Who do you WANT to see as the champ?

Who do you WANT to see as the next champion?

  • Roman Reigns

  • Dean ambrose

  • Shaemus

  • Alberto Del Rio

  • Kevin Owens

  • John Cena

  • Dolph Ziggler

  • Undertaker

  • Brock Lesnar

  • Kane

  • Ryback

  • HHH

  • Cesaro

  • Big Show

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.


Championship Contender
Taking in the following considerations who do you want to see the next champion?
Mic skills
Ring skills
The look
The "it" factor

Mainly not just any scrub but judging from mid-card on up who you want to see the next world champ??
Kevin Owens:

1. Rising popularity. Fans seem to love this guy despite him being a scumbag heel.
2. Smooth execution on the mic. Pretty versatile and entertaining.
3. Excellent in-ring skills. He might be the best wrestler on the roster.
4. His look makes him stand out from the crowd, much like Bryan. His big gut should actually help him greatly in connecting with the fans.
5. Owens has "it", I don't think anyone can disagree.
I think Dean Ambrose should hold the title next..
Remember Ambrose vs Rollins Hell in a Cell..
The crowd went nuts when Ambrose held the title at that point..
He has everything that you mentioned and has experience too..
I'm with Dean and I hope he wins the final at Survivor Series against Roman...
Dolph Ziggler should be THE guy in WWE. He's better than anyone on the full-time roster. He's better in-ring than Seth Rollins, more charismatic than Dean Ambrose, and better on the mic than either of them. The only guys in WWE who can touch Ziggler are the injured Daniel Bryan and the part-time Chris Jericho. But Ziggler will never be at the top again because of Vince's hatred for him and falsely labeling him "injury-prone" because he got hurt once, ignoring the fact that all of his own favored wrestlers are injured constantly.
The titles had been in the hands of heel for too long, so I would want to see a white hot face running as the WWE World Heavyweight champion. So I would go for Dean Ambrose. No more second thoughts. If you ask my second opinion, there you go, Kevin Owens.
Big Show, Kane, The Undertaker, Triple H & Sheamus should never win WWE World Heavyweight Championship either in present or in future... No hard feelings for them but Please No!

I would have chosen Roman Reigns if he was or would be booked as a dominant badass heel......
but Vince McMahon would never let it happen....

So my choice is "The Lunatic Fringe" Dean Ambrose...... His persona resembles mine! And I like him a lot.... His mic-skills are good for him.... His gimmick is awesome.... He is totally over with the crowd...
Although i like him a lot, Yet i would want to alter his finishers and signatures to much effective ones..... Dirty Deeds doesnot suit him as a finisher.....
I put other because i wanted to vote for Daniel Bryan. Amazing in the ring, passionate on the mic and everythng is elevated by the crowd
I think of all the potential champions, KO would be the most intriguing. Obviously isn't going to happen because he's the current IC champion. But in my opinion, HHH recruiting Owens into the Authority and helping him secure the title would be best for business. When he returns, Rollins v Owens would be unreal.
Who do I want to see as WWE world champion? Kane. He's at the top of my fanboy list. Will it ever happen again? No. And I've come to accept that. I think my top 3 choices at this point would be John Cena, Daniel Bryan, and Roman Reigns. Reigns as champion seems to be the direction WWE wants to go, and quite frankly I'm fine with it. I don't think WWE would give him a big long reign for his first outing so I'd doubt he'd become stale after 3 months with the belt. Bryan for the nostalgia. Regardless of how I may feel about his health, I'd like to see him with a nice long reign. Cena of course is a work horse. He could be a 30 time world champion in the future and I would not care. The man is always entertaining to watch as world champion, and realistically I think he'd be the best option of the 3 moving forward for the next 5 to 6 months.
Out of the all options only Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Kevin Owens IMO have what it takes to be World Champs. However, Owens is way too fresh in the WWE. He just debuted this year and he is actually a "rookie". I know that he has 15 years of a career in his back, but at the point, he's way to fresh for me to be World Champion.

Which leads me to the other two names. Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose. Fans are booing Roman and are cheering Dean. Why? Because the want Roman as the heel and Dean as the face. I wouldn't have any problem with either of them winning, only if Roman=heel and Ambrose=face, while doing so. I mostly want Reigns, so that he can drop the belt to Dean at 'Mania. That would make an awesome feud to watch. Dean chasing the belt all the way to Wrestlemania.

Knowing WWE though, Reigns is gonna win so that he can beat Lesnar at 'Mania, which for my taste, is way to predictable and doesn't hold that much of a story. Not like a Roman vs Dean, chase feud, brother vs brother for the WWE Championship.

Just my two cents though.
It seems as though Vince and WWE is going with Roman he is a good choice. I would say that a heel Roman would be awesome but we will see what Vince has in mind. He knows the fans do not like the obvious and we do like surprises. With that being said I would like to see Dean or Cesaro win the Title. Cesaro is a fan favorite and is awesome in the ring, those are his good points, but he is not very good on the mic and really does not have the it factor or the look. Dean has the it factor and the mic skills, he is decent in the ring and has the look. Last Dean is over with the crowd so he has the edge over Cesaro. Roman has the look and the it factor, he is looking good in the ring and is getting there on the mic. I just don't understand why the fans are not over with him yet. So my choice is a heel Roman Reigns.
I was the only one who voted this way, but I would be intrigued by a HHH title run, because I think that could be a really interesting story to be told. Reigns chasing HHH...when does Rollins return, and does he have beef with HHH? I just think the title needs to go to a heel. It's always a more interesting storyline when you have the face chasing. And if your goal is to have Reigns win it, it needs to be against a (semi-established) heel. HHH was already going to be involved in a WM storyline with Rollins pre-injury, so why not change it to Reigns? That frees Lesnar up to help establish someone else...how about Wyatt? I would be so interested in seeing Heyman vs. Bray, Lesnar vs. the Family.

