Which is "THE" Feud you want to see?

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Championship Contender
This Thread is quite simple! You have to name One feud that you wish that could happen...


- Only Active Superstars in WWE Roster
- Who is Face and who is Heel? Both faces? Both Heels?
- Tell us how you would build there feud.
- There must be a winner and a loser.
- Try not to copy another "dream" feud :p


My "THE" feud, has to go between ...

Alberto Del Rio (heel) vs Randy Orton (face)

Building up :

Del Rio drafted to RAW, and starting to talk about how RAW is lame, 'cause they have a guy named Punk, a Super-Hero John Cena and a guy that personificates his most hated animal: The Viper as RAW faces"

Later in his first night, ADR causes a distraction that lead to Orton losing a
1st Contender for the WWE Championship, and assaulting a beatdown Orton with the Armbar, puting him out for two weeks.
Next Week, ADR mocks Orton, and that he only look like a worm not a viper.
Two Weeks later: Orton returns, and challenge Del Rio for a match that ADR declines!!
Three Weeks later: ADR beats the USA Champion, Orton runs over, and confronte him, and after talking, they start to punch each other, and referees separate them!
Last Raw after PPV: GM Announces that in PPV ADR will go one-on-one against Randy Orton, and the Winner becomes a special contender later in this PPV!
ADR goes to commentate a match between Orton and Vladimir Kozlov.
Orton wins it, with a RKO, ADR trys to interfere and eats other RKO, then Ricardo too!!
Orton gains momentum!

PPV(anyone except RR and EC):
ADR vs Randy, ADR win via DQ, after Ricardo slap him by his orders.
In the tittle match, Orton assault Del Rio with a Steel Chair and put him out...

ADR and Orton fight in an I Quit Match, that Orton win, after punt ADR in the Skull, and Ricardo Rodriguez saying for ADR that He Quits, since ADR is Knocked Out, when Orton is getting ready to give a second punt!!
Ricardo Eats an RKO, and ADR the second punt, then Randy Orton holds the mic, and put him in the lips of Del RIo, that whispers I Quit!!

:D you dont have to be so specific!! XD

C'mon reply everybody, im looking forward to see your "THE" Feud :D
Sorry for my mistakes, Portuguese younger guy xD
Edge (heel) vs Christian (face)

My all time Dream Feud. I loved these guys when they were Tag Champs and did their posing for flash photography stuff.

Feud would start at this years WM. Christian wins the MITB… before the WHC match, "someone" (would be christian) attacks Del Rio and puts him out of the match. Del rio is taken away in an ambulance. No one knows whats gonna happen now with the main event. So edge comes out and talks about it… then christians music hits. Christian comes out and says he did not want to do this the cheap way because he and edge are friends. Both men are cheered and Christian cashes in to start the Match fair and square. Match ends with Edge winning the match. Edge gets a mic and helps christian up. Christian raises edge's hand in victory as Edge throws christian into the ropes and spear's him while christian is on his way back. Edge says on the Mic "You always were the Janetty" or something along those lines. "you never had it in you anyway and I always held the team together. Thats why I am 11 time champ and you are 0"

Edge becomes a heel and Christian the face.

Del Rio comes back on Smackdown the next night and says it was Christian who did this to him, and demands a match. Del rio and Christian feud and have a match at Backlash where Edge interferes and costs Christian the match.

Feud cools down a little bit, Edge remaining a heel and Christian a face but Christian is in the Main Event picture. Feuding with Del Rio and Barrett and Ziggler.

Then at the MITB PPV, Christian wins again.

Edge comes out to congratulate him, mocking him. Telling Christian the same result will happen.

Christian then declares the next Smackdown that he will cash in the MITB at Summer Slam. He wants to do this fair again, 1 on 1 but this time in a ladder match. Teddy Long agrees and its settled.

At Summer Slam good match between the two, but Christian ends up giving the kill switch to Edge from the top of the Ladder. Christian climbs and captures his first WHC.


Edit: Christian then gets on the Mic and says to Edge" Im not the Janetty" "Im the Miz and you are the Morrison" "Just like the Miz no one ever thought that He would amount to anything, no one ever thought he could win the Big one, but he did"

Edge takes some time off for an "injury" and Christian starts feuding with Del Rio for the Belt.
Bryan Danielson (face) Vs. Vince McMahon and Co (heel)

Beginning: Bryan loses the US Championship, they go to a segment backstage and Vince meets a beaten Bryan in the back. Vince begins making fun of Bryan, and tells him, "You're just not good enough." For the next couple of weeks, Vince does in-ring promos and even though its always about another subject gets a couple kicks in on Bryan.

Bryan will begin to show his frustration with everything, beating people at will in matches until finally he's entered into a number one contendor match for the WWE Championship on RAW(Whether it be one-on-one with someone, beat the clock, battle royal... You decide.) Bryan will end up dramatically winning the battle royal, to the annoyance of Vince who doesn't want someone like Bryan as the companies Champion. For this, The Miz is the WWE Champion and constantly reminds him how he beat him before on a couple occasions. Once for the US Championship. This will go on until a PPV, without any words from Vince on the matter.

Bryan beats The Miz! Winning the WWE Championship at the PPV, until Vince comes out. Vince talks crap and reverses the referee's decision on a count that, the submission was illegal/Miz got his shoulder up/something like that, but instead he makes it no-DQ, so that Riley and Miz can beat down on Bryan before getting the win.

