WWE Divas Division: Do You Even WANT It Developed?

I think it's embarrassing and degrading how the Divas are used right now. If your going to continue to have the girls work three minute matches highlighted by hairpulling, stinkfaces and hoping beyond hope that a top comes undone, let them leave and have some dignity. WWE would be very wise to turn the TV on Thursday at 9 and see how it's done. TNA has a million faults, but you can't argue with how they work. Them girls put on matches that some of the fellas should be envious of.
yo the thread was about what i see on tv and im sick of it. There tryin 2 develop it ha if it was up to them they would put cena on the divas division.
I didn't mean to piss anyone off. It was all this frustration with the divas division and the cena bs thats crammed down are throats that's it
As patronising as this is, I think the Diva's division manages to break up the action and make the men's matches stand out better. I also think if they were to put proper effort into developing the Diva's division, they should rename it back to the Women's division. WWE is constantly trying to convey positive messages, anti-bullying etc, yet their female employees are called "divas"? There is almost no positive connotation to that word whatsoever, in fact I think it's downright sexist. I don't care about political correctness but still you can't take anything seriously that's called the "Divas" division.

I think part of the reason the Women's division used to work was because they'd have involvement with other superstars too, like the way the Hardyz had Lita and the Radicalz had Terri. When the women don't expand beyond the storylines of their own division I think they have less impact on the brand as a whole.

Dude that was still The Divas Division, The Original Diva is Sunny, so I dont know why you're acting as if they werent recognized as such a division back then, sure the belts changed, but that was needed.

I prefer the Womens Championship, but the Divas title not only was a new belt that they could make money off of like the new ECW title, World title before them both and now new Tag titles, but it saved its legacy so that (Michelle) anyone who gets numerous title reigns doesnt overtake Trish etc because of the ridiculous amount of title changes now-a-days.

The WWE title is saved because of the World title evening things out in this day's hot-potato age and the Womens and Divas titles did that as well, but because of the lack of Divas they retired the belt that was older so it wouldnt be tarnished and to have something new in play in general and make it pretty (which makes sense) so little girls and women are more drawn to buy it cause it's cutesy, nothing wrong with that at all.

No difference between Divas and women as it stands in WWE since Sunny, just the belts. And the Womens title being retired was saddening to me at first, but then made me happy that Michelle wouldnt overtake Trish's reigns, or any other Diva to come, and just have ridiculous amounts of wins that surpass her, Chyna etc. whoever, just having this new belt is cool, Divas only have one to go after anyway, why not start a new?
all i was tryin get across was wwe really doesnt care bout there divas and thats a shame if they wanted the divas division 2 matter quit hirin barbie dolls and LOOK for some actual talent is all plus vince needs to stop havin a hard on for cena stop crammin up down are throats u have young talent that need 2 develop maybe they bring back heat metal or velocity.
Can someone point to a time in the WWE or pro-wrestling in general where the divas or women wrestlers have drawn anything close to serious money? If it doesn' draw, why put any more thought or money into it?
First off, yes there should be a Divas/Womens/Whatever division... BUT for the love of God find some women that can wrestle. You cant watch any divas match anymore without seeing someone take a terrible bump, fall without even being hit, or screw up something... I mean Im not saying I could easily be a superstar but my god, theyre just not worth watching. The WWE kinda had the right idea before, have 2 womens titles. Stick Beth, Natalya, and the Divas they consider to be athletes on one show and give em a title, and shove all the divas only there for looks on the other show and give them a title... I dont mind their bathroom break matches, but sooner or later the Divas division will prob end up like NXT and only be streamed online, or limited to Superstars which half the country doesnt watch anyway.
I wanted to post this as a new topic but since there already a topic about the woman'S division, i'm going to post it here. Out of every woman's wrestlers in the indies both in the U.S. and around the world, name the top 10 woman you would hire?

Here my top 10

#10: Jessie McKay: She got the look that WWE is looking for plus she's a really good wrestler.

#9: Kalamity: I know most people don'T know who she is because she mostly wrestler in Montreal but let me tell you something, out of all the bigger woman wrestlers i saw, she's probably one of the best one out there and would work really well with Beth and Natalya.

