Which tag team will you remember Billy Gunn from in dept?

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CM Steel

A REAL American
Tag team specialist Billy Gunn has been in a tag team ever since the day that he walked into the WWF. From then to BG's last WWE days. He's tag with wrestlers such as the Big Show (Shoguns), Hardcore Holly, Jamie Noble, and even Chyna at one point. But Billy Gunn has always been apart of an epic tag team that get's over with the crowd and win tag team gold like a dynasty.

1. The Smoking Gunns: Billy & Bart Gunn are not brothers in real life. But they won the WWF tag team championships various times together as face's & as heel's.

2. The New Age Outlaws: Both Billy Gunn (or Rockabilly at that point) and Road Dogg (Double J Jesse James at that point) were getting lost on RAw alot of the time as singles wrestler's. So they were put together as a tag team and dubbed (by Jim Ross) the New Age Outlaws. They won there first tag team title's together from the Road Warriors and won them a second time as the newest members of D-Generation X, and so on. And there another tag team that won the belts as heels and as babyface's.

3. Billy & Chuck: One if not the most controversial tag team in WWE history, Billy & Chuck. Two guys wearing pink ring attire with matching headbands. And came off the us fans as...I don't wanna offend ANYONE, but "gay". With one angle with them on Smackdown having a "same-sex wedding". For the ratings of course but, ewww! And they entered the WWE brand extension as tag team champions.

I think that Billy Gunn is one of the most underrated wrestlers of all-time. The best that Billy Gunn has did solo was to win the WWE IC championship in 2000 against the late great Eddie Guerrero, but he would lose the strap to the late Chris Benoit a month later. And at Summerslam 1999 he wrestled the Rock in a main event type match. And the rest is in the books.

But which tag team will you remember Billy Gunn from in dept?
Well without question NAO was the height of Billy's career, and also one of the most popular periods in WWE history, so there really is no doubt what most people will remember him for.

I remember really liking the Smoking Gunns when I was younger, but NAO is absolutely the most over he's ever been in his career.
the new age outlaws without question. it bring back nostalgic memories for me and it was the 1st tag team in the attitude era that really stood out to me as a 7 year old kid. there time with dx was also legendary.
The New Age Outlaws without a doubt were his most memorable tag team. They held almost as many tag titles as his other teams combined. It was arguably the greatest run of his career. Being members of DX the Outlaws were a major part of the Attitude era.
I remember Billy Gunn as a member of the smoking gunns like it was yesterday, but of course, when you think Billy Gunn u think the New Age Outlaws. The Tag Team of the Attitude Era. And in the words of The Badd Ass, If you're not down with that then I got 2 Words For Ya!!!!!
dont remember the smoking gunns, but then again i wasnt into wrestling during that time so that's my fault. Billy and Chuck wasn't bad as a tag team, BUT it's not even close to the New Age Outlaws. The Outlaws were in the attitude era and had the looks and the mic work (mainly from the Road Dogg). Billy and Chuck (the only other team of him i seen) was controversial and kinda funny, but they werent as popular as the Outlaws. Despite being heels the Outlaws were respected.
Hand's down... The New Aged Outlaws..... They were like no other at the time, heels yet people loved them.... they were dominate at their time and not many catch phrases caught on like "Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of all ages, Degeneration X proudly brings to the yoooouuu the WWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD!!!!!!! The Road Dogg Jesse James, The Bad Ass Billy Gunn! THE NEW AGED OUTLAWS!!!!!
Tag team specialist Billy Gunn has been in a tag team ever since the day that he walked into the WWF. From then to BG's last WWE days. He's tag with wrestlers such as the Big Show (Shoguns), Hardcore Holly, Jamie Noble, and even Chyna at one point. But Billy Gunn has always been apart of an epic tag team that get's over with the crowd and win tag team gold like a dynasty.

1. The Smoking Gunns: Billy & Bart Gunn are not brothers in real life. But they won the WWF tag team championships various times together as face's & as heel's.

2. The New Age Outlaws: Both Billy Gunn (or Rockabilly at that point) and Road Dogg (Double J Jesse James at that point) were getting lost on RAw alot of the time as singles wrestler's. So they were put together as a tag team and dubbed (by Jim Ross) the New Age Outlaws. They won there first tag team title's together from the Road Warriors and won them a second time as the newest members of D-Generation X, and so on. And there another tag team that won the belts as heels and as babyface's.

3. Billy & Chuck: One if not the most controversial tag team in WWE history, Billy & Chuck. Two guys wearing pink ring attire with matching headbands. And came off the us fans as...I don't wanna offend ANYONE, but "gay". With one angle with them on Smackdown having a "same-sex wedding". For the ratings of course but, ewww! And they entered the WWE brand extension as tag team champions.

I think that Billy Gunn is one of the most underrated wrestlers of all-time. The best that Billy Gunn has did solo was to win the WWE IC championship in 2000 against the late great Eddie Guerrero, but he would lose the strap to the late Chris Benoit a month later. And at Summerslam 1999 he wrestled the Rock in a main event type match. And the rest is in the books.

But which tag team will you remember Billy Gunn from in dept?

First, many people will forget that he was the 1999 King Of The Ring. Granted, nothing came out of that except for a match vs The Rock at Summerslam, but it's still an accomplishment worth noting. Also, he was a two time hardcore champion (then again that was during the time when just about everyone held the title at one point :shrug:)

Now in regards to the topic question, I have no doubt in my mind that he will always be best remembered as a member of The New Age Outlaws. 5 of the 10 times he held the Tag Titles was as a member of the NAO. As a member of the NAO he was part of one of the most important groups of the Attitude Era (DX). Unfortunately most will never forget about the days of Billy and Chuck (and god how we wish we could), but that shouldn't be the team that he is most remembered for.
The answer to this is obviously the New Age Outlaws.

While in Billy & Chuck and The Smoking Gunns, Gunn was simply a midcard talent. However, when in the NAO he was involved with the premier faction in the company in D-Generation X and held the tag-team titles multiple times. The Outlaws were one of the most over acts in the company, and gave Gunn more success than he had achieved previously, and has achieved since.

The Outlaws are one of the most iconic teams in WWF history and certainly the highlight of Gunn's career.
Which the team will I remember Billy Gunn from? The New Age Outlaws because they are the most entertaining team Gunn was involved with. The Smoking Gunns were less interesting, and then there's Billy and Chuck who I have tried to block out from my memory. EASILY the New Age Outlaws for me.
He will be rememberd mostly for being in the New Age Outlaws. I am all for opinions but if anybody says anything different then they are wrong. I loved the Outlaws..probably my favourite tag team of all time.. I am not sure Billy Gunn was underrated though.
Oh, you didn't know?

C'mon now, this isn't even close! The New Age Outlaws were not only the most over team in the WWF at the height of their popularity, but they were arguably one of the most over things in professional wrestling at the time. Multiple time tag team champions, members of DX, and constantly in near-main event level programs facing teams from the APA and Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie to the Legion of Doom, they really did it all. They were both good in ring competitors and great mic workers, along with the fact that they had excellent chemistry, they made for an exciting team.

Sure, Gunn had his solo achievements, but nothing comes near what he did during his time in the New Age Outlaws. No matter what either man tried afterward, they could never get the same reaction again. The New Age Outlaws were a big part of the Attitude Era and they are one of the most charismatic and gifted tag teams of their generation.
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