The Build-Up: Vince comes out the night after and makes more fun of Bryan, bragging about what he did and all that. Vince admits that he doesn't want Bryan to be Champion, because Bryan isn't at the "WWE standard", and even makes fun of him for making it on the "indies." Vince then tells Bryan that he can get his revenge when he faces Vince later on in the night.

Vince and Bryan meet in the ring. Vince overpowers Brya, until Danielson begins whaling on him with kicks. The Miz and Riley come down and although Bryan wins on DQ, Vince and the other two beatdown on Bryan. "IT'S TIME TO PLAY THE GAME", blares and out comes Triple H. Hunter storms the ring, looking as if he's going to help Bryan, but stops, and makes a heel turn, hitting Bryan with the Pedigree and aligning with Vince, Miz and Riley.

Bryan and Triple H become embroiled in a mini-feud, with Hunter destroying Bryan for a couple of weeks. Until Bryan brings back, his trainer, and mentor HBK. Shawn tells Triple H that if he messes with Bryan, he messes with him. At the next PPV, Triple H will face Bryan in a one-on-one match with Shawn as enforcer.

At the PPV, Bryan shows people what hes made of, making Triple H his bitch for a portion of the match. Triple H becomes frustrated and goes for the Sledgehammer, HBK steps in his way, but Miz comes down and takes out HBK. Triple H goes for a swing with the hammer, but Bryan dodges and Triple H hits Riley instead, Bryan uses this to capitiulize and pins Triple H with a School Boy.

The Peak: Triple H and Bryan have a rematch again the next night on RAW. Triple H destroys Bryan for most of the match, Bryan only getting in bits of offense. As Triple H goes for the Pedigree, HBK's music hits and it distracts Hunter allowing Bryan to capitulize again and lock in the Lobell Lock, making Triple H tap-out. Hunter is insenced, and after years without fighting he and Shawn go at it. While this is happening and Bryan is recovering, out comes Vince. Vince looks as if he's going to fight Bryan, and as he goes for a punch, Bryan catches his arm and locks Vince in the Lobell Lock. It takes several referees to get him off as Bryan vents his frustrations.

Following week on RAW, Vince McMahon promises to make Bryan's life a living hell, making a no-DQ Three-on-one handicap match, Miz, Riley and Triple H versus Bryan. Once again, Shawn Michaels interferes and distracts Hunter. Someone else (Cena, Orton, Sheamus whoever) comes after Miz and Riley is left alone, Bryan locks Riley in the Lobell Lock and makes Alex submit. Once again Vince is pissed and says that he can beat Bryan. So that at the next PPV, It'll be Vince and Triple H Vs HBK and Bryan.

The part where it becomes interesting is HBK won't come out of retirement and leaves Bryan on his own. Bryan meets Vince and Triple H at the PPV in what is now a handicap match due to HBK not showing. Bryan shows guts but eventually loses, after Triple H hits the Pedigree and Vince makes the pin. Triple H continues beating down Bryan, making him bleed(that's right, blood!), until Shawn again makes the save, taking out Hunter as they brawl to the outside and through the crowd. Vince picks at the bones of Bryan, slapping him, kicking him, punching him. Who makes the save? Bret Hart. Bret comes down and takes out Vince, helping Bryan as he seems dazed.

The next night on RAW, Bret reminds Vince of where Bret came from, Stampede Wrestling, the indies. He reminds him of where all the great came from, and that what he's doing to Bryan is wrong. Vince tells Bret he doesn't care, and that as long as he can help it Bryan will live in hell until he quits.

Bryan returns the next week, making a farewell speech in the ring. Vince interrupts and taunts Bryan, calls him weak and shows him what he did to him at the PPV. Bryan snaps and begins to beat the hell out of Vince, locking him in the Lobell Lock again.

Conclusion: On the next RAW, Bryan makes Vince an offer. If Vince can beat Bryan in a Street Fight, at the next PPV, then Bryan will quit wrestling altogether. But if he wins, Bryan gets a WWE Championship match. Vince accepts and promises to win, and end Bryan's career.

At the PPV, Bryan and Vince meet. Bryan beats the holy hell out of Vince, with Steel Chairs, Thrash Cans, Kendo Sticks before Triple H attempts to interfere, but this time Bryan catches him with a chair shot. Bryan goes after Vince, but Miz and Riley interfere attacking Bryan. Bryan tries to fight back but the odds are too much. HBK again comes in but the odds are still too much. Then, John Cena makes the save, with another two Superstars leaving it to Vince and Bryan. Vince tries to embarass Bryan, but Bryan locks him in the Lobell Lock and makes him submit. This ends Vince and Bryan's altercations.

Next night on RAW, Bryan cashes in his Championshi match and faces(lets just say for the sake of it) Sheamus for the WWE Championship. Bryan and Sheamus get a few minutes in before Vince again comes out, and changes it to a No-DQ match. Miz, Riley, Triple H and Vince stand at ringside as Sheamus and Miz go at it, not getting heavily involved except for the odd punch. Suddenly as Bryan gets the upper hand and momentum shifts his way, Cena's music hits and he, along with Morrison, HBK and lets say Orton make their way to the ring. A brawl ensuses outside the ring, inside Sheamus goes for the Broad Kick. Bryan catches Sheamus' arm and locks in the Lobell Lock.

And the dream of both Bryan and every Danielson fan comes true, as Sheamus taps and Bryan becomes the new WWE Champion on Monday Night RAW! Sending Vince into a epiletic fit, as Bryan lifts the WWE Championship.

