Who are the most underrated superstars in the WWE today?


Pre-Show Stalwart
this is my first thread so let me know if im doing anything wrong.

ok so im watching raw and im thinking to myself ok so the miz is united states champion but not even defending it since he is going in the main title picture and has the money in the bank briefcase. So im thinking why are they letting him keep the title when he isn't even defending it anymore :wtf:. and im seeing great under used talent who could get a push. i see that evan bourne is getting a push so why not give him the title or yoshi tatsu. both of these men are well liked by fans and are fun to watch in the ring i know evan bourne is having a push but we seen him job to the nexus in the 7 on 7 tag match so im wondering if they cut of his push. the main person i would love to have seen in the us title pic is shelton benjamin i mean he was one of the best young talent in the wwe but the only time they gave him to do anything in the past few years is in the money in the bank matches which he was the best part of so. im wondering who do you think they should push on raw or smackdown who have recently been released or are still there. let me know guys

Note im a big fan of daniel bryan but i dont not want to hear him in this thread.
Man there are so many people getting wasted that it isn't funny

I'm sure somebody would bring up Christain & Matt Hardy. Now I'm not a giant fan of either of them, but I agree that they should probably be featured more. They are over with the crowd so let them do something

the way MVP is being used just pisses me off. He can cut good promos and put on good matches. He was so great as a heel and they totally fucked up his character with his face run, which all started with that horrible losing streak angle... People say it is because of his age but really, I don't give a crap about that if he is still more entertaning than a bland 20 year old

And finally the one that pisses me off more than anybody else... Chris Masters. What the fuck are they doing with him. The only show he manages to get on is Superstars and he always jobs, it's complete bullshit, he's still young enough for a push, his promos are not bad at all when he gets the chance to talk, his in ring skills are nowhere near as bad as everybody says they are... but WWE turned him into a bland face and now he's a jobber. What the hell did they bring him back for if they are just going to job him out?

As for the recently released people who I think should have gotten pushed... Helms, Burchill, Carlito, Benjamin... there are a lot imo
this is my first thread so let me know if im doing anything wrong.

ok so im watching raw and im thinking to myself ok so the miz is united states champion but not even defending it since he is going in the main title picture and has the money in the bank briefcase. So im thinking why are they letting him keep the title when he isn't even defending it anymore :wtf:. and im seeing great under used talent who could get a push. i see that evan bourne is getting a push so why not give him the title or yoshi tatsu. both of these men are well liked by fans and are fun to watch in the ring i know evan bourne is having a push but we seen him job to the nexus in the 7 on 7 tag match so im wondering if they cut of his push. the main person i would love to have seen in the us title pic is shelton benjamin i mean he was one of the best young talent in the wwe but the only time they gave him to do anything in the past few years is in the money in the bank matches which he was the best part of so. im wondering who do you think they should push on raw or smackdown who have recently been released or are still there. let me know guys

Note im a big fan of daniel bryan but i dont not want to hear him in this thread.

Just in my opinion the two most underrated wrestlers is John Morrison and Christian. JoMo has been in some horrible booking since around WM and he's been on a downward sprial ever since. Christian is just being held down ever since he came back from TNA. I can see why since he's elevating talent, but it would be nice to see him to get a world title run. <----------the ECW championship dosen't count.

On two side notes:
1) Miz will be forced to defend his title at NoC since all the matches are championship matches. So hopefully someone will step up and take the title.
2) Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan) isn't underrated and never will be in my opinion. He's be a major part in Nexus now if he didn't get fired and wasn't bound by the 90-day no compete clause.
Christian, John Morrison, Matt Hardy....
You know who els I loved watching come down to the ring?
I absolutely loved Jimmy Wang Yang his matches were awesome...
Now I'm sure he would have had a better chance if he didn't have that red neck gimmick.
Dreamer never got anything he deserved as well, It was torturous watching Carlito being waisted away and just plain miserable being there. Kane yeah he waisted away to a nothing as far as usage goes....after not being utilized for over a decade he gets a little piece of what he has deserved since arriving in the WWE
How about Santino? i mean sure he's a comedy genius but the guy can wrestle, i mean he beat Umaga in his debut for god's sake, i'd like to see him get a genuine push again, maybe bring back the honka-perfect-mountie-meter? :)
How about Santino? i mean sure he's a comedy genius but the guy can wrestle, i mean he beat Umaga in his debut for god's sake, i'd like to see him get a genuine push again, maybe bring back the honka-perfect-mountie-meter? :)

I don't think you can use his first match as leverage....
They wrote him to win just for an excuse to introduce him into the company

I never liked when they took 'some guest' from the crowd and that's how they bring them in. i think it's just stupid and insulting to people's intelligence
For me it's easily Christian. Here's a guy who is great in the ring, great on the mic. He's been WWE World tag champ on numerous occasions, intercontinental champ on a few occasions, former ecw champ and prior to him leaving the WWE for TNA was wrestling Cena for the WWE title on ppv. He was also a main eventer in TNA & was their world champ @ 1 point.
And finally the one that pisses me off more than anybody else... Chris Masters. What the fuck are they doing with him. The only show he manages to get on is Superstars and he always jobs, it's complete bullshit, he's still young enough for a push, his promos are not bad at all when he gets the chance to talk, his in ring skills are nowhere near as bad as everybody says they are... but WWE turned him into a bland face and now he's a jobber. What the hell did they bring him back for if they are just going to job him out?

