When is WWE going to release Kane??

What should happen of Kane?

  • Retire

  • WWE release

  • Stay where hes at

  • Throw the title on him, see what he can do.

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WWE hasn't done anything Kane in well over 4 years. Hes had 1 24 hour title run. Sucks at putting people over. His matches arn't so hot either. When will WWE get fed up with the bullcrap he does, and release him?

This guy, hasn't had a good fued, since The Big Show, and I don't know if I would consider that good. Thats been, what, two years now? Unless Kane is on a mindless rant about absolutly nothing yelling something about someone being dead. Hes terrble, and needs to retire. If not, WWE should release him. Better to go out with a little dignity i suppose tho.

His matches arn't so hot. What the crap. Rey Mysterio, can put on a decent match. (WWE standerds of course.) I know people are going to argue "The just dont have good chemestry." But the truth hurts. Kane, sucked those matches up. Some of it was booking, most of it was Kane. He stumbled around like, Eugene does during his matches.

Hes just getting old. And sucky. Its time to retire, or WWE to release him, soon. I can't see him retiring, anytime soon. So WWE please, pink slip this guy.
Pure and simple WWE screwed Kane up when they took his mask off.His matches with Undertaker were great.So many big men have come and gone but Kane is still there.Give him the right opponet and the right angle and Kane will shine.Blame WWE for the glorified jobber Kane has become.
Maskless Kane is like a pitbull without testicles as a local red neck would summarize. But he has been a loyal employee to the WWE for years now, and one day will retire with honour from the company. They won't release him, what would be the point? I think he would rather retire, and the WWE would grant him that honour. Im sure he is well off enough to quit now, and rest his body. Give him a few last feuds in his last couple of years, and that would wrap up a great career.
I've actually got to agree with the guy 2 above me (Kane666). For my 400th post, I'm going to leap in and defend one of my favourite wrestlers since I started watching in early 2001.

Kane, back when he was masked, was quite simply a bad-ass. He was a guy you could legitematly be scared of, because he looked scary, he didn't talk, didn't show emotion, barely showed pain. He just walked in, beat the holy hell out of anyone who was in his way, then left. And I'm talking the original, full-face mask, with the old school red-and-black costume. You know, basically what the Fake Kane looked like when they did that dumb-ass angle surrounding May 19th a while back.

Then, Kane's mask was stolen by the ultimate idiot, X-Pac. That's where things started to go downhill for the Machine. And I do call him the Machine, because when he lost the original mask, he stopped being the Big Red Monster, and became the Big Red Machine. He came back with that mask with the mouth missing (admittedly, looked pretty cool, but just wasn't as intimidating as the first one) and he was cracking jokes, doing Kane-a-roonies, the whole deal. He's turned into a walking joke. They tried to put him over by giving him the IC strap and putting him into a world title fued with Triple H. And, just as it might have worked, along came Katie Vick. Ugh. Kane was once again a joke, and forever associated with the worst storyline in wrestling's history.

However, I think they can make him into the monster again, without resorting to a re-masking. Why, you ask? Look at June 2003. Kane lost to Trips on Raw and was forced to de-mask. And chaos ensued. He chokeslammed his tag team partner RVD that very week, then in the next few weeks he threw Bischoff off the stage, put RVD through a wall, tombstoned an old woman on a steel stage and even set Good Ol' JR on fire. And this, in my opinion, is what is needed for Kane. Make him the twisted, psychotic nutcase again, but don't have it turn out to be some dumb-ass fued with a mexican jumping bean. Have him just completly snap during a match and basically kill everybody in sight. Maybe even put a couple of plants in the front row and have him drag them out of the crowd and take them out too. And don't give an explanation. Just have the story be that Kane's mind has finally snapped, and have him psychotically rampage through the WWE. Put him over as somebody who no longer has concepts of rules, getting disqualified all the time, attacking officials, maybe even turning up on the wrong show during a match and taking out both competitors (and maybe the ref) for no apparent reason. Once he's established as the psycho heel again, put the strap on him, and give him a run, just to see what he can do. I believe this is the key to success with Kane. Psycho heel has worked before. If it ain't broke, why must Vince keep trying to fix it?
What can I say I am a big mark for Kane and too his credit much like Mysterio he's getting shitter but he keeps his popularity.

