Which Posters Do You Agree With The Most And The Least?

I think I probably agree with LSN the most, but most of the GOOD posters on here make good points. I dont agree with them all the time, but guys like IC, Crock, JGlass etc talk alot of sense
I think I can pinpoint a few contemporary wrestling issues that separate who I agree and disagree with.
1) Do you like Cena?
How can you NOT like John Cena and what he has done for professional wrestling. You may not like his character, but you can't dislike this guy for doing what he loves. He Shows up and gives his all, and that speaks volumes about the guy
2) Do you like Rey Mysterio?
Do I like his character, no, do I like his in ring work, sometimes, but I respect what Mysterio for being around for so long and coming back after so many injuries.
3) How would you evaluate Randy Orton as a superstar?
Orton isn't a good face, never has been and I really don't think he ever will be. Orton has been a quality super star for a long time, he puts on quality matches, and he can go with just about anyone. I don't enjoy his work as a face, but when he's a heel he's great.
4) How do you feel about Triple H?
Oh Triple H how we love to hate. Do I think fucking the bosses daughter got him to where he is today, yes, do I think he could have gotten to his current level with out that extra help, no. Is he entertaining, yes, has he put on some great matches, been involved in some quality feuds and overall had a good career, yes.
5) Who was better during this year's Wrestlemania season, John Cena or The Rock?
Cena has out shined the Rock since the start of this entire storyline. I don't care about WM27/28 buy rates, I don't care how much money the movies the Rock is in makes, and I don't give a shit about the Rock in general. Cena gives the WWE Universe his 100% involvement on a weekly basis and for that he will continue to be better than the Rock.
As for posters I agree and disagree with........

I mean there was a whole entire thread made about me where a gang of soggy and sandy vagina's when to express their feelings about me, to which I laughed.

The Big Black Crock, Myriad, The artist formerly known as Prince Iaukea, and Abyss' Two Front Teeth/Jericho4Life have a special place in my heart for being complete fucktards that no one with common sense could agree with.
I think I can pinpoint a few contemporary wrestling issues that separate who I agree and disagree with.

1) Do you like Cena? Yes. He's underrated as a performer and not helped by match structures that make his selling look so inconsistent.
2) Do you like Rey Mysterio? Yes. Rey is brilliant against smaller guys, but the David versus Goliath schtick is too much though.
3) How would you evaluate Randy Orton as a superstar? Captivating.
4) How do you feel about Triple H? Hated his behaviour towards Booker T, Kane, RVD etc in the early to mid-noughties, but happy to see him in a prominent company position because he does love Wrestling and is kind of old school in his tastes.
5) Who was better during this year's Wrestlemania season, John Cena or The Rock? Neither. Everything either guy did was an advert for WM28 so I hated both their work for jipping people who paid to watch the biggest show of the year.
1) Do you like Cena?
How can you NOT like John Cena and what he has done for professional wrestling. You may not like his character, but you can't dislike this guy for doing what he loves. He Shows up and gives his all, and that speaks volumes about the guy

Holy shit! Everytime I hear something like that, I feel like it's a slap in the face to all the other wrestlers out there. Can we please take "love" out of the equation. How can you argue who and who doesn't love wrestling? Also is it wrestling that they love or the adrenalin rush they get from it or how much they love the attention?

When you talk about love and dedication and all that other bullshit, your talking about John Cena's character and I think that's what people hate.
That's like if I said "You might hate Hulk Hogan's character, but how can you hate a guy that goes out their and give his the kids a role model and tells them to say their prayers, eat their vitamins" and all that other "hot garbage."

The fact is, that Cena makes a lot of money to do what he does and he puts himself in a position to keep making that money. He's not wrestling for fifty dollars a night, being handled by out of shape incompetent workers who chase him around the ring with staple guns and barb wire and throw him through light tubes.

The Miz is doing exactly what Cena did to get to the top of company, but you never hear about how much he loves wrestling.