#8 Jennifer Blake: Yet another one that actually got the look WWE is looking for but can actually wrestle

#7: Madison Eagles: The Current Shimmer champion and a veteran. She could teach the younger crop of diva's how to wrestle will still be a force in the WWE

#6: Lufisto: Probably the best female wrestle to come out of montreal. Also, she got both the wrestling skill and the charisma to make the fan cares. The only problem is that she might not be able to wrestle a full schedule because of her heart problems.

#5 Mercedes Martinez: Sure she not a that pretty but she in the top 5 of the best woman wrestlers out there.

#4 The Canadian Ninjas(Nicole MAtthews & Portia Perez): I Had to put them together because they are both great wrestlers and as a team, they are the best heels in the business.

#3: Hamada: Probably the best wrestler in the world, and would bring the japanese fans back to the WWE.

#2: Sara Del Ray: pretty much everybody knows who she is and if somebody deserve a shot is her

#1: Cheerleader MElissa: probably the hardest working woman's in the indies. I don'T think they're a indie wrestling company that she hasn'T work for this year alone.

So this would be my list of woman wrestlers i would hire to developped the quality of the diva division.
It'll be nice to see the Divas Division improve and develop into something that's more than just filler.

However, at the same time, let's not kid ourselves here. The vast majority of us don't want to see 15 minute Diva matches or segments. We don't want to see time taken away from wrestlers like Orton, Cena, Punk, Christian, Bryan, Henry, Del Rio and others just so the women can feel relevant.

I don't mean that to sound sexist but if it does, well that's just too bad. Gail Kim can Tweet on Twitter all she likes about how the women are just as important as the men are but it's bullshit. It's 100% bullshit and not because I say so, but because history says so. The cold hard facts of life is that women's wrestling has NEVER been a draw in the United States at any point in pro wrestling history. Women's wrestling doesn't draw money, it doesn't nor has it ever gotten people to flock to their televisions to watch pro wrestling instead of doing something else with their time.

Professional wrestling here in the states has always been a "man's world". The men have ALWAYS been the centerpiece, the primary attraction and the draw and that's almost certainly not going to change.

I always hear from net fans how WWE needs to get some "real female wrestlers" and I find myself wondering just what that means sometimes. To me, it sounds like someone saying that if a female wrestler is good looking, then it means she can't wrestle. There are several women on the WWE roster that have shown themselves to be quite capable inside the ring that also happen to look good. Sure, most of them have the "model" look about them but, then again, so do the women in TNA. The vast majority of the women in WWE & TNA don't look like tough, badass broads that are going to throw down and get hit in the back with chairs or put through flaming tables or use razor blades to cut open their foreheads. They look like girls that you wanna see naked and have sex with.

Do I want the Divas Division developed? Yes, but I want it developed in a realistic way rather than some ideological bullshit of some internet smark.
To be honest i really could care less about the divas division.
When i'm watching Raw or Smackdown and the divas match comes along i usually change channel for 10 minutes and then come back. How can they expect fans to care when for a long time the WWE didn't care themselves by having Michael Cole interrupt their matches and shit all over the hard work the divas were putting in every week for the little TV time they had.
I'd be interested to know how much money the divas "draw" in the sense of the word. I heard once that Vince had the Divas on the road basically to keep the male wrestlers "company". Doesn't exactly sound like the most attractive job opportunity.
The fact is that the WWE has never, and will never invest the time and energy it would take to make the woman's division great. Personally, if i'm buying a ticket to go watch the show, it's not to see the women in the ring. They are more of a bonus if they put on a good match. That's not the fault of the women in the WWE because they are talented and athletic. Just not something I get excited about seeing. I think most of the guys think the same way and the WWE is aware of this. Which is why the women don't get as much of an opportunity on the card as they probably should. It's unfortunate, but it's the way it goes. As far as developing the division, it seems like they are trying to, but the fans don't seem to care enough for it to make a difference.
Lol at some of the posts here. Just wow.

I'll put it this way. If you do not want the Divas Division or female wrestling in general, you are either sexiest or gay. Sorry but It's true.

