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When is the last time you cared about WWE's womens division?


The Best At Everything I Do
Simple question here folks. I can honestly say its been YEARS since i've actually tolerated a divas match. and by tolerate i mean not fast forwarding through it and not changing channels. i've seen the frustration the IWC has with this. i mean...these divas are nothing more than blow up dolls who are "trying" to play fight...imo. i havent seen a LEGIT female wrestler in the wwe in years. mickie james aside. ehhhhh maybe beth phoenix too.

ANYWAY...The last time i was into wwe's womens division would have to be when it was lita, trish, jackie, ivory, torrie wilson, tori (kanes girl), jazz, chyna, sable, molly holly etc. i would say thats the late 90's into the early 2000's. as of late, its all looks and thats about it. the bella twins?? what are you fucking kidding me? shoot....tna's womens division about 2-3 years ago KILLS wwe's women division. you put someone like awesome kong side by side with these chicks and she makes them all look more like fluffers compared real women wrestlers. of course IMO.

Last time I gave a toss about the Women's division in WWE was during Trish Stratus' long ass reign in I think early 05 right through to WrestleMania 22. I was genuinely interested in seeing who would take the title from her. I generally tend to ignore Divas matches mostly, though there are some I wish would get pushed more. These are Gail Kim, Beth Phoenix (she should turn heel again and DOMINATE the Women's division on whatever brand she's on), Natalya should be used in more of a wrestling capacity and Serena. For the longest time though I've had to put up with crappy Divas matches that i didn't give a shit about and it's meant I could care less about the titles, or the division generally. It would take the aforementioned workers getting more airtime, in-ring to get me interested.
Simple. Never.

They make it look so... fake. I know the right word is scripted but for womens wrestling it just looks flat out FAKE. Huge difference. It's boring. They are hot, no doubt. That's where it ends. That's not even a good reason to enjoy it either. If I turn on wrestling, I want to see wrestling. If I want to see women I know where to go.

aside from Mickie, Beth and Melina i haven't paid much attention to the Diva's since Trish and Lita left (and even then it wasn't as good as it once was)

the late 90s started a "great" era for the Diva's division (great for womens wrestling). when it ended? honestly i forget. if i had to guess an exact date i'd say 2006ish and that might be stretching it a bit. the last great Diva's match i remember is Trish vs Mickie at WM22.
I can't say I really ever cared for the divas division, but I do agree that it was at least watchable back in the late 90s to mid 2000s. I used to blame this PG era for my lost of interest in the division, but now that I give it some thought it was the loss of good women wrestlers that has turned me off.
Sure we had Sable, Torri, Stacy, The Kat, and Marlena who where there just for the enjoyment of looking at, but we had great women wrestlers too, such as Jazz, Lita, Victoria, Ivory, Molly, even Trish evolved into a great performer. Those women were capable of putting on great matches, sometimes better than their male counterparts.
It seemed to me that once that the WWE introduced the diva search the gave up on womens wrestling. After each contest we would get a swarm of bimbos brought in to take up tv time and look sloppy. It seems like the divas who can wrestle go nowhere and the ones who are just "eye candy" get a push.
I will continue to ignore the divas division, at least until Beth Phoenix comes back.(I never take my eyes off Gail Kim when she is on my tv.)
With the addition of Tamina, Natalya, and Serena, I think the Diva's division is on an up swing. With those three Melina, Beth Phoenix, bring back Mickie, hire Awesome Kong, and cut everyone else, you'll have a small but incredibly strong division. Hell if Lita and Trish Stratus were to come back as well I'd even say start up a Diva's tag title.
Personally, I care as much about the WWE Women's Division today as I ever did. That's not to say that it is better than it was before, or even as good for that matter, but for me, women's wrestling is only about eye candy, nothing more, nothing less. And the women look as good today, if not better, than in the past.

