Greatest tag team wrestler of all time?

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Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
I'm not talking about as far as a whole tag team goes... I'm talking about who is the best person at being a tag team specialist? Who's the guy that always clicks well in your mind when the word "tag team" is brought up?

People like Booker T, Billy Gunn/Kip James, Ron Killings, BG James/Road Dogg, Arn Anderson, Edge, Christian... People who can team with just about anybody and be golden. Who is the best in that aspect?

In my opinion, it's a no brainer. Booker T is without a doubt the best in tag team wrestling. For a total of 15 times amongst WCW, WWE, and TNA with a total of five different tag team partners. In my opinion, it means something when promotions can pick a guy like Booker, stick him with anybody as random as Goldust and that team turn out to be pure greatness. It means something when a credible world title contender can team with a jobber to make up one kick ass tag team.

Sure, there's been others like Edge and Billy Gunn who could team with others and win the titles, but honestly, they just never appeased as real teams to me unless it was with their initial partners... unlike Booker T who clicked with everyone.
Chris Jericho. Hands down.

From his beginning Jericho was a great tag team wrestler. He began in a tag team with Lance Storm called "Sudden Impact" and went on to win the Tag Team Championships of some Canadian independant fed within two weeks of forming. When he went to Puerto Rico he held the Tag Team Championships there, he didn't have great success as a tag team wrestler in ECW or WCW because he was used very rarely in a tag team, but it is in WWE that he surely cemented his place as a guy who can team with anybody and make it work.

Chris Jericho has held the WWE Tag Team Championships six different times with five different people. He held them with The Rock, he held them with Benoit, Edge, Big Show and Christian. He formed successful teams with both Christian and The Big Show, as well as an impressive alliance with Chris Benoit until Benoit broke his neck.

In total Jericho has had ten reigns as a Tag Team Champion, with nine different people. His team with The Big Show was a success, his team with Christian was a success and he's one of the few guys you could form a team with and it would end up working.

Booker T is impressive, but to me it's Jericho.
I think it is Arn Anderson as you could have teamed him up with a sponge and a bucket and he would have taken them to every tag team championship there was. He teamed with all kinds of guys and were successful as tag champs on some level with just about all of them.
Most recent, Big Show or Chris Jericho. Edge was also a great tag partner, winning gold with Jericho, Christian, Hogan, and Mysterio.
Ummm Shawn Michaels.

He teamed with Diesel , Marty Jenetti , HHH , Stone Cold , John Cena , ..

He been in great tag teams. DX and The Rockers.

He can team with almost anyone
Arn Anderson no doubt about it. One half of the IMHO greatest tag team of all time with Tully Blanchard. Great team with Ole Anderson before that. Great work with Bobby Eaton and Larry Zybysco. When they worked together phenomonal team with Barry Windham. Not to mention all the other partners he had over the years, and I still haven't seen a bad looking team with with Arn Anderson as a part of it. He even made it work with Paul Roma.

Active wrestlers has to be James Storm, one half of both of the IMHO best tag teams of the last 10 years. I love Robert Roode, and I know it's fashionable to talk about Robert Roode the future World Champ and savior, but before they teamed up Roode was pretty much floundering. When AMW broke up and Chris Harris was going to be the next big thing, what's he doing now? James Storm has a way of bringing the best out of his partners, he's the new Arn Anderson.
Billy Gunn is by far one that sticks out to me the most why? take a look at his resume.

IWF Tag Team Championship (2 times)[49] – with Brett Colt

MCW Tag Team Championship (1 time)[51] – with B.G. James

PWI ranked him #43 of the best 500 singles wrestlers of the year in the PWI 500 in 2002[52]
PWI Tag Team of the Year (1998) with Road Dogg
PWI Tag Team of the Year (2002) with Chuck
PWI ranked him #43 of the Top 100 Tag Teams of the PWI Years in 2003 with "The Road Dogg" Jesse James[53]

TWA Tag Team Championship (1 time, current)[54] – with Jesse James

WWF/E World Tag Team Championship (10 times)[4] – with Bart Gunn (3), Road Dogg (5), and Chuck (2)