-There is a huge huge history within pro-wrestling with woman and breaking barriers in America. You have female soccer which is popular, WNBA which is popular, female tennis which created superstars. There is women around ALL sports.

Now, if you do not like the Divas (PG era) then I can agree there. It's beyond a joke but getting rid of a historic division is a terrible idea considering the whole reason there is a female division is for a change of pace and fresh break away from the males. Again, If you would rather watch men wrestle all day long...You are probably gay or ignorant towards women. You can go and watch Japan put on amazing matches that are sometimes better than the men.

It's about HOW you put together the division. WWE is focused on looks, sex appeal, kissing ass and basically stereotyping what wrestling is. Vince signs big muscled men over guys like Shelton Benjamin, AJ Styles and wrestlers who do it all rather than look like John Cena. There is the samething within the Divas, you have Kelly Kelly who is the typical barbie girl imagine instead of keeping a superstar like Mickie James or utilizing Gail Kim.

Then, they usually make them look like tramps and arm candy to any popular or guest host which makes them seem worthless or irrelevant. The storylines are never anything you care about.

Point being, there is alot that could be done for the Divas and WWE simply is too ignorant to do it right. There really is no excuse either.

They should develop it and for god sakes, quit putting the up and comers on that pee-stain called NXT. Move AJ to RAW and Maxine to SmackDown.

I'm not sure how to fix it but ALOT would have to be done. The best honest way I would handle it, Is simply removing the Divas from RAW and SmackDown and moving them to NXT. Making NXT a female show. Since It's on WWE.com, there is really no worry about ratings. Keep all the females on NXT and create a direction through there and once they find that direction, they can repackage the Divas back to Raw and SmackDown.
I absolutely want to see the division improved. I want to see the female division return to the glory days of girls like Lita or Trish. The women deserve to have a division that is taken seriously. It's such a shame that they brought in all of the barbie princess models who don't know a thing about what to do in the ring. They tried too hard to find the new Trish in terms of appearance rather than skill. Most of the divas are AWFUL in the ring, less than perfect on the mic, and show no sign of improvement. Last time I checked, Raw and Smackdown were WRESTLING shows. Beth and Natalya have the necessary skills, but yet neither one of them are champion. They need to have a champion that can actually wrestle, first of all. Secondly they should bring in women that can work a match. Promo skills can be taught over time. Appearance should not be the most important factor. It's more important with divas than it is with wrestlers, but that is no excuse to keep bringing more models in. The division will always be a joke or a time to grab a snack until they bring in and push female WRESTLERS.
In my opinion, the divas' division has been lame the past couple of months. Since Beth Phoenix won the title, she's just been going through extremely formulaic rivalries. Someone gets a fall on her, becomes number one contender, beats Natalya, and then retains the title. Lame. I think they desperately need to go back to the glory days of Trish and Lita. Once the two of them officially retired the matches became comical.
It isn't a case of improving the division; it's a matter of rebuilding it. Women's wrestling in WWE means something different than it did in the past. In the '80's, which is as far back as I can remember, it meant women, many with blocky, unattractive figures, who knew how to work a match having contests that at least looked like they were genuinely fighting it out. (I think I was afraid if I didn't eat right and exercise, I'd grow up to look like the Fabulous Moolah. No! NO!!)

Today, they're not really competing; they're looking pretty and hitting planned spots. They don't work, they aren't allowed to improvise.....every move is choreographed. Not much fun there.

Do I want it developed? Sure, seeing pretty girls in genuine athletic competition would be better than watching them take turns at holding the title for a few weeks. They know that if they're good little girls and stay around long enough, they'll win the championship.

Goldust has improved the in-ring performances of his divas; particularly Alicia Fox. I thought she was hopeless as a wrestler, but she's improving. Goldust, however, doesn't write storylines.... as far as we know. Until they start developing diva characters, nothing will change........at least until Kharma gets back.
Even with Beth Phoenix and Natalya the Divas Division is the worst it's ever been. It's light years behind the days of Trish, Jazz, Molly Holly, Victoria, Lita, Ivory.
With the new WWE channel I see no reason why the Divas couldn't have their own 1 hour weekly show. Take them off Superstars, (instead adding turning taht show into a focus on Cruiserweights).

