Long term Rollins/HHH booking idea


Dark Match Jobber
So sometimes these random booking ideas come into my head and I feel compelled to share. The following is based on the idea that H and Seth don't have an actual match, but a long segment of some sort.

So Trips comes to the ring , in his gear, and calls out Rollins. Rollins doesn't show so H insults him a bit for not showing and introduces Joe, the reason Seth isn't there. Joe talks down Rollins, about how sweet it feels to have taken another WM away from Seth. Then Rollins music hits to interrupt them and he shows on the ramp. He tells Joe it isn't so sweet, cause he is here and here to ruin there WM. H and Joe are going ballistic and telling him to get his ass to the ring. He says he isn't dumb and isn't coming alone, to which Finn returns to back up Rollins. H and Joe are shocked as the faces charge the ring and the brawl is on. Security comes down (NXT guys so H gets his props) which allows the heels to get the upper hand. H orders security to back down and not come back under any circumstance. 5-10 minute BRUTAL beat down ensues, around ringside, towards the end of which H gets the sledge. Joe holds Rollins for shot, he ducks, hits Joe, Finn gets back in to hit H and the faces get some time and stand tall to end the segment.

Now this is where I will probably lose people because it pushes back the singles match between Triple H and Seth Rollins further. After WM and building to SummerSlam, Rollins and Joe feud along with Balor and Kevin Owens. The KO/Balor feud will rekindle under the auspices of KO taking advantage of Balor leaving. This leads to either a 4 way for the U.S. title between these 4 men OR a tag match which H costs Balor/Rollins by hitting Rollins to take the loss, furthering their tension. (This assumes its Lesnar/Reigns for title with Reigns finally getting his win...yawn).

To Survivor Series we go where now these 4 men are forced to team up against team Smackdown Live, with each team led to the ring by H and Shane repectively. They are not in the match, just managers. This match ends with Seth and Balor standing tall as survivors after the spark was lit for Shane/Triple H at WM34. Somehow have Shane arguing with a referee about a call then have H join the argument which leads to Shane taking a Pedigree from him then Seth hitting his own Pedigree on H.

Now we finally get to the Triple H/Seth Rollins payoff at the Royal Rumble 2018. Having built this for so long, let it go a good 25-30 minutes and be brutal. End it with Rollins going over after hitting a Pedigree in the middle of the ring. The only interference from Shane being him bringing a new ref down after an inadvertent ref bump and that being the ref that makes the count. This pushes the Shane/H match for WM and gives Rollins the big payoff to go onto WM with.

Hope you all got a kick out of this small bit of fantasy booking. It is very general and obviously needs filler for between the big 4, and assumes many things. However I think it could be a fun ride to be taken down and could great some great matches along the way. Let me know what you all think!
Here's what I like about this:

1. It keeps HHH off of the actual WM card.
2. I love long feuds that involve more than two people and make sense. or make sense by the end. Slow-burns and added pieces down the line that lead to an ultimate showdown of epic proportions is the stuff major feuds used to be made of. I think this is well thought out, but...

Here's what I don't like:

1. For a number of reasons, the Rollins-HHH "feud" has start/stopped so many times already that I just want it to happen and be over. If the culmination of your scenario happened at SummerSlam or Survivor Series, then I'd be more on board. But another year of it? I don't know that WWE has it in them. Once upon a time maybe.
2. It keeps Seth Rollins off of the actual card. Rollins needs a match. I just wish it weren't going to be HHH.
Triple H and Rollins in a segment as opposed to an actual match is a very real possibility. Notice Rollins said he'd see Triple H at WrestleMania as opposed to saying a match is happening.

This is likely because they have no idea how Rollins' knee will heal come Mania time. This allows them to have their cake and eat it too. They can change the Rollins/Triple H segment into a proper match should Seth heal, they can have a segment in its place if he's not ready.

This way they can advertise Triple H and Seth Rollins for WrestleMania regardless of the injury. Likely they will advertise Rollins confronts Triple H as an advertised segment. They may even go so far as to call it an unsanctioned match, street fight, or something along those lines. That would allow brief contact between the two without false advertising.

As far as the Op's booking goes, I would really rather not see this angle last that long. If Rollins wasn't injured I would see this angle over and done with right here. Likely Rollins moves into a program with Joe next to tie off that thread.

Rollins' face turn has been fairly lukewarm. A lot of that has to do with him being unable to capture the title from Owens (as it was destined for Goldberg). Being a failed interim challenger without any real character development didn't help.

Rollins was interesting when he returned as a confident heel and won the title (before promptly dropping it to Ambrose's luggage). No he's getting lame insults written for him like sparkle crotch.

Triple H and Rollins have to have a match, and if it doesn't happen at Mania then it will likely happen at SummerSlam. It's going to be boring stretching it out that long. I'd much rather have it happen and end at the event after Mania (Payback?).

I'm ready to call the Rollins face turn a bust, but turning him heel again is an easy answer to a more complicated question. Destroying Triple H will likely help Rollins pick up some steam. If he's staying face and they don't plan to push him into a main event title, a midcard title run would be a good way to build some momentum for him.
Triple H and Rollins in a segment as opposed to an actual match is a very real possibility. Notice Rollins said he'd see Triple H at WrestleMania as opposed to saying a match is happening.

