Which is Worse: Diva's Division or Super Cena?

Diva's division, because Kelly Kelly is easily one of the bottom 1-3 worst wrestlers on either show. I won't say she's definitely the worst, but she is extremely close to it if she isn't. If we put it into a tier system, she is absolutely on the bottom tier for quality wrestlers. Even if we're just doing a diva's tier. She is on the absolute bottom every time.

If WWE didn't have such an awful wrestler as their champion, it might be interesting. Beth Phoenix seems to me like a pretty good wrestler, who has cut some nice storylines more than once. Natalya has been looking great lately as a heel. Melina was great, but their fired her for no apparent reason. The Bellas aren't good wrestlers but at least they're entertaining. So imo, it's mainly Kelly Kelly and her type that's making diva's matches so incredibly boring. WWE just wants a hot chick with a music deal as their champ I guess, so that division is dead until they're done milking that whole deal.

Hopefully Beth and Natalya put her out of her misery for awhile. Their angle has at least made it interesting again. . .except WWE continues to foolishly put Kelly Kelly over them time and time again. We need a match where Beth or Natalya just annihilates her for an entire match at some PPV and takes the title and then they can fued with eachother after smashing some of the other boring divas.

Super Cena is surely old. . .it's been going on long enough with no end in sight. . .but at least Cena can actually wrestle. I don't hate seeing Cena, just hate seeing the same angle week in and week out. So diva's division is far worse. Their champ has a plastic personality with no wrestling skills and no logical reason for being champ in the realm of suspending your cynicism to enjoy the show.
look i get ur point but 2 me it just seems whatever wwe show u turn on its cena this cena dat im sick of it try to develop ur other young-stars like oh idk tyson kidd. he has some actual skill in ring mic is a whole other story. Aint that what "youth movment supposed to be about so dont criticize my opinion just accept it as fact

Nobody's "opinion" is a "fact".

And on the "youth movement" thing. . .putting in new guys just for the hell of it is a sure fire way to produce a watered down crappy product. Proof? Any sports team that does it. They suck 100% of the time a cheap ass owner tries to do that by putting in mostly rookies and 2nd-3rd year players. Usually followed by half a decade of irrelevance, while the owner sits back and collects money while stupid fans keep going to see the crappy product that won't magically get better.

There are plenty of new guys in there right now in case you haven't noticed. In fact, at least half of the roster are guys who have only been around for 3 years or less right now. Seriously. Sheamus is new. Wade Barret's new. Everyone from the nexus is new. Tyson Kidd is new. R Truth (other than his brief appearance in the early 2000s), has only been around for 3 years. John Morrison has only been around a few years. Del Rio's new. Sin Cara was new. The Miz is new. Dude, there's tons of new people out there right now. Any more "youth movement" and it will be all newbies.
Doesn't have anything to do with the wins and losses dude... When Cena does get "beat" he always has a "scapegoat". Either someone interfered in his match or someone distracted him. There is also "the ref got bumped" spot. Cena can NEVER JUST LOSE! There is always a reason as to why he gets beat or something screwy happens...

Divas are sooooooooo much better than John Cena. On one hand you have beautiful women who are in great shape, very sexy, flexible;) and jump around with certain parts of their body jiggling:rolleyes: If you actually prefer to watch John Cena instead of watching beautiful women then you are either under the age of 12 or you prefer the male sex...

News flash, Einstein. Top faces rarely lose clean. Hogan and Austin are prime examples and you can look it up and thank me later. If I want to see beautiful women, I can walk outside my front door. If I want to see good wrestling, I'm not looking for the divas. Trust me.
The question is asking for an opinion and all you jackasses keep going back to “John Cena makes more money so he is better”. That my dears….is a FACT not an opinion and you are all arguing amongst yourselves.
In my short time on this forum I have noticed that a lot of you have just read each other’s posts and then began to follow each other and say the same shit that someone popular or more respected on the forum says rather than your own opinion.