How's that for creative booking?
Sin Cara (Heel) vs 619 (Face)

Night after mania. 619 comes out talking to the fans. Sin Cara debuts as a face. Forms a team with Rey. Both faces. Win Tag Titles from Corre.

Hold titles for 3 PPV's and on 4th PPV Sin Cara turns heel as he attacks 619 so they lose titles.

Sin Cara tells world he is a real luchador. Says Rey is a fake, a super hero. Says they are no super hero's in real life. 619 interupts. Challenges him to a match. They ahve a Match in the PPV before SummerSlam. Sin Cara wins under 5 minutes embarassing Rey.

They fued until Summerslam and this time Rey wins. Rey wins quickly and makes Sin Cara look like a joke. After teh fued they go to shake hands but before they do Sin Cara lowblows Rey.

This ignites for their next PPV match. Match to see who is the better Luchador. Sin Cara wins after good technical match! Possibly match of the year. Sin Cara beats Rey. Thim Sin Cara shakes Rey's hand thus making him as a face.

After this on the Smackdown they forgive each other and Sin Cara returns babayface.

PS. Sin Cara is my favourite international wrestler and possibly my favourite wrestler at this time so i woul like to see him face when he debuts but fued with Rey as a heel.
Undertaker(face) vs. John Cena (Heel)

The build
On Raw have Cena come out to a remix of "you can't see me" and "Basic Thuganomics" and start talking trash about Undertaker(Free styling it, of course).Saying something along the lines of how cena works his ass of and shows up at every raw, while undertaker only shows half a year at best, and how cena almost whipped takers ass when he(cena) was only a rookie.Have him dare taker to come out here,but taker doesn't show. Have this go on for several weeks with Undertaker ignoring cena until Cena interupts Undertaker shot for the WHC against Edge. Have Taker atempt to last ride cena while taker is standing on the top turn buckle, when cena wiggles out and runs into the crowd. Then on raw, have taker cut a promo about how cena's a coword, and doesn't have enough balls to face him. Have them play mind games with each other.

Then at the RR have them elimanate each other, and start brawling out side the ring until seperated. let the mind games continue, with both men gainning a spot in their respective brands Elimantion chamber match.
Smackdowns is first, and when one particpant is elimanated, have cena sprint out and go INSIDE THE CHAMBER. When taker looks behind him,cena gives him an AA and STFU.Taker then gets elimanated from the chamber.
Then raws is up next, and when its only Cena,The champ, and one more wrestler taker comes out under the chamber(like HBK last year) and Taker chokeslams Cena through the ring, getting elimanated due to injuries.

Then three weeks later have Cena return and win the WWE Championship, and on Smackdown Undertaker will win the WHC. Then next week have VKM come out and say that at WretlseMania 28, the world titles will be unified.
So taker and cena continue thier mind games with a match at WM.

It'll be an I quit match
and just as taker drops the tombstone piledriver, and preapres to lock in hells gate, all the heels running out and beating down taker. Once cena gets up, he'll send them out to surrond the ring.Cena will go for the pin, taker will kick out at the 2 count.Taker will lock on hells gate and win the match, becoming the undisputed champion.

After the match the heels will charge the ring, and taker and cena will clean house, with them shaking hands to end the match.

Thats my "The" Feud.
I really had high hopes in the future for :shrug:SHEAMUS v. JACK SWAGGER.

However, both stars seem to be on the backslide from main eventing (Swagger especially) but I really saw this as a future rivalry/feud with Austin/Rock capabilities. The Irishman as champ with extra heat for being the foreigner with the strap, calling out inferior American talent meets the All American American (face) to save the day and rep the country!

UNDERTAKER v. CENA :worship: is actually the! match but I think that falls more into a one time dream match category.
punk(heel) vrs (bryan) face they can have it end at wm in miami with punk as the wwe champ and bryan as the rumble winner, have punk help otunga win the us belt and have them on a colision course leading to mania, have the match be a hour long classic, those 2 guys could bring credibility back to the wwe since its pg rated now make the company about wrestling again not entertainment
Ok guys, Undertaker vs Cena has already happened. Just saying.

The feud i'd like to see?

Kofi Kingston (heel) vs John Morrison (face)

Morrison gets drafted to Smackdown. They are both in a battle royal for the number one contendership for Over the Limit. It's down to Morrison, Kingston, and (just for example) McIntyre left. Morrison eliminates Kingston. A pissed Kofi jumps back in and eliminates JoMo. Over the next few months they are constantly fighting and interrupting each other, with Kofi looking stronger. T-Lo gets tired of it and at Money In The Bank, there will be a third ladder match; Kofi vs JoMo for the number one contendership at SummerSlam! I would have Morrison win it and finally win the big one. Kofi gets himself involved and soon their feud becomes about the title, culminating at Hell in a Cell or Breaking Point.
Orton(Face) vs Cena(Face) WWE Championship Match

I know this fued has been done but their fued was kind of boring and the only fued i liked between them was in 2007. Lets pretend they never actually fueded before and this will be their first time fueding.

This fued starts at the beginning of the Royal Rumble but their is some past history between them the year before. So lets go back a year ago betwwen them. L

So some where in April before their fued begins Orton and Cena were forced to team up to take on the tag team champions the Power Houses - Skip Sheffield and Mason Ryan and they were a heel tag team. Orton and Cena capture the belt and Celebrate but after the match Mason Ryan and Skip SHeffield double team Orton and Cena leaves with both belts just watching them. Orton injures his collarbone and it is announced that Orton could be out for a year and a half to 2 years. The next week Cena apologizes to Orton saying that his mind was in a different state. Orton appears on the screen and says that no matter what he will never forget and forgive what Cena did to him by leaving him to get beat down.

