2013 Double Turn, was it a good idea?


Savior of Unwashed IWC\\\\
Lets just do a small throwback a few months ago at the payback ppv. Really great ppv, especially during the WHC Match. From being a match that was a big afterthought and no one really cared, to stealing the show. After the brutal match with ADR beating Dolph Ziggler badly by kicking him in the head on many occasions in this match up. Though a heel, Ziggler was really over with the fans, so the fans decided to boo Del Rio. Dolph Ziggler went on to have his rematch at MITB but lost via dq with interference from aj. Now lets just fast forward to right now. Where is Dolph Ziggler? back in the mid card status. And Alberto Del Rio? being the most boring World Champion. If the double turn never happened though, do u guys think it would be Ziggler feuding with RVD? Because Ziggler had his MITB Briefcase for 9 months only to have a title reign for only a month(taking most time off with concussion). I thought ADR was actually doing a great job as a face this year, so to my point. Do you guys think this was a good idea? Do you guys think Ziggler would still be world champion if the double turn/concussion didn't happen? And I know for a fact Del Rio would turn heel eventually on Ricardo, but I'm a big fan of both. Where would u think ADR would be?
I was at Payback and the double turn initially was great, it's where they went with the angle afterward that muddied everything up.

Ziggler should have regained the title because unlike ADR, Dolph was over. WWE creative dropped the ball big time on this. The Chicago crowd couldn't have given that match a better reaction. Now we're back where we were in January and the feud ended up being fucking pointless.
I agree with #heel420. Though I wasn't there, I think that the double turn was a fantastic idea. Dolph was enjoyable to watch so the face turn was logical, and Del Rio just has heel written all over his persona.

I hate to deal in what if's with this. With what we know about the WWE and their flip flop creative style, it may not have mattered who was face or heel when, Dolph could have lost to a face Del rio and people would still be here complaining about how meh ADR's reign is going.

However, I don't think that Dolph should have lost the belt as soon as he did. It was kind of like WWE was surfing the Ziggler wave and jumped off mid-ride. I don't care why Dolph "found himself in the doghouse" or whatever relegated him back to the midcard. Even if it was because they wanted to have him getting his ass kicked in the main storyline every week, I'd rather have seen him as WHC to this day because that belt isn't really doing anything.
While I give WWE credit for having tried something that we really don't see that often, they picked the wrong wrestlers to do this double turn with. Alberto Del Rio should have remained a face and Dolph Ziggler should have remained a heel. I disagreed with this the moment it happened and I quite honestly wish both of them would turn back. The turn has done nothing to benefit either one of them. Alberto's time as a face was arguably the most interesting he has ever been. It was refreshing and different. Del Rio as a heel has been done, I want to see him go back to being a face. It didn't last nearly long enough.

Dolph, on the other hand, as a face is different in the negative way. I cannot find it in me to want to support him in this role. At all. In fact, I hate his face persona. It's boring in comparison to his heel persona. Even though he had been a heel for nearly his entire career, he was far better in that role. The idea of a double turn was not a bad idea. The choice of turning Alberto Del Rio heel again and Dolph Ziggler into a face is what was a bad idea. They tried it, it has ultimately done nothing to benefit either one, so they should eventually both be turned back.
Ziggler losing the title was a terrible idea, he should still have it today. The double turn was good in theory, because Del Rio was not over as a face and never would be, and the fans were rabidly cheering Ziggler despite his status as a heel. The problem wasn't the double turn, it was what followed. Ziggler was made to look like a complete jobber who was incapable of winning a match, while Del Rio simply went back to being the same heel he was before the ill-advised face turn, rather than becoming a vicious, brutal fighter who intentionally injured opponents.
The double turn was a great idea. ADR has had his best run, but the ride needs to end. Ziggler should have regained the title at MITB. This was a bad screw up on WWE creative's part. Del Rio has been champ for way too long. Moving into the not-so-distant future I believe at Battleground Ziggler beats Sandow. RVD will go on to beat ADR. Sandow will cash-in on a compromised RVD and leave the PPV champion. This will lead to some sort of Fatal 4-way match at Hell In A Cell where Sandow retains. RVD will be written off. Ziggler will have a couple of matches with Sandow leading to the eventual Rhodes/Sandow WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP match at WM XXX.
It worked just fine at the time, great even, as it just helped make Payback all that much more memorable. Generally speaking, the follow up in the coming months is ultimately what's let a good number of people down.