This is likely because they have no idea how Rollins' knee will heal come Mania time. This allows them to have their cake and eat it too. They can change the Rollins/Triple H segment into a proper match should Seth heal, they can have a segment in its place if he's not ready.

This way they can advertise Triple H and Seth Rollins for WrestleMania regardless of the injury. Likely they will advertise Rollins confronts Triple H as an advertised segment. They may even go so far as to call it an unsanctioned match, street fight, or something along those lines. That would allow brief contact between the two without false advertising.

As far as the Op's booking goes, I would really rather not see this angle last that long. If Rollins wasn't injured I would see this angle over and done with right here. Likely Rollins moves into a program with Joe next to tie off that thread.

Rollins' face turn has been fairly lukewarm. A lot of that has to do with him being unable to capture the title from Owens (as it was destined for Goldberg). Being a failed interim challenger without any real character development didn't help.

Rollins was interesting when he returned as a confident heel and won the title (before promptly dropping it to Ambrose's luggage). No he's getting lame insults written for him like sparkle crotch.

Triple H and Rollins have to have a match, and if it doesn't happen at Mania then it will likely happen at SummerSlam. It's going to be boring stretching it out that long. I'd much rather have it happen and end at the event after Mania (Payback?).

I'm ready to call the Rollins face turn a bust, but turning him heel again is an easy answer to a more complicated question. Destroying Triple H will likely help Rollins pick up some steam. If he's staying face and they don't plan to push him into a main event title, a midcard title run would be a good way to build some momentum for him.
Even more ridiculous is that Seth Rollins doesn't mention Triple H and continues his routine after he was screwed by Triple H.

What happens when someone screws you? You immediately start finding him to avenge but it was totally opposite in case of Seth Rollins. Totally illogical. He waits till Royal Rumble is a couple of weeks ago to call out Triple H? Who takes this long to take revenge? Nobody logical.

The feud between Rollins and Triple H dragged a lot and when it picked up, Seth Rollins got injured. It should've ended at either Survivor Series or Royal Rumble.
This feud between HHH and Rollins has dragged on so long now that I'm finding it hard to care about. If you really think about it, it's been going on since the Shield split up. As a former member of Evolution, it's written in the stars that eventually one day HHH would turn on Rollins, as most Evolution stars have done to each other.

After HHH handed the belt to Owens, Rollins should have been after him like a dog in heat not letting up for a second. What we did get was Rollins as a semi-face and every once in awhile mentioning HHH and how badly he wanted him. That's when the steam began to leave the kettle and it became dry.

The only saving grace to this whole thing is it gave HHH a great opportunity to introduce Samoa Joe to the main roster. It immediately put him into a story line that the fans already knew about and gave it an added boost. Rollins injury during that however has turned it into another fiasco, and the boost was soon lost.

Rollins is a main event star and should be having a marquee match at Mania. Instead he is feuding with HHH who just has to be on the card for whatever reason. I like HHH, but he doesn't have to have a match every year at the biggest show of the year. After his feud with HHH where does Rollins go now. There has been no build up to anything unless he'll be feuding with Joe for a while, and in a way he'll still be feuding with HHH who will be backing up Joe. Put this thing to bed and let us get on with it.
I would do this....

HHH beats Rollins at Mania (Rollins not 100%)

Raw (Post Mania)
HHH, Owens, & Joe continue to dominate Rollins & Reigns

Draft (Foley prior to getting fired drafts Dean Ambrose to Raw)

June on (Raw)
The Shield vs. HHH, Owens, & S. Joe

Draft should be.....
Raw gets Ambrose, Styles, Ziggler, Uso's, Asuka, Roode, & Nakamura
Smackdown gets Balor, Cesaro, Zayn, Rusev, S. Banks, The Revival, & New Day
* balances rosters better and creates new feuds

New Day can get much more marque matches on Smackdown and along with Orton, Wyatt, etc.. still enough star power on the Blue Brand.
I would do this....

HHH beats Rollins at Mania (Rollins not 100%)

Raw (Post Mania)
HHH, Owens, & Joe continue to dominate Rollins & Reigns

Draft (Foley prior to getting fired drafts Dean Ambrose to Raw)

June on (Raw)
The Shield vs. HHH, Owens, & S. Joe

Draft should be.....
Raw gets Ambrose, Styles, Ziggler, Uso's, Asuka, Roode, & Nakamura
Smackdown gets Balor, Cesaro, Zayn, Rusev, S. Banks, The Revival, & New Day
* balances rosters better and creates new feuds

New Day can get much more marque matches on Smackdown and along with Orton, Wyatt, etc.. still enough star power on the Blue Brand.
I have no problem with your booking other than the bolded and underlined part.

You have Triple H Vs. Seth Rollins at Wrestlemania 33 and you give the win to Triple H? Then what's the point of this feud? I thought that the feud would be logical if Rollins defeated Triple H at the end. Why would you give the win to Triple H when he doesn't need it? Or do you want something like Triple H defeating Sting at Wrestlemania 31? Both are immensely pointless.

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