Who Inducts Macho Man

Who Should Induct Macho Man into the HOF

  • Hulk Hogan

  • Dusty Rhodes

  • The Ultimate Warrior

  • Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat

  • Ric Flair

  • Jake "The Snake" Roberts

  • Jerry "The King" Lawler

  • "Leaping" Lanny Poffo

  • Someone Not Listed Above

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I looked for any potential Macho Man/HOF threads and found 1, however it was geared more along the lines of will he be inducted... This thread is based entirely different under the assumption he WILL BE inducted & who will induct him... So if the moderators feel this should go in his HOF thread please move it...

So on to the thread purpose... Who inducts "Macho Man" Randy Savage into the HOF??? I thought long about this last night and the list I came up with is very short indeed... Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, Jake "The Snake" Roberts, Jerry Lawler, Lanny Poffo, Dusty Rhodes, The Ultimate Warrior, or someone else... There would be several other good choices unfortunately they have since passed on... Those being Miss Elizabeth, Sherri Martell, & Brian "Crush" Adams... I mention Crush because it was widely reported he & Savage were best friends behind the scenes and away from the biz...

Now on to who could actually induct him...

Hogan & Flair either would be the current best choices because of their history in WWE & WCW however with both in Impact Wrestling I doubt it happens...

Jake Roberts had a great mid 90s feud with Savage, but I dont think Jake would embrace in the proper way the honor given to induct Savage...

Dusty Rhodes also because of a great 90s feud, unfortunately that is his biggest connection

The Ultimate Warrior because of their storied past & Warrior forcing Macho to retire, unfortunately Warrior cant even come to terms for his own induction

Jerry Lawler he was instrumental in creating the Macho Man as a wrestler in the USWA before Savage joined the then WWF... But that goes back 30 years & newer fans might not get the connection...

Lanny Poffo, he is Savages real life brother so it could be a given...

That leaves Ricky Steamboat who is my personal pick... He was 1 of Macho Mans 1st major WWE feuds and they had a Wrestlemania 3 match which is still considered 1 of the top 3 matches in Mania history plus he is a current HOFer and a WWE employee so access to him is simple enough...

Who do you think should induct Macho Man and feel free to add names I left out....
i'll go with his brother "The Genius" Lanny Poffo. he did the Macho King coronation also. it makes the most sense since he was in touch with him the most in the later years. Steamboat i'd disagree because they had one great match (out of all the years) and Hogan well......obvious reasons (he'd make it about himself at the end). Genius reading a poem for Macho Man would be the highlight of that evening
I agree with the above poster it should be Lanny "It is I The Genius" Poffo. It has to be the headline induction it will be a sad occasion indeed and a poem by Lanny will not leave a dry eye in the building because Savage should have already been in.
If Elizabeth wasnt gone :( she would definetly be my pick, but since she is not an option I would have to agree with Hud and say Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat. The had exellent matches and I would love to see Ricky be the one to induct Macho Man. Atleast Randy is with his queen Elizabeth are together now :blush:
The name that first came to mind was Miss Elizabeth. However, she is obviously also dead. The only other name that comes to mind is Roddy Piper.

He was a wrestler's wrestler, so he fits the role well. They weren't the most involved wrestlers, but they have worked together and around one another. I don't see anyone else fitting too much better. I could be wrong.
I'm going to go with Hogan. They have such a lot of history together with the mega powers and all that. He would be the obvious choice out of the ones listed IMO.

If only WWE could get Hulk back for one night seeing as he's in TNA. Dont see it happening though.
Of the people listed, Lanny Poffo would be the best choice - he's Randy's brother and would give a very heartfelt speech. If not him, then Ricky Steamboat.

I think it would take a lot for Vince to ask Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair or the Ultimate Warrior on WWE for anything. The other guys on the list had a history with Savage, but not enough to justify being the one to induct him. Elizabeth and Sherri Martel are dead, and Madusa is probably still persona non grata with WWE.
It's not a certainty that he'll get inducted. We need to understand that first. But if we're going to discuss this, then I would say there are a number of people who could do it.