Like CM Punk, I don't hate Cena. But I don't like his character, the way he's pushed, and the way that he's made to seem better then all the other wrestlers. Everyone does most of the shit Cena does anyway, but WWE always have to feed you this stuff about him because he has so many detractors.

Everyone hates Jeff Hardy right, but how can you hate a guy who does stuff like this?


Now we all know Jeff has his problems and some people might not even like that that video was even shot, because it seems "Oh look what a great guy he is" but it's a video on Jborash's youtube, it's not plastered every week on TNA whose made how many Make A Wishes.

Hulk Hogan is a guy who "loves" wrestling and I think he wants to die in the ring, same goes for Flair, Piper etc ... wrestling is all those guys know. Hogan also has made 200+ Make A Wishes but people still hate him, so why should Cena be any different?

And I'm not trying to make a case to hate Cena, I just don't fall for most of the bullshit. Cena goes out and meets sick kids? Good! He makes a lot of bread and it's only right for the fortunate give back. But he's not the only one doing it, but he seems to be the only one who receives credit for it.

He loves wrestling? Well that's nice that enjoys what he does for a living especially considering their are no other wrestlers out their who love what they do or are able to prove their love the way Cena does.

People don't like Cena because they just don't like him. It's not even completely his fault. WWE is not at it's best now a days. There are many restrictions and their seems to be a lack of creativity. Cena's getting all the credit for the good, so he might as well get the criticism for all the bad, I guess is what it boils down too.
As for posters I agree and disagree with........

I mean there was a whole entire thread made about me where a gang of soggy and sandy vagina's when to express their feelings about me, to which I laughed.

The Big Black Crock, Myriad, The artist formerly known as Prince Iaukea, and Abyss' Two Front Teeth/Jericho4Life have a special place in my heart for being complete fucktards that no one with common sense could agree with.
Alright. Who's the jackass who flipped the world upside down?
I don't post very often but I read a lot of posts.

Agree with most
The Dragon Saga

Agree with least
Little Jerry Lawler
I think I can pinpoint a few contemporary wrestling issues that separate who I agree and disagree with.

1) Do you like Cena?
2) Do you like Rey Mysterio?
3) How would you evaluate Randy Orton as a superstar?
4) How do you feel about Triple H?
5) Who was better during this year's Wrestlemania season, John Cena or The Rock?

1) Yes. To an extent.
2) Yes.
3) Very good. Don't understand most of the shit he gets.
4) Best heel of the past decade.
5) The Rock. Love me some nostalgia see.
Cena gives the WWE Universe his 100% involvement on a weekly basis and for that he will continue to be better than the Rock.

Statements like this are why you'll continue to be considered an idiot here for as long as people care to remember you. You can have a lazy guy who kisses ass to get into a position of power and is a great superstar or someone who works 24/7 and can't cut it. Dedication does not make someone great, it makes them a better employee.

And as for your comments about at least three posters who are better than you. Well, I'm half-convinced your strange opinions backed up by absolute nonsense are just for the attention. The other half of me is still in shock after realizing that you are, in fact, just that stupid. I'm sure that writing grammatically correct work would only marginally help your case as well.
Classy JGlassy said:
I think I can pinpoint a few contemporary wrestling issues that separate who I agree and disagree with.

1) Do you like Cena?
2) Do you like Rey Mysterio?
3) How would you evaluate Randy Orton as a superstar?
4) How do you feel about Triple H?
5) Who was better during this year's Wrestlemania season, John Cena or The Rock?

1) I'm fairly certain that I LIKE him, as in I have an affinity for him as a person because I appreciate how hard he works to satisfy the position in the company he has. But as a performer I still believe he leaves a lot to be desired. The 5 moves of doom argument is bullshit. The moves that he does being crap is that also. However, I do believe some of the defense he has is also crap.

