Most Underrated Superstar In The WWE

I can't for the life of me understand why Drew McIntyre is on this list. He's very botchy in the ring and apparently hurts other superstars with his carelessness. He has a good look but he needs a lot of work. He's very stiff.

I'm going to go with an unpopular choice, John Cena. I don't like the character and love to boo him but he can do much more than the '5 moves of doom'. He was a great wrestler before the rap gimmick and put on a stellar performance against the Undertaker on Smackdown!. His '5 moves' are marketable and he's a top performer so there's not much sense in him risking more injury (he's wrestling injured).

I totally agree with Santino on this one. He should be in the mid card at least going for the US title. He needs another finisher though if his Cobra doesn't work.

As far as big men go, Sheamus has shown he can offer a lot. He's really impressed me as of late. I really hope he gets pushed back to the title picture after Summerslam. He's far better now than what he was when he was Champion and could be a top face for years to come (or heel he has the personality to do both).
Trent Barretta is my pick. He's brilliant in the ring, his matches are all exciting, he's got a lot of charisma, he's look is decent and I believe he can cut a decent promo. But all he gets for being this talented is being on a show that nobody watches and isn't good enough to be on tv.
My pick is Tyson Kidd.

Kidd has great technical wrestling skills and comes from the Hart family. Right now, I think that he has the look and he would do much better with a permanent manager with him.

As you could see on the last SD! he had a great match with Bryan, I believe. Both men are great technical wrestlers and Kidd put on quite a match with Bryan.

Kidd could be a solid mid-carder if he had better mic skills I assume. Still not sure why he's not getting a push but I think eh will in the future.

And plus, he would be a great heel champion. Although, he could work as a face or heel.
When I think underrated I think of guys like John Morrison, Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler, and Tyson Kidd. No, Tyson doesn't have great mic skills, but he's good at putting on good matches that keep me entertained. Morrison doesn't have that great of skills on the stick either, but like Kidd, he can keep me entertained when he's wrestling. As for McIntyre and Dolph, I think they have better than mediocre mic skills and have the ability to keep people entertained. Dolph has been drawing heat from the crowd the past few weeks and I hope the E doesn't miss his boat.
Tyson Kidd, his match against Daniel Bryan on last weeks SD was the match of the week for me, i think his excellent and has alot of potential i hope that keep using him even if he loses.
To be honest I think most people on the roster get the recognition that they deserve. Some might get an exaggerated reputation but for the most part nobody is that underrated. However if I have to point someone out I have to say Justin Gabriel. I've heard he cant talk a good game but he has the look and the in ring ability to be something special. Maybe not world championship material, yet, but I see a good IC title run with him if they only gave him the chance.
Yoshi Tatsu. Seriously, when was the last time you saw him on Raw?

I remember when this guy was attacking the Nexus back stage. He has so much talent being from Japan and a nice bit of expiernence on Raw. He can get wins and he's fun as hell to watch come down the ramp. Hell, he even has a bit of the look to him (girl talk= he's cute).

What I like most about him is that outside of the ring he's one of the funniest guys in the world (remember him and Tony Atlas?) but when he gets in the ring he gets this all-serious face and gets the job done. Pretty sweet if you ask me!
Yoshi Tatsu. Seriously, when was the last time you saw him on Raw?

I remember when this guy was attacking the Nexus back stage. He has so much talent being from Japan and a nice bit of expiernence on Raw. He can get wins and he's fun as hell to watch come down the ramp. Hell, he even has a bit of the look to him (girl talk= he's cute).

What I like most about him is that outside of the ring he's one of the funniest guys in the world (remember him and Tony Atlas?) but when he gets in the ring he gets this all-serious face and gets the job done. Pretty sweet if you ask me!

I agree with you about Yoshi, but I really don't think he'll get a push anytime soon. He's funny and has some good backstage segments, but he's just like Santino. A comedy jobber.

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