know nothing about wrestling. Absolutely nothing. He is a slap in the face to the greatest wrestlers of all time. The man is a joke, and is you think he is one of the g.o.a.t., you are worthless...anyway.
Honorable Mentions- Bruno Samartino, Triple H, Andre the Giant, and The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase.

10. Kevin Nash- one of the best big guys of all time. Multiple time world champ. One of the best guys on the mic, too.
9. Sting- this guy was the first real hybrid- he could do it all in the ring. Decent mic skills, multiple time champ in a tough era in WCW, and never went to the WWF.
8. Macho Man Randy Savage- easily one of the best performers in the ring. Wasn't a Bret Hart-like competitor, but no one could put a show on like him (or shawn michaels). Held multiple titles, and was great on the mic, great energy.
7. The Rock- I was never a HUGE rock fan, but he was great. No one matches him on the mic, and was a decent performer in the ring; he was entertaining, kind of like savage and michaels, but didnt have much technical skill. Good size, and had the perfect look. Might have been higher had he not been in the same era as Austin, and if he hadn't left for hollywood.
6. Shawn Michaels- No one could put on a show like Michaels. Good on the mic too, but just isn't in the top 5. Didn't have a long enough run on top of the company.
5. The Undertaker- Best big guy of all time. Has been around forever, and keeps on ticking, and even seems like he keeps getting better. His gimmick is the greatest of all time, but has never been the face of the company. He was always 2nd or 3rd to someone else, even when he shouldn't have been. Amazing on the mic too, when he needs to be.
4. Bret Hart- very hard for me to put him at 4, seeing he is my 2nd fav. wrestler to ever live. But I think the top 3 guys were bigger in the industry. Best in ring wrestler ever. Very, very underrated on the mic. He had a realism about him on the mic that made him believable, where many other guys, past and present, just sound as if they are reading some stuff they memorized. Saved the company after Hogan left. Career was cut a bit short, too (thanks to that meathead Goldberg).
3. Ric Flair- A lot of you "new" fans only know Flair as that old, saggy guy who hung around too long, and that is unfortunate. In his day, no one could get under the skin of a crowd the way Flair could. He was the dirtiest player in the game, and he earned that name. He was dominant for years, and not with his muscle, but with his mind. Best heel in the history of this business (I see Randy Orton as the second coming of Flair). Good technical wrestler too. Wish he and Hogan would have had a bigger feud,would have been good for the business.
2. Steve Austin- Only reason he is behind HOgan is because Hulk took it mainstream. Steve Austin was the best combination, in my mind, of mic skills and in ring ability this world has ever seen. He could do whatever he wanted, and the people loved him. You could not call him a heel, because no matter what he did, the crowd loved him more than any other wrestler on the card. He put on some of the best matches (with Bret Hart, The Rock, Triple H, The Undertaker, Kurt Angle, etc.) on record. He was the most dominant wrestler in the most competitive era in wrestling history. He is my favorite wrestler, and would be a no-brainer at #1, if it weren't for....

#1- Hulk HOgan- Let's just start off by saying...I hate this guy. I always did. I always rooted for his opponents, and he would break my heart just about every time. But other than being the most recognizable face in wrestling history, he did two things no one can deny.
1. He took wrestling to new heights. The term "superstar" didn't exist before Hogan. He was the first household name in wrestling. Merchandise sales through the roof. He was charismatic, and everyone (minus me) loved him.
2. In 1996 he turned heel....and succeeded. I would have never guessed it could have worked, but all the credit goes to Hogan himself. He MADE it work. He dogged that crowd and made them pelt the most famous, beloved wrestler of all time with garbage. The NWO may have been the greatest angle/storyline in wrestling history, and it would have gone nowhere without Hulk.
Can't say anything else...I hate him too much.
Hard List to put together, ya know, except for being damn sure that John Cena is nowhere NEAR the top ten. ANd for any of you fools who think he is, you know nothing about wrestling. Absolutely nothing. He is a slap in the face to the greatest wrestlers of all time. The man is a joke, and is you think he is one of the g.o.a.t., you are worthless...anyway.
Honorable Mentions- Bruno Samartino, Triple H, Andre the Giant, and The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase.