Now for the question.
Honestly the Diva’s division is something I often find myself fast forwarding through, I rarely find it entertaining and I don’t think Kelly Kelly is Diva’s championship material. TNAwfull actually has a more entertaining Diva’s division but I’d never expect WWE to waste more television time on something that probably still wouldn’t draw.

Now when it comes to John Cena I am going to be honest and say that I don’t like him. I did when he was just a Mid carder on his way up but now he is constantly in the title picture I begin to get rather enraged. He has had matches with Jericho, Punk and HHH which I found thoroughly entertaining but other than those I really can’t be sold on him when his “5 moves of doom” routine kicks in….and when I say 5 moves of doom, I don’t mean that’s all he knows im just talking about his comeback pop that most wrestlers have.
The double shoulder blocks, too me they just don’t look right, I can’t see any real power in them that you would get from a clothesline or a flying elbow maybe?
His Bulldog, well let’s use CM punks bulldog for example, he grips the head runs forward and slams it on the floor…then beautifully rolls under the bottom rope to go for a high risk move.
John Cena on the other hand first loudly says near a Mic (ok once) “BULLDOG” then runs them into a corner, bounces off the ropes himself(that’s all fine), but then barely touches his opponent before bulldogging them onto the ground…..It just doesn’t sell it for me!
On a plus note, he is good on the Mic and I can’t deny that…. I wish he hadn’t rapped during his argument with The Rock but I suppose it was more of a taunt to Rock to show he won’t change just because he wants him too. And his matches are NOT unbearable to the point where I must fast forward through and he really has been improving, albeit his recent Wade Barrett squash really got on my tits. Having said all that I still root for him when he is against a proper asshole heel like Batista and I rooted for him during his feuds with Randy Orton and Sheamus, I was genuinely gutted for him when Edge cashed his money in the bank on him so what does that tell you…..I don’t even like the guy.

All in all I would watch a John Cena match ahead of the Diva’s any day of the week
It’s not about how much money he makes the company and its not about how hard he works for the company or the make a wish, it’s about weather fans like us in the IWC like to watch him, listen to him or even see him win. Most of you mongs can’t stay on topic….. read the god damn first post.
I have a few things to say:-

About John Cena:- You people bag him, yet I will make a bet. I bet in fifteen-twenty years time, when John Cena has retired, and makes a rare appearance on "Old School Raw" and appearing at a Wrestlemania (like what "Stone Cold" or the Rock do now), you will cheer him, and give him due respect. I know this because (a) fans seem to cheer any guy, no matter how much or little they contributed in the past to the WWE, because of nostalgia, and recognizing those who paved the way, and (b) the negative nelly IWC will bitch and moan that the era in twenty years time will be worse than this one, and say it was better "in Cena's day", (like you do with the "Attitude Era" now).

I also bet that you people bagging Vince for appealing to kids, are the same people who watched "Hulk Hogan's Rock & Wrestling" cartoons, wore Hulkamania pyjamas, and ate a Hulkamania ice-cream bar. I bet you cupped your ear when Hogan did, and worried that Andre The Giant would actually beat him at Wrestlemania 3. So, you bag Vince for appealing to kids, when you got into wrestling by Vince doing just that to YOU! It's like people who say they never liked certain 80's songs, or how lame they are, yet these same songs (e.g. "We Built This City" by Starship), went to No. 1 when they charted, so people are lying about not liking them. It is the same with wrestling. You pretend you are too cool to be sucked in by Cena, when your pre-adolescent mind believed that you as a Hulkamniac energized Hogan to slam Andre The Giant.