They'll never release the guy, the one thing you've got wrong in your original post is that Kane is good at putting people over, I'd credit him with making Umaga look good, MVP look good and even The Great Khali. He's one of those guys that WWE will keep around for as long as he wants to be there and give him a good retirement and why not? he's earned it.

His matches arent bad, I certainly enjoy a lot of them, call it bias it probably is but theres always that part of me that wants Kane to make it big again.

He'll never be that creature he was in 97 again, even if the mask was still on and he was a 4 time World Champion he'd still be where he is today, granted he'd probably try a little harder but he'd still be chubby and slower.

Me I think that Kane should be given the Title for a while before he retires, just as a sort of thankyou, he might not be the best business choice but then again he was never truly tested. I'd rank Kanes ability as a big man as up there with JBL's ability as a Main-Eventer. Better than alot of people give him credit for.
You must be mad. You think the WWE is going to release arguably the best gimmick they have? Kane, since his debut, has been fantastic up to a point. His debut in the HIAC match was unexpected; and kickass. Everyone was freaked out when he first came, and from then on he was probably the most interesting gimmick that the WWE has.

His gimmick is something that the fans can really get into; and sure, when he lost his mask he did lose a lot in terms of his character. His face was burned as a child, and he hid behind the mask to cover up his face, once that face was exposed to not be so grim, he was just another monster. The fans still remember him as a badass monster that destroyed everything, but now he isn't as good as he used to be because of the loss of the mask.

When they had the new Kane come back with the mask on, they really could have gone somewhere with that but they blew it. It could have been the chance to put the mask back onto Kane, or get the fans emotionally involved in him, and that angle, but instead they just wrecked it.

So, release Kane? Fuck off. Kane is one of the most loyal members of the WWE roster. Give him an interesting storyline and he'll put on a good match. Granted, his matches are going downhill; i'm not going to deny that. But if they stopped giving Kane shit storylines then he may put some more effort in. He needs a proper title run, because he deserves it; plus needs it to freshen up his character. Vince tried offering Kane the title, but Kane wanted the younger wrestlers to have the title. That tells you how loyal Kane is to the WWE; and Vince.
You must be mad. You think the WWE is going to release arguably the best gimmick they have? Kane, since his debut, has been fantastic up to a point. His debut in the HIAC match was unexpected; and kickass. Everyone was freaked out when he first came, and from then on he was probably the most interesting gimmick that the WWE has.

His gimmick is something that the fans can really get into; and sure, when he lost his mask he did lose a lot in terms of his character. His face was burned as a child, and he hid behind the mask to cover up his face, once that face was exposed to not be so grim, he was just another monster. The fans still remember him as a badass monster that destroyed everything, but now he isn't as good as he used to be because of the loss of the mask.

When they had the new Kane come back with the mask on, they really could have gone somewhere with that but they blew it. It could have been the chance to put the mask back onto Kane, or get the fans emotionally involved in him, and that angle, but instead they just wrecked it.

So, release Kane? Fuck off. Kane is one of the most loyal members of the WWE roster. Give him an interesting storyline and he'll put on a good match. Granted, his matches are going downhill; i'm not going to deny that. But if they stopped giving Kane shit storylines then he may put some more effort in. He needs a proper title run, because he deserves it; plus needs it to freshen up his character. Vince tried offering Kane the title, but Kane wanted the younger wrestlers to have the title. That tells you how loyal Kane is to the WWE; and Vince.

Agreed 100%. Sorry guys, but for the few of you on here that think it's time for Kane to be released, my question is, what separates Kane from anyone else? I'm sorry, but as far as the argument that Kane's character is not fresh, I hate to break it to you, at least it's different than everyone else. Kane has a character. With the right opponent Kane still has pretty good matches; heck a few of his matches in '08 were solid, such as his match in the ECW main event a few months back, his match with Batista in the Raw main event a few months ago, his matches with Rey, his recent match with HBK on Raw, etc.

Plus, more importantly than anything else, regardless of what a few of you think, he gets talent over. Kane was THE one who made Umaga a threat. Kane was the one who all of a sudden turned the Great Khali into a title contender, he put Rey over in Rey's return, he put Cena over in his first match on Raw, and he's great at putting over new talent. On top of that, Kane is ALWAYS treated as a threat, ALWAYS. And he's over. As a face or as a heel, most fans tend to like the guy. Kane is pretty much an untouchable as WWE will NEVER release the guy.
Hes had 1 24 hour title run

The majority of the WWE superstars have never had the title. That's hardly a good reason to release someone.

