Best Title Win of the Year To YOU thus far.....?

Favorite Title Win of the Year Thus Far......

  • The Rock's first title in more than 10 years

  • John Cena's redemption

  • Del Rio's Face Turn

  • Ziggler's Cash In

  • del Rio's Heel Turn?

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Gotta go with Ziggler's cash in since the list is WWE only. Too bad it wasn't at Mania instead, but that moment was still awesome. That crowd would have popped for anything, but they POPPED for Ziggler's win.

Kinda spam, but Bully Ray winning the TNA title was the best title win this year. The buildup was good and the reveal was awesome The vignettes on Impact were actually so good they went over most people's heads, because being wrestling fans they have short attention spans and no memory.
1. Dolph Ziggler cashing in- This one is self-explanatory. Everybody marked out. Best episode of Raw in years.

2. The Shield beating Hell No for the Tag titles- I am a big Shield fan and couldn't wait for them to win the tag titles.

3. Dean Ambrose winning the US title- Same reason as above. I would have preferred if they Freebirded with the Tag titles, but I can't complain about a push for Dean.

4. AJ winning the Diva's title- I was waiting for this the whole year. She's been the best Diva WWE has had in a long time, and she definitely deserves the recognition.

5. Alberto's Heel Turn- The art of the double turn seemed dead, but Del Rio and Dolph brought it back. It was a brilliant angle and it's going to help Dolph turn face, get that title back and be bigger than ever.

6. Wade Barrett's IC title win- It was a definite shocker. I bet no one thought Miz was losing the title so fast. It was a great way to start what would become the best Raw of the year.

7. Del Rio's first World title win- I didn't agree with this win, but it was a great LMS match. I marked out a little, but then realized Del Rio was bland and boring and shouldn't be SD's top face. On the bright side, WWE eventually realized it too.

8. Kaitlyn winning the Diva's title- I've always liked Kaitlyn even though I thought she stole the NXT win from AJ. Still, it was a good win and Kaitlyn delivered as a good champ.

9. The Miz winning the IC title- I'm not a big Miz fan, but it was a great way to hype up the Mania crowd. It also lead to the shocking Wade win the next night.

10. Kofi Kingston's US title win- I'm a big Cesaro fan so I was definitely unimpressed with this. The only positive note was that it was obvious Kofi was a transitional champ.

11. Curtis Axel's IC title win- He's bland, uncharismatic, boring and lame. And it was obvious he was gonna win anyway, so there was nothing memorable about this title change at all.

12. The Rock beats Punk- The finish was ridiculous and overbooked. I thought it was terrible and even though I knew Rock would win, I didn't enjoy the way they did it. Knowing this was setting up Cena/Rock 2 didn't help matters at all.

13 THE UNDERDOG JOHN CENA's REDEMPTION where he SAVED HIS CAREER and OVERCAME THE ODDS by reclaiming the WWE CHAMPIONSHIP!! THE CHAMP IS HERE!!.... Yeah, great storytelling. Whatever.
I'm going to have to agree with some of the previous comments. I aren't a massive fan of any of the option and I would go with Curtis Axel IC championship victory. It is the first time in a long time I have seen someone win a championship and they look genuinely proud and emotional at having done so.

It's just my opinion but the way you sell a championship win is just as important to how you sell the moves in the championship match itself. If it doesn't look like the title means anything then whats the point?
The one that people where and still are most likely to say is the 'Ziggler Cash In'. Reason being that so many people are Ziggler marks, and they like to see him do well. That is all fine and good, but the most interesting one for me (and it wasn't mentioned in the original poll) is, AJ Lee winning the Divas Championship.

Now I know that a lot of people are going to question this and probably make a huge joke out of it but the thing is, AJ Lee is the first Diva that I have seen since Michelle McCool and Layla disbanded that is a natural born heel. She is so good on the mic and over the last year or so has been able to improve her in ring craft. All of that combined makes a good 'Superstar' and now it has been able to, finally, re-create a great Diva.

AJ has done something that hasn't been done since, atleast 2011 and that is make the Divas Championship relevant again. Both Kaitlyn and AJ have been able to have a steady storyline and have actually been able to make us watch them, and not go to the toilet every time a Divas Match comes on.

So in my personal opinion, AJ has to be, hands down, the Best title win of the year for me as I can finally stand to watch the Divas compete again, without having to just stare at their asses or fast forward the match. ;)
(Knowing how many world title reigns John Cena has had doesn't make you a "Cena Mark" but it DOES make you ignorant.


Two of the greatest superstars of all-time hugging. It was meant to be a great WM moment and many fans would have loved it. Personally, I thought the match was average so I was just irritated at that point.
Lol, you enjoy hugging? idk why, but it just felt so fucking forced and so corny. it was stupid as fuck. so corny and predictable.

Remember, not everyone single man, woman or child who watched WM29 would predict what would happen. There would have been many children who would have been amazed and captivated by watching Cena/Rock hug.
Who cares about the children? adult men are the majority of viewers, so i dont know why wwe caters to children instead of adult men.
Cena's title win, and the entire redemption storyline, was good. I liked the idea of Cena desperately wanting to win the title back after going so long without. Prestige is mentioned a lot and wanting the belt makes the title more meaningful.
how was it good lol? it was so fuckking predictable and corny. like we didnt know cena would get the championship back , lol. for gods sake his year wasnt even that bad. there are mid carders that would kill to be in his position. he fucking beat brock lesnar on his 1st match back. his only losses were to cm punk and zigler.. everybody fucking knew that cena was going to overcome the odds. its so obvious, even my friends little brother, who is 10 years old, could predict cena would win. every time cena gets beat up in a match, or throughout a feud, he always manages to win.. no matter how many odds are stacked up against him. how the fuck was the redemption storyline good? it was a typical "superman" snoozefest.
I'd have to pick the popular choice of Zigglers MITB cash in. For two reasons. One, it was looooooooong overdue. And two, The crowd made it feel like a huge deal. They made that moment for ziggler, no doubt.

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