When will the WWE give WGTT a chance?


Dark Match Jobber
I have been watching the worlds greatest tag team getting beat week in and week out and it makes me furious. They have more talent than deuce and domino, cryme tyme, cade and murdoch and the highlanders put together and they still dont get a big push. I thought they might have won the titles at one night stand with the effort they put in, in that match. But the wwe let the hardys win and cade and murdoch(c and m) won the titles the next night. I personally think that c and m will never be a major tag team in wwe but when you look at wgtt they have so much ability and talent and I could see them neing a great tag team just if vince would give them a major push that they need. People may say that they have no mic skills but neither do the hardys or c and m. All I can hope is that wwe give them a chance to have a good feud with the hardys or a title run, sooner rather than later.

Give me your ideas please.
Personally I don't see the WGTT ever getting a significant push in the WWE. That's not to say they don't deserve it as I believe they do, especially Shelton Benjamin. I just think if it was going to happen ,it would have already. WWE is centered on storylines and these guys have zero mic skills or charisma which will hurt them tremendously. Unless they receive a heel manager (who isn't anyone's momma) who can speak for them (such as Paul Heyman), they're destined to remain in the midcard as a tag team.

I don't see a face push either. Possibly Shelton as a singles guy, but not as a team. Haas would have been released only for this WGTT angle.
WGTT are the best tag team on the roster IMO. They should have won the tag team titles in the match with the Hardy's in their stand out match at ONS, but it would appear that they were just used to rough up the Hardy's for Cade and Murdoch which is a shame.

If they were to be split up as singles, I'd only see Shelton as getting the push, Haas on his own doesn't have the look for me.

Also, I hate the whole mic skills thing, Brock Lesnar was a great WWE champion and he had zero mic skills as does Bobby Lashley. Plus, Khali can't even speak English or wrestle, so why has he had 2 titles shots at Cena and big time feuds with 'Taker and Kane?
I would be very happy to see WGTT get a good push. With the Hardyz championships with c and m, WGTT miiight have some room for a feud with them, but the problem is the heel-heel rivalry probably wouldnt work. I think the WWE should make another stable some time later this year with WGTT, a leader, and an enforcer. Maybe something like WGTT, with Chris Jerhico (if he comes back), and someone huge guy.

What would make me really happy is if Charlie Haas got drafted to Smackdown or ECW, and then let Shelton Benjamin have a feud with Santino Marella. Being a HUGE Shelton fan, i would like to see him in contention for the IC belt.
Keep in mind that the guys you mentioned, Lashley, Lesnar, Khali and Umaga, are all booked as monsters. Lashley has always been a good guy who never really spoke unless it involved yelling things like "I'm gonna kick your ass!" Lesnar had Heyman when he was a heel and was just a guy who also yelled "I'm gonna kick your ass!" a lot too until they wisely made him a heel again. Cruiserweights don't have the size/intimidation factor that the roidmongers and monsters have. The Hardys, Benjamin, and Haas definitely need the mic skills to entertain people outside the ring as well as inside. Funny thing is, I thought Matt Hardy was doing great a heel with the Version 1.0 thing, and he got great pops as a face too, but the Edge/Lita thing killed his momentum. The fans gave him sympathy pops when he returned but the WWE never let him get a clean win over Edge. If Jeff applied himself even more, he may get into RVD/Mysterio status, which means he'd be too popular not to be champ.

As for Benjamin and Haas, the point of this thread, Haas has always missed something special about him. His Haas of Pain submission is really cool but he's almost a background guy. He needs to have some kind of break-out event/gimmick that makes him a little more bad-ass (like Randy Orton becoming the legend killer, or Jericho finally turning on The Rock a few years ago) Benjamin needs mic work, plain and simple. He had great momentum from the HHH feud but never ran with it. Benjamin will improve with time, but he needs a mentor the way MVP had with Benoit.
i cant see it in the horizon.... Honestly, Shelton fucked up too many chances to grow up as a leader of the WGTT. When i hear Shelton B., the only thing that comes to my mind RIGHT NOW is a couple of bootched moves, especially the last one at the ladder match with the hardys; ok, he tried to fix it grabbing the top rope and kicking the ladder, but even JR and the King started to use the good ol' excuses: "high risk maneuver by Shelton Benjamin" and "look at the athleticism of that young man, he almost felt, but he made it to the ropes, king.." you are right that you cant judge the man just for a bootched move, but i remember a couple of months ago he almost broke his neck in a match against Jeff Hardy(im not sure if was hardy, anyway..)for a MITB spot at WM23. that was a BIG, HUGE chance for Shelton to make it, and even when we all already knew that Jeff was scheduled for winning, that match just made Shelton look really bad.
Charlie Hass IMO, is a pretty good wrestler (not as skilled as Shelton i think..) but the guy is kind of midget, and with zero charisma...nope, he cant make it to the cut..
finally, i agree with "C and M" having little or no mic skills historically, but if you saw the last couple of "announce table" collaborations, the guys are improving a lot, maybe more than the WGTT, add that the in ring experience and improvement = they are the new world TAG champs.
so no, that chance is not near here, not this year i will say.
The WGTT need to leave Raw because on Raw they have virtually no chance of getting good pushes. I think that these two have the ability to be pretty good singles wrestlers. I think that these two should go to ECW and feud with the Major Bros. for a while and get the ECW tag division up. Then they should have the WGTT lose the ECW tag belts and Benjamin blows up and attacks Haas leading to a feud between these two. This feud could ignite the singles careers of both men and this feud could bring lots of great matches and help out ECW as well. Both men have good finishers (Haas of Pain and T-Bone) and their mic skills, I think, will improve with time.
i'd like to see them on ECW as well. But, they need to change their characters to back when they were part of Team Angle on Smackdown. the match at ONS with the Hardy's was great tag-team wrestling and it stole the show. No reason it couldn't be that way if there were more great tag-teams in ECW>
WGTT do deserve another run at the titles but I remember watching their older matches and these guys were the balls of tag team wrestling but when I look at them now, is that they aren't really determined. I'd think Haas would try harder as he got fired in the past and would want to work harder but IMO Shelton got sloopy due to the fact that he got voted most underrated wrestler and he thinks wwe are going to give him a push.

Also why are people dissing C and M so much? It might be an old fashioned gimmick but these guys are pretty damn good. Their matches with the Hardys were great besides the one when the Hardys were banged up and they sounded pretty good on the announce table.
PLEASE get Shelton away from tag matches...he needs to learn how to talk, stay singles, put on some bulk and allllllll will be good. Once he master's the mike, I can see him with the belt some day...give him like 5 years though...or 7 injured big timers =)

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