Overhauling the Divas division: What would you do?

Nothing needs to be done really. The only thing I would do is change the title back to the Women's title. Divas wrestling does not have a real home in the WWE. I think women can wrestle and do great things in the ring, but not in the WWE. If WWE had a Women's show with only divas and they tried to get the best talent then i would be all for it.
I think the fact that there is a Divas match every show makes it just seem obligatory. I always get the feeling of "oh here comes the obligatory segment they give to make it seem like the Diva's are important." Maybe make them an occasional thing. Then, on top of that we have so many Divas, but there is only one segment, so most of them get no TV time. The Divas could play more roles with male wrestlers as valets, stalkers, lovers, or anything. They could even do a harassment angle to get a heel over. Divas matches are really short so it never seems important. Then when you ad the fact that the very best Diva wrestler can't really out perform the average low mid card wrestler, it makes it seem pointless. In TNA, the Knock Outs are more entertaining and more of a draw, and in all honesty, or at least to me, it's because they are sexier and therefore more interesting to see. The WWE tries to be more PC friendly and they started to "clean up" what the Divas wearm so as not to seem sexist or come off as objectifying. However, I find it ridiculous and almost insulting that a Diva has to wear more conservative items than a male counter part. Divas can only wear either some sort of shorts or pants, they can't wear the same type of trunks as people like Bryan, Punk, Kofi, Barrett, Sheamus etc. It's almost an insult to the intelligence of the fans and contradicts the whole sexism thing. It's saying it's okay for a muscular male to reveal his body but not okay for a female to do the same. Obviouslt they would be covered up top, but the fact that they can't show as much leg as a male kinda contradicts what they are going for. I remember the theme, if youn will, of the Divas division was "smart and sexy". That just seems to just play on the stereotype that beautiful women are dumb, just as big men are stereotypically dumb. But, when it comes down to it, and this will sound sexist as hell, and I apologize in advance, but the appeal of women wrestlers is their sex appeal. Sable, Trish, Lita all used sex appeal. Many Divas/Women wrestlers were in playboy,they were often scantily clad(Lita wasn't but her things would be showing). That was the real draw. Where bra and panites matches degrading? Perhaps(althouogh realisticaly they aren't more exposed than the average male wrestler wearing trunks would be) but they drew. It's been proven time and time again that sex sells. And if WWE wants to argue that the Divas division doesn't need something sexy to get over, then they should fire their entire roster and hire a bunch of female wrestlers with muscles and wrestling abilities, that don't wear make up and keep their hair tied up in a ponytail and not models with big boobs and makeup.
The biggest issue with the divas division is the lack of women able to WRESTLE. I get it, they want to bring in girls who the male fans will think are pretty. That should not be the only criteria that gets them hired though. Trish and Lita were attractive, however both could work a match. The division should be centered around the girls who are good in the ring. Any diva currently employed who cannot wrestle can still be at ringside with tag teams like Rosa does for Epico and Primo. Hiring divas just based on them being pretty has to stop. They need more female WRESTLERS. Why were fans excited for Kharma? She was something different and could really have helped turn the division around.

They would need to work with the female wrestlers so they can improve in the ring and on the mic, just like with the guys. Bringing back the classic Womens Championship design wouldn't hurt either. The butterfly is not exactly a popular belt design. Even though the division will never draw the way the main eventers do, if WWE make the effort to improve it then the fans might care again. I would make AJ the face of the division, she's become popular amongst the fans and is better both in promos or in the ring than many of the other divas. Then make her Divas Champion and either train the current roster to improve to the point where they can have better matches with her or bring in more girls who can actually WRESTLE. They need more divas like Beth Phoenix or Natalya and less like Kelly or the Bellas.
1. So what? AJ was still one of the most pushed people, female or male, on the roster this year.

2. And you could just as easily argue that when AJ is an segment with a Diva rather than Cena, Punk, Bryan, Kane, or Ziggler, quite a few people will tune out.

If the WWE were to put John Cena in a throwaway match with JTG you'd automatically expect people to watch it. Why? Everyone knows that JTG is shit, so why would they want to?

And when no one cares about the match would that in turn mean that Cena isn't a draw? That's absurd. The same logic applies to the most over woman in the company having a laborious match against a woman that no one cares about anymore.

The only other woman on AJ's level is Vickie... all the others are so far behind that, of course, no one is going to care about their segments. The fact that AJ and Vickie are predominantly featured with top talent like Cena, Punk, and Ziggler is a tip of the hat in their favors as draws.
IMO when Kharma debuted the divas division could of been somewhat credible. Going after the "barbies" was actually a nice idea and she was getting a reaction from the crowd. Something none of the current divas could do without being involved in a popular male wrestlers storylines. She brought some new energy to the division. It would of been interesting to see what would of happened if she didn't get pregnant.

What hurt the divas was going PG. Once they stopped with the strip shows, the mud wrestling matches, the bikini contests etc majority of male fans could care less. Sable was very popular during her time and its not because of her wrestling ability. Womans wrestling is just not a draw.

