For all you humanoids out there...
The Roman Reigns push is scary for WWE fans that can remember the Lex Luger push. It was like all the sudden he's an American Hero and face of the company. And by the same miracle, all of the sudden Roman Reigns is the face of the company, and to hell with John Cena, Randy Orton, and Daniel Bryan.
So I worry he will suffer the same fate as Luger. If you push him this hard, and he is not ready/ doesn't have what it takes, his career will be ruined.
I thought the show last night was full of excellent mic work except for when Reigns came down and tripped all over the word threat. He's nervous, he's facing hostile, smarky crowds, and he's not an old salty veteran who's ego can handle it. He will either be baptized under fire and become great or he will be at TNA.
So I worry he will suffer the same fate as Luger. If you push him this hard, and he is not ready/ doesn't have what it takes, his career will be ruined.
I thought the show last night was full of excellent mic work except for when Reigns came down and tripped all over the word threat. He's nervous, he's facing hostile, smarky crowds, and he's not an old salty veteran who's ego can handle it. He will either be baptized under fire and become great or he will be at TNA.