Sucks at putting people over

Actually Kane is one of the best in the business at putting people over. He has done a great job over the years putting on great feuds with current champions who are trying to look strong, as well as high mid-card guys that are looking for that push to the main event. In fact the majority of his career Kane has been used to put other people over. Again another reason you came up with that is completely false.

His matches arn't so hot either.

On the contrary his matches are very enjoyable. He's had great matches with big guys like Taker and Big Show, and he has also done a great job against the smaller guys like Mysterio. He is very agile for a big man and that has allowed him to adapt to many different styles and put on some very entertaining matches over the years.

So it looks like you are 0 for 3 with your reasoning to release Kane. Congratulations on making a horrible argument.
You all talk about the monster Kane ONCE was. Now, Kane is nothing more than a jobber. Hes not even glorified anymore. Tell me the last time Kane did something meaningful? I seriously can't recall, other than The Big Show, and that wasn't even that meaningful. So please, tell me why WWE should keep such a high paycheck around, other than the fact that Kane USED to matter.
tell me why WWE should keep such a high paycheck around, other than the fact that Kane USED to matter.

If Kane doesn't matter anymore then why does he still get a huge reaction from the crowd whenever he comes out?

The reason Kane is still around is because he does a very good job playing the role of a monster heel. There really aren't too many guys in the WWE that can do that. The Undertaker can't because he could light someone on fire and still get cheered. Khali can't because he has become a big joke. Big Show never really played the role of a monster very well in the WWE. They tried to make Snitsky a monster and that didn't work. Now they're trying to make Mike Knox a monster and that hasn't gotten off to a good start. The only other guys that are monster heels are Mark Henry and Umaga, and I don't think that either of them play the role as well as Kane does.

Kane also does a great job putting guys over. He doesn't win very many feuds, but every superstar he feuds with he makes them look good. Anytime you have a guy with the talent of Kane who is willing to put other people over, that is an asset that you cannot afford to lose.
If Kane doesn't matter anymore then why does he still get a huge reaction from the crowd whenever he comes out?

Kane gets a huge reaction when he comes out??? Are you sure your not hearing the sound that WWE puts out over the TV.?

The reason Kane is still around is because he does a very good job playing the role of a monster heel. There really aren't too many guys in the WWE that can do that.

Nyeh, the only monster heel Kane beats at this moment, is Kahli. But hes not a monster heel anymore, is he?

The Undertaker can't because he could light someone on fire and still get cheered.

Thats becaue Undertaker, is AMAZING?

The Undertaker can't because he could light someone on fire and still get cheered.

Read above.

Big Show never really played the role of a monster very well in the WWE.

The Big Show, plays it better than Kane does. Hands down. Kanes monster heel is like a 10 year old, picking on a 5 year old as of late.

They tried to make Snitsky a monster and that didn't work.

He never got TV time! After two squash matches, he was on and off of tv for months, until finnally getting released. :rollseyes:

The only other guys that are monster heels are Mark Henry and Umaga, and I don't think that either of them play the role as well as Kane does.

I'm honestly, going to pretend you didn't say that okay? :lmao:

Kane also does a great job putting guys over. He doesn't win very many feuds, but every superstar he feuds with he makes them look good

Not as of late. (Examples, Priceless, Rey Rey, and soon to be Randy Orton.)

Anytime you have a guy with the talent of Kane who is willing to put other people over, that is an asset that you cannot afford to lose.

Hey, I gave you one free-be, might as well give you another. :lol:
Well this is a tad silly. Obviously, no one has taken the time to realise that Kane has stated many times, he wants to put people over in his last few years with the business. He knows he isn't what he used to be, so he wants to use his 'monster" thing, to make the new guys look stronger.

And why, unless the WWE starts being run by people who have no idea what they're doing, would they release a guy who wants to put people over, and is in a position do to so because he has previous build up? Why release a guy who has been loyal to the business for ages, and obvious isn't going to turn his back on it? Answer: You don't,

Irony is, people will bash someone for not (or supposedly not) putting people over, but they still manage to bash people who can't keep keep themselves in the ME over the years because they are shit. I find that funny.

Releasing Kane because he isn't as over as he used to be, would be one of the most pointless things for the WWE to do, when they hve numerous other things they could be better focusing on.
Nyeh, the only monster heel Kane beats at this moment, is Kahli. But hes not a monster heel anymore, is he?

