Which forum users have gotten "over" on WZ?

I remember RVDGurl quite well, she was an excellent poster. Not quite Mustang Sally calibre, but awesome nonetheless. Not sure what the relevance of the mid 30's comment is.

Looking at the list, I would say pretty much everyone from Dirty Jose and upwards is over here on the forums.
I'd say to some extent I've gotten over. I had that heel run/ (time where in real life I was suffering from depression and taking it out in here)

However recently with the effort I put in to fix myself in real life and the work I put in to get out of prison it appears that I may be over with a small percentage of wrestlezone.
IDR, LSN80, Sally, Jack and Naitch (no order) would be my personal fave 5... Lowdown is starting to knock on the door too...

Edit: Humblest apologies - forgot KJ (I blame it on this unseasonably good weather in Norn Iron)!
I'd say to some extent I've gotten over. I had that heel run/ (time where in real life I was suffering from depression and taking it out in here)

However recently with the effort I put in to fix myself in real life and the work I put in to get out of prison it appears that I may be over with a small percentage of wrestlezone.

Considering the general consensus of this thread is that the only people to get over are the likes of NorCal, X, KB, Coco, and that caliber of poster, I have trouble putting you in that same category.

If you're over, Sully was a fucking legend.
Considering the general consensus of this thread is that the only people to get over are the likes of NorCal, X, KB, Coco, and that caliber of poster, I have trouble putting you in that same category.

If you're over, Sully was a fucking legend.

Gotcha, this was just a case of reading a few posts and then posting. I wouldn't consider myself at their level either.
Weren't they though? I remember FTS and Razor were a big deal. And Tenta and NSL were boss.
FTS and Razor were okay
I always popped hard for Luther.
same here.
I'd say I'm over but I've done nothing to deserve it. Sort of like Santino.

Also my rep count was wiped as well.
Same here
You are rank #328; I'm rank #52
I don't have more rep than you, do I?
I hate you.

I have more rep than Gelgarin. That should tell you all you need to know about rep around here.
I have more rep than a lot of people
Said girl was the most over person on the forums for years. Then I retired to spend my days with Shawn.
I only remember you for the E-Wedding with Will

That Becker fella was over at one point
Why did people have their rep score wiped clean? And when did that happen? I was here for a couple of years before I even knew anything about rep score, so I would have no idea if my rep was ever wiped or not or why.
I feel like I'm in the Christian spot. Some people really like, some people really hate me. But ultimately I don't actually draw enough attention or put enough butts in seats to be a lasting contender in the main event scene.
When I first joined the big six were Jake, Shocky, IC25, NorCal, TheOneBigWill and HBK-aholic (x was on hiatus).

Even when he was G-Mod, Sam was nowhere near as over as he is now (except with Jake).

As far the most over person ever, I think TM has everyone beat by a mile; not only did he have a lot of fans, but he probably could have gotten most of them to drink cyanide-laced kool-aid.

I'll never forget my clique, though: tdigle, Becker, Indy, GuyCompton, cookie, and jmt for the motherfucking win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why did people have their rep score wiped clean? And when did that happen? I was here for a couple of years before I even knew anything about rep score, so I would have no idea if my rep was ever wiped or not or why.
I think Lee's was wiped because he was banned for a bit or one of the older admins did it. Mine was wiped because I was a troll and one of the older admins put me in red then wiped it after a few months
You have quite a bit more. I only have 11,225. I wouldn't be surprised if you had over 20,000.

That's crazy. I have 16,000 plus. I think you're the only one who remembers me. Lol
That's crazy. I have 16,000 plus. I think you're the only one who remembers me. Lol

Yeah, there was a few months where like one piece of rep was worth like ten times the amount that it was now. People were racking up thousands of points within a few months and you posters like Xfear go from maybe 4000 points to 40,000 points.

I wasn't active during most of that craziness, but I got the tail end of that and I think I doubled my points. It took me like 2 years to accumulate 1000 points after that.

Moon Knight should remember you very well... if the bastard still posts.

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