Which Moment In History Still Gives You Goosebumps?

There are so many it's ridiculous. When DX reformed in 06 I got goosebumps and still do watching it. Even though it didn't quite turn out the way I'd have liked it to, that first night and the first few weeks afterward were really special. Chris Benoit winning the Royal Rumble in 2004 is another one. Mankind winning the WWF Championship. Stone Cold running in to help the WWF against the Alliance (even though he turned on them not long after). My favourite of all time though: The Rock vs Hogan, Wrestlemania 18. If this match didn't give you goosebumps at some point you can scarcely call yourself a fan of wrestling.
Good thread.
Well, This is a tough one, I would have to say that the moment that gives me goosebumps was seeing Jeff Hardy win the WWE Championship. Sure, his reign wasn't that great, but when you see a guy you remember watching when he just entered the company, make it to the big time, is always special. The night that gave me goosebumps also was, when ECW was brought back. The first week was exciting, sadly it wore off. But the first night back, was something that was very special, seeing sabu, Justin Credible, Balls Mahoney, Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Francine ALL OF THEM back on.

P.S. Good thread idea.
I definitly have a bunch of favourites too that still give me goosebumps like mad.

Jeff Hardy winning the WWE Championship was definitly huge for me. I've been a Hardy mark since the day I started watching wrestling.

DX reforming in 2002 got me jumping for joy, only to be pissed about HHH turning on him. But the reformation in 2006 made up for it =D.

Stone Cold Steve Austin's HOF 2009 video gives me goosebumps everytime I watch it. It's amazing.

I could totally go on, but i'll leave the thread open for others :).
Easy, WrestleMania VIII, Hogan just beat Sid in his "final match". Oh no, Papa Shango now comes down and helps Sid kick Hogan's ass after the match. Bobby Heenan, the color commentator for the evening, says, "Hogan can't help it. He don't have a friend left."
... Suddenly, the Ultimate Warrior's unmistakable music hits and at the time my friends and I were 12, my dad 35, and we were all marking out like no one has ever marked out before. The Warrior is back!!! That's the most memorable, goosebumpy moment is my WWF history.

Second would be Jericho's debut on RAW and his classic battle on the mic with The Rock. "The Rock's got a plan of his own, it's called the KY Jelly plan. It means The Rock will take his size 13 shoe, lube it up real nice, turn that sumbitch sideways, and stick it straight up your candy ass!"
The Eddie Guerrero tribute video they played on RAW with Johnny Cash's Hurt always gives me goosebumps. They couldnt have picked a better song
Actually, now that I think of it, gotta go with Mick Foley's first WWF Championship win. I was there in a blizzard in Worcester MA that night and from the moment Stone Cold's music to the end of the match, I never heard anything quite as deafening before. The roof blew off the ol' Centrum that night and I was there live to witness it. That, my friends, gives me goosebumps like nothing else. Warrior's return would be second, followed by the debut of Y2J.
There are a bunch, but I still get a little misty in the eyes when watching Paul Heyman's opening promo at One Night Stand. He single handedly made the old school ECW fans want to watch the new product. That man is so passionate about what he says that he could probably make me believe just about anything. Most Paul Heyman promos give me goosebumps, but this particular one takes it to another level.
Kane getting unmasked when he lost to Trips this was one fans were waiting for and anticipated since Kane debuted to see that disfigured face.
I gotta bust out some other "bump moments" =).

Sandman's entrance at the first One Night Stand PPV was simply amazing. The entire crowd sang along with the lyrics and it was just sick.

Also from the same PPV, Paul Heyman's shoot promo, damn.

