WWE Universal Championship: What Would You Do?

As much as I don't want to see a re-formation of The Shield, I think Angle books a fatal four way, Lesnar vs Rollins vs Reigns vs Ambrose and they three on one the shit out of him. Lesnar cannot beat those odds. Plenty of new fresh options there to go with. Lesnar on the chase would be better television, especially if Heyman is the mastermind and secretly in cahoots with Shield
There's one big downside in this story. Okay, Lesnar will be the big champion heading into Wrestlemania. Reigns will dethrone him. And yeah, besides Reigns and Lesnar, there's really nobody else on RAW on their level. Not Wyatt, not Balor, not Ambrose and not Strowman.. except, one man.

Seth Rollins.

Seth Rollins who is fighting with his teeth in order to get over as a babyface. Seth Rollins who had a horrendous boooking from Battleground 2016 till now. Seth Rollins whose match against HHH at Wrestlemania, had a very mediocre build-up (due to injury) and the match never really generated that much hype. Seth Rollins who, despite of all these, is still considered the most successful world champion out of his Shield brothers and who just defeated Triple H clean.

If the plan is to have Lesnar hold the belt until Wrestlemania and for Reigns to dethrone him, then Rollins becomes automatically, #3, where IMO, he should be #1, on the same level as Reigns. It should have been him and Reigns, one leading RAW the other leading Smackdown.

Rollins is just in a very weird situation right now. Things indicate the Rollins won't be world champion until after WM 34. His last title win was in 2016, but his last run ended in 2018. It will mark 3 years for Rollins without a championship run under his belt.
I quite enjoy the whole dynamic of Brock Lesnar as the Top RAW champion, tbqh.

It is more WWE's fault for 50-50 booking any and everyone(including Roman Reigns) so much so, that it hinders their ability to portray more than just the Chosen Roman as a possibility to dethrone Lesnar.

Heck, the current build to ER for the Fatal 5-way should be positioning all 5 guys alongwith Strowman as truly viable candidates to defeat Lesnar. Instead, it is very clear that the winner will be a sacrificial lamb to the slaughter.

WWE's want to cram everyone into the show as opposed to building up some Major characters and then building shows around what those handful of characters are doing is why people cry for the title to always be physically on the screen at all times. Brock is invincible, what he needs is guys opposite him who portray such invincibility from amongst the current full-timers with the storyline, booking, writing all telling the viewer that said challenger is the real deal and can indeed dethrone the Beast as Goldberg did at Survivor Series.

The numbers are there for some great Universal title feuds for Brock vs Balor, Braun, Bray, Joe, Rollins and Reigns to easily last till Mania 34. It is WWE's job to make All 6 guys matter as opposed to booking them 50-50 so regularly.

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