Whether you realize it or not..

LMAO. Ok that only pisses me off for a minute because I despise Soulja Boy, but I understand where you're comin from. But ICP isn't the only artist that reps Juggalos. Ever hear of Twiztid? Blaze? Twiztid, notably Monoxide is a very solid lyricist.

Yes I have. I just hate ICP with a passion. I guess that's what happens when two ******ed kids from metro Detoit mix Dr Seuss, Esham, and necrophilia. If you are a juggalo that dislikes ICP and can actually carry on a conversation without saying something stupid then I don't have a problem.
Sorry man, I like you, but I fucking despise juggalos and their entire movement of mediocrity.
Sorry man, I like you, but I fucking despise juggalos and their entire movement of mediocrity.

To be honest, I'm not really about that shit either. You guys only see the dumbass Juggs who put this shit out here like it's a movement or a religion or something. Shit some people think it's a fucking cult. But honestly, the majority of us are fucking working class people who use this music and these shows as a method to escape reality. Everybody has their own methods of doing so whether you realize it or not. It's easy for me to go to a show painted up and wear myself out screaming at the top of my lungs and getting soaked in Faygo, but I can't get into RPG's and video games and shit.
If you want to escape reality,smoke crack like any normal person,dont stoop as low this.


My view is the same as Xfear's/Eko's, no point in me repeating what everyone else has said, but yeah, how anyone can listen to their music is beyond me, i tried listening to it. I was a shamed to be at a party where i was with the party people and i was astounded a friend liked ICP, i threw myself up and said turn that shit off.Thats how much disdain i have for them. The paint their faces's and it really makes them look like clowns...and i can see year Jeff Hardy gets his ideas for painting from.

They branched out into wrestling and lot their idiot fans think they are good in the ring which they are not at all. They think their victimised, shit..Jews, Blacks, gays and rape victims are more of a victim, they are judged not by choice. AS most of us see it Juggalo's for most of them choose a piss poor mediocre lifestyle which in turn gets them judged.

A google search gave me this as the fourth picture. THAT'S why people taunt Juggalos.
It's teh Internetz. Grow the fuck up and stop being such a sook. You don't want people to bag you out cos your a Juggler? Don't fucking mention it. stop bringing it up and in a week or so no one will remember.
To be honest, I'm not really about that shit either. You guys only see the dumbass Juggs who put this shit out here like it's a movement or a religion or something. Shit some people think it's a fucking cult. But honestly, the majority of us are fucking working class people who use this music and these shows as a method to escape reality. Everybody has their own methods of doing so whether you realize it or not. It's easy for me to go to a show painted up and wear myself out screaming at the top of my lungs and getting soaked in Faygo, but I can't get into RPG's and video games and shit.

I see the problem here. Like I said earlier, there isn't a definition of Juggalo. The one you've pieced together is of an otherwise normal person who does the normal young working adult thing of going to shows and listening to music to blow off steam. You pick ICP, I pick Tiger Army, but the result is the same.

The only reason you use the word Juggalo is because you are into that music scene. And having been around that for what appears to be a long time, I'm sure you understand what kind of negative images that word can conjure in most peoples mind because the dipshits who go by the same name. If you know that when people are shitting on Juggalos, they probably aren't talking about people like you, why let yourself get upset by it? They either just hate the band that much, or have had bad experiences with other self described Juggalos. They aren't saying your name directly each time they make a joke.

If you are intent on trying to repair the image of being a Juggalo, the best you can do is just continue being a good dude. You won't be able to fight back all the stereotypes associated with the name, but you will be able to set a good example to others and maybe one less person will auto-hate Juggalos (not ICP, mind you). There will always be "the haters", and like everyone else in the world, you'll just have to accept that. Hopefully the people who like you can learn to respect your tastes (or right to them, anyway).
X said what I really wanted to say but didn't becaause Nate seems like an okay dude. Seriously though, I'd rather shove a lightsaber into my piss hole then hang out with Juggalos.
God I have been waiting to do this for a long time !

Alright Nate, let me tell you about my observation and interaction with those who consider themselves "Down with the Clown".

I don't know how it is everywhere else, but here where I live there is an abundance of stereotypical "Juggalo's" as well as every other stereotype. Des Moines, Iowa is a weird place you see? Unlike a lot of cities there is nothing to really define a Des Moines native like there is in New York, Boston, Long Island, Jersey, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, etc... and as a result you have a bunch of people trying to portray everything they see people doing on T.V. in places like that. It's like a little bit of all those places mixed into one big cluster fuck, as this smaller city tries to act like it's bigger than it really is. As you can imagine the ICP crowd is the definition of this to a fault.

Here at least, it was all the drop outs, loadies, idiots, immature fucks, people who made themselves outcasts, people who refused to present themselves with any kind of self respect or dignity, they were all scurvy as fuck, the kind of people who thought it was funny to act like fucking ******s destroying shit all the time making anywhere they hung out a dingy rat hole as well, and breaking rules just to break them like that made them cool or something. Basically the dumbest most immature fuckfaces you've ever experienced. The saddest part of it too is that it is as a direct influence of this flaming pile of cat vomit, rhino shit, a squirrel nuts, yeah that's right, squirrel nuts! that these people passed off as real rap.