"I've waited a long time to say this to you ERIC BISHOFF. But incase you don't notice, it's not Paul Heyman with his tail between his legs going to a WCW pay-per-view. You, are in OUR house, BITCH!"
WOW, this is really a tough question. A few moments come to mind and for one reason or another they don't have the complete spark that gives goosebumps. I think the moment I'll give is one based on shock given the time it occured. When Bret Hart who was frustrated over a loss in a steel cage match knocked Vince over and called his loss Bullshit. this was when he thought the world was out to get him and thus began a brawl between him/austin/taker and sid days before WM 13. I think it was shocking when you consider when the moment happened, 1997 where the announcers were not really touched and the language was no where near that prevalent. Also this became an onscreen motivation for the Mr. McMahon character in my opinion.
Wow, there's loads.
Like Ice Man said, Kane unmasking was a huge one for me as it is for all Kane fans. Both the lead up to the match and the unmasking gave me goosebumps. The lead up to the match was that Kane, after getting screwed over by Trips yet again, had one last chance at winning the world title. If he won, he got the title. If he lost, the mask came off. That announcement itself left me with my jaw open.
Then the unmasking was so intense. The crowd went completely silent as he reached for his mask, as did everyone at home I'm guessing. RVD superbly acting as if he was too scared to move which added to the whole experience. Then the unmasking, the ugly creature with insane hair and black smeared across his face is an image that'll stay with me for my whole life. Then came the chokeslam to RVD and the pyro blast, and it just left me in awe. I don't think we'll ever see a bigger deal about an unmasking in our life time.

The second moment that always gives me goosebumps is CM Punk cashing in for the first time. It started off with JR's speech about him leaving Raw, which was nice. Then Edge interrupted and it became just another Raw. Good, but nothing special. Batista beat on Edge for the screwjob the night before. Edge was left in a mess. Then Punks music hit. I, like much of the crowd, didn't pop much out of confusion. Then I saw the case, and everything clicked into place and I thought "no... fucking...way..."
But yes fucking way, he nailed the GTS, and got the 3 count in what felt like the worlds longest pin count. It was a great moment, it showed guys from the indys could make it in the big leagues.
I gotta say that I marked out large when Edge cashed in his briefcase at NYR and beat John Cena after the Elimination Chamber. I was so upset that I paid for that PPV and it sucked ass. Then Edge's theme broke up and i jumped off the couch and was amazed =D
I'm gonna go with when HBK did his "holy-taker" version of Taker's entrance for the first time. It was beyond awesome at wrestlemania, but when he did it on smackdown that first time, man I thought that was the coolest thing I had ever seen.

Honoroable mention also goes to CM Punk cashing in on Edge last summer. One of the few times that something on tv has given me an adrenaline rush while all I was doing was just sitting there watching.
The Eddie Guerrero tribute video they played on RAW with Johnny Cash's Hurt always gives me goosebumps. They couldnt have picked a better song

I gotta go with you there actually. Along with the emotional tribute video Eddie Guerrero had, one video that left goosebumps, was the Mick Foley video they had on raw in 2003. The same night Orton spit in his face and threw him down the stairs i believe. It was a great video, with the So Far Away by Stained. Really good video, for one of the nicest guys in wrestling.
Wow, there's loads.
Like Ice Man said, Kane unmasking was a huge one for me as it is for all Kane fans. Both the lead up to the match and the unmasking gave me goosebumps. The lead up to the match was that Kane, after getting screwed over by Trips yet again, had one last chance at winning the world title. If he won, he got the title. If he lost, the mask came off. That announcement itself left me with my jaw open.
Then the unmasking was so intense. The crowd went completely silent as he reached for his mask, as did everyone at home I'm guessing. RVD superbly acting as if he was too scared to move which added to the whole experience. Then the unmasking, the ugly creature with insane hair and black smeared across his face is an image that'll stay with me for my whole life. Then came the chokeslam to RVD and the pyro blast, and it just left me in awe. I don't think we'll ever see a bigger deal about an unmasking in our life time.