No which is why WWE needs Kane
Thats becaue Undertaker, is AMAZING?

What does that have to do with anything
He never got TV time! After two squash matches, he was on and off of tv for months, until finnally getting released. :rollseyes:

Snitsky didn't get air time because he sucked. Kane gets air time because he doesn't suck. It's really simple.

I'm honestly, going to pretend you didn't say that okay?

So you're saying that Mark Henry and Umaga are both better monster heels then Kane. You might be able to make a case for Umaga, but definitely not Henry. And I still believe Kane plays the role better then Umaga. It's hard to strike too much fear into people when you can't speak English.

Not as of late. (Examples, Priceless, Rey Rey, and soon to be Randy Orton.)

Of those three Kane has only been involved in a feud with one of them, so your argument already has no merit. Kane teamed with Priceless for one or two matches while he was feuding with Rey and that was it. And his feud, if there's even going to be one, with Randy Orton hasn't even started. Besides that, his feud with Mysterio was pretty good. They were able to put on some good matches and at the end of the feud Mysterio looked a lot stronger then he did when he entered the feud.

You are not making a good argument at all. You obviously dislike Kane so you try to say he should be released, but you haven't been able to back up that claim with any factual evidence. You have just made a bunch of false statements. Then you try to combat my argument by responding to all of my points with close-ended questions and smiley faces. You have yet to make even one good point in a total of three posts in this thread.
Give him the right opponet and the right angle and Kane will shine.Blame WWE for the glorified jobber Kane has become.

oh really? of course . If you give Any body the right gimmick or angle they are going to shine. look at hardy imagine he never competed in those ladder matches he would not be what he is today. same with matt. edge is a different story tho. i mean if Undertaker was just a technical wrestler and wrestled people like mark henry he would not be who he is.

anyways Kane is great. i agree they did stuff up with him taking the mask of him. He was so great when he had the mask. He had great matches with taker as well. I loved it when he teamed with RVD. actually kane started to shine at his best when he wa at the rumble until his mask was taken off. WWE should not release him he is loyal and if he wants to put people over then let him. if you were going ot release some one for putting people over then thats just ******ed. i mean out of kaen and triple h. kane wants to put people over and is still a some what main eventer adn triple h doesn't want to put people over but is still in the main event who would you release?

anyways one more thing. has every one forgotten Kanes world title win at a house show?
No offense, but this has got to be one of the most ridiculous thread that I have ever read. WWE would be making the biggest mistake possible if they released Kane. Kane has been with WWE for 11 years and hasn't had any problems, whatsoever and he has remained a loyal employee to this very day, so WWE has absolutely no reason to release him. Though, I have to admit that if anyone feels that his matches aren't good anymore or that he is boring in the ring, it has to do with the fact that WWE is booking him as a heel who does not have to win every single match to be over with themselves.

I would love to see Kane win the World Title atleast one time this year, but he has said that he wants to give the younger talents time to shine and does not like to carry the huge burden of being the top champion. For those who think that he should go back to the monster heel with the mask, who destroys everyone in his path needs to realize that a WWE superstar cannot go on with their whole WWE career with the same exact gimmick-- they need a few changes. But if you look at Kane's fued in 2008, you'll see that he needs to be booked a bit differently (short feud with Shelton Benjamin, Chavo Guerrero, and then with Rey Mysterio). Those feuds were not very memorable and I hope that this year Kane will have more wins and still remain dominant without his mask.

A good idea for Kane in order to show off his dominance is to make him have a fued with ''The Legacy''. Legacy has been wanting to be the best lately and could very well ask Kane to help them out. With Kane's good nature (yeah right) he will accept, but with a back-up plan. After a couple weeks helping out Legacy, he could attack Orton, Snuka, Rhodes, and Manu (assuming that he is still in the stable) and say that he wants the World Title, as does Orton and then you could easily put Kane as a title contender with him always getting screwed, but somehow wins it anyway.

In conclusion, WWE has absolutely no reason in hell to release Kane, as he has stayed out of trouble and remained loyal to the company. Also, if you find Kane's matches boring, think about what WWE has to deal with in terms of TALENT and see if Kane really has a chance to be in the main event with so many others in it, that need it way more than Kane. Kane is fine, just the way he is and there's no need to put the mask back on him and turn with into a monster heel, as he is already a believable heel now.
I've been saying it since the Wrestlemania thread opened, that Kane should have another title run. He's obviously been a company man by doing the job he's been doing for so long. He had amazing matches with Undertaker, served as a legit tag champ, and has jobbed to a lot of wrestlers.