Moving forward to December. John Cena(Face) vs Sheamus (Heel Champion) for the WWE title in a Tables match. They play up this whole thing about how Cena has never been able to defeat Sheamus and how he also lost the belt to Sheamus a couple years back in a table match against Sheamus. Cena defeats Sheamus by putting him through the table and becomes champion. After the match a video comes on screen showing a viper and a man walking towards it in black jean, his face is never shown and all you hear is (I HEAR VOICES IN MY HEAD) in slow motion.

5 weeks later the week leading into the Rumble there is a big 10 man tag match featuring Team Cena vs Team Sheamus. Team Cena's team wins and there is a big brawl after the match. More men that will be in the Rumble match join the brawl. All of a sudden "I HEAR VOICES IN MY HEAD THEY COUNCIL ME THEY UNDERSTAND THEY TALK TO ME" Randy Orton is standing at the top of the ramp way with a bad attitude look on his face and everyone in the ring has stopped doing what they are doing. He stares them down and then runs to the ring and as he gets in he starts hitting RKOS from left right and Centre and throws each men over the top rope. As he gets ready to RKO Cena who is dazed after being hit with a Brogue Kick by Sheamus. Orton goes for the RKO but Cena dodges it and gets out of the ring looking at Orton with a confuzed stare like why is he here i thought he was supposed to be out for 2 years. Orton continues kicking ass and throwing people over the top until its only him left in the ring. He gets on the top rope and stares at Cena and does his Legend Killer pose to show that his shoulder is well and good to fight at any time. "DIDIDING DIDIDING" The Raw GM rings in and says that he officially is putting Randy Orton in the Royal RUmble Main Event Match. Orton smiles and does a sign with his hand moving back and fourth around his waist showing that he is going to be champion.

Royal Rumble Night - John Cena defeats Sheamus again to retain the WWE Title. Later on the Rumble match starts and Orton enters in at number 24 and he starts throwing people out immediately. Now its down to the final 3 Mason Ryan,Skipp Sheffield and Orton are in the ring and Orton stares at them. A double team begins on Orton and Cena theme hits as he runs down and helps Orton trying to return the favor he shouldve a few months back. Cena throws out Skip Sheffield and Orton throws out Mason Ryan for the win. Ortons music hits and fireworks go off as he stares at Cena in the middle of the Ring with the Wrestlemania logo in between them.

The next night Orton says that he still does not forgive Cena and that what was done is already done and he's locked in to face him at Mania, thats if he can survive the Elimination Chamber. Cena wins the Elimination Chamber and retains the WWE title, right after the match Orton comes out of no where and RKOs Cena and the crowd goes nuts with JR saying with his over emotional voice "At Wrestlemania 2 of the Biggest Power House in WWE Today will go at it at Wrestlemania for the WWE title BAWH GAWD it will be the WWE Champion vs The Viper at Mania"

Now it is 7 weeks away to Wrestlemania. and the next few weeks Cena and Orton keep hitting eachother with their finishers to end off Raw. The next week the RAW GM says hes had enough of seeing RKOs and Attitude Adjustments and that tonight things will begin for Cena and Orton how they ended because in the main event it will be John Cena and Randy Orton vs the New Tag Team Champions Mason Ryan and Skip Sheffield. In the match Orton and Cena are not cooperating with eachother. Coming to the end of the match Cena is being beat down and ison the floor getting ready to make a tag to Orton but Orton leaves as Cena was ready to make the tag. Cena gets beat down by Sheffield and Ryan and Orton looks on at the top of the stage. Orton gets that A.D.D problem in his head and starts going off. He runs back to the ring and begins to beat down on Sheffield and Ryan. the ref pushes him back to the corner so that Cena can make a tag to him. Cena slaps Orton in the face for the tag which really ignites fire in Orton and Orton starts kicking ass and RKos bot Ryan and Skip, he pins Ryan for the 1 2 3 and Cena and Orton become new tag champs. Orton hands Cena his belt and leaves. The fans are going crazy and chanting RKO RKO.

The monday before Mania Cena and Orton lose the tag belts. They stare eacother down with Cena raising the belt in his hands. Orton tries to go for RKO but Cena reverses it into an Attitude Adjustment and Salutes Orton. Cena celebrates at the top of the stage and Orton is on the ring mat holding his head looking at Cena.

Moment of truth time. Its Wrestlemania and both men are interviewed by Josh Matthews before there match. Orton says that if he does not beat Cena that all that he has done the past few months will have been for nothing. He also says that he plan to give Cena his first Wrestlemania loss in a "ONE ON ONE" match for the WWE Title. Cena says that he knows what he did was wrong by not aiding Orton last year in the double team he suffered and says that if he had had helped him it prolly wouldnt be Orton vs Cena right her live tonight. He also says that he appreciated Orton aiding him a couple of weeks back in their tag match but tonight he says he will have to finish the Orton vs Cena fued once and for all.