Hire Del Ray, the Canadian Ninjas, Hamada and Lufisto from the indies and see if you can steal Angelina Love and Sarita from TNA. Set up Trish as the Owner/GM and see what Manami Toyota is doing and if she can come over and do some heel manager work off Trish.

Suddenly you have a very talented roster, some absolute legends and a chance to try and see, once and for all, if the ladies do draw.
Most women in TNA are awful. Just because they do more moves and there are more women who do more moves doesn't mean they're good. Most of them don't sell or tell a story. Mickie James, however, is fuckin amazing. She sells, tells a story, and does everything that fits her character and the match.

I like a good divas match. IMO, a woman's match shouldn't be doing what the men do, just screaming and doing the submissions with more flexibility (like in japan). A woman's match should highlight their grace and sex appeal. By that, I don't mean ****tiness, but like how Trish's matrix duck was sexy. You can see the curves etc when she does it. That's the epitome fo the divas style and Trish vs Mickie James WM22 is the epitome of a perfectly worked divas match.

I'd like to see the division developed, which is what they're doing. There is story in the match and stories about the match. Beth has done a great job at leading the divas she's been again and for the most part they sell and do their part.

To me pro wrestling is like a meal. You want a good appetiser, drink, meal, sides, dessert, and post-meal drink. It can't be all the same though. You need it to be a variety of flavors that fit together. A good divas segment adds that. It's like having a real tasty seasoning on your appetiser. You aren't going to order the meal again simply because of that, but it's something else that adds to it.
With the new WWE channel I see no reason why the Divas couldn't have their own 1 hour weekly show. Take them off Superstars, (instead adding turning taht show into a focus on Cruiserweights).

Hire Del Ray, the Canadian Ninjas, Hamada and Lufisto from the indies and see if you can steal Angelina Love and Sarita from TNA. Set up Trish as the Owner/GM and see what Manami Toyota is doing and if she can come over and do some heel manager work off Trish.

Suddenly you have a very talented roster, some absolute legends and a chance to try and see, once and for all, if the ladies do draw.
You don't need to gamble on that much to see if they can draw. If anything, those types of women can't draw. Most of them just do moves that guys do only not always as well. Want proof women's wrestling doesn't draw? It's not drawing now and there isn't a woman's wrestling company making big bucks. It's all demand-driven. If ratings spike when women are out, they sell more shirts, and the matches get a louder reaction, then you know. You don't need to have a whole 1 hour show just to "make sure". If I eat a few pieces of a cake and it tastes like shit, I don't need to eat the whole thing.

I respect a lot of the women you mentioned, but that doesn't make them draws. The WWE is smart in that they have a mix of barbies and athletes. The one thing all the divas have in common is that they are characters and try to tell a story. That's the most important thing.
Me, as a woman who happens to be interested in pro wrestling, I want to see the divas division developed to Trish-era levels, if not even higher. But for the division to develop, you have to sign more women with charisma inside and outside the ring (with an emphasis on the former - heck, you can have a divas division with just the barbies and a few loudmouths who can verbally put people over).
The Divas division is a complete waste of air time, thank God the matches last only a minute or two. I used to love when Cole would interrupt their matches!

Me, as a woman who happens to be interested in pro wrestling, I want to see the divas division developed to Trish-era levels, if not even higher. But for the division to develop, you have to sign more women with charisma inside and outside the ring (with an emphasis on the former - heck, you can have a divas division with just the barbies and a few loudmouths who can verbally put people over).

I am with you on that! don't retract my previous statment, the Divas divison is still a waste, bring back the Woman's divison, I had a feeling Kharma was the start of just that, but she had to go and get knocked up!
I am with you on that! don't retract my previous statment, the Divas divison is still a waste, bring back the Woman's divison, I had a feeling Kharma was the start of just that, but she had to go and get knocked up!