Hogan, Flair work for another company so I'd be surprised to see that happen. Warrior is on horrible terms with WWE so that won't happen. Snake, Steamboat, Lawler,Rhodes would be pretty good in the role. Lanny Poffo would be the emotional favourite.

There are other choices that could be made. Vince could do it. He and Randy were close friends as well as worked together. It would be a way to bury the hatchet.

Ted Dibiase- Had a feud with Randy and did a good job with Sherri's induction.

Tito Santana - also had a feud with Randy and probably could do a decent job.

Honky Tonk Man- Their feud really helped turn both their careers around. He did a decent job with Koko B. Ware's induction.

Bret Hart worked with Randy and thought very highly of him and vice versa. He would do the role justice if he were to induct him.

My personal favourite would be George the Animal Steele. Here is a guy who knew his family, worked with his dad and was a major feud for Randy Savage when he became the IC champ. I think he would be a decent choice to induct Randy, his father Angelo and Miss Elizabeth.
I'm torn between Lanny Poffo and Ricky Steamboat.

Poffo is a good choice for the obvious reason, while Steamboat is the opponent most noted for his feud with the Macho Man.

I got a kick out of the idea of Savage being inducted by Ultimate Warrior. Can you imagine what the induction speech would be like? At the end, no one would have any idea whether he had inducted Randy into the HOF...... or gave his views concerning the possibility of life on Pluto. Plus, can you imagine Warrior in his face paint......wearing a tuxedo?

I guess I'll go with Steamboat. Their battles in the ring were the stuff of legend.
Savage played an important part in shaping up the careers of Hogan, Warrior, Steamboat, Flair and Jake Roberts. It would have been cool to see all of them induct him together. But since Flair and Hogan are in TNA and Warrior is....uh Warrior, I think it leaves us with Steamboat and Jake. Now Savage's feud with Steamboat is much more legendary and his match is much more memorable than his feud with Jake and so I guess the honor should go to Steamboat.

Another guy who could have done the honors was Ted Dibiase. After all it was from the Million Dollar Man that Savage won his first WWF title which is a huge moment for any wrestler.
Lanny Poffo ... Certianly Him Maybe Bret Hart Because I Think Macho Man And Bret Connected Really Well ....

How can Ricky be overlooked for this? Randy Savage and Ricky Steamboat had what is to some, the greatest wrestling match and the greatest Wrestlemania match of all-time, and some people are seriously trying to make cases for guys like Kevin Nash and Bret Hart? They're respected, and idolized by millions, but they didn't put on a match of the calibure Savage did with Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat.

Ricky Steamboat all the way, Lanny Poffo? Sure, but WWE know that he has no real connection with them, while almost everyone instantly connects Ricky and Randy due to Wrestlemania III.
IMO Lanny cannot induct Savage. Someone has to accept the ring on his behalf. Steamboat should do the induction and Lanny should accept the ring
Bret Hart was what popped into my mind when I saw this topic. But someone else in here suggested Vince McMahon and I think that is an excellent choice.
Maybe DDP, Lex Luger or Kevin Nash, they are all on good terms with WWE. They both worked with Savage in his WCW days.
Lanny Poffo would be the feel good, sentimental choice, but by the time HOF inductions come around, we're going to be past teary-eyed nostalgia. Most people today wouldn't recognize Lanny Poffo without being told who he is, and then a thirty-second retrospective on what he did as a wrestler. "Oh yeah, The Genius! He was Macho Man's brother?" is how I think the reaction would go. If we were doing this induction in July, he'd be the top choice.

But don't forget that there's a viewership issue for the HOF inductions, and that means we'll get Ricky Steamboat, who connects with older fans more easily (much bigger name in wrestling), as well as younger fans, who remember the excellent program he worked with Chris Jericho a few years back. (Side thought- I really hope Edge is as awesome in fifteen years as Ricky Steamboat was when he came back. And I don't doubt for a second that at some point in the distant future, we'll see Adam Copeland lace up the boots, one more time.)

Both are excellent choices; it'll all come down to timing on them.
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