N.O.C. WWE Title Match Possibilities!

Which one do you see happening?

  • ADR vs. Cena

  • ADR vs. Punk

  • ADR vs. Cena vs. Punk

  • ADR vs. Cena vs. Miz

  • ADR vs. Punk vs. Miz

  • Other (Please Specify)

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F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
Which of the following is the most likely to be the WWE Title match at Night of Champions?

  • ADR vs. Cena
  • ADR vs. Punk
  • ADR vs. Cena V Punk
  • ADR vs. Cena V Miz
  • ADR vs. Punk V Miz

Those are the possibilities I think. I just threw Miz in there because who knows he is a top player on Raw.

I think it'll be the 3rd option, ADR vs. Cena vs. Punk..

Or maybe ADR vs. Cena and then a later ppv we can see a singles match between ADR and Punk..

What do you guys think??
Let the discussions begin!! :guns:
ADR vs. Cena V Punk cause Punk still has his rematch clause and it can help out the feud with Punk and the corporation(WWE). So this is the best option if wwe wants to keep this feud to further on
There are only a couple of matches I believe we will see.

John Cena vs. Alberto del Rio
This seemed like the one on the face of things after Raw. Del Rio beats up Mysterio, Cena comes down and gets serious. If this is the match, WWE have done well to start the feud the night after SummerSlam. Five weeks would make a nice lengthy build for the match.

John Cena vs. Alberto del Rio vs. CM Punk
Remember Punk? Yeah, he used to be the champion and he hasn't received a rematch. I can definitely see him invoking his rematch clause only for the establishment (the GM) to make it a triple threat, furthering his anti-establishment storyline and saving his inevitable Kevin Nash match for another time.

Night Of Champions may well be five weeks away (a pretty length wait by modern standards), but I don't see anyone else making there way into the WWE Title picture. Miz? No, he has no place there. Mysterio? Not with his knees. I half expect him to be out for a while selling the injuries he got on Raw. Just these three guys, with my pick being the latter scenario.
I was thinking on the day after SummerSlam that it might be a fatal fourway at NOC between ADR, Punk, Cena and Rey. I was obviously under the assumption that Mysterio wasn't injured too bad and that Alberto would retain the title from Rey by nefarious means. Well, I was wrong there and therefore I believe that unless WWE is going to hotshot a feud between HHH and Punk, it is going to be a Triple Threat between Cena, Punk and Del Rio.

It is something that makes sense. Cena has a legit reason to be aggrieved because he lost due to faulty refereeing. Punk should have a rematch clause as the reigning champion. With both Punk and Cena having a legit claim to the title, I think that this would be the way to go.
Am I the only one who doesn't see Punk being in the WWE Title picture for a while.

After the end of Raw, It is clear that Cena and Del Rio are going to feature in some sort of match at NOC, maybe with Mysterio included as well.

As for Punk, I see him facing Kevin Nash at Night of Champions, maybe in some sort of special match type (Street Fight etc, due to Nash's physical limitations.) During Punk's promo on Raw, he never once mentioned his desire to be WWE Champion again, he was just bashing Nash and HHH. Seems to me that Del Rio and Cena will now fued together, and Punk will move further into the storyline with Triple H, Nash, Stephanie etc, maybe setting up a match between Punk and Helmsley at Survivor Series.
I say Fatal 4 Way

ADR - Champion, so he will obviously be in it.
Cena - Due to Cena's statement at the end of Raw
Punk - Because he get's his rematch
Miz - As he is the one who texted Nash to take out the winner
I was going to say ADR vs. John Cena however with the recent reports about VKM being very happy with the Miz as of late, I think Miz finds his way into this match as well.

Also, by putting Miz in there, you allow ADR to retain (which is what I think they are going to do) without Superman getting pinned. This keeps Superman in the title picture but allows ADR to retain the belt.

I think Punk is going to be involved in this storyline with Triple H and Nash which will be separate from the WWE title storyline for now at least.
There is no reason Punk couldn't be fueding with HHH/Nash and STILL be in the title picture. It IS NOC after all. Just have him get screwed again. Especially with No D.Q. in a 3-way match its even easier to have him screwed and still have a legit winner.

BTW, why does Cena have a "legit" claim like everyone says? I get his foot was on the rope, however just because HHH should have called a rope break doesn't mean Cena would have won after Punk lets him up. I mean, he shouldn't have a legit claim to ADR. Punk should and does, and for Cena to run out there and insert himself seems a little big headed (not saying I don't like it and not saying I didnt' like the more aggravated/pissed off Cena). But for Cena to talk about "integrity" restored to the belt, he should have said "Punk is gonna whoop your ass" or something.

And usually at NOC its USUALLY not a one on one, right?
Unless the WWE changed the rules, then NOC is title matches only for that PPV. Now knowing the WWE they could have changed that stipulation but I haven't heard anything about it.

In regards to the match I would be throughly shocked if Punk wasn't in the match, he has to be otherwise he cant wrestle on the PPV. Well that is of course unless they have him feud with Ziggler, haha. Obviously a no on that.

So my prediction ADR vs Cena vs Punk and Vs MIZ. Im throwing the Miz in there only because it's a titles only PPV and he would have nothing else to do
I would love to see Adr vs Cena vs Punk the match would be great and the story leading up to it would be above par. Truthfully Id love to see the triple threat match but only see it being Adr vs Cena at N.O.C
I'm taking a stab at Alberto Del Rio vs. John Cena vs. CM Punk vs. The Miz.

