I don't know if you guys saw my thread about who the greatest heel of all time was, but this is obviously very similar. Who is the greatest babyface of all time and what is the feud that put them over as the greatest babyface of all time? Obviously there are many choices, more than one can count, but here is a few: Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Sting, John Cena, Ricky Steamboat, Dusty Rhodes, Rey Mysterio, Hulk Hogan, etc etc etc. Hoewever, none of these guys are my choice. My choice is... SHAWN MICHAELS! HBK, the greatest in ring performer, one of the best on the mic, wrestled the greatest match of all time when he was 44 years old, and the feud that put him over as the greatest babyface of all time was his feud with Triple H from 2002-2004. When he came back, I think every wresting fan in the world was supporting him 100%(excuse my bias). When he became WHC at the first elimination chamber, the crowd blew the roof off the place. If he did a kip up, the crowd blew the roof off the place. An elbow drop and the crowd blew the roof off the place. A SWEET CHIN MUSIC AND THE CROW BLEW THE FREAKIN ROOF OFF THE PLACE!!! He was extremely over and was in maybe the greatest shape of his career, his matches with Trips were priceless, his mic skills were as good as ever. Now I could go on and on about Shawn Michaels but I don't think anyone wants to hear that. So, who is the greatest babyface of all time? What was the feud that put them over? Throw in your 2 cents but remember, I threw 3