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Who do you want to see dethrone Seth Rollins?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Personally, I'd love to see Roman Reigns do it for the next Wrestlemania, but I don't know if it will work out for him. I say this mainly because they keep teasing us with this feud, but haven't really embraced it. Maybe it's for the best as if both men are built up the correct way, it will be something awesome when it does occur. 'Ambrose Vs Rollins' and 'Cena Vs Rollins' has already been done too much. Every 'Reigns vs Rollins' match on RAW and Smackdown have been really good, so imagine what a PPV showdown would be like.

It would also be poetic justice, considering Rollins screwed him twice. Fans might reject it, but maybe have Reigns turn heel in the process. Perhaps even a 'shield threesome' match (hehe; I'm so goofy) would be a good transition.

Otherwise, none of the babyfaces are ready. Ryback is the closest from a booking standpoint, but I don't personally want him to be champion. Cesaro is awesome, but booking has worked against him. Maybe it would be cool if Finn Balor challenged him while holding the NXT championship and the headline would be 'Champion Vs champion' and Balor would win. That would throw a lot more attention on NXT, although Balor hasn't been booked as a dominant competitor like Owens was- who is currently in the midcard.
I feel like they've painted themselves into a corner with Rollins, same as they did with Lesnar. I'll explain the difference between the two, and why the OP's question is a bit hard to answer.

First you had Lesnar take the title off Cena and basically disappear with it. While that was happening Rollins became Mr. MITB, but he had no title holder to cash in on. So instead of building up some new contenders, they just had everyone middling around doing nothing of anything special, while Rollins was just waiting around for Lesnar to return.

When Lesnar did come back he was feuding again with Cena, and disappeared again. Opportunity lost. Finally a number one contender was crowned at the Rumble, and was immediately booed out of the building. Roman Reigns seemed to be the heir apparent to Lesnar's title, but the fans didn't want him.

FINALLY we see a cash in. Rollins not only wins the title but he does a number of other things as well. He saves the WWE's ass in not having Reigns booed out of Levi Stadium. Now Reigns is on his way again to the number one spot, eventually. Rollins gets the title off an absent champion and we finally have someone there to defend it, and he gets rid of that damm briefcase.

The issues is and this gets back to the OP's question, what the hell have they done in the last 7 months to build up another number one contender. I'll answer that absolutely nothing. Rollins has spent most of his time feuding with wrestlers that never had a shot to begin with, or running away from those that did.

His heel run has been decreed by some as one of the greatest ever, I think it's been less than spectacular. The only one right now with a shot is Sheamus, of all fucking people, and that's only cause he's holding the briefcase this time around. Strangely enough he doesn't really seem interested in going after Rollins.

So in answer to the OP's question, I have no friggin clue. No one has stepped forward to lay claim to a title shot. Reigns is in a quagmire with Wyatt. Ambrose is there as well. Orton is injured, Cena is on a hiatus, so who else has shown that they can be WHC Champ. Rollins will most likely hold the title until Mania, when Cena or the Rumble winner takes it off him, and that could be anyone.

EDIT: I would love to see Cesaro take the title off Rollins, but I think I have a better chance of seeing pigs fly before that happens.
After nearly losing his title at Hell in the Cell tomorrow, Triple H and Stephine come out to a loud boos from the audience. They congratulate Seth on defeating Kane, but then they announce he has one more challenger for the title tonight.

And that man is... Yo, it's me, it's me! IT'S... DDP!

The whole arena erupts as Diamond Dallas Page makes his way to the wring. Seth Rollins is wide eyed; his mouth open in a silent scream as DDP enters the ring.

Seth manages to snap out of his daze state, attempts to attack DDP, but DDP manages to counter to give him a diamond cutter. The referee quickly counts 1, 2, 3 for the win. At the announcers table Michael Cole is freaking out, JBL is talking about something random, and both Triple H and Stephine are laughing as Seth cannot believe he just lost his belt to DDP!