In their match Orton and Cena deliver 3 RKOs and 3 Fu's to eachother. Both men kick out of them and the fans go nuts. finally Cena gets STF on Orton and Orton doesnt want to tap out and gets knocked out, the ref raises ortons hand up for the count of 3 and Orton does not wake up ending match. Michael Cole gets on the MIC and says he has had enough. He says that for 2years he's been the man behind the computer sending intant messages from his phone to the laptop. He tells the ref that this is a special night and he wants it to end right (reveal he is the raw GM) He tells the ref to restart the match. With Cena concentrated on Cole Orton is waiting for Cena to turn so he can hit RKO. Cena turns and Orton goes for the finish but Cena throws him into the ropes and gets him on his shoulder. Orton elbows Cena in the jaw and hit RKo. 1 2 thr... Cena kicks out and the fans and Orton is shocked. Michael Cole throws a chair in the ring and announces the match is No Disqualifications. Orton starts slapping Cena with the chair about 10 times. Orton goes for the pin and Cena still kicks out. Orton hits him with the chair a couple of more times and is just standing looking down at Cena saying "What do I have to do to defeat you huh" Cena struggling to get up gets low blowed by Michael Cole and Cole tells Orton to hit him with the chair again and Orton hesitates at first but he does hit him in the head with chair. Then Orton stands at one of the corners setting up for the Punt kick and finally gets it pinning Cena 1 2 3. Orton celebrates with the WWE title and the fans are going nuts. Michael Cole then tells Orton to stop celebrating and he brings a brief case in the ring with a new WWE title designed specifically fo r Orton with a viper on it. Orton celebrates with it while Michael COle watches with enjoyment.

The next night Cena arrives to the arena and demands an immediate rematch. When Cena enters the ring he goes right after michael Cole who is at the commentating table. He has him up in the FU position with the mic in his hands and tells Michael Cole to give him a rematch or he'll drop him on his back so bad that his spine with break. Cole gives him the rematch and Cena Fu's him still. The fans go mega crazy for Cena.

Later Josh Matthews interviews Orton and asks him why he joined sides with Michael Cole. Orton tells him he's his own man and he did what he did for 3 reasons. 1. Cena is the reason he missed out on alot of action the year before 2. Cena wouldnt stay down and if Cena had the chance he's prolly do the same to him and 3. it was worth doing to become the WWE Champion. Michael Cole interrupts their interview and tells Josh to leave so he can speak to Orton.

In their match it is announced that it will be falls count anywhere. In the ending of the match Cena has Orton in the STF position and Orton is about to tap out. Mason Ryan and SKip Sheffield come in and beat down Cena, they hold Cena up so Orton can RKo him Orton rko's him pinning him 1 2 3. They begin to beat him down becoming a new faction. Micael Cole comes from backstage and tells them to put a chair on Cena's ankle. Cole goes to the top rope and jumps on the chair shattering Cena's anke to close the show. It is announced next week that Cena is out and he'll be out for 6 months and Orton turns heel again. THE END
If i watched WWE on a more regular basis than i watch TNA i would want to see C.M. Punk (Heel) vs Brian Danielson (I refuse to call him Daniel Bryan because its stupid) (Face). Why would i want to see this? Because i have read somewhere that they were really good together in ROH. So why not have them feud for the WWE championship and base it on their rivalry they had in ROH and the winner gets to prove that he was the best that ROH has ever produced in WWE.
I really had high hopes in the future for :shrug:SHEAMUS v. JACK SWAGGER.

However, both stars seem to be on the backslide from main eventing (Swagger especially) but I really saw this as a future rivalry/feud with Austin/Rock capabilities. The Irishman as champ with extra heat for being the foreigner with the strap, calling out inferior American talent meets the All American American (face) to save the day and rep the country!

I agree with this feud. I REALLY wanted to see a build up to maybe a Summer Slam main event where a face Swagger does battle against a power heel Sheamus. Also worth noting, I really wanted Sheamus to be a decent heel who actually defends titles and backs up his nasty vocabulary with a harsh ring structure. I'm tired of heels who talk smack and run away, thus negating their title reigns and reputations.
Mine is a current Edge versus Christian feud. Anything could set this off because of the history between the 2. So, the build and ground work is already there.

What I want more then anything here, is a match at Wrestlemania. Even more intriguing is if it were to be for a World Title.

I would have Christian as the Face and Edge as the Heel.

Also, it needs to be a TLC Match. This match to take place at Mania, for a Title, in a TLC Match, is technically over 10 years in the making for us, but over 30 years in the making for both of them.

Imagine if it went down at Mania, with those other stips and/or a Title involved, AND it was in Canada? A true feud and match of EPIC proportions!
Evan Bourne(Face) vs. Big Show(Face/tweener)

Easy sell, little man VS giant. Evan wants to prove himself, trying to show he can play with the big boys. He has matches with Kane, Khali, Henry and beats them cleanly(granted by the skin of his teeth).

He then throws a challenge at the big show, in a serious way. Big show responds by laughing at him and not taking him serious. Not in a way of being a heel, but almost just like "is this guy serious?". Kinda the way the big show is.
First match, evan wins by pure luck. Big show then gets mad, leads to PPV match and Evan wins, and Big show looks like he's gonna kill him....but shakes his hand and walks off.

For the record i am not an EB mark but big guy vs little guy just creates emotion in the fans, its an easy sell.
I wanna see Alberto Del Rio feud with Daniel Bryan (Not going to bother pointing out who's face and whose heel).

