When was the last time someone was THIS over?

Think back to when all this started... before he got the title, when he first got Ride of the Valkyries as his music... not the guitar version, the orchestral one and he was bouncing up and down like a loon on the way to the ring chanting YES...

People backstage were probably doing bad Hurricane impressions "What up wit dat?" and shaking their heads... The fans bought it immediately and over that period, forced them to give him a push... THAT is what I mean by organic.

Vince absolutely did not want Bryan over, he was everything he doesn't think his top guys should be like... but fans warmed to him first...or they wouldn't have used his YES!... sure after a couple of months it became trope like What? did but then even just changing it up to No after the Sheamus squash should have ended his career and the fans love affair with Bryan... kept it going. Not cos they like to chant one syllable words... but cos they buy into Daniel Bryan as a character, worker and hero.

It's the response Vince always wanted for a Batista or Orton or even Edge... but none of them got it... it wasn't COS of the yes chant... they chanted YES because they were behind Bryan.

That he has now become the "ultimate sports entertainer" in many ways is just the irony... He can play Vince's game perhaps better than anyone else on the roster, be thrown shit and it'll bounce off him... He's no messiah or even going to be "the guy" for long, but he WILL now get his chance...
Crowds often chant names. It doesn't mean anything. WWE Superstars frequently get their names chanted. But he doesn't get his name chanted when he's not in the ring, which means that he isn't really that over.

I just said he got his name chanted when he wasn't in the company so yes he did get it chanted when he's not in the ring just like at so many other events.
Is it safe to say that Bryan is the most over that someone has been since WWE went PG? Names like Jeff Hardy and CM Punk have been mentioned but really, Bryan has been over for such a long time now, it's remarkable.
he's definitely the most over there has been in years..he puts guys to shame. He should get a royalty for every cheer, he'd be a rich man.
Damn the iwc sure does have a bunch of stupid terms like "organic" like who cares how someone gets over, why the hell does it matter. Fact is that Punk and Cena bring the company more money than DB does or has. I don't know what you guys are calling "over". Are we just talking crowd reactions? or actual popularity? or merch sales or what? Nobody in recent memory has been as popular as Cena, not even DB and its not even close. As far as crowd reactions go, I think punk in 2011 was getting better reactions to his entrances and promos. I'm not really sure why people think he is so super over. The crowd likes him but his booking has been perfect plus he has the yes chant. DB is over but he's not the most over in years imo. Remember MITB 2011, DB hasn't even come close to that.

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