We live in a wrestling era which is very much more real than what came before it. We don't have vampires or corporate bosses who kidnap their own daughters or immortal people anymore. The only remnants are The Undertaker and he is really the only exception given that 9/10 Kane wrestles as just another guy. That's why it's unfair perhaps but Hulk Hogan had an excuse, he was supposed to be 'the immortal'. So can somebody tell me in this day and age what cena's excuse is?

I don't understand why a normal man ith the physical abilities of John Cena would spend most of every match against small guys like The Miz getting beat down to a pulp and the last charge where they are seemingly fine and win in around a minute. My point being.... John Cena does not sell well. He sells like a remnant of a by gotten age, which he isn't. As a result he sells unrealistically, he takes a flurry of offence which is illogical in itself as I stated and then comes back as if he's fresh out the gate and wins in spectacular fashion. Would it kill him to sell the offence a little more? Maybe? Just a little? I mean fair enough selling isn't the whole of his wrestling game, it's only a part of it, the rest I am considerably more fond of. But it is quite a big and integral fraction wouldn't you say?

And please nobody come at me with the crowd reaction = good match argument. That's one of the tidbits of logic I've come across. You all know full well the percentage of the audience will cheer for Cena regardless of the manner in which he wins. Just quashing that one from the get-go. To surmise, as a person, his passion, I am very fond of him. Him as a performer? I highly doubt I'll ever enjoy watching him work.

2) Surely one of the most consistent performers in WWE history. He's eternally a very average mic worker, but I can more than forgive him for all of the very good matches he's put on over the years. Rakes in the merch from kids, puts on good matches for the adults, hard to argue with. Did I mention he was consistent?

3) If anything serially underrated save for a few people like Nick who realize his true value. Randy Orton can come across quite drole, I agree, when he's not booked too well. But he's shown on too many occasions just how intriguing a character he can be for him to be overlooked. He has a grip on his in-ring character better than perhaps anybody else wrestling today and his move set shows this off very well. And his wrestling record this year speaks for itself, many MOTY nominations with matches against Christian and the occasional other superstar. He has the nouse the switch up his character of his own fruition when he sees fit, such as his new tact of smiling and becoming more humane since his brand switch. Overall, arguably the best superstar in the WWE still. Don't forget he shines brighter as a heel and he's only about 30, as Piper would say 'you aint seen nothing yet!'.

4) I'd just be echoing lots of other guys but... There's a lot of times I feel he probably wouldn't have won or gone over if he didn't have the sway he does backstage. One of the top heels of the decade, possibly all time, but I always feel he almost pushed himself to be a face for too long in the latter half of the noughties. I know Dave will probably kill me for this but, the WWE has prospered more without him in the limelight as much and it has allowed a lot of younger guys to establish themselves in his absence. However, he is nowhere near as bad as a lot of guys are when they get booking power (as I believe he has had at times). Overall solid - very good worker, great heel, good face. A good all-round package but not good enough in any one area to put him high on my list of all timers.

5) I call draw. I noticed both guys seemed to do what they were better at and were both good at it. It dawned on me at one point that The Rock is probably the best at putting other guys down, John Cena is probably the best at the emotional sort of mic work we are accustomed to expect from him. When either guy was playing to their strength it came off very well. Fruity pebbles will live in infamy whilst nobody will forget Cena's last promo before mania. And when either guy strayed from their strength they got burned ie when Cena lyrically dissed The Rock or when Rock gave his emotion promo (the one which was via satellite). But to say either one was better would require nothing short of a subjective viewpoint. I'd like to think I can view it for what it was and call it down the middle.

P.S. I may get shat on for my top answer. I welcome criticism as long as people have got valid reasons. I'll try to respond to people who question me should it be the case.
If I had to pick one for each category, I'd say myself...and myself.

1) Do you like Cena?

He's not my top favorite, I started watching WWE in 07 around Unforgiven time, at least permenatly, and that's where he got injured and HHH took the role. That's where I started loving The Game....ffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuu. But I completely respect the guy, and he is in my top 5 favorites, so yes..I like him.

2) Do you like Rey Mysterio?