He is a tag team specialist. but also by definition a tag team specialist is someone who also doesn't have a great singles career. Until recently Bubba dudley fell into this category so does D-Von.
i would have to agree with all of you arn anderson was a great tagteam wrestler, along with booker t, billy gunn, chris jericho, edge, but i thought of a couple more curt hennig who teamed with his dad, scott hall in the awa, he teamed with several wrestlers in the wwf such as the genius lanny poffo, ric flair, and several others. then he teamed with several wrestlers in wcw such as barry windham, ric flair again, and just a great wresler. The outsiders hall and nash were also great tagteam wrestlers. Scott hall along with curt hennig in the awa, 123 kid, savio vega in the wwf, all of the nwo members in wcw. Kevin Nash with ddp in early wcw, shawn michaels in wwf, and nwo members in wcw. kronus in ecw with perry saturn and new jack.
When I see this question guys like Booker T, Chris Jericho, and Shawn Michaels do not come to mind. While the argument can be made for those guys, they are far better remembered for their singles careers. That doesn’t mean they can’t be the greatest tag wrestler. That’s just not where my mind goes when presented with this question. Arn Anderson is a great choice but I’m going with one of his partners. Bobby Eaton. The reason Eaton comes to mind is because he had a successful career but mostly as a tag wrestler. I admit I didn’t not follow NWA/WCW closely so my knowledge of Eaton is limited, but I know The Midnight Express is considered one of the greatest teams of all time. Eaton did well with both Dennis Condrey and Stan Lane. The feud with the Rock n Roll Express is legendary. They also had great battles with The Road Warriors, The Fantastics, and The Steiner Brothers.

Later on Eaton would team with Arn Anderson as both were part of The Dangerous Alliance. Eaton and Anderson won the WCW tag titles and the Dangerous Alliance was a major part of WCW in the early 90s. A few years later Eaton would take on another partner. He and Lord Stephen Regal formed the Blue Bloods. While not as successful as Eaton’s prior teams, The Blue Bloods were a respectable duo that feuded with the top teams of the day such as The Nasty Boys and Harlem Heat.

Bobby Eaton is probably the most successful wrestler to have never been much of a success individually. Nowadays you’re looked at as a failure if you don’t make it as a singles wrestler. Eaton was never looked at as a failure which makes him the greatest tag wrestler of all time.
Arn Anderson no question about it.

To me his greatest partner was Tully Blanchard

Arn was the bad ass, backone of his tag teams. He really could be put with anyone. Ole Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Larry Zbyszko, Beautiful Bobby Eaton, Ric Flair all were teamed with Double A.
When I think of tag team wrestlers the first men who come to mind is Edge and Christian. To me the greatest tag team wrestlers are Edge, Christian, Booker T, Chris Jericho, Kane, John Morrison, The Big Show, Shawn Michaels, and Hardcore Holly. That's just me. I would think that Edge or Christian is the greatest of all time.

It's really hard to choose one person.
I'm gonna have to go with Billy Gunn. He was part of the New Age Outlaws which in my opinion was the most entertaining team of all time. At their height they pretty much were the tag team division. Other teams held the belts but they allways wound up back on the waist of the outlaws. on top of that he held the belts with The Smoking Guns and Billy & Chuck. I mean shit, only a guy like Billy Gunn could get chuck pulumbo and bart gunn that much air time. He also had a short lived and much forgotten tag team with Big Show when the two wrestled under the name Show Gunns, an eariley predisesor to Jerishow and Showmiz. Yet another interesting combination is the heel tag team he formed with Chyna after the DX fall out, they had a fued with x-pac and roaddogg for about a month. Its the only time i can remember an inter-gender tag team that didn't compete with other inter-gender teams. Billy Gunn then went on to team with Matt Morgan for about a month or two in TNA after the James Gang/Voodoo Kin mafia thing. I feel like a lot of the other guys mentioned on this list such as HBK, Edge, Jericho, etc had singles careers that surpassed their tag team days, while Billy Gunn did have a intercontinental run and a king of the ring reign he was almost always a through and through tag team specialist.
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