I agree with this. There are a lot of underrated talents right now like Morrison, Christian and Ryder IMO. If I had to single out the person who's the most underrated it would be Chris Masters. He was main eventing back in 2005 and now he's a jobber? Weak dude. Now, I'm not saying her deserved to main event back then, but he definately doesn't deserve what's happening to him now. He should be a strong HEEL mid-carder. I really like his cocky body builder gimmick. I know there's a lot of cocky heels, but his stands out to me. His in ring work is good as well as his promos. He's not the best at either one, but definately good enough to be better than jobbing on Superstars.
I think Matt Christian and Morrison cause there all entirtaing and should be int he big pic like edge needs to die down and let christan go up and matt just needs to go up cause hes awsome and morrison needs to go up gos miz is nothing compared to morrison morrison as better mic skills and is more fun to watch
I may get ripped apart for this, but i'm going to say Zack Ryder. This guy has great potential in my opinion. Judging by the few promos I've seen him do I'd say he is good on the mic. He has the look (ditched the one legged tights), he has the theme song that gets stuck in your head every time it plays. I'm hoping to see him get involved in the U.S title picture in the near future.
How about Mark Henry. think about it, back in 06, 07, and 08 he was the true king of the smackdown jungle. he went on a major path of destruction taking out benoit, Batista, Mysterio, AND THE UNDERTAKER. He was great as a heel and make Kane look like shit daily. But ever since he turned face he's just a jobber now. he sucks now. The WWE really messed him up
why not give him the title or yoshi tatsu....the main person i would love to have seen in the us title pic is shelton benjamin i mean he was one of the best young talent in the wwe but the only time they gave him to do anything in the past few years is in the money in the bank matches which he was the best part of so.

First of all, of all the underrated guys on RAW, you really honestly believe Yoshi Tatsu is US Championship material?:confused:

Second Shelton Benjamin was US Champion for 8 months not too long ago, not to mention multiple tag team titles and Intercontinental Titles. At times he was underused but he had moments.

Ok so underused. I will do RAW and Smackdown...


1. John Morrison - Some can argue he has had his time too..multiple Intercontinental Championships, Multiple Tag Team Titles and ECW Title, but I feel with the right push he could be a major player in the main event.

2. Ted DiBiase - I almost don't want to put him here, since I am sure he will be used better when the WWE figures out how to use him, but at the moment he is being overshadowed by Maryse.

3. Zack Ryder - Come on. He is good in the ring, cuts a great promo and has a culturally relevant gimmick. Give him some time and stop using him as a jobber.

Honorable Mention - William Regal - He can be a main guy, just back to 2008.


1. Chris Masters - No, really. He still has a job. You wouldn't know it, but he does. He was huge on RAW, in more ways then one. He can talk (somewhat) and can wrestle. Use him for more than dancing pecks.

2. Christian - Did not want to include him, but he is obviously been underused. I don't understand how someone as over as he is is given such a small roll.

3. Matt Hardy - (see, Christian)

Honorable Mention - Shad/JTG - I haven't even seen Shad since Extreme Rules and JTG is solid in the ring, why not give him some good competition?
I don&#8217;t think you can really look past Christian when you ask this question. He is probably the most under-rated superstar in the entirety of the WWE and it is not through any doing of his own. Nor is it anything to do with the fans who put him there and think the world of him. Rather, it is to do with the old hang-ups that Vince McMahon has for Christian and that is what makes this tale very tragic indeed.

See, I actually feel very sorry for Christian and that is very rare for me. I rarely feel for people who are trying to live their dreams and even less for people who are doing ti successfully but I do think that Christian could be so much more useful for the WWE and they are using him in the entirely wrong way right now. I am of the opinion that he could be in the main event and could legitimately be a great contender for the World Heavyweight Championship on Smackdown right now but the WWE seems to be of a different mindset and that is very sad, in my opinion.

Christian is very convincing inside the ring and his mic work is very good too. He is certainly better, in all aspects, than Kane is and yet Kane is the World Heavyweight Champion and Christian hasn&#8217;t had so much as a sniff at that level of competition. I guess it just comes down to making the most of your opportunities and had it not been for his successful run in TNA, he would likely be a World Champion if he had survived on his own instead of going to TNA.
For me it has to be mark henry because i feel like he is relly talented for a guy his size he moves well in the ring never hurt anyboady while wrestleing never botches moves. And he can cut a pretty good promo and i fell like he should have got a world title run instead of great khali back in 06.
I would go with Christian for one. He has potential to be the tweener heel that everyone on here loves, but the kiddies boo. I think he should get a singles belt and bring some prestige to it. Give him the IC or US belt. He could be the next greatest IC champion, like Savage or Steamboat. I think he deserves a shot at the World Title, but only in the heel persona.