I don't understand this hate you guys hate against a mere change of name, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, since I've only ever seen clips of Trish or Lita or Mickie James or Melina (no, really) doing their stuff. So tell me: what exactly changed when the Women's Division became the Divas Division? The same sex populates it, right?
Personally I have no interest whatsoever in seeing the WWE Divas division get developed any more than it is right now. Likewise, I have no interest at all in see the TNA Knockouts Dickson developed either. Women's wrestling has never been a draw in either company and it never will be. For me, it is nothing more than filler material in between the men's matches, a chance for the buzz after a great match to settle down, before building up again for the next big match. It's a snack break, a pee break, whatever. Women's wrestling pretty much comes down to the T & A aspect of it, and that's pretty much always been the case for as long as I can remember. Even back in the days of Trish, Lita and company, the divas were still primarily about optics, and while in WWE that's less overt than it used to be, that's still the case. I say let the divas come out, do their particular brand of entertainment sporadically throughout the evening, but in the end, let the focus of either professional wrestling company be where it belongs, on the men's division.
What I'm pissed off about is that WWE had a lot of talented divas to work with. Michelle McCool, Layla, Gail Kim, Beth Phoenix, Maryse, Natalya, Melina, Kharma. Half of those divas are gone due to poor booking.
I don't understand this hate you guys hate against a mere change of name, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, since I've only ever seen clips of Trish or Lita or Mickie James or Melina (no, really) doing their stuff. So tell me: what exactly changed when the Women's Division became the Divas Division? The same sex populates it, right?

:worship: :worship:

Finally someone who gets it...

The name of the division has shit to do with the legitimacy of it, and if it did, then I'm glad that they changed the division. I don't want talentless ****s like Kelly Kelly to be mentioned in the same breath as Fabulous Moolah, Wendi Richter, Bull Nakano, Trish Stratus, Lita, and all the other great female legends.

Honestly, the Diva's division is fine how it is. Within the pass year, it's had a solid cast of champions that have put on solid reigns. They may not have all been memorable, but hey, not many people remember that The Kat held the Women's title for a little over a month. I haven't truly seen a Diva's champion yet, that in some way or another, didn't deserve the title... I may not like Kelly Kelly (at all) but she deserved it because she was the face of the diva's division.

People try to make it seem like the divas are these terrible athletes that can't tell stories... and if this were TNA and they were talking about Velvet Sky, I would totally agree with them... but the fact is that every diva that's held the Diva's title so far has done a good job of making it seem important. Even Jillian Hall's three minute reign felt important considering how hard Jillian worked for the title...
Wow, the Divas having their own show is likely the worst idea I've heard all year... Way to sneak one in there before the new year!

Do I want the Divas division developed? That depends on what you mean... What I don't want is more matches, more Divas, and the same amount of substance. I could care less how many women they have on the roster, if only one or two of them can tell a story, they may as well all go home.

To me, women's wrestling is NOT eye candy. They're beautiful women, that's for sure, but I'm a grown man and if I really wanted to gawk at hot chicks, there's a much easier way to go about it. Wrestling is entertainment, and it's about telling a story. So if you can't bring in a solid roster full of good wrestlers who can act out a story backstage, and put one on in the ring...why bother?

Trim the fat! Get rid of 80% of your girls that can't actually wrestle a damn match. Alicia Fox... You can't fight, you can't act, and you're not actually that hot...what the hell are you being paid for? Same goes for most of the women in pro wrestling today... Now, if they trimmed it all out, brought in SHIMMER gals, paid to bring back Victoria, Mickie, and even bring in Madison and Velvet...that'd be interesting. Kharma is interesting. Beth and Natalya could be interesting. But again, if they're not going to tell a story, what's the point?

Today's lackluster Divas product is mostly creative's fault. Sure the women who are in charge of acting it out suck, but if you're not going to actually build feuds there's nothing to get excited about. Good vs. Evil doesn't work every single week for years on end... You're going to have to give them SOME motivation once in awhile. If they're not going to build a good roster, give them real stories to work on..then get rid of the division altogether. But I'd say the same thing about ANY wrestler on the WWE roster. If you're not going to use them to their fullest potential, let them go and stop boring us every single week!

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