Dolph Ziggler has worked his ass off for several years in WWE. Some feel he's got the stuff to be a main eventer and some don't but Ziggler suffering a legit concussion obliterated Ziggler's overall momentum. I don't know if this was Ziggler's first concussion in wrestling or not, but it's something WWE takes very seriously. Ultimately, Ziggler was on the shelf for a month and maybe that made WWE officials reconsider their plans for Ziggler. Maybe the concussion could have been seen as a sign of some sort in the eyes of some WWE officials who weren't all that sold on Ziggler in the first place. I don't know exactly that the situation was but, again, WWE really takes concussions ultra serious these days and rightly so. Even what they consider a "minor" concussion can still be devastating and cause problems later on down the line. About 6 months ago, Fandango looked to be on the fast track to major stardom in WWE. He would almost certainly have won the IC title at Payback, as he was booked to face Miz & Wade Barrett in a triple threat match, but he suffered a concussion and was put on the shelf. Curtis Axel got the IC title push and Fandango, while still entertaining in my opinion, has mostly just been floating around the mid-card scene as a something of a novelty act.

I think the double turn was ultimately a good idea. Dolph Ziggler is probably more over now than he's ever been in his career and hopefully, in my eyes at least, it'll lead him back to the main event picture at some point. Unfortunately for Ziggler, unforeseen events came along and muddied up the waters. As cliché as it might sound, shit happens and there's nothing that can be done except wipe it off and keep going.
I think that the real reason for the disappointment of the double turn was because of Ziggles concussion. If he had never had the concussion I believe the storyline would have went differently. He lost a lot of momentum due to the injury.
Are people forgetting Ziggler got a concussion and was unable to defend the belt??? WWE didnt drop anything, Ziggler got injured and this derailed the whole turn, title reign and push.

Now he is back where he belongs, mid card.
Ziggler marks astound me sometimes.

It worked just fine at the time, great even, as it just helped make Payback all that much more memorable. Generally speaking, the follow up in the coming months is ultimately what's let a good number of people down.

Dolph Ziggler has worked his ass off for several years in WWE. Some feel he's got the stuff to be a main eventer and some don't but Ziggler suffering a legit concussion obliterated Ziggler's overall momentum. I don't know if this was Ziggler's first concussion in wrestling or not, but it's something WWE takes very seriously. Ultimately, Ziggler was on the shelf for a month and maybe that made WWE officials reconsider their plans for Ziggler. Maybe the concussion could have been seen as a sign of some sort in the eyes of some WWE officials who weren't all that sold on Ziggler in the first place. I don't know exactly that the situation was but, again, WWE really takes concussions ultra serious these days and rightly so. Even what they consider a "minor" concussion can still be devastating and cause problems later on down the line. About 6 months ago, Fandango looked to be on the fast track to major stardom in WWE. He would almost certainly have won the IC title at Payback, as he was booked to face Miz & Wade Barrett in a triple threat match, but he suffered a concussion and was put on the shelf. Curtis Axel got the IC title push and Fandango, while still entertaining in my opinion, has mostly just been floating around the mid-card scene as a something of a novelty act.

I think the double turn was ultimately a good idea. Dolph Ziggler is probably more over now than he's ever been in his career and hopefully, in my eyes at least, it'll lead him back to the main event picture at some point. Unfortunately for Ziggler, unforeseen events came along and muddied up the waters. As cliché as it might sound, shit happens and there's nothing that can be done except wipe it off and keep going.

I think that the real reason for the disappointment of the double turn was because of Ziggles concussion. If he had never had the concussion I believe the storyline would have went differently. He lost a lot of momentum due to the injury.

Are people forgetting Ziggler got a concussion and was unable to defend the belt??? WWE didnt drop anything, Ziggler got injured and this derailed the whole turn, title reign and push.

Now he is back where he belongs, mid card.

You see all that ^^^^? There's your reason he's floundering right now. His double turn was executed perfectly. Unfortunately for him it was done as a matter of circumstance due to his concussion. Between that and the sudden need to split him from AJ and Big E, he lost all momentum. Well that, and being off TV for weeks. Are you fucking blind? No one is to blame for this. WWE had to give the belt to someone who wasn't an injury risk. Ziggler is not to blame for getting a concussion. End of story.
i think that the plan was a good idea, they shouldve let dolph win back the title, and then break up with aj lee. and then big e attacks dolph and defeats dolph for the belt, with dolph being tooken out until next ppv and have a big feud.
but instead the whole ziggler angle was a waiste of a whole year hype. wwe has forgotten bout that ziggler is a fantastic wrestler, but i think the whole theme song is holding him back, its a good song but it sounds like every song he's had on wwe for past years. dolph needs something more than a mid card entrance song. and "the show off" wouldve been a great gimmick in 8-0's but in the 2010's i dont see the show off making it, dolph needs a new catchphrase aswell. and needs to ditch the whole tank top crap, i think dolph needs a complete change.
It was a good idea that was executed very well. Del Rio wasn't progressing as a face and Ziggler was clearly getting over. They had to swap the two. Del Rio is an average heel but he is better suited to being a heel in the face. Ziggler is clearly popular and his feud with The Shield has been good thus far.