10. Kevin Nash- one of the best big guys of all time. Multiple time world champ. One of the best guys on the mic, too.
9. Sting- this guy was the first real hybrid- he could do it all in the ring. Decent mic skills, multiple time champ in a tough era in WCW, and never went to the WWF.
8. Macho Man Randy Savage- easily one of the best performers in the ring. Wasn't a Bret Hart-like competitor, but no one could put a show on like him (or shawn michaels). Held multiple titles, and was great on the mic, great energy.
7. The Rock- I was never a HUGE rock fan, but he was great. No one matches him on the mic, and was a decent performer in the ring; he was entertaining, kind of like savage and michaels, but didnt have much technical skill. Good size, and had the perfect look. Might have been higher had he not been in the same era as Austin, and if he hadn't left for hollywood.
6. Shawn Michaels- No one could put on a show like Michaels. Good on the mic too, but just isn't in the top 5. Didn't have a long enough run on top of the company.
5. The Undertaker- Best big guy of all time. Has been around forever, and keeps on ticking, and even seems like he keeps getting better. His gimmick is the greatest of all time, but has never been the face of the company. He was always 2nd or 3rd to someone else, even when he shouldn't have been. Amazing on the mic too, when he needs to be.
4. Bret Hart- very hard for me to put him at 4, seeing he is my 2nd fav. wrestler to ever live. But I think the top 3 guys were bigger in the industry. Best in ring wrestler ever. Very, very underrated on the mic. He had a realism about him on the mic that made him believable, where many other guys, past and present, just sound as if they are reading some stuff they memorized. Saved the company after Hogan left. Career was cut a bit short, too (thanks to that meathead Goldberg).
3. Ric Flair- A lot of you "new" fans only know Flair as that old, saggy guy who hung around too long, and that is unfortunate. In his day, no one could get under the skin of a crowd the way Flair could. He was the dirtiest player in the game, and he earned that name. He was dominant for years, and not with his muscle, but with his mind. Best heel in the history of this business (I see Randy Orton as the second coming of Flair). Good technical wrestler too. Wish he and Hogan would have had a bigger feud,would have been good for the business.
2. Steve Austin- Only reason he is behind HOgan is because Hulk took it mainstream. Steve Austin was the best combination, in my mind, of mic skills and in ring ability this world has ever seen. He could do whatever he wanted, and the people loved him. You could not call him a heel, because no matter what he did, the crowd loved him more than any other wrestler on the card. He put on some of the best matches (with Bret Hart, The Rock, Triple H, The Undertaker, Kurt Angle, etc.) on record. He was the most dominant wrestler in the most competitive era in wrestling history. He is my favorite wrestler, and would be a no-brainer at #1, if it weren't for....

#1- Hulk HOgan- Let's just start off by saying...I hate this guy. I always did. I always rooted for his opponents, and he would break my heart just about every time. But other than being the most recognizable face in wrestling history, he did two things no one can deny.
1. He took wrestling to new heights. The term "superstar" didn't exist before Hogan. He was the first household name in wrestling. Merchandise sales through the roof. He was charismatic, and everyone (minus me) loved him.
2. In 1996 he turned heel....and succeeded. I would have never guessed it could have worked, but all the credit goes to Hogan himself. He MADE it work. He dogged that crowd and made them pelt the most famous, beloved wrestler of all time with garbage. The NWO may have been the greatest angle/storyline in wrestling history, and it would have gone nowhere without Hulk.
Can't say anything else...I hate him too much.

P.S. Look out for Randy Orton, best thing since Rock/ far.
I know this is in the WWE section but its going to be hard to stick to just their talent in my top ten, so I'll keep it short and sweet, I've never really thought I'd put a lot of WWE wrestlers in a favourite list, but here goes.

