The WZ Movie Tournament resumes tomorrow- NEW VOTING PROCESS

Isn't the point of these tournaments for people to vote for what they like?
Yes, but more importantly than that, the point is to get people talking about what they like.
If nobody's voting, this is pointless
If nobody's willing to discuss their vote, then voting is pointless.
IC had no problem whatsoever with having to voice why people voted for what they did for the rock tournament. There was the option to discuss... and it was a rousing success.
I'll take your word for it, because I didn't participate in it. I don't pay enough attention to music to have made an impact, at least until the later rounds anyway. The only round I voted in was the finals, and that's because I was well aquainted with both bands, and made the informed decision to vote for the better band (Queen).

The fact we had no input on the movies for the tournament to begin with, and the fact that the best movie of this fucking decade isn't even in the tournament... it should be no wonder why this is a bust.
I assume you mean The Dark Knight, and I've explained it a million times over. We decided NOT to include any movies from this calendar year, and even if we DID include movies from this year, I STILL wouldn't have included TDK, because I started work on this tournament before TDK was even released in theaters. And I DID ask for suggestions for the movie tournament, it's just that most them were already in consideration anyway. I had to narrow it down to 32 films per bracket, and personally, I think KB and I did a good job of it. Did every movie that deserved to get in get in? No, but I think there is a solid representation for each decade.
For example, I thought The 40 Year Old Virgin was funnier than Wedding Crashers, because I just do. There's no real reasoning behind it.
But there HAS to be some reason as to why you like one better. I wouldn't even care if you preferred Wedding Crashers, just tell us why. If it's because you prefer Vince Vaughn's style of comedy over Steve Carell's, just say that. I can respect that. They're both very funny guys.
All you're doing is murdering your tournament, dude. You're better off just keeping the hit and run option up there and stop being a pretentious douche.

I know I'm coming off as pretentious, but I'm not trying to be. I just want there to be a little more substance to this tournament in comparison to some of the others. This tournament was never actually about who won. It's about the discussion.

Oh, well that's a relief.

What I meant by that was that alot people in their posts go, "This movie is good too, but this one is just better." And I'm saying that if both movies are good in your opinion, then feel free to say why you like both movies.
If nobody's willing to discuss their vote, then voting is pointless.

I have a question, when you cast your vote for President, do you give a short answer response afterwards? No, you vote for what you want, and that's it. Sometimes people just like what they like, and don't feel like defending it. I really don't see what the big deal is.

I assume you mean The Dark Knight, and I've explained it a million times over. We decided NOT to include any movies from this calendar year, and even if we DID include movies from this year, I STILL wouldn't have included TDK, because I started work on this tournament before TDK was even released in theaters. And I DID ask for suggestions for the movie tournament, it's just that most them were already in consideration anyway. I had to narrow it down to 32 films per bracket, and personally, I think KB and I did a good job of it. Did every movie that deserved to get in get in? No, but I think there is a solid representation for each decade.

Dude, how long does it take to set up a tournament? The way you're talking, it took you from like January to now to get everything all set up. As far as not including The Dark Knight goes... an exception should have been made, considering how much it has grossed, and the amount of positive reviews the movie got overall. I'm sure people would have understood if it got in over The Incredibles.
I have a question, when you cast your vote for President, do you give a short answer response afterwards? No, you vote for what you want, and that's it. Sometimes people just like what they like, and don't feel like defending it. I really don't see what the big deal is.
Because allowing stupid people to vote is what fucked our country in the ass for the last 8 years.

Dude, how long does it take to set up a tournament?
The way you're talking, it took you from like January to now to get everything all set up.
As far as not including The Dark Knight goes... an exception should have been made, considering how much it has grossed, and the amount of positive reviews the movie got overall. I'm sure people would have understood if it got in over The Incredibles.
Making an exception is the same thing as giving an advantage, and I chose not to outwardly favor any one movie in this tournament.
Dont worry Shango. I have no problems following the rules that you have set up. Well, because you set this whole tournament up. I've had fun both voting and discussing the movies. I took a break for some reason, but I came back and had just as much fun as I did when this started. I think the reason people don't like to discuss is either because they're favorites werent included or got out too early. Or because they are lazy.

In my estimation you've done good with this tourny.
Because allowing stupid people to vote is what fucked our country in the ass for the last 8 years.

So now people who vote without defending their choice are stupid. Got ya.


Making an exception is the same thing as giving an advantage, and I chose not to outwardly favor any one movie in this tournament.

And The Dark Knight hype began when? The tournament started in October. All you had to do was ask if there was any interest in putting it in, and I'm sure the answer would have been a resounding yes.
So now people who vote without defending their choice are stupid. Got ya.
Actually my answer was all about politics, and nothing to do with the tournament. You picked a horrible analogy.

And The Dark Knight hype began when?
What does hype have to do actual film quality. Are you saying that you would have voted for TDK in the tournament, BEFORE you ever saw it?

