Kofi Kingston vs Alberto del Rio at Summerslam??

Frozen Fire

Dark Match Winner
i didn't know where to post this... i mean it relates to Raw superstars but is also related to SS... so sorry and feel free to move it if its in the wrong place...

last week on Raw(08/01/11), when I saw Kofi run in to save Evan Bourne from Alberto del Rio, i thought the 2 could have a decent feud for SS and maybe the next few weeks on Raw... something like the Kofi-Orton fued. i mean, kofi did beat ADR in that championship tournament and then next week ADR beat him in a 1 on 1 match so they could have developed a story out of that. that would have given Alberto del Rio something to do till he finally cashed in his MITB contract. it would also have Kofi a 'high profile' feud which would've been better than being a mid-card jobber being thrown in random matches. your thoughts please...
Im sure it would be a good match, ADR needs something to do at the moment, before he cashes in his MiTB briefcase. Going over Kingston could be a great way to start that build up. I cannot say anything against having this match in the mid-card. I'm sure it will be a good match that will showcase two talented guys. They have been building a bit of history between the two aswell.
A feud between ADR and Kofi doesn't excite me. It's too predictable. The build up would suck because we all know that ADR will get over some and Kofi will get over some with ADR ultimately winning the war. Nothing is wrong with that if all desire are good matches, but if WWE really wanted to make that feud interesting, they'd have Kofi beat ADR at SS; then, for the next PPV, they should have Kofi challenge ADR for his MITB contract. Otherwise, ADR has nothing at stake because even if he loses every match in the feud, he's still Mr. Money in the Bank.
All it would do is drag ADR's character down a notch. Kofi Kingston is worthless on the mic and can't carry a feud or story to save his life. He is the most boring "superstar" in wrestling as far as I'm concerned right now.
Kofi Kingston is worthless on the mic and can't carry a feud or story to save his life. He is the most boring "superstar" in wrestling as far as I'm concerned right now.

I agree that Kofi's character is not at all interesting at this point but v all know he has potential... i feel he just needs to stop jumping around so much to be believable.. if he can have a lengthy program with ADR maybe he may become relevant again.. also at present ADR does not have anything going on for him... i mean, he's a future champion and he's not even on the card as yet with just 3 days to go for SS.... so that'll give him something to do...
I don't mind them having a match at Summerslam but I don't want to see a feud. But what would be the point of only having one match? I don't want them to have a feud because it would be predictable which is boring. I'm sure they could have a good match at SS so I suppose you could have it as a filler.
Like most have already said, Kofi will be the only one to really gain out of this feud. ADR is MITB holder and needs to be wrestling against former champions. I.E. Rey and Miz. I know it's not always possible with other feuds but there's more choices than Kofi. They could always do a "you don't deserve the contract" with the Miz. But, if they are looking for a future feud between Kofi and ADR, they need ADR to win the title, push Kofi and have him fight for the title. Sure, Kofi isn't the prime pick as a #1 contender but was Ziggler either?

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