But that is only a fantasy. Most likely if it not Roman Reigns, then they'll have Sheamus cash in his Money in the bank briefcase for the championship.
I think it would be cool to see a double turn at Wrestlemania. Reigns vs Rollins as the main event, and we find out that the end that The Authority cashed their chips in on Reigns and dropped Rollins. It would be both guys a major service, making Rollins a huge face and Reigns the monster heel. Reigns is already being booed in the major markets, which would make it difficult for him to work as the 'face' of the company. A nice little heel run will do good for him.
Who do I want to see? Ziggler. Who will it be? Sheamus

A Ziggler and Rollins program could help both guys in one huge way. A double turn. I could lay out an extravagant plan on how to do it in a way that culminates in heel Trips vs face Rollins and heel Ziggler Vs Cena at Mania, but that's not what I'm here for

The WWE has no idea what comes after Rollins. The MITB briefcase has become the biggest booking scapegoat in wrestling. The last 2 years they have done nothing to build number 1 contenders anymore. They're just thrown at the champion until the eventual cash in, lather, rinse, repeat

I personally cannot stand Sheamus. He's where he should be right now, in mid card throwaway matches that I can turn off to watch MNF. Sheamus as champ is a terrible move
The question is who we WANT to beat Rollins for the title right? If Daniel Bryan ever comes back and would like it to be him. He never lost the title after he won it at wrestlemania 30. Plus how great would a program between the two be huh? They've had awesome matches vs each other in wwe and ROH. On a side note, I wonder when Sheamus will cash in his MITB? Will he be the one to beat Seth or will he try and fail?
The question is who we WANT to beat Rollins for the title right? If Daniel Bryan ever comes back and would like it to be him. He never lost the title after he won it at wrestlemania 30. Plus how great would a program between the two be huh? They've had awesome matches vs each other in wwe and ROH. On a side note, I wonder when Sheamus will cash in his MITB? Will he be the one to beat Seth or will he try and fail?

There's a reason he never lost the title... He's injury prone.. WWE is not going to put the top title on someone who get's injured all the time... that's why he got the IC Title when he returned... and what happened?.. He got hurt again. Daniel Bryan's best days are behind him.. You marks don't give a damn about his health.
He should break punk title reign first then have shemus beat him the day of the MITB PPV have the title defended first then then the new 2016 MITB briefcase match at the end
If Sheamus wins the belt that would be HORRIBLE. He just never did it for me. Never stood out too much for me; he's upper mid-card at best.

As a self-admitting fanboy, I'd love to see Cesaro in the main event picture. I just trust the guy to have and endless amount of quality performances. But seeing as that's not gonna happen...

I always thought Dolph Ziggler and Seth Rollins matched up well. I've thought that since Survivor Series last year, when they were the last two in the elimination match. And it was great! At that moment I thought they could potentially be the Shawn Michaels/Bret Hart of the next generation. I'd like to see them get a good 25 minutes in a main event atmosphere to put on something special. They could even feud over the belt in my eyes, dropping it back and forth, et al. Triple H/The Rock.

The most natural choice though is a conclusion to the Roman Reigns/The Shield break up. I'm not a fan of Reigns in the least. In fact I'd probably be one of those annoying IWC fans at a live show booing him. But a double-turn between he and Rollins could make sense. Reigns becoming the embittered monster heel; and Rollins become the charismatic, slightly cocky, babyface.

On that note, we can't forget about Brock Lesnar, the most over babyface in the company. I'll say it here: IF Brock isn't fighting The Rock at WM32, then he HAS to be in the world title picture. Period. Sorry. He's the most over. He never got a satisfactory rematch for the belt he was never pinned for. And he's working more dates now since he resigned with the company, so a Lesnar title reign makes more sense this time around.
Lesnar. The problem is the way Vince does his 50/50 booking there are no really standout people on the roster. If you give the belt to Reigns who is there to book against him. A heel champion is the way to go but is there anyone the WWE fans really actually hate rather than just boo them at shows for the sake of booing?
Who do I want to see dethrone Seth Rollins for the world title? That would be Kane tomorrow night at Hell in a Cell. As an unabashed Kane fanboy I would love to see the Big Red Monster have another world title reign. Will it happen? Probably not. But I get the fun of watching Kane at least try and I will be angry as fuck when Seth finds a way to survive. But that's the essence of pro wrestling, and the enjoyment of being a fan. If I had to peg one man at taking the title off Seth, it would probably be Sheamus. And it will probably be in the dirtiest fashion ever. In the end though, Seth will get his comeuppance but if he turns then he'll probably look sympathetic in loss. Perhaps that is what WWE is going for.
My answer: Face Rollins takes the belt off Heel Rollins. Aka retains at Mania.
I would have Sheamus continue to cozy up to the Authority in the months leading to Mania and still having the briefcase and basically televising he plans to cash in for a "Wrestlemania moment" just like Seth did last year.