The tournament started in October. All you had to do was ask if there was any interest in putting it in, and I'm sure the answer would have been a resounding yes.
You're right. And if I had done this last year, it would have been the same way with Transformers. This time last year, I couldn't stop hearing about how fan-fucking-tastic Transformers was. And yet, this year, Transformers, isn't even in the tournament, and I didn't get a whole lot of complaints.
No complaints from me.

It bugged the living shit out of me how TWO people voiced their love for Freddy when he went up against Jason and Myers, yet about 6-10 members posted why Jason or Michael was better, but Freddy still got over twenty votes and won the entire thing. That's absolute bullshit. Are Monkey and a fan of Rey Mysterio the only Freddy Krueger fans who know how to type something out? Jesus Christ…

But yeah... The Terminator, Schindler's List and Gladiator are the movies left I'll be rooting for. I'm a really big fan of Forrest Gump, but Schindler's List is better and I'll explain why when that thread comes.

Fuck Star Wars, Alien and Lord of the Rings. That out of space and fantasy bullshit should've not have made it this far. None of those movies are superior then any of Scorsese's movies in the tournament (even some that aren't in the fucking tournament), any Tarantino film period except for Death Proof, Rocky, T2, The Godfather, Saving Private Ryan, Back to the Future, and plenty of fucking others if you ask me.
hahah I am not fan of rey mysterio! I'm just mysterio_fan! And yeah people should voice their opinion, but I don't always if I dont feel strongly about a certain movie but prefer it too another.......
If conversation was the ultimate goal a system closer to a series of debates with a panel of judges probably would have been better than popular vote polling. IMO it seems somewhat fraudulent to have a voting system where votes can be denied based upon another person's opinion of said voter's reasoning. Say what you will but it calls into question the validity of the results.
Meh I have voted for every movie in every wound, I just say why I like a movie, and usually put down the other movie. I am still going for Gladiator, as it is my favorite movie, followed by Forrest Gump. Ill still keep on voting.
What does hype have to do actual film quality. Are you saying that you would have voted for TDK in the tournament, BEFORE you ever saw it?

My point was that TDK looked amazing... and it was. TDK came out in July, one month after you began working on the tournament. It absolutely should have been given consideration to be in, considering the tournament didn't start until October.

You're right. And if I had done this last year, it would have been the same way with Transformers. This time last year, I couldn't stop hearing about how fan-fucking-tastic Transformers was. And yet, this year, Transformers, isn't even in the tournament, and I didn't get a whole lot of complaints.

Transformers sucked... that's why there's no complaints about it not being in.
If conversation was the ultimate goal a system closer to a series of debates with a panel of judges probably would have been better than popular vote polling. IMO it seems somewhat fraudulent to have a voting system where votes can be denied based upon another person's opinion of said voter's reasoning. Say what you will but it calls into question the validity of the results.

I'm not gonna throw out a vote because I don't like the reasoning. You just have to follow the rules of the forum, and leave a non-spam post explaining what movie you vote for and why.

My point was that TDK looked amazing... and it was. TDK came out in July, one month after you began working on the tournament. It absolutely should have been given consideration to be in, considering the tournament didn't start until October.
Again, that would be making an exception, which is exactly the same as giving an advantage, and that's not how I do things.

Transformers sucked... that's why there's no complaints about it not being in.
People say it sucks now, but last year it was all anyone was talking about. Course, they've had time to sit and reflect on it, and realize that it wasn't as good as when they first saw it. For all we know, the same thing may happen with TDK.
Pete said it best. The hype for TDK began when? That's what it made so much of it's money on: The hype. When Batman came out 20 years ago it had more hype than anything. Now it's not as good as it once was. I've said it before, and so have amny others: TDK, best and most overrated movie of the year, SO FAR. That movie makes 200 million less if Ledger is alive. People were talking about how great it was beforehand, yes, but once he died did his performance get talked about for Oscars. People see TDK as the second coming of Gone With the Wind, and it's simply not as good as people say. Give it 5-10 years. If it stacks up then, I'll say I'm wrong.
People say it sucks now, but last year it was all anyone was talking about. Course, they've had time to sit and reflect on it, and realize that it wasn't as good as when they first saw it. For all we know, the same thing may happen with TDK.

I knew right away. So did many.
Im going to vote against schindlers list out of spite. If there is anything I absolutely despise its people overkilling something, and trying to suffocate you with their opinion. For fucks sake, just becuase its old, slow, boring as fuck and shows a bunch of messed up shit doesnt mean I HAVE to vote for it over an incredible movie that I love. fuck that. its the HBK/Bret Hart ironman match syndrome at its finest. I find the Gumb-Bubba relationship and how it ends, tons more moving than I do anything in schindlers list. As Xfear so excellenntly put it, anyone who has any kind of education on the holocaust new what was coming. if you want some fucked up shit on the holocaust, read the book "crystal nacht". Forrest Gump FTW.

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