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Most Underrated Superstar In The WWE


Dark Match Jobber
I say John Morrison. His
talent and how amazing
and exciting he is in the
ring shows why WWE
should definitely push
him to the WWE
Championship. If he
develops better mic skills
he'll be an amazing
superstar for years to
come. They've always
given Miz the push he
deserved, so I believe
that it's Morrison's time
to be pushed to some
title in the near future.
Who's your most
I think also Evan Bourne.
the guy is amazing in the
ring... he even wrestled
in Japan for a long time
and he's never even won
a midcard title! talk
about underrated
Well for a superstar to be underrated they would have to stellar at everything, in the ring and on the mic. Morrison although one of my faves that I want to be pushed is good in the ring but his mic work is lacking as a face. As a heel, he was hella funny but as a face he's so boring :banghead:.
As for evan? come on be real he's not underrated, he's right where he should be but to make you happy I hope he gets 1 run with the I.C/U.S championship.
The writing style of the first two posts was weird... but here we go.

The most underrated currently employed by the WWE.. theres quite a few but here's my picks.

Tyson Kidd, always just there to put on good matches. Never given the chance to show what he can do.

Evan Bourne, to a lesser extent than Kidd, because he does get to win from time to time and he's on RAW much more than Kidd is ever on SmackDOWN.

Heath Slater, he is really quite good in the ring, maybe not as much as the two above, but people underestimate him more just because of his look and annoying ass voice. I don't care what colour hair he's got, but the style of it needs to be changed. Its distracting and I cannot take it seriously.

My must underrated would be William Regal. Some people say he's overrated in the ring, I myself don't agree, but he's got a brilliant character, he's funny, getting better on commentary, the up and comers could learn a thing or two from him and if he wanted to be he could still be in the ring putting on awesome matches. I'd like to see just one 15 minute or more match with Daniel Bryan with no restraints! Please!
I feel Evan and John Morrison deserve a bigger push, Evan has so much moves that he doesn't utilize in the WWE probably because WWE won't let him and Morrison is as athletic as they get. Between John and Evan I would say John has more of the look of a future champion then Evan does, but I think my most underrated superstar would have to be Trent Barreta. I know it sounds silly, but Trent seems like he would build the Tag Team division nicely. The guy is 24 so if they started pushing him more by the time he hit 30 he could be a good midcard talent. I can see him teaming with Tyson Kidd and putting on some great Tag team matches.
I actually like what was said about William Regal. Honestly, his time as GM was some of the most underrated work I can remember. His reactions to what the faces said to him was always priceless.
Wade Barrett - This guy has the look, the in ring skills, and the mic skills. He has the total package. He came in and lead a group of rookies to stardom. In under one year he became a credible threat to the world title. He should have won it. Barrett is the next big thing, and he needs to win the world title.
I don't see how JoMo is underrated. I think he is in just the right spot in his career. He is top midcarder boarder line main event wrestler. He is not quite ready for main event status. His mic skill are pure garbage. Probably the worst in the entire WWE.

I believe the most underrated wrestler on the roster is Curt Hawkins. This guy is amazing and he's not even used on Raw or Smack Down. He has had some of the best matches in years with Trent Barreta on Superstars. He has great in ring ability but i haven't really seen what he can do on the mic. This guy has a lot of charisma and is very exciting to watch. He could have some truly epic matches with Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, Sin Cara, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, or can even help build that tag division by putting him back with Zack Ryder. I think WWE is missing out by not putting him on main stream television.
I love me some Bill Regal. The guy has been underrated his entire career...every time it seems like he's about to take off, something happens and he never reaches his potential, but seriously with the lack of talent on both brands, couldn't he still be a big player? And what about Goldust? I think we need some vets (ala 1996) to help bridge the gap with the unproven, cookie cutter wrestlers that are popped out nowadays.