Hopefully, the current story with Orton and Kelly Kelly can go on a little, and give Kane a push back into the main event. I think his best bet is to win the Rumble, and then defeat whoever the champ is at Wrestlemania. Even if he loses at 'Mania, he'd stay in the main event from the push alone.

He won't be released anytime soon, as he is still a big name, and fans still love him. WWE also would not risk the possibility of him going to TNA, where the fans could have their dream match of Kane v. Abyss. His only way of leaving, would be to retire, and we've seen from a lot of guys, that a long career is possible...
Kane should get get the belt because it has been awhile since he has had the belt. He has been in there for along time and deserves a shot. And I think alot agree with me on this. If Shawn can get a shot at the belt then I think Kane should get a deserved shot and hold the belt.
The past couple of weeks, Kane has been amazing. The match with Shawn Michaels a couple of weeks ago was amazing. Kane basically carried Michaels. His wrestling is amazing. His mic skills have improved tremendously.

I like what they are doing with the character. I was iffy about the Kelly Kelly angle, but now that Randy Orton is in the picture I can see a pretty good feud between them. I'm really excited.

What I hope to see is Kane recruit Manu, Have Priceless win the tag titles, and have Kane and Manu feud with Legacy. I don't know how Dibiase will fit in the picture, but I can see a tremendous feud between both factions.
Kane might not be anywhere near as good as he used to be in his 2003 days, but he's certainly got the tools to put on a LOT of great fueds, with anyone who can deliver on the mic, and can hold his own in a no DQ match every now and then.

I can distinctly remember Kane's fued with Shane McMahon being pure gold, as was his fued with Matt Hardy over Lita. When he was put in the World Title picture last year after Edge got hurt, we never got to see a 1-on-1 confrontation between the two, but there were several great matches between Kane and Batista and i avidly enjoyed Kane v Batista v Khali at GAB in '07.

Sadly, he's had nothing good to work with since then unfortunately. He spent the majority of '07 having a mini fued with MVP where he just turned up and beat MVP every time, he then had his ECW stint, and then they drew out his fued with Rey which made little to no sense from the very beginning, which in turn meant that the promos that were ALL done by Kane made no sense, making him look stupid, and then the two guys worked matches that made it look like Rey had NO chance of beating Kane ever, and then he'd do 2 weak ass cruiserweight moves and then he'd win, thereby making Kane look weak (But then when you're working with a one trick pony like Rey, what else are you going to get?).

I preferably would want Kane to actually JOIN Legacy. He's a former champion, the Priceless guys already made an argument that being Paul Bearer's son made him kind of 2nd Generation, and he'd offer the group a powerhouse to balance out their ranks. Sim and Manu have already been kicked out before the group really came together, so that means this Legacy group is just Orton and Rhodes until Dibiase comes back. Kane could easily either become a target following his match with Orton next week, or Orton could say 'fuck that shit, Cody you wrestle him' and then Cody gets squashed and then Orton starts thinkin that Kane could be a valuable assett.

It's probably never happen, and it's just what i would probably do if i were on the creative team personally.

But let's just clarify something shall we?:

-Jobbers have either asked to be jobbers, or the creative team don't have anything for them so they use them as fodder

-Gimmicks are created by the Creative team and influenced heavily by Vince McMahon's creative 'genius'. That's how we get characters like Droz that go around vomiting in people's bags, because Vince McMahon thinks it would be great, and then it's then upto the talent to get over with whatever cards they've been dealt. Glen Jacobs has had 3 terrible gimmicks in WWE, and then he struck gold and ran with it with the Kane character.

So how about we stop slagging talent off for their positions on-screen when we know very little about what is discussed and decided upon behind the curtain shall we?
Like everyone else has said, it'd be extremely stupid of WWE to release Kane. He should continue on for a few more years and then retire. I also thinks he deserves 1 more title reign for all he has done for the company, even if its a short one.

But yeah, hes been given a lot of dumb storylines recently. I personally think it'd be really great if they somehow managed to get him to join Legacy. He could be the monster in the group that Manu could never be. Either way, I just hope Kane doesn't once again 100% job in his "feud" with Orton.
I don't think it's fair to say that Kane hasn't done anything in over 4 years. He may not have had a meaningful title reign, but just because you don't hold a title doesn't mean that your existence is pointless. Kane was involved in one of the more interesting storylines on RAW just recently with Rey Misterio.