Than you have a Reigns heel turn at the Rumble. Not quite sure how you could accomplish this but it could be as simple as him eliminating Ambrose late in the match. Reigns wins his 2nd Rumble in a row with the blessing and companionship of Steph and HHH. His relationship with them strengthens just as Rollins starts getting the deck stacked against him and his relationship with them fades. He uses more and more rhetoric about how he really has done this all himself and even though he regrets some of his actions he deserves to be where he is....yadda yadda yadda

So Seth and Roman put on an incredible match with no Sheamus run in. After Seth hits the Pheonix splash (or whatever he calls it) to get the win after a true main event quality performance by both men and maybe even a HHH interference attempt Seth retains to a gigantic pop because by now everyone HATES Roman.

Sheamus music hits just as HHH chop cuts Rollins leg out from under him injuring him. Seth than puts on a gutty match on one leg to retain again against Sheamus.
Should be Daniel Bryan if WWE decides to bring him back before Mania. Than we can actually get that briefcase out of the way in a believable manner. I think Daniel Bryan is the only one that can interest the casuals in a Sheamus cash-in, given all their history together and the fact that Sheamus technically took credit for putting Bryan on the shelf again.

Who will it be? Probably Roman Reigns or Sheamus.
Who will it be? Probably Roman Reigns or Sheamus.

Well, if it's to be Sheamus, Creative is really going to have to start turning things around for the Fella. He's been far from the terror he was in his first WWE go-around as a villain, that's for sure. They've planted Sheamus firmly on the midcard and avoided putting him on any type of specific mission. The guy is floundering.....and the longer he keeps doing that, the harder it will be to get him on the right path again.

I'd like to see Roman Reigns take the title at WM32.......and not before. Since April is a ways from now, it gives the company time to really build something up between he and Seth Rollins. Yes, Roman and Dean Ambrose have been antagonistic toward Rollins since the Shield break-up, but Seth has essentially been separated from his old buddies in terms of what's been going on in the ring.

Of course, that match last Monday in which the three battled on the same team could be the start of a Reigns-Rollins program. It was a terrific piece of theater which ended about the way you figured it would.

There's plenty of time to get this done in thorough fashion.....and I wouldn't be surprised to see Roman & Seth having switched face/heel personae by the time WM32 rolls around.
Beat Kane but get battered at HIAC, then have Sheamus cash in on him immediately and hold the title for a while, leaving Seth free to work his face turn and WM32 match with Triple H. Two months of Cena free TV and 6 months to WM, could be all they need for a brand new top face and Trip can actually put someone over this time.
I would like to see Roman Reigns take the Title from Seth but that will not happen til next year. It might not even be at WM32 and I think Roman will be a heel and Seth will be the face.
I believe HHH will have his hand in on who takes the Title from Seth and that can start there feud. As far as right now I would like to see Dean Ambrose take the Title off Seth he could be a good Champion, the fans like him he is good on the mic and decent enough in the ring.
I'd like to see Cesaro shock the world and defeat Seth Rollins at a secondary PPV or a Monday Night Raw. The crowds would go nuts for a Cesaro victory.
Man, I was truly hoping that it would be Kane tonight. Since it wasn't him, and now that Brock is done with Taker, I'd like to see Brock take the title and meet Rock or SCSA for the title at WM 32.
I'd love to see Cesaro do it but it looks like he's heading back to mid card. Realistically I guess Brock is my best bet.
In a ideal world, I would have to say Daniel Bryan. But with there being no sign of him returning, I would have to go with Orton. I know a lot of people will not agree with me on my choice, but I don't really see a lot of other options. Ambrose and Reigns are not really ready in my opinion to be wwe champion and with Cena taking time off and Lesnar only working a part time schedule there really are no other big names around who can carry the world title.

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