Here's how to return Ricardo to the main roster.


Go Ricardo GO!
I've discussed this here, and in other places, but I have a good idea about getting Ricardo Rodriguez back on the main roster - and this time, NOT as a joke ring announcer, but a legit badass.

With the presence of Paige as the Divas Champion, she's had no real feuds unless you count Crazy Alicia Fox and Tamina Snuka. And that's where The Authority steps into the picture.

Especially when, and if, Alberto Del Rio finally joins The Authority.

ADR could ***kayfabe*** become smitten with Paige, showering her with flowers and gifts in a attempt to win her over. Only one problem. Paige is in love with someone else. But ADR, being ADR, will NOT take no for an answer, and will enlist the help of Tripsy and Stephie Pie in his bid to win her.

One night on RAW, Tripsy, Stephie Pie, Kane, Randy Orton, and ADR call Paige out to the ring. Here, Stephie Pie berates Paige for spurning ADR's affections and tells her that like it or not, she's ADR's woman. She then orders Paige to give him a kiss to seal the deal. Paige's reaction? "Sorry, no." This now causes Tripsy to wig out, and HE orders Paige to give ADR a kiss. And that is when Paige says, "I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen. You see...I love someone else, and I wouldn't touch Alberto to scratch him." And now ADR wades into her. "You little ****e! You would choose some other perro when I -- I! - can give you what you need?" And Paige states, "What I need, you're not man enough to provide." And now Stephie Pie wades back in, demanding to know who Paige has chosen over ADR.

Paige's reply?

"Ricardo Rodriguez."

This REALLY causes The Authority to wig out as the WWE Universe chants Ricardo's name to the rafters. Prompting Stephie Pie to slap the taste right out of Paige's mouth and order Kane to hold her fast. She then grabs Paige by the face and rants, "You BITCH! You would choose a human JOKE over Alberto? Well, guess what? You WILL seal the deal with Alberto, and you WILL give him a kiss! So pucker up, baby! Your future's right in front of you!" Then all but Paige, ADR, and Kane head outside the ring to watch ADR attempt to force his affections upon her.

But before he can do anything, WHAM!

A man in El Local's mask and street clothes storms out with a chair, and takes out The Authority, even Stephanie. Then he runs into the ring and bams Kane with a chairshot, the force of the blow causing Kane to tumble over the top rope to the arena floor.

Then it's ADR's turn to eat the chair. As well as some well-hammered fists, causing ADR to roll out of harm's way. Then, El Local unmasks.

It's Ricardo.

As The Authority looks on in shock, Ricardo helps Paige to her feet, then tenderly kisses her as the crowd erupts, ending that particular RAW for the night.

The following week on RAW, Ricardo unloads with an anti-Authority declaration of war, stating that "you thought I was a damn JOKE? After what you tried to do to my Babycita - yeah Alberto, I'm TALKIN' to your ass! - did you think I wouldn't do something? Tell me something, Alberto. What part of 'You're a douchebag' do you not GET?

"You always were a douchebag, you continue to be a douchebag, and that's ALL you'll ever be! And you thought Paige would give you that kind of look? Sorry, big fat NO. And now that you've got her involved in your Authority crap, you've got ME involved! NOBODY hurts my Babycita and gets away with it! So you better saddle up, you jackass. ALL of you. Yeah, you, too, Stephanie. Tell me, did that chairshot hurt you bad enough to where you couldn't get on your back for a few days? And another long were you and The Game playing 'Hide the Twinkies' before Joanie Laurer found out?

"This ain't Ricardo Rodriguez talking. Not anymore. My name is Jesus Rodriguez. I was born with this name. And I'll DIE with this name."

Then watch the bombs drop as Ricardo - with help from most of the babyfaces in the locker room - goes after The Authority.

It's pretty awful.
First you have language in there that would get beeped out so there's no sense in using it.
Second WWE has moved away from male on female violence. So Stephanie getting hit with the chair wouldn't happen.
The authority trying to force a diva to kiss another wrestler is creepy as fuck. What would they even gain from that?
Is Babycita even a real phrase? It sounds stupid.
Overall it's a terrible idea.
might be the single worst thread/idea I have ever heard. The fact that you put this much time into such a bad idea is concerning. It would and could not ever happen. Minus, the domestic violence, and rape undertones, ricardo would never get traction as an actual badass wrestler. Literally, probably the worst idea ever sorry guy. Its honestly a little sad that you are naive enough to think of such a terrible idea. Please lord, lets hope you were trolling, and I would highly applaud you for how bad this idea was.
I haven't been on the boards for months, just checking them once in a while without posting.