Hell no. I hate his gimmick, I hate his fans. The only thing I respect about him is his love for the business.

3) How would you evaluate Randy Orton as a superstar?

Could you define that question a little more. I like Randy though, he actually might be my favorite active Wrestler right now, excluding Punk and Cena.

4) How do you feel about Triple H?

He's my #1 favorite. When Cena went down before No Mercy, Triple H got in the picture, and my adolescent mind just loved him.

5) Who was better during this year's Wrestlemania season, John Cena or The Rock?

Can't say, I was barely watching around that time.
Statements like this are why you'll continue to be considered an idiot here for as long as people care to remember you. You can have a lazy guy who kisses ass to get into a position of power and is a great superstar or someone who works 24/7 and can't cut it. Dedication does not make someone great, it makes them a better employee.

And as for your comments about at least three posters who are better than you. Well, I'm half-convinced your strange opinions backed up by absolute nonsense are just for the attention. The other half of me is still in shock after realizing that you are, in fact, just that stupid. I'm sure that writing grammatically correct work would only marginally help your case as well.

Hogan kissed ass, was a terrible worker and was the highlight of wrestling in the 80s and 90s

The Rock kissed ass, was just as hard a worker in ring as Cena, and was the "man" for a span of time in the late 90's early 2000s. He also had 5 moves of doom that ended his matches, but no one but me talks trash about him because of it.

Triple H banged then married the bosses daughter to get where he is today, do we constantly attack his character and in ring work because of this?

The Miz is apparently doing the exact same thing as Hogan, Cena, the Rock, and Triple H, but are you up his ass daily because of this? No.

I wasn't a fan of Cena's for along time, until he started putting in work, Iron Man matches, Last Stand Matches, Cage Matches, Tag Matches, I Quit Matches. The man busts his fucking ass. That same lazy guy has been seen on several occasions picking up the Big Show, Kane, Mark Henry, and not to mention other superstars in pairs to FU them.

As far as my other comments I'm sorry you like shitty overrated things that occur in the world of professional wrestling, but I don't and I want to see something new and different. Not a rehash of what happened in the 90's and early 2000s.
Hogan kissed ass, was a terrible worker and was the highlight of wrestling in the 80s and 90s

The Rock kissed ass, was just as hard a worker in ring as Cena, and was the "man" for a span of time in the late 90's early 2000s. He also had 5 moves of doom that ended his matches, but no one but me talks trash about him because of it.

Triple H banged then married the bosses daughter to get where he is today, do we constantly attack his character and in ring work because of this?

The Miz is apparently doing the exact same thing as Hogan, Cena, the Rock, and Triple H, but are you up his ass daily because of this? No.

I wasn't a fan of Cena's for along time, until he started putting in work, Iron Man matches, Last Stand Matches, Cage Matches, Tag Matches, I Quit Matches. The man busts his fucking ass. That same lazy guy has been seen on several occasions picking up the Big Show, Kane, Mark Henry, and not to mention other superstars in pairs to FU them.

As far as my other comments I'm sorry you like shitty overrated things that occur in the world of professional wrestling, but I don't and I want to see something new and different. Not a rehash of what happened in the 90's and early 2000s.
holy shit you are a massive fucking moron
I like wrestling questions.

I think I can pinpoint a few contemporary wrestling issues that separate who I agree and disagree with.

1) Do you like Cena?

I think he's absolute turd.

2) Do you like Rey Mysterio?

One of the greatest wrestlers ever.

3) How would you evaluate Randy Orton as a superstar?

Dude needs some serious elocution lessons.

4) How do you feel about Triple H?

Two great years and not getting enough credit during the Attitude Era because you were never as good as Austin or The Rock does not justify your actions for the next 8+ years.

5) Who was better during this year's Wrestlemania season, John Cena or The Rock?

People still watch wrestling?
I didn't mean to pose those as actual questions for answering, just stating that those are key issues for me. Nonetheless, I enjoyed reading your answers.

TDigle, who do you like?

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