I wonder if a lot of you have any children. If you do, would you prefer to bring them up on a diet of "PG WWE", or show them your old tapes of "The Attitude Era" (which I'm sure a lot of you have, since you can't let go)? Would you find it a problem if your son sacrificed his sister to the "Higher Power", or cursed, flipped the bird, and got drunk? How about if you are chasistising your child, and he tells you to "Shut Your Mouth, jabroni!" or "It doesn't matter what you think!"? Or your daughter dressing like Sable.I suppose that you don't even have a problem if your son is suspended from school for kicking another kid in the head, because you proudly showed him your fave Randy Orton doing it? When you kidults decide to grow up and have kids, and see that you have a responsiblity to them you may realize that someone like "Stone Cold" Steve Austin is a TERRIBLE role model for children, and you will be one too, if you want your kids to emulate him as well (BTW, would you teach your kids to treat women the way "Stone Cold" does?). If so, maybe Social Services needs to be rung.

The funny thing is , you people hypocritically praise C.M. Punk (who is truly "straight-edge") and is the antithesis of "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. I would rather my kids have heroes like Cena and Punk than Austin and The Rock.

I will tell you which is worse:-not Cena, nor the divas. It is whining little snots like the IWC (who actually hate the sport) who run down every single thing WWE or TNA does. So, why don't save yourself the aggravation and nick off. Good riddance! Vince has moved on, so should you. Vince doesn't need you anymore, he has the kids and their parents now (selling three tickets, instead of one). You bag Cena for no-selling, yet love movies where the hero comes back after being blown up or something (yeah, realistic). So, do us all a favour, and go do something else, since you are obviously above wrestling now. And take that fat bitter sack of turd, Mark Madden, with you!
I'll definitely be the first to admit that i cannot stand john cena. but i have respect for the guy. it's not like i wish bad upon him or anything. it's just kinda like the triple h thing for me back from like 02 to 05. nobody really held the belt but him. it got old. now cena's been holding up both belts for years and years and it's incredibly old. yeah the guy is a draw and all that so use the belt for other guys to build them up. undertaker didn't hold the belt for like 6 years after he won it initially. he was great for all that time. then went from 02 to 07 without a belt. he was a badass for that. not many ppl, hbk, could really have an outstanding career of that magnitude and not always have the belt. they finally realized at this past years wrestlemania that the mania fans in attendance would love to see cena lose. people were really shocked when orton won in 08 not cena or triple h. i would imagine everyone pretty much wanted hhh to win, but seeing as cena DID NOT WIN. everyone found a happy medium.

the divas are pretty terrible as far as skills. they're are beautiful women, they need to be utilized in bra and panties matches again and stuff like that. we all remember torrie wilson, sable, stacy keibler... bring that stuff back and let kong when she returns, beth, and the canadian girl wear em out.

I'd rather watch the divas over cena. Pure and simple. Why? Cause i'd rather look at beautiful women in little clothing than john cena do the same thing he's done since 2005.
I'll definitely be the first to admit that i cannot stand john cena. but i have respect for the guy. it's not like i wish bad upon him or anything. it's just kinda like the triple h thing for me back from like 02 to 05. nobody really held the belt but him. it got old. now cena's been holding up both belts for years and years and it's incredibly old. yeah the guy is a draw and all that so use the belt for other guys to build them up. undertaker didn't hold the belt for like 6 years after he won it initially. he was great for all that time. then went from 02 to 07 without a belt. he was a badass for that. not many ppl, hbk, could really have an outstanding career of that magnitude and not always have the belt. they finally realized at this past years wrestlemania that the mania fans in attendance would love to see cena lose. people were really shocked when orton won in 08 not cena or triple h. i would imagine everyone pretty much wanted hhh to win, but seeing as cena DID NOT WIN. everyone found a happy medium.

the divas are pretty terrible as far as skills. they're are beautiful women, they need to be utilized in bra and panties matches again and stuff like that. we all remember torrie wilson, sable, stacy keibler... bring that stuff back and let kong when she returns, beth, and the canadian girl wear em out.

I'd rather watch the divas over cena. Pure and simple. Why? Cause i'd rather look at beautiful women in little clothing than john cena do the same thing he's done since 2005.