But reading this I had to say how stupis and completely awful this idea is.

Prolly the worst thing i've read on the internet since it's creation. In comparison, you make TheOneAndOnlyGoat look like a fkin genius.

"When ADR finally joins the authority" do you even watch wrestling? Why is ADR destined to be in the authority??? Jesus Rodriguez? Paige? Omg please bring back Duke the Dumpster or Isaac the dentist for christ sakes.

Worst read/idea/thread of all time.

BTW your dream match of Sunny vs Marty Jennety to highlight WM34 won't happen

I just went to look at your previous post and I think you should consult.

Your love for Ricardo Rodriguez goes back to 2 and a half years ago, you come on the boards once every 2 months to talk about him in different threads, guys you should go read this it's disturbing. You're a dog with a bone, and your bone is Ricardo Rodriguez. Even in threads that is not related to anything close to RR you talk about him with passion and love. That's creepy. Let it go man, he'll never be SCSA. And i insist you should consult
NO... Just no.. but as this doesn't count as a post I'll elaborate...

Paige is the Best pure Women's wrestler they have found in 20 years. The last person they hired this good off the bat was Bull Nakano. Paige was GREAT at the age of 21... not just good but the absolute best. UK wrestling seems to produce them but in her case her parents were part of that scene, if anyone was "born to do it" it's Paige.

Now take Ricardo... he's a fun character and a VERY underrated worker but he doesn't have the required to hold a main roster role for WWE and is going to be an announcer or manager all told. It's not a shame for him... Josh Matthews was just release after several years of employment from Tough Enough, he went in as a wrestler, they decided...nah BUT you can do this, Brad Maddox the same...

Hitching Paige to ANYONE not considered an A prospect on the male side of the Roster is not only foolish but pure bad business. Her face role is meh, but she needs time to grow. There are only 2 real options for her if they pair her with guys from the roster.

1) Bad News Barrett - Both English, both "anti" the norm... if the injury he now has derails his push, give him Paige as his "wench". His bad news then has another avenue... "Not only am I the best IC champion or.... but I also have the best Diva at my beck and call..." Remember what Lita did for Edge...

2) Cody Rhodes - Stardust works... Paige would be a great accompaniment in the way Marlena/Terri was for Dustin. She's "Goth" in that sense, Stardust is the polar opposite so the "opposite attracts rule" works EXCEPT that we all know he's married to Brandi/Eden and much as I love Paige... she is hotter by a LONG way but in a twisted way, same as Goldust and Marlena it works...
I wasn't going to read the whole thing but after reading the comments on here I figured I'd see what the fuss was about. And I have to say that your post needs to go into some kind of Hall of Fame.

You start off with ADR joining the Authority, which on it's own sounds lame, but at least it's CONCEIVABLE.

After that, you go off the rails. Off the rails, and off a cliff.

Trying to follow along w/ the actual storyline took effort because I was distracted by the inane dialogue.

But basically you have ADR, now a member of the Authority, trying to rape Paige. Then, Ricardo Rodriguez under an El Local mask saving her from said rape attempt. Oh, and he chairshots "Stephie Pie" in the process. Thus launching Ricardo Rodriguez, now to be known as Jesus Rodriguez.

And you fill in the blanks with people calling each other ****es, making jokes about Chyna, and a bunch of other stuff that never should have made it from brain to keyboard.
Wow. I would rather see Nikki Bella assume the Undertaker persona.

The problem with this storyline is its subtlety. You need to build up Del Rio as a slimy aristocrat who uses his money and standing to enact bizarre prima nocta rituals on the Divas. Announce him as Alberto Del Rapeo for a couple months and see how the crowd takes.
Your best bet is to stick to roleplaying in an efed or play EWR. I just can't see two hispanic performers fighting for a British born Wrestler. I'm not going to bash you but this is definitely an interesting idea lol.

I just couldn't take Ricardo serious outside of his ring announcer role. As bland as Del Rio is, Ricardo made up for what Ricardo lacked.

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