I think the most underrated guy in the WWE has to be Kofi. He never gets the respect he deserves and he was ready to main event a couple of years ago during his program with Orton. His push just seems to get stalled and he's almost an afterthought now with the likes of CM Punk, the Miz, Cody Rhodes, Christian and such moving up the card.
Dolph Ziggler. He's got the look, the charisma, and the in-ring ability. He's been wrestling for 7 years, and had a stand-out amateur career. BUT, they NEED to change his name. (They won't now, it's too late.) But Dolph Ziggler is such a horrible name. His real name, Nick Nemeth, would have been perfect.
I'd say r-truth has been underrated for years, his gimmick before his present one sucked but his gimmick right now should have happened in 2010 IMO. It would have created bigger stars for raw and can you imagine if R-truth had his current gimmick for a bit longer, he would have a big main eventer. He should be the WWE champion IMO. He deserves and if he carries on the way he is going I have the feeling that he will be the next WWE champion. Other superstars underrated are JOMO, Christian and Dolph Ziggler.
For me it's a tie between Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler. Both should be young main eventers right now just like The Miz. Now Dolph is U.S champion. But I consider that a huge set back considering he was feuding with Edge for the world title until the road to Wrestlemania began. Dolph looked like a real main eventer in that feud. He put on an amazing 4 star match with Edge at the Royal Rumble. And in my opinion he is the third most talented in ring wrestler on the roster. And he should be a main eventer. I would like to see him move to Smackdown and get involved in the same old world title picture they have there.

Now when you look at Jack Swagger. He has the look. The talent. The mic skills. The charisma. And the ability to draw heat(His state of the adress segment). When he became world champion I marked out. I wanted him to go on to greatness but that didn't happen. Swagger is arguably the most talented big man on the roster along with Sheamus. But unfortunately he's stuck in the lower midcard right now. I think a possible reason for that is Rey Mysterio refused to put him over just like he refused to put over Dolph Ziggler in 2009. But I read somewhere after his depush that he garnered a lot of heat backstage and rubbed off some people the wrong way. I read that the depush is a way to teach Swagger some respect but if that's the case hasn't he had enough? Just like Ziggler I think they should move him to Smackdown and get him in the same old Orton/Christian title picture to give us something new and fresh.

I hope both men reach the top one day and main event Wrestlemania. I know that's definitely not happening soon but I hope it happens in a few years or so. Both of them have amazing talent and are being under utilized by the WWE.

P.S. If there's a mod here please delete my accidental post above this.
DEFINITLEY Evan Bourne. He is very entertaining in the ring, and he sells the moves better than anyone else. everyone needs to realize that he has great potential, but he is only being used to be squashed by bigger people (minus the victories over chris jericho and sheamus, and wwe house shows) but on tv they always have him being squashed. very disappointing.
Definitely Trent Baretta, great mic skills, great in-ring psychology and extremely over for a man who just appears on Superstars. Trent definitely needs a gimmick change and a push. He, in my opinion, is far superior to Zack Ryder.
Justin Gabriel ... probably since he spends too much time as a stable. He has a good competitive look, a pretty decent move set, and has some potential in the mic. He has also been in roles as a heel (post NXT) and a clean cut face (NXT) so we know he can do both. Plus with him being from South Africa I can, if WWE decides to push him with alongside with Kingston, he can really help the African Market in the WWE.
^ Trenty's quite good Rohan, I'll give you that one.

But I would like to pick up on someone mentioned a few posts back. Heath Slater.

It's no secret that of the three who are generally considered to have 'survived Nexus' (That's Barrett, Gabriel, Slater; actually I guess Bryan sort of counts too), Slater is largely considered the worst and most undeserved. That's because of the guys he was put with:

- Barrett is far ahead of Slater on the mic
- Gabriel is more interesting than Slater in the ring, in spite of him being more spot-monkey-ish
- Slater on the other hand is a more Jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none type in between these two so it's harder for him to stand out. That said, I think he's pretty good in his own right.

Slater, with his Attitude-esque moniker "One-Man Rock Band" and his hair and his costume, let's be honest, it's pretty funny to make fun of him. Hell, Barrett does it all the time. That "I hate you, Heath Slater" song is also quite hilare. But he does have potential. Now I'm not saying give Slater the world title, no way, but let's at least see more of his potential before he gets future-endeavoured.

Here are some things Slater does reasonably well:
- Mic skills: No Barrett but he's not half bad especially when you consider his dopey sounding voice. His delivery was exciting, arrogant and enthused a couple of weeks back on SD.
- Consistent ring style: Obviously important, but Slater's moves all have a similar kind of impact, his moveset would be pretty easy to remember if he had a good finishing sequence.
- Unique look: Seriously, who else in the WWE resembles anything like Heath Slater? The man would stand out even in a crowd of wrestlers.

Things Slater needs to do now:
- Generally keep improving on everything.
- Get himself a decent finisher with a cool name that's relevant to him. Like 'The Solo' or 'Crash & Ride'. Hell those are both horrible but you get my point.