They have used the belt to build guys up. Have we forgotten about Sheamus and Miz? Since Cena came back at the Royal Rumble, his title reigns combined don't even reach a year. People complained when he had his year-long reign and now he doesn't hold the title that long anymore and they still complain even though half his feuds aren't even for a title.
They have used the belt to build guys up. Have we forgotten about Sheamus and Miz? Since Cena came back at the Royal Rumble, his title reigns combined don't even reach a year. People complained when he had his year-long reign and now he doesn't hold the title that long anymore and they still complain even though half his feuds aren't even for a title.

whos he put over?? miz and sheamus, and nexxus? that's it. since 2005. unless i'm wrong you can correct me. but go find someone he put over since, that wasn't already??
Its like choosing the lesser of two evils in a Presidential run! Not being a Cena fan I would still have to chose him over the Divas. Yeah he knows about 8 moves and sells them all terribly. BUT the Divas miss spots all the time, they have to slow down moves just to hit them, half the time you can see them missing moves and the opponent falling down and what not. When Awesome Kong comes back (yeah I refuse to call her anything else) the Diva's division might be saved. At least in TNA they have the wrestle and I can say that is one of the only things going for TNA! At this point they might as well bring back midget wrestling and dump the Divas in WWE!

I dislike Cena but he can put on a good match sometimes though others carry him. If I want to watch terrible acting and what not with women I'll put on Cinemax after 12 AM not watch WWE for it!
It's true that the whole concept of "Super Cena" has been done over and over....and has just as often been misunderstood. He's a hero; this requires his character to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds to emerge victorious. If fans weren't responding to it, there would be no Super Cena, plain and simple.

But when I hear him criticized on this score, I'm reminded of the Nexus program last Summer. Cena would see 7 men stomping toward him......and he would retreat. Of course, this is the wisest course; in real life, if you saw 7 people of comparable size to yours getting ready to gang up on you, what would you do?

If WWE was truly depicting him as Superman, he would stand in ring center as Nexus approached......and single-handedly beat down all of 'em.

Would that look ridiculous? Of course it would; and WWE didn't do it. But when he ran from the ring as Nexus was coming down the ramp toward him, would fans be yelling: "Hey, Cena's a coward?"

Damn right they would!

So, which is it? Is he Super Cena, who is more powerful than a locomotive? .....able to leap tall buildings at a single bound? Or is he an American hero, ready and willing to defend himself (and others) against seemingly insurmountable odds, yet a man with self-recognized limitations who would rather retreat today.....and come back tomorrow when the odds were a little more even?

I think WWE's portrayal of John Cena is exactly what it needs to be. If he's the champion more than you prefer, it's because of the reaction he gets from the fans. Negative or positive reaction isn't what's important.....that he gets a reaction from everyone is what makes him what he is. He knows this to be true; look at how he embraces those who boo him.

As for the divas, there's one thing that must be understood: In a physiological sense, women can't wrestle like men. We're built differently; women don't have the upper body strength to manage a smooth, flowing style of ring repertoire. While a man's center of gravity runs through his shoulders, a woman's center of gravity flows through her hips. This means a woman would wrestle more effectively if she made better use of her legs.

That presents a problem, though. Wrestling with one's legs implies more mat wrestling, which is something fans don't have the patience for; not from divas. When they try it, you guys claim they're boring and under-skilled. So, instead, they have the women throwing punches and clotheslining each other, which looks stilted and awkward for the reason I stated earlier.

For the divas to succeed, they have to do it with storylines and gimmick matches. Having a Kharma beat down everyone in her path was a storyline; it involved her taking down every woman in the locker room until she is eventually defeated. It would have worked; it probably will work in the future. For now, we're left with Beth and Natalya bullying their way to the top. That, too, can be successful if the writers can keep it fresh and interesting, creating a cogent storyline to have it all make sense.

To answer the original question, I would rather watch Super Cena than the divas. The girls can.....and hopefully will.....improve if the writers focus on what they do best, but there's no one like Cena and he's the top guy for a reason.