I think Ziggler can be a top heel or face. I suppose Ziggler might have still been World Champ if he was heel but I'm glad they did the double turn. I think we will eventually see Ziggler go back for the World Title and may get a long run now that he is a popular face.
It was really well executed and should have worked, Del Riow as awful as a face in my view, his suck up persona wasn't getting over and fans were getting behind Ziggler no matter what he did, plus I think more cocky faces are needed.

The problem was that they didn't follow through, Dolph was never given enough mic time and once he finished up with Big E and AJ he should have been Del Rio's challenger at NOC and got the WHC back to cement his face turn. At the same time they started out with Del Rio getting mic time and emphasizing the new ruthlessly aggressive streak, he even had a couple of matches with Punk, but then he faded into the background again.

As it stands both guys are just treading water, guys that you can rely on to add a decent match to a card but no real emotional investment.
Ziggler marks astound me sometimes.

You see all that ^^^^? There's your reason he's floundering right now. His double turn was executed perfectly. Unfortunately for him it was done as a matter of circumstance due to his concussion. Between that and the sudden need to split him from AJ and Big E, he lost all momentum. Well that, and being off TV for weeks. Are you fucking blind? No one is to blame for this. WWE had to give the belt to someone who wasn't an injury risk. Ziggler is not to blame for getting a concussion. End of story.

So why did they give the belt back to the idiot who gave him the first place? Anyway, yes the double turn was great, and I'm personally glad they split him from big e, but I wish they had kept AJ with him.
So why did they give the belt back to the idiot who gave him the first place? Anyway, yes the double turn was great, and I'm personally glad they split him from big e, but I wish they had kept AJ with him.

Del Rio didn't give him the concussion, that was Swagger, I think they put it back on Del Rio as WWE wont give up pushing him until they find another Latin star, hopefully one who is actually over.
i think that the plan was a good idea, they shouldve let dolph win back the title, and then break up with aj lee. and then big e attacks dolph and defeats dolph for the belt, with dolph being tooken out until next ppv and have a big feud.
but instead the whole ziggler angle was a waiste of a whole year hype. wwe has forgotten bout that ziggler is a fantastic wrestler, but i think the whole theme song is holding him back, its a good song but it sounds like every song he's had on wwe for past years. dolph needs something more than a mid card entrance song. and "the show off" wouldve been a great gimmick in 8-0's but in the 2010's i dont see the show off making it, dolph needs a new catchphrase aswell. and needs to ditch the whole tank top crap, i think dolph needs a complete change.

You think Big E. Langston should have won the World Heavyweight Championship? The guy can't work a match, can't cut a promo, looks like an over-inflated Carlton Banks doll, and is more worthless than Mason Ryan. And you think he's World title material? Jeez...

As for Ziggler's music, I think it fits him perfectly and it gets a huge pop. Ziggler was the most over guy on the roster from WrestleMania until he got injured. If he hadn't been hurt, he'd probably still be champion now and would have remained just as popular, which would have put him at least even with Daniel Bryan.
I think they put it back on Del Rio as WWE wont give up pushing him until they find another Latin star, hopefully one who is actually over.

If Rey Mysterio was younger and healthier, or Sin Cara could do more than just flip and flop around the ring, I believe Del Rio would be squarely in the mid-card. Further, this storyline would have worked so much better there, as
the IC title of 2009 with Jericho and Mysterio was truly the "worker's title", with both Rey and Jericho being perfect in that role.

As someone else has said, I believe, the WHC has become the IC Title, in essence. WWE hasn't pretended to try and build a storyline around it since the match at Payback, have they? The execution was very good, at the start. The problem that's risen since then, unfortunately, is that WWE seems to feel 'stuck' with Del Rio. He's an incredibly solid worker, but his feuds all feel disconnected, as there is no depth, seemingly, to his character. Ziggler is similar, but there's charisma there, he simply isn't pushed consistently.

This feud would have truly worked if Ziggler had eventually won the title back. They struck while the iron was hot with his real-life concussion, but they failed to cash-in on having the audience rally around him by having him win the title. Ziggler should have won the title back after putting in a valiant effort, including several near-falls with Del Rio's superkick.

Instead, they played out the 'woman scorned' angle too many times with AJ, instead of having him win the title, then break off from her and Langston and having that feud naturally take place. Instead, they pulled the trigger too quickly, and no one is better off now than they were at Payback. Not Del Rio, who despite holding the WHC, can't have a solid feud, and not Ziggler, who has bounced from 2- week feuds, but nothing substancial. It was a great start, with poor execution following.

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