WWE do, as another poster said, have the theme set for Night of Champions as an event where only Championship matches take place. You have four guys in the main event scene and if you take the three challengers aside and break them down, not one belong anywhere outside the WWE Championship match; I will say though, that The Miz would be an exception. Somewhere in my mind, flashes a neon sign which says "The Miz and R-Truth," as a possible tandem but I'd imagine they'd go with the Fatal-4-Way.
Ill go with Del Rio/Cena due to Punk being busy with Nash/HHH....Also, it doesn't necessarily have to be just a title only PPV, because, if you remember, I think it was last year, where the Big Show faced CM Punk.

Im not sure about the Miz, because, right now, unless something changes, he doesnt really have anything to do with the WWE title picture. I would love to see a Triple Threat with Del Rio/Cena/Punk, but, like I said before, I think Punk will be busy with HHH/Nash, and whoever texted Nash.

This whole thing is kind of similar to Austin vs. Corporation all those years ago.
I went with ADR/Cena/Miz.

Punk is doing his own thing and doesn't need to be in the title match right now. Miz was my choice because Vince loved his appearance on RAW so much, I think he wants to get him in the match somehow to keep him in the picture.
Unless the WWE changed the rules, then NOC is title matches only for that PPV. Now knowing the WWE they could have changed that stipulation but I haven't heard anything about it.

Last year there were non-title matches. I believe Punk actually faced the Big Show. With the unification of the Diva's/Women's and World/WWE tag team championships and the elimination of the ECW title, the number of matches went from 9 to 6. 6 matches could fill a card but they'll probably have 1 or 3 more thrown in there.

As far as the vote, Fatal 4-way. Cena (rematch) v. Punk (rematch) v. Del Rio (champ) v. Miz or Mysterio. Or make it a Championship Scramble with 5 guys. As long as we get this whole "EVERYONE GETS A REMATCH!!!!" thing over and done with. Yes that means if Del Rio loses he gets a rematch, but that's simple enough to fix.
It's not that every match has to be for a title, it's that every title has to be defended. There are only 6 titles. World Heavyweight Title, WWE Title, US, IC, Tag Team and Divas.

I'm sure they'll be more than 6 matches on the card.

This would be my card...

WWE Title Triple Threat: Alberto Del Rio vs. John Cena vs. The Miz

World Heavyweight Title: Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry

US Title: Dolph Ziggler vs. Alex Riley (no idea why this didn't happen at SummerSlam, looked like they were building up a match a week or 2 prior on Raw)

Intercontinental Title: Cody Rhodes vs. Ezekiel Jackson

Tag Team Titles Fatal 4-Way: Otunga & McGillicutty vs. Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne vs. Daniel Bryan & Sin Cara vs. The Usos

Divas Title: Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix

CM Punk vs. Kevin Nash

Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett

John Morrison & Rey Mysterio vs. Christian & R-Truth
I say Cena vs. Rey vs. Miz vs. ADR vs. CM Punk in a Five-Pack Challange or Championship Scramble. Rey is somewhat relavant to the storyline and is just a little ad in, Miz hasn't won the WWE title in a long time, and Punk at least to have his rematch clause invoked. CM Punk and Kevin Nash will eventually have their match.
Am I the only one who doesn't see Punk being in the WWE Title picture for a while.

After the end of Raw, It is clear that Cena and Del Rio are going to feature in some sort of match at NOC, maybe with Mysterio included as well.

As for Punk, I see him facing Kevin Nash at Night of Champions, maybe in some sort of special match type (Street Fight etc, due to Nash's physical limitations.) During Punk's promo on Raw, he never once mentioned his desire to be WWE Champion again, he was just bashing Nash and HHH. Seems to me that Del Rio and Cena will now fued together, and Punk will move further into the storyline with Triple H, Nash, Stephanie etc, maybe setting up a match between Punk and Helmsley at Survivor Series.

after RAW went off the air CM Punk came out and both cena and punk beat the shit out of ADR so its most likely going to be a triple threat between Cena, ADR and Punk, Kevin Nash is probably just going to be a someone who just is there and will power bomb peeps from time to time i have a feeling we wont see him wrestle
I could see CM Punk being shut out of the title picture if they really wanted too. CM Punk probably had a rematch clause in the contract against John Cena, but how could he have a rematch clause to use against ADR? So I could see WWE pushing that side to further CM Punks angle.
I would have to say, it will be punk vs adr vs cena, because both cena and punk have their standard rematch clauses, unless hhh put it in his contract somewhere in which punk can't get a rematch
Hey what if it was a fatal 4 way no-dq? That would be seriously awesome, plus the match could be insane. Nash could cost Punk the match, HHH could pedigree nash, meanwhile, Miz goes for a clothesline on Del Rio but takes out the ref, Cena goes for the AA on Miz, hits it, then turns around into a cross armbreaker. Steph comes out and declares ADR the winner! Wouldnt that be special?
I'll have to go with logic on this one. Punk and Cena both invoke their rematch clauses for rematches and face Del Rio for the WWE Title in a triple threat. Maybe throe Miz in their aswell since he never got a rematch from facing Rey in the title tournament.

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