In fact, for a lot of reasons.
Looks like another John Cena/Kelly Kelly bashing thread. I'm sick of these. Cena is the WWE's top babyface and you expect him to lose cleanly a lot? No. And the Divas aren't that bad. Kelly Kelly gets a bigger pop then guys like Morrison and A-Ry and made Maxim's top hot 100 list. You expect the WWE not to push her why? She's been improving anyways plus I'm ok with anything that's not Eve/The Bella Twins.

Back to Cena he's a very hard worker. Why would anyone hate him is beyond me. I don't like his character much. But I respect the hell out of him for his dedication to this business. And I'd take him over Randy Orton to be honest. At least anytime Cena's cutting a promo I don't go for a piss break like I do with Orton. Let me ask you a question OP. You were watching since the Hogan days? Well were you a fan of "SuperHogan" back then? Because I can a sure you that Hogan was more unbeatable than Cena. He only lost clean on TV to the Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania 6. What does that tell you? If you were a Hogan fan then I don't see why you would hate Cena for something Hogan was more than Cena in.

My point is you shouldn't hate either Cena or the Divas who by the way only get a few minutes hell sometimes even seconds to put on a match. Don't hate them. Hate the way the WWE books them.
whos he put over?? miz and sheamus, and nexxus? that's it. since 2005. unless i'm wrong you can correct me. but go find someone he put over since, that wasn't already??

Let me ask you a question. How many guys did Austin put over that weren't over already? How about the Rock?

You don't have to have feuds to put someone over or even lose. Cena has made guys like Swagger and Ziggler great in matches. That is putting someone over.
this just seems like another cena bashing thread :disappointed:

as everyone else says, cena know more than five moves..you should really pay attention to his matches. the divas are the worse because their mic skills suck big time, and there is no excitement to the matches or storyline.
Super Cena? As far back as I can remember every WWE champ except for heels become a superman of sorts. We all know that when a Heel has the belt he forgets how to wrestle and usually is aided in some way to pick up the eventual victory unless it is time for the face (usually at mania) to win the belt. When a face character has the belt he will take a beating then make a superman comeback to win the match. Albanian viper if you are such a long time fan you know this so quit whining and just come out a be a John Cena hater. Why beat around the bush? Just say it. Anyway, Cena sells tickets and merchandise. My son is five and loves Cena and when he ask for toys and clothes it isn't Punk or Undertaker or Miz he ask for he wants the Cena hat,shirt, pajama's. I hate to tell you but kids drive this business a lot more than anyone thinks. I just watch my son and whoever he is rooting for is generally on top. Kids don't understand punk cause he talks too much, kids like taker cause he is scary to them, and Rey is another guy the little ones like. So I guess what I am trying to say is you aren't going to change anything by hating on Cena. I like the guy and don't have a problem letting my son idolize him because he is a good role model even if he only does a few moves at least he never gives up and keeps fighting!
Let's just get this out of the way... Cena does not only know 5 moves. That being said, the "5 moves of doom" term is usually in reference to his moves he uses to set up the AA, which is actually just 4.

He has a shoulderblock
A suplex
5 Knuckle Shuffle
Flying leg drop

And that's all he uses nowadays. And out of those 8 moves, the only ones that look any decent are the AA, STF, and shoulderblock, and none of them are any impressive at all.

Because of this very limited moveset, he often finds himself being pummeled on until the end where he makes his comeback. It takes some of the best wrestlers to make him look good in a match because of this. I believe someone claimed Jericho had a limited moveset. I would like to point out that he used more moves in an impromptu match against Santino Marella than Cena has is the majority of his PPV matches.

Anyways... I prefer the Divas. Mainly because I realized you're supposed to be looking at their asses and tits the entire time. Also, Kelly should wear Jeans or Jean Shorts to the ring every week, she looks way sexier in them and it's not like she does any real wrestling out there anyways. Lol.