Del Rio wins the title at WM and is drafted to Raw while John Cena is drafted to SD (It's no secret Vince wants SD to get a lot more exposure, and putting him there would definitely do it). Then, Del Rio cuts a promo about how he is the best performer on Raw because he is World Champion, to which Daniel Bryan interrupts and says he thinks he can beat him...
Bryan Danielson (face) Vs. Vince McMahon and Co (heel)

Beginning: Bryan loses the US Championship, they go to a segment backstage and Vince meets a beaten Bryan in the back. Vince begins making fun of Bryan, and tells him, "You're just not good enough." For the next couple of weeks, Vince does in-ring promos and even though its always about another subject gets a couple kicks in on Bryan.

Bryan will begin to show his frustration with everything, beating people at will in matches until finally he's entered into a number one contendor match for the WWE Championship on RAW(Whether it be one-on-one with someone, beat the clock, battle royal... You decide.) Bryan will end up dramatically winning the battle royal, to the annoyance of Vince who doesn't want someone like Bryan as the companies Champion. For this, The Miz is the WWE Champion and constantly reminds him how he beat him before on a couple occasions. Once for the US Championship. This will go on until a PPV, without any words from Vince on the matter.

Bryan beats The Miz! Winning the WWE Championship at the PPV, until Vince comes out. Vince talks crap and reverses the referee's decision on a count that, the submission was illegal/Miz got his shoulder up/something like that, but instead he makes it no-DQ, so that Riley and Miz can beat down on Bryan before getting the win.

The Build-Up: Vince comes out the night after and makes more fun of Bryan, bragging about what he did and all that. Vince admits that he doesn't want Bryan to be Champion, because Bryan isn't at the "WWE standard", and even makes fun of him for making it on the "indies." Vince then tells Bryan that he can get his revenge when he faces Vince later on in the night.

Vince and Bryan meet in the ring. Vince overpowers Brya, until Danielson begins whaling on him with kicks. The Miz and Riley come down and although Bryan wins on DQ, Vince and the other two beatdown on Bryan. "IT'S TIME TO PLAY THE GAME", blares and out comes Triple H. Hunter storms the ring, looking as if he's going to help Bryan, but stops, and makes a heel turn, hitting Bryan with the Pedigree and aligning with Vince, Miz and Riley.

Bryan and Triple H become embroiled in a mini-feud, with Hunter destroying Bryan for a couple of weeks. Until Bryan brings back, his trainer, and mentor HBK. Shawn tells Triple H that if he messes with Bryan, he messes with him. At the next PPV, Triple H will face Bryan in a one-on-one match with Shawn as enforcer.

At the PPV, Bryan shows people what hes made of, making Triple H his bitch for a portion of the match. Triple H becomes frustrated and goes for the Sledgehammer, HBK steps in his way, but Miz comes down and takes out HBK. Triple H goes for a swing with the hammer, but Bryan dodges and Triple H hits Riley instead, Bryan uses this to capitiulize and pins Triple H with a School Boy.

The Peak: Triple H and Bryan have a rematch again the next night on RAW. Triple H destroys Bryan for most of the match, Bryan only getting in bits of offense. As Triple H goes for the Pedigree, HBK's music hits and it distracts Hunter allowing Bryan to capitulize again and lock in the Lobell Lock, making Triple H tap-out. Hunter is insenced, and after years without fighting he and Shawn go at it. While this is happening and Bryan is recovering, out comes Vince. Vince looks as if he's going to fight Bryan, and as he goes for a punch, Bryan catches his arm and locks Vince in the Lobell Lock. It takes several referees to get him off as Bryan vents his frustrations.

Following week on RAW, Vince McMahon promises to make Bryan's life a living hell, making a no-DQ Three-on-one handicap match, Miz, Riley and Triple H versus Bryan. Once again, Shawn Michaels interferes and distracts Hunter. Someone else (Cena, Orton, Sheamus whoever) comes after Miz and Riley is left alone, Bryan locks Riley in the Lobell Lock and makes Alex submit. Once again Vince is pissed and says that he can beat Bryan. So that at the next PPV, It'll be Vince and Triple H Vs HBK and Bryan.

The part where it becomes interesting is HBK won't come out of retirement and leaves Bryan on his own. Bryan meets Vince and Triple H at the PPV in what is now a handicap match due to HBK not showing. Bryan shows guts but eventually loses, after Triple H hits the Pedigree and Vince makes the pin. Triple H continues beating down Bryan, making him bleed(that's right, blood!), until Shawn again makes the save, taking out Hunter as they brawl to the outside and through the crowd. Vince picks at the bones of Bryan, slapping him, kicking him, punching him. Who makes the save? Bret Hart. Bret comes down and takes out Vince, helping Bryan as he seems dazed.

The next night on RAW, Bret reminds Vince of where Bret came from, Stampede Wrestling, the indies. He reminds him of where all the great came from, and that what he's doing to Bryan is wrong. Vince tells Bret he doesn't care, and that as long as he can help it Bryan will live in hell until he quits.

Bryan returns the next week, making a farewell speech in the ring. Vince interrupts and taunts Bryan, calls him weak and shows him what he did to him at the PPV. Bryan snaps and begins to beat the hell out of Vince, locking him in the Lobell Lock again.

Conclusion: On the next RAW, Bryan makes Vince an offer. If Vince can beat Bryan in a Street Fight, at the next PPV, then Bryan will quit wrestling altogether. But if he wins, Bryan gets a WWE Championship match. Vince accepts and promises to win, and end Bryan's career.