So there you have it. Seems stupid at first, then seems like a good idea when you think about it. Or maybe it's just me. Hah.
Ted DiBiase

He's great on the mic and in the ring. His technical ability is greater than the majority of the WWE roster, hopefully this role as Cody Rhodes "associate" will lead to a fued between the two, hopefuly over the WWE Intercontinental Championship.
The most underrated Superstar by far is currently on the shelf injured. GOLDUST. Great mic work, completely unique ring style, and a gimmick that, if returned to its original state, could place him at the high mid/uppper card on any show. I'm not saying that he's the future of the company, far from it. He does, however, deserve one last good run with some of the better workers. He shouldn't be tagging with Yoshi Tatsu on superstars, he should be in a feud with someone like Kofi Kingston or John Morrison, because if he's going to do Goldust right, he needs to be a heel. Creepy, full robe and wig, I could see JoMo playing the Razor Ramon role where Goldust is obsessed with him in a sexually ambiguous way. He gets into Morrison's head really fucks him up. Give him the IC strap one more time and let him glide off into the sunset, Hollywood style.

Also, most underrated entrance and theme music, hands down!!

This guy worked the mic soooooo well on NXT and now on Raw. He has got the size and the look for Being the Top Heal on Raw. He is very sarcastic so thats good. He needs to bring back the Finisher he had in NXT though.... The FU turned into an RKO. Thats a beast move. My bro doesnt even watch wrestling, and he says that this guy should be at the top.
well theres a few guys who come to mind right away as under rated in wwe..

ill start with my favorite superstar John Morrison the guy is very under rated hes great in the ring,the fans love him and if they would give him a chance more on the mic he could improve! i do think he should turn heel though and go back to his old gimmick in ecw that was pretty cool but even then to me he was the "cool heel" u didnt wanna hate but maybe thts just me? :shrug:

tyson kidd: very under rated i watched his match against daniel bryan on smackdown it was easily best match all week for any company! id love to see kidd in the ic title picture im glad hes bald now...couldnt take him too seriously with that weird haircut he had before.

dolph ziggler: i know hes the us champion and i know he just got a remixed new theme (which sounds brilliant btw) but i think hes gonna end up either dropping the belt at summerslam or survivor series to Alex Reily and from there i see him keeping the fued going over the us title or getting lost in the shuffle this guy worked pretty good with edge over on smackdown i think he should get a huge push into the main event and drop vickie let this guy get heel heat without vickie there.

justin gabriel: he was easily the best one on NXT season 1 with Heath Slater,3 time tag team champion but its a shame sense the split he hasnt been on tv at all :disappointed: hes got a great finisher and now that hes face id like to see him go into the ic title picture (like right after cody rhodes takes the title from big zeke which hopefully happens at summerslam)
UNDERRATED. Not underutilized, or undertalented, or unpushed. Easily the MOST underrated superstar in the WWE is...

SIN CARA! Yeah, I give it to him because he even though he is HHH's pet project and is going to come back despite the IWC's wrong predictions again, he is the most underrated. He has PROVEN talent, he was the new Rey Mysterio in Mexico and actually mattered there. No other WWE superstar can say they had the goods like he did before coming in the WWE. Most of the other talent mentioned are products of FCW or wrestlers who have to be reinvented every couple of years to make them fresh.
There are alot of new guys that might be on the fringe of moving on to the next level, but I don't see how you can count any of them as underrated. I do have 2 people who are underratted..big time.

1. Teddy Long. (Yep..I said it). We only see his "GM" roll on TV. He was a great manager in his time with WCW. Was a ref (first) with WWE and this GM roll is a way to give him some TV time while he does all his magic back stage.

2. William Regal. GREAT MIC SKILLS, and he could make ANYONE look good, plus you felt he had a chance to win his match against just about anyone. He wrestling was at a slow and steady pace similar to earlier eras in wrestling. He's also extremely smart when it comes to wrestling. Plus HHH now has him down in FCW, as one of his first talent related duties, to help train the future superstars.
A lot of people being mentioned are indeed getting a chance to develope their character and build recognition. For the most underrated I have, personally, got to go with a guy who has a presence and is getting pretty much no tv time. That is Tyler Reks.
Most underrated.....Kofi

I promise you Kofi in a main event-er in the ring... If given enough mic time and put in a real feud his character can be "passionate" about. He will be a multiple world champion by the time he is 40. As long as he gets in amazing feud with someone who can keep up "Del Rio" He can be pushed easily to the top of the card....

Kofi for world champ!!!

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