Baby faces are supposed to sell, sell, sell, false comeback, sell, comeback, win. You people sound so stupid talking about movesets as if you even know what makes up a good wrestling match to begin with. Go get trained or atleast watch secrets of the ring or something so you have some idea of what the hell you are talking about.
i understand this is busniess and whoever sells the most or get the bigger daw is gooing to be popular but why keep shoving in our(fans) facees. let me ask this besides cena what face that has been on the same show as him has held the championship? im a cena hater, i will gladly come out and say it. cena has been doing this same shit for 7 years give us a break from him let some of the other talent get a push and become champions. but that wont happen and i will tell you why, because this is about money and cena can daw anywhere and everywhere. does anyone else feel the same way?
You REALLY think those are the only moves Cena knows? He doesn't do a lot of moves because he's over without doing them. If he did more, it wouldn't make sense. How about how Cena sells EVERYONE he's in the ring against differently? It's stuff like that, not the number of moves executed, that gets people over.

People who don't appreciate Cena just don't appreciate the true intricacies of wrestling and would rather focus on stuff that doesn't matter like how many moves a guy does. The reason is because most of you are too dumb to actually get "working a crowd". The crowd doesn't give a fuck about what moves you do, they instead think "why the fuck is Cena chain wrestling a smaller opponent? He should be pounding him" when you guys would be going "THIS IS WRESTLING CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP".

Think about this, would you rather have a guy only do 5 moves, or only sell 5 moves? Well, that's actually not as obvious of a question around here. You guys for the most part think selling is a passive thing you do when someone is beating you up.

An example of pro active selling, while it's fresh on my mind because I just rewatched it. Orton vs Ziggler. Ziggler sells the impact of his own finish on the floor, and as the match goes on, Ziggler's pins get more despirate. This is good selling. He's selling the pain of the moves AND the story of the match. John Cena does this very well too. I bet most on here didn't pick up on either of those. Instead you guys probably thought you were sophisticated and said "10 moves in 30 seconds and Orton only stumbled on one, 4.659/5 stars on that". Fuckin dumb.

I never said those are the only moves he knows, just that they're the only ones he uses. The reason why is irrelevant to me; CM Punk uses far more moves than he does and look at how big he is. Also, for the most part I don't just focus in on how many moves a guy does, but with Cena, when he quite literally gets in 9 moves in a 20 minute match it becomes painfully obvious. Shit, I was able to believe wrestling was real as a kid until I started watching Raw and seeing this man work a match.

And lol @ your Ziggler rant. Of course I noticed the selling. That's pretty much all Cena is capable of, obviously, as all his matches involve him getting pummeled on for infinite until he makes his oh-so-shocking comeback. The only time in recent memory where Cena has actually managed a good match was with CM Punk, and Punk can make quite literally anybody look good in the ring with him.
I never said those are the only moves he knows, just that they're the only ones he uses. The reason why is irrelevant to me; CM Punk uses far more moves than he does and look at how big he is. Also, for the most part I don't just focus in on how many moves a guy does, but with Cena, when he quite literally gets in 9 moves in a 20 minute match it becomes painfully obvious. Shit, I was able to believe wrestling was real as a kid until I started watching Raw and seeing this man work a match.

I don't get why performing more moves makes someone look better. You do realize that taking and selling a move is far more difficult than performing one, right? For example, a hip toss. The man performing the move has to extend his arm and rotate. The one taking the move has to jump, flip, bump, and sell the move in one fluid motion. You can take just about any move and apply the same logic.
And lol @ your Ziggler rant. Of course I noticed the selling. That's pretty much all Cena is capable of, obviously, as all his matches involve him getting pummeled on for infinite until he makes his oh-so-shocking comeback. The only time in recent memory where Cena has actually managed a good match was with CM Punk, and Punk can make quite literally anybody look good in the ring with him.