At the PPV, Bryan and Vince meet. Bryan beats the holy hell out of Vince, with Steel Chairs, Thrash Cans, Kendo Sticks before Triple H attempts to interfere, but this time Bryan catches him with a chair shot. Bryan goes after Vince, but Miz and Riley interfere attacking Bryan. Bryan tries to fight back but the odds are too much. HBK again comes in but the odds are still too much. Then, John Cena makes the save, with another two Superstars leaving it to Vince and Bryan. Vince tries to embarass Bryan, but Bryan locks him in the Lobell Lock and makes him submit. This ends Vince and Bryan's altercations.

Next night on RAW, Bryan cashes in his Championshi match and faces(lets just say for the sake of it) Sheamus for the WWE Championship. Bryan and Sheamus get a few minutes in before Vince again comes out, and changes it to a No-DQ match. Miz, Riley, Triple H and Vince stand at ringside as Sheamus and Miz go at it, not getting heavily involved except for the odd punch. Suddenly as Bryan gets the upper hand and momentum shifts his way, Cena's music hits and he, along with Morrison, HBK and lets say Orton make their way to the ring. A brawl ensuses outside the ring, inside Sheamus goes for the Broad Kick. Bryan catches Sheamus' arm and locks in the Lobell Lock.

And the dream of both Bryan and every Danielson fan comes true, as Sheamus taps and Bryan becomes the new WWE Champion on Monday Night RAW! Sending Vince into a epiletic fit, as Bryan lifts the WWE Championship.

How's that for creative booking?

I think this is the absolute best post i have seen in about 6 months. You have booked it ten times better than I ever would have booked it. You even used people's perception of wrestlers in real life to help with their actions. For example, triple h hating indy wrestlers, or Vince McMahon thinking daniel bryan is a nerd. Or better yet that Vince is holding daniel bryan down, because he doesn't like him.

Just a great post.
Feud would be

Christian/Barrett vs Booker T (face)

The Build up
Barrett does announcing on one of the Cores matches, mocking Booker the whole time. For the next couple of weeks have booker make smart remarks while Barrett or the Core is wrestling and have Barrett snap and slap booker at some point. The core attacks a returning Christian and beat him down till Booker jumps in for the save.

This leads to a PPV match between the two with the core in one corner and Christian in the Corner of Booker T. The match ends when Christian slides in and attacks Booker T helping Barrett Win the match and allowing Christian to join Barrett and the Core.

The Match
After making Bookers life hell for a while he asked them for a tag match at Summerslam. Him and a partner of his choosing vs Christian/Barrett with the stipulation that if Booker win the Core will be no more and if Booker loses he will promise to never get involved with the Core again and will only be an announcer from here on..

The core start to beat down Booker and Nash comes out for the save causing the Core to flee the ring, Booker tells them I think I found my partner but Nash powerbombs Booker saying he has been helping barrett all along and destroying the undertaker was his idea.

The finish
Summerslam The core comes out w/Nash and then Booker is introduced. Christian tells him he is not suprised he couldn't find a partner then the lights go out and Taker comes out to be Bookers Partner. Booker/Taker take on the Core leaders and at some point the Core gets involved and instead of helping them Nash turns on them and shows he has been on the side of Booker the whole time. Booker pins Barrett and that ends the Core allowing Barrett to go on as a singles wrestler..
Christian (Face) vs Edge (Face)
The build up is simple, Edge wins at Wrestlemania, Christian comes out and helps him celebrate. On Smackdown!, Christian comes out and begs for a match, one chance at the title. Gets one at Over the Limit. Christian wins his first title. Have them win the Tag Titles, only to lose them to a REPUTABLE tag team! Then Christian and Edge feud, as WWE do, for the next few months, cumulating at Summerslam, in an hour ladder match! Eventually letting Christian keep the title, putting him in the title picture!
If i watched WWE on a more regular basis than i watch TNA i would want to see C.M. Punk (Heel) vs Brian Danielson (I refuse to call him Daniel Bryan because its stupid) (Face). Why would i want to see this? Because i have read somewhere that they were really good together in ROH. So why not have them feud for the WWE championship and base it on their rivalry they had in ROH and the winner gets to prove that he was the best that ROH has ever produced in WWE.

For that to occur Vince would have to acknowedge that another promotion exsists outside of the WWE and all that he owns. Which he wont.
Plus the E are not pushing Bryan at the moment and I think he has kind of reached where they want him to be.

This fued woud and could be epic. I think it would showcase pure wrestling talent and would push the WWE into making more of their product and talent.
I agree with dman1373 that Jason Scene's post is awesome booking. Onto my idea here:

Evan Bourne (w/Kevin Nash) [FACE] vs. Kofi Kingston w/Booker T [HEEL]

Buildup: Booker T, who is on ringside commentary on a regular basis, slowly starts criticizing Bourne for not 'bringing it on'. He feels Bourne lacks the punch and even in matches where Bourne wins against jobbers, Booker minces no words to say (and rightfully so) that Bourne hasn't really met his match. This continues for a few weeks, including Bourne's appearances on other WWE TV shows such as Superstars. Elsewhere, Kofi Kingston enjoys his status as a crowd puller with theatrics and in one of his matches, finds Booker coming in the ring and lifting his hand up to the cheers of the crowd.

