Out Of The Current Young Stars, Who Would You Like To See As Future WWE/World Champ?

First to enter main event status

  • Ted DiBiase

  • Cody Rhodes

  • Kofi Kingston

  • Dolph Ziggler

  • John Morrison

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My choice is "Dashing" Cody Rhodes. That's "Dashing" Cody Rhodes. While I'm not completely sold on his new gimmick, he's really running with it & making the most of it. Of the choices, he has the best mix of ring & mic skills. You could say that Kofi, Morrison, or Dolph are better in the ring, but they are not as good on the mic. I don't think much of DiBiase-I think he's average in the ring & on the mic. So, based on talent package, I say Rhodes.
I agree with the choice of Rhodes as being the most compelling entertainer of the three, but I voted for DiBiase because they seem more inclined to push him. He's taller and bigger than Rhodes, and he has a ready-made gimmick.

While it may have been buried for the time being, DiBiase was also supposed to get his own stable with Bret D. and a couple other guys from FCW, which suggests they mean to put him into the main event at some point. Also, he has a natural feud with Randy Orton whenever they choose to open that can of worms. Rhodes can't use that angle as long as he's on Smackdown, neither can Kofi, and Morrison seems to be unable to mesh in a really meaningful feud with anyone.
i think morrison and dibiase are going to enter at the same exact time, but thats just me, if they can keep on putting quality matches then they'll get the attention they need eventually
Among those wrestler Kofi is the only one that looks ready to become wwe chamion in future. JoMo , Cody and Ted has a lot to lean to be on even upper midcard space. Kofi had a really sucessful feud with Orton and was able to hold his spot in that feud. All kofi need is a deep charactor and more time to get on the mic.
I voted for Kofi Kingston, but unlike most of the others who did vote for him I will give my reasons why. First off he is on SmackDown which is the brand that is much easier for upper-midcard wrestlers to take the step up into the main event level. Kofi falls under the category of upper-midcard performer as he is in his second reign with the Intercontinental title. Which is his third reign overall with a mid-card title. Throughout each of his mid-card title runs, Kofi has been able to remain very over with the audience which is another plus for him. I truly hope that after both his IC title reign and feud with Dolph Ziggler end that WWE will test him out as a main event calibre performer, just to see how it works out.

Kofi is a very over wrestlers, who the audience is very much behind. He has a ton of a fan support behind him. Also giving him an opportunity like this would have to be done on SmackDown, because if he were still on RAW there would be no way an opportunity would arise like this for Kingston. Also he has a character that fits today's product very well. What I mean is that since WWE caters more toward the child demographic, Kingston would be a great addition to the main event scene since he very marketable towards the WWE's current general audience. Which would mean he may be a potential draw in the future. How will they ever find out if they don't try? I really would like them to give Kofi a Jeff Hardy like role. In which he would chase after the world title for a long while. So that when he eventually wins the "big one" it feels all that more rewarding to both Kofi and the audience. These are the reasons he is the most capable to main event before the other wrestlers in the poll.

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