Seth Rollins should not successfully cash in the MitB contract.

I honestly think Seth Rollins should be forced to put MIB on the line at mania 31 against Orton, Ambrose, Wyatt in a ladder match with Wyatt winning.

People think that will lose Rollins momentum. My idea would be reigns win rumble. But Rollins coming out and causing reigns to lose will give him alot I heat. Especially main event of mania. Then ill have bray Wyatt successfully cashing in. It suits him more to steal the belt away
The fact that a lot of you seem to hate the idea of Rollins as champion only speaks to how truly over he really is as a heel. There is more than one type of heel. If he just won every match without assistance and beat everyone clean, that would just make him Brock Lesnar without the muscles and "beast" look. So he would essentially just be a really good wrestler who *sometimes* acts like a douche. Is that a good enough heel gimmick? No.

The fact that you feel anger every time J&J Security help Rollins win a match is a GOOD thing. The fact that you shake your head every time The Authority do anything at all to protect Rollins is a GOOD thing. The fact that you don't view Rollins as a "credible" champion is the #1 PERFECT reason that he absolutely SHOULD be champion. Rollins gets - by far - the most heat of any heel on the roster. That's no easy feat. Clearly all of his smarmy-ness, cheap heel-tactics, and non-credible victories must be working.

Rollins is conniving and has that "do anything to win" mentality that CM Punk reigned with for more than a year as champion. He doesn't use the assistance and interference of J&J Security because he is incapable of winning. He uses them because The Authority want him to be incapable of losing. There's a difference. Rollins is the perfect heel and he absolutely should cash in the briefcase successfully at some point.

The guy who lies, cheats, and steals to get his way to the top. Now THAT'S a solid heel worth booing.

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