Now that is just absurd. Tell me, if Punk is capable of what you say he is, why is it that the match with Cena is by far the best one he's had since coming to the WWE? I mean, he's worked with Regal, he's worked with Jericho, and he's worked with Morrison, all guys that everyone of you just loves to fap over. Yet his best match is with Cena. Also, who the fuck has Punk ever made look good in the ring? Punk is a good story teller and he certainly understands how to work better than at least 75% of the roster, but he has never elevated anyone that I recall. If anyone looked great coming out of that match, it was Punk. Cena has, twice, made him look like he's capable of standing toe to toe with him.

As for the (ridiculous) question, the Diva's Division is just awful. I want to watch wrestling, not girls trying to wrestle. I have no interest in scantily clad women fake fighting when I can see fully nude women doing way more interesting things on the internet. So I'd say the Diva's Division is certainly worse than, in my opinion, than the best professional wrestler in the world. :shrug:
First off, I do not think this is a fair question; these are two completely different situations. For my taste and that of some of you, Cena has grown stale. He has had the same character with the same promos, same stories, same movies, etc. for FAR too long. He needs something to freshen up his character in a bad way. The divas division on the other hand is the victim of lazy booking. Some of the divas have some true talent in that ring. I am guessing a few of them would even show some mic skill if they were ever given the chance.

A lot of people get down on Cena for having a basic move set and utilizing the same few moves to score the win. Like some of you have pointed out, greats like HHH and Shawn Michaels, heck even Rock and Austin have done the same thing. My problem is not with the moveset Cena has, it is that his character has shown little change over the years and that I am sick of him being the face of WWE. I understand that he sells and that is what the business is about; however, if they would just give someone else the right story and the right push the face of WWE could change. And for my money it needs to. Take CM Punk for instance; this man is a prime example of how one great promo and story can change a character for the better. Punk had been more or less wandering since his Straight Edge Society days. He was the leader of Nexus 2.0 which made little to no impact, but look at him now. He is now one of the first names brought up in a discussion about WWE. The story he is currently involved in is the most entertaining in a long time. The promo he did that started this whole story was the best in many many years!

Cena's character needs a similar change. Usually when this conversation is brought up people begin shouting how a heel change is what Cena needs. I go back and forth with the idea. If it was done right, it would be the single biggest heel turn since Hogan. If done incorrectly and without a superstar ready to step up and be the face that Cena has been for several years now, it could cost WWE millions and viewership.

Simply put, the question posed is not a fair one. It is difficult to say if the Diva's division is worse than "Super Cena" when the two are in different categories of problems. The Diva's division could be entertaining. I remember watching a Trish & Lita match (not sure which one, but I know it was one of their last encounters) and when Trish's entrance music hit it was one of the loudest pops of the night. When Lita's music hit she was practically booed out of the building. The problem is that the Diva's are not given enough tv time and they are pushing the wrong Divas. I'm not hating on Kelly Kelly, but let's face it - she's terrible in the ring. Meanwhile, they have women like Gail Kim who is only seen in the occasional 2 minute Diva Battle Royal or entire division tag match. If they were to use women with some actual skill and invest time and a decent story on them the way they did for Trish, Lita, Ivory, China, etc. the division could be that good today also. It is lazy booking and Vince's distaste for the division and insisting on pushing the Barbie dolls with no skill that is the problem. As for Cena, the problem is not with his 5 moves of doom (even if I cringe every time I see them performed) it is instead the lack of growth and development in his character of the last few years that is the problem. The kids love him and his merchandise sells; therefore, Vince has the mindset of "if it ain't broke don't fix it". Well Vince, that may be true, but a little tweaking wouldn't hurt either.
The divas are shit, and they have been since 2007. Each diva has to have boobs the size of their heads ala Ashley for the fans to even give them a second look.

Cena has been consistently the biggest draw the WWE has had since Stone Cold ever since 2005. The divas haven't drawn anything since Trish Stratus, and they stopped being note worthy since Candice Michelle.

It's ludicrous to even think that company's biggest draw and main attraction is worse than the intermission of the show.
So, if I'm wrong, I don't mind to be corrected, but this thread is wondering who is worse. Super Cena or the Diva's Division?