1. CM Punk - The guy is both an excellent heel and face, with a tremendous style and such development, he's a great story from his indie days all the way to top and always gives an exciting match. Deffinately my fav WWE wrestler of all time.
2. Chris Jericho - The saviour of PPVs puts on great matches with anyone. First undisputed title and only man to hold every title belt in the WWE.
3. Chris Benoit - techinical prowess and dedication, he worked his way up to the top and gave us excitement without a gimmick
4. Kurt Angle - olympic wrestler, can get a good match out of anyone, talented, athletic and charismatic, he shot to stardom and deserves it.
5. Shelton Benjamin - a personal favourite, I know he hasnt won the belt yet, and may never be world champion but he carried that IC belt like a true champion and has the abilitiy to win the big one if he got the chance
6. Mr Perfect - The greatest man to never hold the World title !
7. Brock Lesnar - Power and devastation, an amazing run in a short period of time, he was a real animal and was more than just muscle, amateur titles before, he made an impact.
8. Randy Orton - you just love to hate him, he generates so much heel heat. A natural.
9. The Rock - The Great One, enough said.
10. John Morrison - The only guy to make it big after Tough Enough, followed by The Miz, some great matches and amazing athleticism, not sure about his techincal abilities yet. Loved some of his matches with Dolph Ziggler recently.
I'm just looking at the thread title and it says to 10 greatest wrestlers of all time and I'm seeing an alarming amount of John Cena on peoples lists. Don't get me wrong, I like Cena as much as the next guy but top 10?? c'mon...

Anyway... Here is my to 10

10 - Dynamite Kid
This guy was lightyears ahead of anyone when he was wrestling and had one of the greatest feuds I can ever remember with Tiger Mask

9 - Stone Cold Steve Austin
This guy defined wrestling in the late 90's and I believe has done more for wrestling then Hulk Hogan. Austin had you guessing each week whether what he was doing was actually scripted or not and that was before he entered the ring. Austin's moveset was also key to what made him a great. There were no flips, no jumps and nothing flashy but you were still excited by his every move

8 - Manami Toyota
Had I of seen more of Toyota's work she would no doubt be top 5 for me. Manami's speed is immense and she couples it brilliantly with some pretty stiff striking

7 - Eddy Geurreo
Eddy was an amazing jr. heavyweight who really pushed boundaries right up until the day he died. a true legend

6 - Rey Mysterio
I don't honestly think anyone has done more for Lucha in the US then Rey. The guy has limitless charisma, is lightening quick and appeals to both adults and "teh kidz"

5 - Bret Hart
We're getting serious now... Bret was an immense wrestler and I feeling 7 years old when I met him a few years ago. Bret is the reason I got in to technical wrestling. His only downfall is, is that I found 4 others who I preferred later on

4 - Jushin Liger
I remember the first time I saw Liger and thought "He looks awesome". watching him wrestle is like watching a superhero film but without any special effects. Liger is amazing to watch and I still regard his '94 J cup semi final match with Sasuke as one of my favorite matches of all time (even with the botched hurricanrana spot at the end)

3- Chris Benoit
Its slightly taboo to say you like his stuff nowadays but hell I like it. This guy is the greatest wrestler to ever grace North American shores and although he did a terrible thing outside of the ring, it holds no bearings to what he did inside the ring. For those of you who like Benoit but haven't seen much of his early stuff I urge you to check out Wild Pegasus Vs. Lionheart (Jericho) from the '94 J cup - you'll be amazed

2 - Jumbo Tsuruta
By rights should be number 1. Arguably somewhat better then my number 1 but that doesn't matter as i'll explain when I get to number 1. This guy defines wrestling. Full Stop. Meltzar has given the guy 5 5 star matches and he was in the initial Wrestling Observer Hall of Fame. A true Legend

1 - Toshiaki Kawada
17 5 star matches from the observer. If you ask any fan of Japanese Wrestling what 6/3/94 means to them they will all say the same thing.... Thats the date of the greatest wrestling match of all time! Kawada is everything a wrestler should be in my eyes. Tough, Athletic, Believable and ridiculously charismatic. I don't even speak Japanese but I still mark out like a little girl when he gets on the mic. I strongly suggest anyone to check out his back catalouge of matches, more specifically his feud with Misawa in the early 90's. A true wrestling legend
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My list is #1 undertaker #2 HBK #3 stone cold #4 bret hart #5 triple h #6 rock #7 chris benoit #8 kurt angle #9 randy savage #10 hulk hogan each of these men had incredible matches and very interesting characters. Their ring presence was like no other. They all had sucessful careers and created their own notch in wrestling history.
I hate to be rude, but this is the worst list I could have possibly imagined. You started watching wrestling, like maybe, 3-5 years ago, right? I bet you did.
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