Your three main events could be HHH/Reigns, Lesnar/Wyatt, and Cena/Undertaker.
ANYONE BUT Del Rio and Sheamus!!!

I wouldnt even mind one last run from either Show, Kane, Triple H, Taker, or Jercho.


I would like for wwe to finally give Cody Rhodes a chance. He's really grown since his days with Hardcore Holly. Just look at his work as the "dashing", "disfigured", and "stardust" characters. He's been able to change his move set and mic work to fit each character he's played. Beside Rollins, Cody is the only wrestler that changes up his work when his character switches up. And he does an amazing job when he does.
Its time for Cody to finally be given the respect he deserves.
Roman Reigns.. Really don't like the guy, but other than John Cena he's the only guy ready to be WWE Champion.. Dean Ambrose needs a heel turn before he becomes Champion, Kevin Owens looks like the guy who works at Subway in my neighborhood. The resemblance is ridiculous.. I almost asked if he was Kevin Owens, then i thought, why the fuck would he be working at Subway in Toronto?.. Perception is reality, unless the fans get behind Owens like they did Bryan, he'll NEVER be WWE Champ in WWE.. The look is the most important thing whether you people like it or not. That's why they strapped the rocket to Reigns back.
Roman Reigns.. Really don't like the guy, but other than John Cena he's the only guy ready to be WWE Champion.. Dean Ambrose needs a heel turn before he becomes Champion, Kevin Owens looks like the guy who works at Subway in my neighborhood. The resemblance is ridiculous.. I almost asked if he was Kevin Owens, then i thought, why the fuck would he be working at Subway in Toronto?.. Perception is reality, unless the fans get behind Owens like they did Bryan, he'll NEVER be WWE Champ in WWE.. The look is the most important thing whether you people like it or not. That's why they strapped the rocket to Reigns back.

Roman Reigns is ready to be WWE World Heavyweight Champion? You've got to be joking. They strapped the rocket to Reigns' back alright...and it crashed and burned. It will be YEARS before he recovers from that and is ready, if ever.
I didn't vote yet but I put triple h in there cause I'd be really interested in a triple h title run too. Maybe even Vince come back and use reigns to take the title from a power hungry triple h. Power struggle at the top..

I've heard distant rumors on other sites that wwe is gonna dump a ton of money to bring cm punk back in 2016 is a guarantee
Kevin Owens. Period. End of Discussion

He has all the tools: Technical skill, good on the mic, a real lowlife heel who is uber-over. I would not be surprise if his merch sales dwarfs Roman Reigns by a wide margin. He SHOULD be the one holding the belt going into Mania.
Brock Lesnar 100 percent. Amazing performer. The only major talent along with Kevin Owens that keeps me watching the show

Then why are you watching? Brock Lesnar is never around. He's too busy sitting at home, counting his money that he gets paid to make everyone else look like a joke, laughing at how marks like you only care about WWE the four times a year he shows up.
Who do I want to see? Intriguing isn't it! There's a roster flocked full of prime potentials who could strap on the belt and supposedly 'carry the company' out of this tricky period. The ultimate goal here is to create compelling television. The World Champ is suppose to reflect the best in the company at this point but it's more than that. In my opinion, as long as the choice makes for unpredictable and logical storytelling, I'm game.

My choice would be Dean Ambrose. Reason being because Vince could pull the trigger on the obscurity fringed lunatic at any given time. However, he's dead set on Reigns as the one to carry the company forward. Many fans are voicing their concern with him as champ because this prospect is all too predictable.

Dean turning heel allows the fans some breathing space and it gives spectators more time to acclimatise to Reigns to be in the main event. It will make for a compelling feud because they two have history and an uber-load of tension is already set as the foundations.

Dean wasn't picked by the authority.
He's wondered off from relevancy.

The motives? He wants his spotlight.
He'll do anything.

It's simple and it gives Vince, who I believe is deluded to keep pushing Reigns at the capacity he's done this at, the main eventer he's hand picked.

I don't know what's going to go down this Sunday night. By the end of the PPV, we might be in for a an absolute twist or we'll be disappointed to the brim. WWE were able to have a reset button due to Rollin's injury but they squandered that chance. There's one Raw left before they face the heat. Can they recreate the magic of 2014 Survivor Series? C'mon Vince. Give us all you got! We're hungry!
QUOTE=Aquaman6686;5333445]Then why are you watching? Brock Lesnar is never around. He's too busy sitting at home, counting his money that he gets paid to make everyone else look like a joke, laughing at how marks like you only care about WWE the four times a year he shows up.[/QUOTE]

I guess you missed the part where I said Lesnar AND Kevin Owens are the reason I watch. Thank you. BTW I don't care about a wrestlers personal attitude as long as they're entertaining to me in the ring I'm down
Taking in the following considerations who do you want to see the next champion?
Mic skills
Ring skills
The look
The "it" factor

Mainly not just any scrub but judging from mid-card on up who you want to see the next world champ??

I'd say Cesaro - give him a shot. If going into 2016 they decide he can't main event WM, he could always drop the title at RR and lose his rematch at FL.

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