Who Is The Greatest Tag Wrestler Of All Time?

I agree, but allow me to be more articulate.

If you're talking about "greatest tag team wrestler" as a wrestler who's best as part of a tag team, Billy Gunn really isn't that much to talk about on his own. He'd been given several solo pushes in his career, and all of them fell pretty flat. But what do people still remember him for today? The New Age Outlaws.

The Outlaws were, in my opinion, the greatest tag team in WWE history. Highly charismatic, excellent chemistry, but alone, neither guy was worth much. Road Dogg had some sweet Hardcore matches, but nobody was going to ever peg either one as a future HW champion.

And look back even further, to the Smoking Gunns. He and his brother Bart "Butterbean's Bitch" Gunn. They had a pretty powerful run in and of themselves.

And Billy and Chuck... Chuck Palumbo, another guy most people can take or leave, the two teamed up and turned what could have been a lower-card goofy homosexual gimmick into a bonafide media sensation that had them on... I think it was the Today Show?... accepting wedding presents AFTER they'd already taped the episode of SD where they turned heel, IIRC. They'd even gotten GLAAD on the WWE's side for all of three minutes.

Billy Gunn The One Ass Man really isn't worth much on his own at all. He's a generic power guy. But teamed with the right person, something magical can happen, and he's been able to hit on that magic three times.

I think it's ridiculous to judge a tag wrestler on their ability to be a solo wrestler. The question is who's the best tag wrestler, not who's the best solo wrestler than came from a tag team. That's why Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Chris Benoit etc shouldn't be counted in this discussion.

Top tag team guys who would eventually become top solo guys like Booker T and Edge count because their time in the tags could even outshine what they did in their solo career, though that is debatable.

Billy Gunn is no doubt at the top of this list, especially in the WWF/E, for all the reasons you mentioned above. But the fact his solo career didn't work out isn't relevant.
I think it's ridiculous to judge a tag wrestler on their ability to be a solo wrestler. The question is who's the best tag wrestler, not who's the best solo wrestler than came from a tag team. That's why Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Chris Benoit etc shouldn't be counted in this discussion.

Top tag team guys who would eventually become top solo guys like Booker T and Edge count because their time in the tags could even outshine what they did in their solo career, though that is debatable.

Billy Gunn is no doubt at the top of this list, especially in the WWF/E, for all the reasons you mentioned above. But the fact his solo career didn't work out isn't relevant.

There's a difference between "Greatest Tag Team Wrestler" and "Greatest Wrestler who used to wrestle in a tag team". If we're talking about being a tag team wrestler, I'm trying to look at how they fared in a tag team environment. If they fared well and fared well alone, it's because they were a great wrestler, period.
There's a difference between "Greatest Tag Team Wrestler" and "Greatest Wrestler who used to wrestle in a tag team". If we're talking about being a tag team wrestler, I'm trying to look at how they fared in a tag team environment. If they fared well and fared well alone, it's because they were a great wrestler, period.

The thread title says "Greatest Tag Wrestler" not "Greatest Wrestler who was in a Tag Team"... I guess we're just ignoring that though.

As for the main topic, I have to wonder how far back people are looking... and why the hell Michael Hayes isn't on the list. The Freebirds were the hottest faction in WCCW at one point, and despite being a racist dingle berry, Michael Hayes was the guy who managed to win 16 Tag Team Championships as well as 7 Six Man Tag Team Championships...so in tag team environments that's a total of 23 Tag Team titles with four different people. And despite the Freebirds using the popular Freebird rule, Michael Hayes was one of the primary members to always be present when defending the titles.

Also, you can't even begin to talk about anybody being the best at anything involving wrestling success without having the most successful wrestler in terms of championships, Jerry Lawler. With a total of 38 tag team titles among 24 unique partners, and you have to give the guy credit where credit is due.
This is a tough one. Does the OP mean the greatest tag teamer that eventually became a single's star and reached greater heights? Or does he just mean who was the greatest tag team partner in strictly a tag teaming respect?

I have a feeling until I do that, I can't really contribute anything that would make any more sense than Hornswoggle, but would be interested in clarification from the OP.

Feel free to comment, I started watching in the early 2000's and I threw my few cent in there. What I mean though, and sorry if this was a common problem for everyone, who is the greatest tag team wrestler. And I think some people got that was what I was asking, someone suggested Billy Gunn, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Johnny Weaver, Big Show was even mentioned. I could care less what they do for a solo career honestly, I just wanted to know who was best at being a tag wrestler. Again, sorry for the confusion ><
You must have a VERY short memory because the majority of Booker T's career on the main stage was as a tag team wrestler with Stevie Ray in Harlem Heat. He had a cup of coffee as a singles star at the tail end of WCW and did OK for himself as a singles star in WWE certainly but the brunt of his success, especially pre King Booker era Smackdown, was as a tag team guy.

I started watching wrestling around 2002-2003. So I never really saw him in the Harlem Heat time. What sticks out to me when I think Booker T, and this is probably stupid of me xD

1. 5 time, 5 time, 5 time, 5 time, 5 time WCW champion
2. The spinarooni...because it was fun giving it to other guys on the video games(like Big Show)
3. King Booker, he had his court of minions and he was a huge thorn in Rey Mysterio's side
4. As an announcer/commentary

So the only team I remember him being a part of was The Court, and it was more a faction to help him retain(like JBL's Cabinet in my eyes)
I think it's ridiculous to judge a tag wrestler on their ability to be a solo wrestler. The question is who's the best tag wrestler, not who's the best solo wrestler than came from a tag team. That's why Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Chris Benoit etc shouldn't be counted in this discussion.

Top tag team guys who would eventually become top solo guys like Booker T and Edge count because their time in the tags could even outshine what they did in their solo career, though that is debatable.

Billy Gunn is no doubt at the top of this list, especially in the WWF/E, for all the reasons you mentioned above. But the fact his solo career didn't work out isn't relevant.

So Booker T counts but HBK doesn't ??? From 1986-91 all HBK did was tag team, same with Booker T 1993-98.

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