The divas division is just filler. So either way their not going to get much time, but they could make it decent filler instead of trash, just by using the girls that can wrestle a little bit. Anybody see that Kaitlyn Aksana match on SD??? The whole match was just a chinlock :lmao:. I dont know if that was a backstage joke or something but that was shit.
Y'know, maybe it's hopeless. Perhaps there's nothing anyone can do with diva wrestling to make it attractive to viewers. There was a lot of favorable talk about TNA's diva division, yet that faded, didn't it? The company was even keeping gals like Mickie James out of the ring for months. If the divas don't draw with solid ring wrestling.....and they don't draw with storylines.....what are the wrestling entertainment companies supposed to do with them?

Yes, in the Fabulous Moolah era, it seemed fans enjoyed watching women wrestle, rather than perform. But that was a different era for men, too. Back then, people came to watch a wrestling match. Today, what we see in the front rows of the arena (visible on our TV screens) are people often looking anywhere but the ring as the match is going on. They don't want to see 30-minute matches; they want a few high-flying spots and a devastating finisher.....all within the first five minutes, or their attention starts to wander.

And that's for the men. Do you think watching women exchanging scientific maneuvers is going to capture their interest? I don't. Maybe WWE is better off employing just a few women and using them in A.J.-Eve fashion....without letting them wrestle at all. Let them be valets, administrators or lovesick groupies....but not wrestlers.

No, this isn't what I'm advocating, but if there's no way to make the actual wrestling interesting, they have to find other uses for the women. Personally, I'm enjoying what WWE has been doing these last couple months. They're allowing the girls more time in the ring and we're getting to watch them do some actual wrestling, rather than just hitting a few spots and getting out of there. Even the match on Christmas Eve was sort of interesting from a wrestling standpoint, if you could get beyond their dressing like Santa's elves.

Moolah isn't around anymore, nor are the fans who liked to watch her perform. Instead, whether you enjoy A.J. or not, she might be the prototype for what we'll see from women employed by WWE from now on.
1. Fire everyone but Eve and hire actual wrestlers.
2. Paige to the main roster.
3. Sexy Diva action. Seriously as a guy just watching fully dressed woman wrestle worse matches then thier male counterparts is boreing.
I say go to a Diva wrestling roster of maybe six ladies like Kaitlyn, Eve, Tamina, Natayla, Paige and Sara Del Ray then use the rest as eye candy in valet roles, g.m. assitants and such. That way you can have a group of ladies that "go" in the ring and then the sexiness of A.J. Lee, Layla Aksana, Rosa and others without having to see them in the ring.
Hire a bunch of screaming Asian girls to headdrop each other and scream and are built like 12 year old boys and then a bunch of American women who do the exact same thing as men just slower and without the believability. RIGHT GUYS!!?!?

But no really, it's a character thing. Have girls who have a character and who execute their matches with their persona. Divas wrestling shouldn't be the same as men. It should involve more grace and flexibility. Mickie James vs Trish Stratus is the embodiment of this.
Sad to say but I don't think any of the divas will ever be able to reach or come close to the bar that Trish and lita had raised. I was watching clips or them and they were AMAZING! Not to mention their supporting divas Molly, Victoria, Mickie, ivory, jazz, etc.

Yes there is talent in the likes of nattie tamina Naomi kaitlyn. But the wwe invests no time in them at all and when they do have oppurtunities they don't take it to a level where they leave the fans wanting more.

I personally think Tamina has the most potential. She has a character she's very strong and she can rip through the division. I would love to see a rivalry between her and nattie
First get rid of that stupid butterfly Divas belt, and bring back the Women's Championship. Also I'd have the divas featured twice on RAW for exposure. RAW has 3 hours, they have the time.

Then you'll need these 4 things: Structure, Promos, Rivalries and Jobbers.

Upper-card divas:
-Eve (c), Natalya, AJ Lee, Tamina, Layla
Midcard divas:
-Alicia Fox, Naomi, Kaitlyn
Lower-card divas:
-Rosa Mendes (mainly a valet), Aksana, Cameron (Brodus's dancer)
-Vickie Guerrero

Mic Time... Let them TALK so the audience can know their characters. Back in the day, everyone knew who Trish, Lita and Stacy Keibler were because they were allowed to SPEAK! This is why AJ Lee is so popular now.

Rivalries (with meaning)
...like Trish vs Lita, Melina vs Beth Phoenix, Mickie vs Trish, Laycool vs Mickie, etc.

I'd like to see a [real] feud between Tamina and Natalya, and an AJ vs Eve feud.

WWE should use local women wrestlers to job to women wrestlers that are being built up

...Something like that could help the Divas division grow by leaps and bounds
Sometimes all you really need to begin overhauling the Divas Division in the WWE is to let them fight. There just needs to be a backstage fight, more mic time, more time to build character, and give them the ball and roll with it. The potential is there.

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