Stage 1 Evan Bourne is fighting a jobber as usual and he delivers his air bourne to the guy and pins him as well. As he celebrates, Kofi's music hits and he walks up to the ring. He lifts Evan's hand up, points to him and then goes for his killer move. As the crowd watch in disbelief, he walks away to his music and with an evil smirk on his face. As the crowd expect an explanation from Kofi, we find his gimmick changed in his next appearance. He is suited and his hairstyle is lot more professional. He believes that for true people to be respected, they have to be professional and turn into a corporate thinker, rather than play to the tune of the audience, who he believes lack class. He goes on to say that Evan Bourne is just not good enough and it is because of scum like him that the WWE is unclean. He carries on, saying he has found a new guide, philosopher and mentor and he is here tonight. 'Can you dig it, sucka?' hits and Booker walks out to the ring. He goes on to praise Kofi and the two of them walk out with a victory sign.

Stage 2 Evan Bourne is out for 3 weeks and by that time, Booker/Kofi establish themselves as a fine teacher - student pair, with Booker guiding his protege from ringside and even going so far as to distract the referee for Kofi to pick wins against jobbers. Matters reach a high when Booker and Kofi tear Evan Bourne's career apart and say he can never ever win an IC championship.

Stage 3 Evan makes his return to the ring and looks for revenge. He pulls victories over Swagger and Sheamus in back to back weeks and never utters a word. After his second victory, Kofi announces they will see Bourne next week.

Stage 5 Kofi walks with Booker into the ring and invite Bourne out. As Bourne stands in the ring faciing them, they taunt him and remind him (through video clips) of what they did to him. Bourne is upset and responds for the first time - he is actually happy of what they did to him. It is in fact their actions against him that have actually established their true colors, rather than expose Bourne. At least he didn't change. This sends them into a frenzy and they start beating the daylights out of Bourne. Kofi holds Bourne, waiting for Booker to hit Bourne with a chair, when suddenly Big Daddy Cool Diesel sizzles into the ring and gives a big boot to both of them. He helps Bourne up, openly challenges Booker and Kofi to a tag match at the next pay-per-view. The GM comes out and makes it official. The next pay-per-view, Kofi / Booker lose. After a few more weeks with more booking, Kofi faces Bourne one on one for the IC championship, which ends in a no-contest. Both of them then move on to other feuds.
I want to make this thread back again!!

I want to see CM Punk vs Drew McIntyre in the near future...
Both of them are great wrestlers and great at selling!

I think Drew McIntyre is underrated and CM Punk too.

It could be an epic feud...
Drew McIntyre (face) vs CM Punk (heel)
It could be a feud that could come personal, by bringing Tiffany back or whatevs.

CM Punk could dominate the whole feud, attack McIntyre from behind, lay him down, kidnap Tiffany (force her to kiss him), cost him a 1st contender match!!
Really destroying his life, and Drew McIntyre gets pissed off, like really angry and start to punish CM Punk like a crazy guy with Steel Chairs, Hammers, Ladders!!

And they could end the feud in a Last Man Standing Match or in an I Quit Match!!
Providing this is booked right (e.g. Orton not winning every single week during the feud...)

Randy Orton (face) vs Cody Rhodes (heel)

With Orton losing some of his sinister characteristics recently and Cody recently becoming psychologically disturbed, this is the perfect time to set off this feud. Everybody talks about wanting new storylines rather than just "That guy doesn't like that guy" or "That guy wants the title". Well, this is perfect.

After successfully defending his Championship against an opponent, Orton would be blindsided by Ted DiBiase. After getting the better of Ted, Orton would be teasing waiting for Ted to get up to hit the RKO... when suddenly, he is struck down by a chair to the back from...

Cody Rhodes.

From here, Ted holds Randy down for Rhodes to repeatedly headbutt with his mask before placing a paper bag on his head.

Then for weeks it can be built up that Cody is now more of a psychological disturbed mess than Orton ever was. He can tell Orton that he is hiding from his old ways, and he wants him to wear a bag to symbolize it. Orton could actually show some regret in interviews for some of his actions, stating that it was because he was disturbed from being kicked out of Evolution, being denied of the chance to outshine his mentor HHH and get his worthy revenge, so he knows what is going through Cody's head right now. This helps build Cody as more of a threat. Have Ted win the Intercontinental Championship to suggest that Rhodes is having more of an effect on Ted's career than Randy ever had. It would also build things up perfectly for the World Championship match between them, the anticipation that Rhodes and DiBiase could be on top of Smackdown, breaking away from their mentor.

I wouldn't see WWE giving Rhodes the win just yet. But this would give the perfect transition to Randy's next feud, a returning Jericho. It could be built up throughout the World Championship night that someone had been playing mind games with Randy- notes about the past coming back to haunt him. You're meant to assume it is Cody. Then as soon as Orton wins against Rhodes. Bam! Jericho returns.

In fact, I'd hold this off til before the Royal Rumble. There's often a new challenger pushed to the main event then to free up more star power in the Rumble match. It would set up Orton vs Jericho as a Wrestlemania Main Event and with Ted getting the IC Title as I mentioned, it could develop another feud...

Ted DiBiase (face) vs Cody Rhodes (heel)

Rhodes has helped DiBiase's career, and assisted him in winning the Intercontinental Championship. Yet DiBiase couldn't help Rhodes get the job done against Orton, and it infuriates him. It could even be that Ted's interference backfired against Rhodes. The next episode of Smackdown!.. they could come out together as normal, before Rhodes announces that there's someone else who's been hiding behind something. "Ted, priceless friend, you've been hiding behind I". Rhodes lays out DiBiase. The next week, DiBiase cuts a promo saying he no longer needs to hide under a paper bag because he is his own man, and he has the gold to prove it.

This then leads to Ted needing to prove himself against Cody on the grandest stage of them all.
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