I might also say Zak Ryder. He just isn't featured enough. I could see Ryder and Masters in a tag team.
Tyson Kidd. His promo skills and look are not that great but he is quality in the ring. Adapts to any style,has a good moveset and looks fluid in the ring.
Oh theres quite a list of people you can go through for this post, but I'm just gonna name a few that come to the top of my head.

Christian- Not only has the personality of a main eventer but has the in ring capability to back it up, he can work as a face and he can work as a heel and is an all-around great wrestler, yet he is in Midcard Smackdown doing crap. He's proved in TNA what he is capable of when holding a world championship, yet WWE does not push him. But hey I'm sure one day they will push him.

Yoshi Tatsu- The man is truly entertaining and i believe the only reason he isnt being pushed is because of the fact he is japense,his size and lack of people around his size to feud with. The only thing this man needs to suceed is a good manager and he will be ready to go for something like a midcard run.

Zack Ryder. I love this mans personality and in ring ability, most of his matches in ECW were from mediocre to great and i believe he is one that truly could of used ECW for he was too early for the NXT push yet he wasn't in there long enough to really get his feet in the ground and capture the WWE universe. I see this man either suceeding or in 2-3 years Vince not knowing what to do with him firing him.
I think (like most people) Matt Hardy, Christian and John Morrision are underrated. I think all these guys deserve to have at least had a title shot by now for all they've done in the business more Matt and Christian than John but still. They all have deserved it now when WWE will do this time will tell.
morrison without a doubt.....before he got thrown into this nexus match it seemed like him and dibiase were gonna have a pretty good program...hope they dont just drop that..especially with melina back..cant remember the last good feud i saw where both had valets (morrison/melina, dibiase/maryse) lots of options there.

i think they could do more with masters as well.

also, maybe bring back the cruiser/lightweight division again...adds another belt and keeps the smaller guys from having to job as often.
I'm going to echo Christian. The guy has an undeniable amount of entertainment value. He delivers in the ring, on the microphone, in feuds, as a heel, as face, as a cocky jackass, as a fan favorite, as a lackey, as a front man, there's just soo much that he as a performer can do well. It's a shame that WWE don't take advantage of his talents more than they do. I'm not sure how often superstars at his age get pushed though, normally if someone isn't main-eventing by their mid-thirties WWE isn't going to invest much energy and resources in placing them there. Which is a bit of a shame, but completely understandable.

Zack Ryder is another one. I see him developing into a talent that is VERY comparable to the guy I just mentioned. He's entertaining, has personality, and is very promising in the ring. Yet he's been floating around not doing anything all that useful for a while now. Luckily, he's a decade younger than Christian so there's still time for someone to notice his potential. Maybe WWE has and are just waiting for the right time to tap into it.

Jillian Hall's existence makes me think that WWE really don't want people to care about there women's division. She's solid (if not good) in the ring and entertaining as hell on the mic. Even before she started the singers gimmick she was always very comfortable on the mic and always delivered a great promo. Her face feud with McCool actually garnered her great crowd reactions. . .alas, they sent her to gimmick hell and never looked back. I realize she's probably the least attractive woman they have on payroll, but I think it's silly to let all that talent go to waste simply to push prettier, but less entertaining women.
MVP, without a doubt, is definitely underutilized. He's got the talent and charisma to be a top guy. Unfortunately, I think the main problem for him is that his criminal record makes it difficult for him to travel overseas with WWE. In fact, I think there are some countries that won't allow you in at all if you have a record. The global market is an important revenue source for WWE, and they need whomever they put in the top spot to be available to sell tickets in all countries.
The obvious ones to say are Matt Hardy and Christian so I'm not going to go down that path. I'm going to say Chavo Guerrero I mean he's been in the buissness for years, and he's been loyal. He is very talented and what does he get for that, oh yeah he gets to job for Hornswoggle.
I am going out of left field here, but (and go ahead and laugh) The Bella Twins are underrated to me.

Nikki is pretty damn athletic. She moves really well, hits hard, and tries to add an extra boost to a pretty characterless gimmick (talk about an oxymoron). Brie doesn't move as crisp as Nikki, but she is willing to take some hard bumps to build up to the switch or hot tag. If nothing else, they are the only Divas that can properly do a dropkick. But since they don't look or move around like trannies, people are quick to dismiss them. Which is fine, but I still heart them. haha

And I think a lot of people confuse "underrated" with "underused". All I read is about how Christian/Morrison/MVP should be pushed to the moon on the internet. How in the hell is that underrating them? Given their roles in the company, I would say that's borderline overrating them.
For me, I'd have to go with Christian. The simple truth is that Christian has what it takes to be in the main event. He's got the promo skills and the ability inside the ring. I'm not exactly sure what it is that WWE Management doesn't see in the guy, but I think this is definitively an example of Vince making a mistake.

MVP and Matt Hardy just bore me to death typically. MVP's matches are generally pretty slow and plodding and Matt is overall average at best. However, MVP is much better as a heel than as a face. His promos are better and his matches were generally more entertaining.

But, at any rate, everybody can't be in the upper mid-card or main event scenes. That's just how it is. Sometimes WWE gets it right, sometimes they don't. It's not an exact science.

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