I didn't want to post twice in a row, but that was also one of the scariest things I ever saw on Monday Night Raw. I was scared to death that night, I remember I was like 8, and couldn't sleep that night. Ending with nightmares of Kane. One of the most jaw-dropping experiences on Raw. But What I never understood was, the black marks were burn marks, why'd they go away after one week?
Mine (by a country mile) was Eddie winning the WWE title, he is probably my favorite wrestler ever, I just remember going absoloutly crazy when he hit that Frog Splash, I still watch it and get the little "tingle".... on the back of my neck,

A far away second would probably be when Edge came down for the Second Chamber not too long ago, I was getting ribbed all night because I said Edge (my current favorite wrestler) was clearly going to win the Elimination Chamber, I was mega pissed when he got beaten in about 2 minutes, only for him to come down and steal the second one - I've watched that match a few times and I don't grow tired.

Others would be the whole of RVD/John Cena - Theres not a moment in that you can pinpoint, the whole match was just intense and I couldn't think of anyone who deserved a World Title more than he at the time. I'll also add when Shane beat the Big Show, I have seen that so many times and it just never gets old.
I'll go with the HBK segment in Montreal when he said Bret Hart was never going to comeback, then Bret Hart's music plays. A major pop is heard and for about 30 seconds...it was just pure chills.
There are a bunch of Hogan moments for me. Hogan slamming Andre with Monsoon's call at WMIII. WMVIII, Hogan against Sid, Sid attacks Hogan before the bell but Hogan comes back, knocks Sid out of the ring, rips off the shirt with Real American still playing. WMX-8, Hogan vs. Rock, just the crowd reaction when Hogan shoves Rock down then does the vintage posing, and then the reaction after he kicked out of the Rock Bottom and made his comeback. Amazing.
Mine would have to be watching the Freddie Blassie tribute video with "Hurt" by Johnny Cash playing in the background. Very well done.
I would have to say the Owen Tribute. While that whole 2 hours could fall under this category, the one that still gives me chills is the Jeff Jarrett interview. You could just sense the love and respect he had for Owen pouring out with every tear drop that came out.
I don't think that anyone mentioned this and i am puzzled as to how they haven't.... When the alliance storyline occurred i was like 10 years old and believed that storylines and wrestling were real and all that jazz.... The particular moment for me was after austin turned and then vinny mac came on raw and said that he re-instated The Rock and then the following week the played rock as the biggest free agent and he could go to either WCW or WWF or home lol.... i was on the edge of my seat the entire night and the Rock rock bottom both vince and shane... then grabbed the mic and said: Finally, The Rock has come back to the WWF.... just awesome moment i remember being in tears and i'm a dude so that was strange but that was amazing....Another one that wasn't so significant was when dx allied with the radicalz and rock, cactus aligned with too cool... dx/ radicalz were beat the faces up and then all of a sudden the arena went dark and paul bearer walked out and then Kane's eerie music hit... that moment is a classic too....
I think any of the tribute videos that have been done will give anyone goosebumps. Sure, they had "Hurt" and "So Far Away" which were wonderful, but the "Leave The Memories Alone" by Fuel for Ric Flair was amazing, and one of my favs. As well any of the "My Sacrifice" by Creed ones were great too. The WWE always seems to pull no punches and excel at paying tribute in this manner. :one_samuria:
There are so many "goosebump" moments.
1. WM19 Austin vs. The Rock III-That to me was the greatest match of all times especially when it took 3 rock bottoms to end austin. Classic
2. WM25 Undertaker vs. HBK-another great match between two future HOF's and the back and forth action was great
3. Hogan returned to WM 21-The night after Hogan's was a HOF inductee he returned to the grandest stage of them all brought me back to the good old days when i was small
4. When Austin was announced for the HOF-Enough said
5. Hogan lifted Andre the Giant-You cant tell me that gave you goosebumps hogan fan or not
I forgot when bischoff first appeared on wwe raw.... i was sitting with my family and i was 10 and watching and when he appeared i remember i said what the fuck out loud and got yelled at... but that gave me goosebumps

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