That's kind of comparing a Quarterback to an Outside linebacker.

Two different working entities on the same organization.

But, the question at hand is... What would you rather watch Cena or the women's division?

Well. Cena is a main eventer, the Divas are a filler. It's like asking, what is better for the play, the intermission or the final scene. Both serve a purpose to the play, just one is more credible to the play's production.

Now, if you stated, who is more valuable to Raw, John Cena or CM Punk, you would have a great debate. Instead, we have a comparison between a salad and Prime Rib dinner.

Note: I'm not saying Cena is a spendy piece of meat, but I'm stating you have to compare Apples to Apples. Not Main Courses to entrees.
isnt that enough bashing on Cena. He has been in some of the best storylines of the decade. I mean without Cena, Punk would have his amazing promo considering it was based on guys like Cena kissing up to VKM. And the nexus storyline. And Cena has put on a lot of great matches: HHH, Punk, Orton, Edge, Lashley, W. Barrett. I mean thats just enough of that crap. He is entertaining, ppl love him or hate him but they all love to watch him. Just get over it, Cena is top dog and deserves some respect. I'm not being biased toward Cena but its just not a good argument anymore. He has proved himself and i could count at least 10 moves he does and probably more. Comparing him to the current divas program is unfair and pathetic
i understand this is busniess and whoever sells the most or get the bigger daw is gooing to be popular but why keep shoving in our(fans) facees. let me ask this besides cena what face that has been on the same show as him has held the championship? im a cena hater, i will gladly come out and say it. cena has been doing this same shit for 7 years give us a break from him let some of the other talent get a push and become champions. but that wont happen and i will tell you why, because this is about money and cena can daw anywhere and everywhere. does anyone else feel the same way?

HHH won the title as a face in 2008 and I'm sure your feeble mind has forgotten about Orton just a year ago.
Since people of your ilk didn't get it the first time, let me repeat. Sheamus has gotten a push and The Miz was champion for almost half a year. Even fucking R-Truth who I've never seen have an impressive match got to main event a PPV.

Tell me who else deserves to be pushed.
News flash, Einstein. Top faces rarely lose clean. Hogan and Austin are prime examples and you can look it up and thank me later. If I want to see beautiful women, I can walk outside my front door. If I want to see good wrestling, I'm not looking for the divas. Trust me.

Hogan lost to Warrior at WM6 cleanly. He lost to the Undertaker cleanly. Hogan also lost to Sting, Luger, Macho Man, Roddy Piper, DDP, Goldberg, the Rock, Undertaker a second time, etc... Austin lost to Bret Hart cleanly at Wrestlemania and he also lost to the Rock cleanly at WM...

John Cena has been on his current run for about 8 years now and who has he ever lost cleanly to? I don't believe that he has!!! There is always some screwy reason as to why John Cena loses a match, just like I stated before... As much as you want to ignore this fact, it still doesn't change it.
Hogan lost to Warrior at WM6 cleanly. He lost to the Undertaker cleanly. Hogan also lost to Sting, Luger, Macho Man, Roddy Piper, DDP, Goldberg, the Rock, Undertaker a second time, etc... Austin lost to Bret Hart cleanly at Wrestlemania and he also lost to the Rock cleanly at WM...

John Cena has been on his current run for about 8 years now and who has he ever lost cleanly to? I don't believe that he has!!! There is always some screwy reason as to why John Cena loses a match, just like I stated before... As much as you want to ignore this fact, it still doesn't change it.

I know you can't be this stupid. Let's continue.

1. When Hogan was the guy in the late 80's and early 90's, the only clean loss to my recollection was to Warrior.

2. Austin was a heel when he lost to Hart. You're not doing so good.

3. Wrestlers that Cena has lost clean to: Lesnar, Taker, Angle, HHH, Orton, HBK, Sheamus. Just to name a few.

Anything else?

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