Hogan the Right Person to Induct Randy Savage?

At the HOF every year they always have somebody come out a speak before introducing the Inductee, then the Inductee comes out & speaks, I think Hogan is the guy speaking & introducing the inductee in this case, & Lanny will come out & accept the induction on Randy's behalf. Also the person being inducted, or in this case the family, gets a lot of say in who inducts them, with WWE getting final approval, & from what I read Lanny picked Hogan to prove to the fans that Hogan & Randy had buried the hatchet years ago before his passing & were friends again.

DDP probably would've been a better choice but perhaps he's not doing it because he's getting inducted this year or something.
If Lanny Poffo, Randy's brother, chose Hogan to do the honors, I have no problem with it at all. If the WWE done this, then it's stupid and shouldn't be done at all. IMHO, I'd have Leaping Lanny introduce him and speak on his behalf, because it's his brother, ... brother.

I'm sure Savage disliked Hogan a ton, and I'm also sure that if Lanny didn't choose Hogan, then the WWE shows how little they give a shit about Savage and his legacy.

But in my eyes, if it's approved by the Poffo family, then I approve of whomever inducting Savage into the HOF.
No Hogan isn't ideal, but they had a long history between them and Hogan knew him well. I would really rather have someone that knew him talk about him in this circumstance, not someone who only maybe met him once or watched him wrestle.

I really hope that he keeps the bullshit out of the speech, and just focus's on what Savage did for the industry and what kind of wrestler he was. The only other person I can think of that would be able to do it is Flair, but Flair has a tendency to get real emotional at these things and I think Hogan will be able to hold it together better.

That being said, we've been waiting for this for a long time, and it will be a very moving and emotional speech, hopefully. Savage was larger than life and should be remembered that way.

FLAIR???? why the hell would Flair EVER enter the question of inducting Savage? They had about as much to do together as cheese and ice cream.{sure they are both dairy products but one is the result of long time seething waste bi-products of dying bacterial matter that gets better as it ages but eventually reaches a point where it just reeks and needs to be discarded and forgotten and the other is a frozen, madly churned heap of coolness personified} It would be ridiculous to ever consider Flair to induct Savage. That would be like say in football, a third line defensive end who played 1 down on the offensive line being the one to induct Tom Brady.

Hogan is also not the one to do it, but if it's not one of the Poffo Family, then it has to be Hogan or Steamboat as they would be the only 2 living people to be so closely tied to Macho's career, unless it's one of his other ex's. Hogan is the only one still living with a close enough tie aside from Steamboat to be a valid thought to induct him.

Unless you count Stephanie if you believe the rumors.
It's hard to say who is ideal for this. Lanny never got over much with the fans so no one would know who he was. When you think of Savage, you don't really think of one classic rival he had other than Hogan. And its a shame that Miss Elizabeth can't do it.

To me, Hogan is a good choice, but only second best available. The only issue I would have with Hogan, is that he better not try to make it about him. I am one of the few Hogan defenders on WZ, and even I realize that there is potential for him to try to steal the spotlight from Randy. I don't think he will, I believe he will honor Savage as much as possible. He better do it right, he could lose some lifelong fans if he doesn't.
There are two people I personally would rather see.
1. Sensational Sherry, she was his manager for a while, which was possibly the biggest part of his career when he was the Macho King.
2. Bobby The Brain Heenan. Bobby was not a manager of Savage, but he called many of his matches, and they were a great broadcast team together. Plus, Heenan is the best pro wrestling personality of all time, and he be sure to do a good job.

One problem with this: Sherri is dead. Was dead before Macho actually. Kind of hard for her to do it.
And if you want Heenan, then might as well re-team him with Mean Gene to induct him.

Honestly, if it isn't Hogan or a Poffo, it should be Steamboat, but considering WWE likely be one of the McMahons or Cena, since Punk is gone and he was known to be inspired by Macho. Outside shot for HBK for similar reasons.
This would be interesting.

I've always thought Hogan overshadowed Savage. To me Savage has always felt like the Orton to Cena. I can't say I know the details of Savage's problems with Hogan, but I think in many ways Hogan kept Savage from being the face of the company; be it wcw or wwf, whenever they were on the same roster.

More than likely, it will be Hogan inducting him. This is disappointing given that Hogan has a propensity to steal the show. I would prefer Flair or Sting though. Flair probably has a little more history with Savage having worked with him several times whereas Sting and Savage weren't in the same company for quite as long.

The problems with Hogan/Savage are well documented. Savage was a bit of a control freak in regards to Elizabeth and thought Hogan had an affair with her. Sotry goes she visitted Hogan and Linda and stayed the night or weekend at their place while Savage was out of town and he freaked out and accused Elizabeth and Hogan of having an affair.

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