He does still serve a purpose. Kane may not hold titles, but he does hold something that may be more important: name recognition. People know who he is. He has had a successful career and is respected. He is venturing towards the end of his career and he is doing exactly what he should be at this stage in the game- put people over.
Didn't Kane squash Chavo at Wrestlemania for the ECW championship?
I don't mind Kane he might not be a big name like Cena, HBK, HHH ect. but he is still good. sometimes his matches aint that good but thats becouse who he is working good. Rey for example, both are great workers but Rey is to small for kane to work with properly. put Kane with a Wrestler his size and the matches are Solid. it aint Kanes fault the WWE fuck with his character. Don't fire him just work out a decent storyline.

Anyway he is safe becouse he brings money. why? three words. Brothers of Destruction. while the Undertaker is there Kane is safe becouse even though its Rare they still team up and its alway popular when that happens.
I've never been a huge fan of Kane. I just don't see what makes him so special. His gimmick is old and stale, and he isn't the greatest in terms of in ring ability. But he has a very important role within the company and he shouldn't be released until he decides to retire. Why would the WWE release Kane anyway? It's not like he's some jobber that hasn't been involved in a storyline yet. He's a veteran, and his role is to put over the younger talent, mainly by losing to them and making them look more dominant than what he is.

Kane is still over. He may not be completely booed or completely cheered, but he always gets a reaction from the crowd. He seems to be a tweener at the moment, mainly because the fans wouldn't boo him. I don't think Raw is the best place for him. When he was the ECW Champion, I thought it was a great move by the WWE, but when he was drafted to Raw whilst holding the belt, I was very confused. He had a great place in ECW. He has the face of the brand, but he also had the belt which means that he could have dropped it to a new comer to further raise their value and prestige.

Even though he's on Raw now, he can still put over guys like The Miz, John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, CM Punk and possibly even Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase. His role is to establish the younger guys, not to win World Titles and be the center of attention. He shouldn't be released either, because there are much worse superstars than Kane. A World Title reign for Kane wouldn't really benefit him, or anyone else seeing as the only people that win the World Title on Raw these days seem to be guys that are very established already. Releasing Kane shouldn't be on the WWE's priority list for a long time anyway.
You all talk about the monster Kane ONCE was. Now, Kane is nothing more than a jobber. Hes not even glorified anymore. Tell me the last time Kane did something meaningful? I seriously can't recall, other than The Big Show, and that wasn't even that meaningful. So please, tell me why WWE should keep such a high paycheck around, other than the fact that Kane USED to matter.

May I just remind you something. Kane isn't a jobber. He's a main event superstar putting youngsters over in the process of furthering himself. Jobbers will get no offence in a match, but if you look at Kane's matches you'll see he gets more than a little bit of offence.

The last time Kane did something meaningful? He raised the profile of the ECW Championship for the short time that he was on ECW. He game the belt a meaning; albiet it was still very little but much more than it was previously. Kane was a place in ECW, and when he was drafted he got lost in the shuffle again.

The WWE should keep him around because he still can a huge championship run in him. It's the only thing Kane is lacking, because his 24 hour title run is just plain sad. It doesn't do his gimmick, nor Glen justice for the work he has done for Vince & the WWE. The WWE could give him a long, meaningful title reign. If he wanted to put someone over, the superstar who defeats a dominant monster like Kane while he was undefeated as champion would be a huge push. Just sayin'.
Kane has been in a stale mate ever since he lost the mask.
Nothing has really had a major impact for long enough for anyone to care and for whatever reason they refuse to allim him to run with what brought him to the dance in the first place, The Unstoppable Big Red Machine gimmick

Much in the same way that TNA has killed Abyss, Kane may still seem imposing but he loses way too often to be considered a threat anymore.

Ontop of that he's slow, getting a bit pudgy and has a limited move repetoir.

No chance in hell now of him ever replacing/rivaling The Undertaker character, which i think was the initial intention.

Saying that there is much worse Big Men on the roster,
Mark Henry #1 (whats his purpose in the ring?, only time he was vaguley entertaining was as Sexual Chocoloate going out with Chyna :))
Big Show #2 (Size doesn't make you a main eventer)

Time for him to step up or step down, as much as i hate to see another attitude era superstar leave

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