I think the fact that there is a Divas match every show makes it just seem obligatory. I always get the feeling of "oh here comes the obligatory segment they give to make it seem like the Diva's are important." Maybe make them an occasional thing. Then, on top of that we have so many Divas, but there is only one segment, so most of them get no TV time. The Divas could play more roles with male wrestlers as valets, stalkers, lovers, or anything. They could even do a harassment angle to get a heel over. Divas matches are really short so it never seems important. Then when you ad the fact that the very best Diva wrestler can't really out perform the average low mid card wrestler, it makes it seem pointless. In TNA, the Knock Outs are more entertaining and more of a draw, and in all honesty, or at least to me, it's because they are sexier and therefore more interesting to see. The WWE tries to be more PC friendly and they started to "clean up" what the Divas wearm so as not to seem sexist or come off as objectifying. However, I find it ridiculous and almost insulting that a Diva has to wear more conservative items than a male counter part. Divas can only wear either some sort of shorts or pants, they can't wear the same type of trunks as people like Bryan, Punk, Kofi, Barrett, Sheamus etc. It's almost an insult to the intelligence of the fans and contradicts the whole sexism thing. It's saying it's okay for a muscular male to reveal his body but not okay for a female to do the same. Obviouslt they would be covered up top, but the fact that they can't show as much leg as a male kinda contradicts what they are going for. I remember the theme, if youn will, of the Divas division was "smart and sexy". That just seems to just play on the stereotype that beautiful women are dumb, just as big men are stereotypically dumb. But, when it comes down to it, and this will sound sexist as hell, and I apologize in advance, but the appeal of women wrestlers is their sex appeal. Sable, Trish, Lita all used sex appeal. Many Divas/Women wrestlers were in playboy,they were often scantily clad(Lita wasn't but her things would be showing). That was the real draw. Where bra and panites matches degrading? Perhaps(althouogh realisticaly they aren't more exposed than the average male wrestler wearing trunks would be) but they drew. It's been proven time and time again that sex sells. And if WWE wants to argue that the Divas division doesn't need something sexy to get over, then they should fire their entire roster and hire a bunch of female wrestlers with muscles and wrestling abilities, that don't wear make up and keep their hair tied up in a ponytail and not models with big boobs and makeup.