These people were all a bunch of clones. They all dressed the same, talked the same, acted the same, and untied themselves under the "Juggalo" banner like somehow that had become "it" and we just "didn't get it" as mentioned earlier. Most of them always went out of their way to act extra odd, or ridiculous, just to try and be different and weird, to be different and weird which was another display of their unmeasurable stupidity. It's like they didn't really have personalities of their own, so they listened to an ICP record and decided to be Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope by default because "High School Jock" "Brainiac" and "Prep" were taken so they decided to go with "Loser".

All of this because of the second rate music put out by two fucktards with make-up. I swear, I've never seen a bigger group of people battling with an identity crisis. They're supposed to be kind of like rappers but kind of metal but kind of goth but kind of like all the skater kids used to be but kind of like the hippie kids but with some misunderstood outcast thrown in there for some real drama. It's fucking stupid, make up your mind, who are you, what are you, what are you about? Get a fucking clue!!!

Getting into the music itself, I definitely understood why these people were flocking to it, they all needed that to grab onto because they didn't fit in with other crowds and this presented an opportunity to be accepted by somebody. Still, I think you should be your own person either way, be an original, not a fucking clone. It's fucked up, you look at them and it's like their wearing a uniform, all the same trying to be individuals following the same mentality as well. How the music itself is good enough to warrant all this is far beyond me is some ways. Don't get me wrong, I have heard some it I didn't mind, and have even owned a few albums myself because I wanted to hear what all the hoopla was about, but it never grabbed a hold of me like it did these other people.

There was one song on the "Ringmaster" album I liked called Mr. Johnson's Head. I heard it when I was in middle school and at the time the song reflected a lot of what I felt so I liked it, but found it hard to really get into outside of finding a few songs I liked. It became all the more difficult as I began to see and realize who the people that were into this brand were i.e the Juggalo's. Once I saw the way these fans reacted to the music, and how they let it form their entire identity, I quickly decided not to venture down that avenue any further.

I have a very eclectic taste in music ranging from classical to metal to rap. So, when I heard of this rap duo ICP I decided to hear it. some people I knew were telling me it was so great, so I went to place where I could pick up the CD's used at a lower price and checked a few out. I wasn't really impressed, especially for it passing itself as Rap. I decided to stick with Ice Cube, West Side Connection, Mack 10, 2 pac, Snoop, Dre, Master P, Silk The Shocker, etc...which was all real rap, especially at that time. I can understand in some ways why it attracts so many people, but it does not fit my fancy.

In closing though Nate, what I described above was an exact description of the so called "Juggalo's" where I live, and from what I have seen on the internet elsewhere, that seems to be the profile to a "T". Why you would voluntarily put yourself up to that kind of scrutiny? I do not understand, or why if your not like them, would want to be associated with them. If you know the stigma that is attached, and know you'll be looked down on and ridiculed for it, that why would you choose it? Maybe what you should do is explore some other avenues of influence.
My god. A thesis citadel on why Juggalos are shit. I might actually read this one.
Game Rage.. I completely forget you're from Iowa. Then I see those Will-forts and think, man, I don't remember writing all that.. but the location says Iowa, so it must've been me.

Its entirely possible I've seen you already.. at Adventureland.
I think so many people just abuse the term Juggalo. Like, they try to be different so they call themselves a Juggalo. They want to be a loner, they want to be accepted. A lot of the 'Juggalos' are so fake it's ridiculous. I don't mind them, I know a few who are pretty cool. I know one couple who named their son Milenko. I just don't like the people who try to act.. well, psychopathic to show their respect towards ICP. The ones who just take it too far. It's hard now to find which are true fans and which ones are posers. They don't bother me as long as they try to act somewhat civilized. Oh, and the ones who are still stuck on the Eminem hatred from around '96. No, go away.
Game Rage.. I completely forget you're from Iowa. Then I see those Will-forts and think, man, I don't remember writing all that.. but the location says Iowa, so it must've been me.

Its entirely possible I've seen you already.. at Adventureland.

Come on over to Adventureland. You're gonna have a fun filled day!

I don't think you can truely be a Juggalo if you don't wear the make-up. Therefore you aren't a Juggalo so don't classify yourself as one and people will stop flaming you.
Anybody else love this song? I mean, the lyrics are so deep and meaningful :p

And the thing is, it's not even a joke song...
Game Rage.. I completely forget you're from Iowa. Then I see those Will-forts and think, man, I don't remember writing all that.. but the location says Iowa, so it must've been me.

Its entirely possible I've seen you already.. at Adventureland.

Come on over to Adventureland. You're gonna have a fun filled day!

Wow, I didn't think anyone else ever really heard of Adventureland. Especially since it's not as big as Six Flags or Worlds of Fun which are just a short drive away. I've been going to Adventureland my whole life, I love that place. It has some kind of old school feel to it.

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