Whether it be knockouts or divas, whether it be WWE or TNA, whether it be yesterday, today, or tomorrow, there has never really been any serious attention paid to women's wrestling. For a while TNA attempted to treat their knockouts somewhat seriously but those days are long gone. It may be unfortunate, especially for those who like to watch women actually wrestle, but don't hold your breath for that happening in WWE or TNA any time soon.
I still care about the diva's division, and will continue to do so in the future. Look at the diva's today,there are at least 7 or more competent women wrestlers in the WWE, Natalya, Tamina, Beth Phoneix, Melina, Serena, Jilian and Eve. Then there are improving women wrestlers in Alicia Fox, Marice and Laycool. Recently WWE went through using the wrong diva's in matches, thus no-one cared. People didn't care for alicia fox as champion, because she was the wrong diva to use. Now more and more, the wrestling diva's are coming through, and wrestling more, the last few diva matches have been watchfull, easily. Diva's will never put on classics but it dosen't mean i dont care for the Divas. Look at Laycool now, they are one of the best things in the Diva's division since Trish. Serena is starting to wrestle-which is great, Melina's back, Jilian actually won a match, and looks next in line for a push with all her recent work (underated wrestler), Models are being used less and less-except for Kelly Kelly, AJ Lee is on the way up-another compotent wrestler, Eve is actually providing high spots-unlike Gail kim, she can pull them off. They is so much to look foward to in the divas division. Granted they arn't the best wrestlers, but look at Trish, she started off like Kelly Kelly, look what she became. I for one care for the Diva's of today, and dont consider them a piss-break at all.
Other than the good ol' tits and ass, I never really gave a damn about the womens division. It's never been something to talk about, barring the occasional wardrobe malfunction. That's not the way I should look at things but I can't help it if I'm genuinely not interested in something.
Jazz, Lita, Victoria, Ivory, Molly,Trish, Gail. Good booking and solid ring performances kept me interested back then. Now, they have some good performers, such as Beth and Melina, and some up and comers, but creative doesn't give a shit about how they book feuds so why should we care? IMO, they should have a separate creative team booking the women's division. If you're going to take up my tv time, you might as well try to entertain me. Novel idea, right?
I can be flat out honest and say that I didn't care much for women's division ever. But I also never really complain about it. The women's division is not meant to be a huge draw or part of the show, it isn't meant to be the most exciting action in the ring either. No it's meant to have attractive women wrestle each other regardless of how good they are in the ring. It's practically the portion of the show for horny males and beyond that there isn't much to it. So I have never really cared that much for the diva's division but I don't hate it and I still watch it regardless of how awful it can be at times. It's nice to see some good eye candy you know but again for fans of wrestling there really isn't a lot of great in ring work that can be bragged about. If you are looking for top notch women workers than don't watch mainstream women's wrestling, that's all I can say.
HOW COULD I FORGET VICTORIA...GEEZ IM SMOKIN SOMETHING. i will say that tna had me for a second. i really believed that tna gave a shit about their women wrestlers. a couple years ago that division was STACKED! i was looking forward to the revival or womens wrestling in tna. i remember one impact kong and gail kim fought for the title and it main evented that evening. and they TORE THE HOUSE DOWN. but it feels like vince would never care to have his women wrestlers TEAR DOWN THE HOUSE so to speak. i suppose this is for another thread but tna gave me hope a few years back. now....the knockouts might as well be called divas. its safe to hire bimbos who strut their shit and look good doin it. hey it gets ratings right?
I can honestly say never. Just like others have said, it begins and ends with their looks. Storylines where women get involved with the men have just about always been terrible. In my opinion, divas getting involved with men have ruined gimmicks! My best example is Kane. When he went good and teamed with X-Pac and had a thing for Tori, that was seriously TERRIBLE!!!

When it comes to Divas fightint divas, the only reason why they have them actually wrestle as much as they do now, is because of the PG rating of WWE. If you llok back on the late 90's and early 2000's, it was all bikini this and pillow fight that. They had a lot to do with the attitude era because it was all kick the bosses ass, be a degenerate, and lust after the women on the side lol. That's it!
I stoped caring the day Lita retired sure some divas were still good like Mickie James & Melina but now its especally sad i mean they have like 3 good diva contenders Melina, Beth, & Gail. Jillian is a good wrestler but wwe wont give her a run and Serena & Natayla arn't even fighting for a title other than those 6 wwe has no talented women all they have is just boob and ass eye candy
Well the last real feud that I have cared about was Trish vs. Mickie when Mickie was in her psycho mode for a while. I was actually very interested in it, it was different than usual, Mickie with the whole nose bleeding, kissing Trish thing was a change of pace.

But I guess 2 wrestlers cannot make a division, so you would have to go back a lot further, but since I started watching wrestling about 7 or 8 years ago, I have not really seen a time when there was a whole division of quality, interesting matches.
I still care about the womans diva divison actually I like it more now that Trish is gone. I got so tired of seeing Trish all the time with the title and always challenging for the title. When she left the WWE at Unforgiven 2006 I was so happy. As for Lita and Mickie I miss them alot they are alot better then Trish.

As for the divas today we have some really great divas so I'm going to tell you my opinion on the wwe divas:

Alicia Fox: Not the greatest don't like her at all but she is improving.

Beth Phoniex:Great mic skills and in-ring skills one of the best divas on the sd and raw roster.

Brie and Nikki Bella:I'll give you all that one they are horrible and they aren't going to change should be future endevorded in my opinion.

Eve: Great in-ring skills and she is really trying hard to improve herself not the best mic skills but she'll improve with time.

Gail Kim: Just like Beth she has great mic and in-ring skills don't know why she hasen't been champ since shes come back.

Jillian: Possibly one of the best underused divas, great mic and in-ring skills and she actually has a personality.

Kelly Kelly: Is often compared to a young Trish Stratus the difference to me is I'm actaully a fan of hers. Her mic skills and in-ring skills need to improve but she has time and she has improved a lot since her ECW days.

Layla: Good mic skills, but her mic skills could use some improving also she is in one of the most dominate female stables of all time Laycool, and she's actually in a storyline.

Maryse: Is with Ted now and she is great as a manager and she is also great in the ring as well as on the mic.

Melina: The #1 face diva on Raw possibly in the entire WWE, one of the best divas in the wwe today doesn't really need to improve in my opinion, but its always nice to improve.

Michelle McCool: The #1 heel diva on Smackdown I actually watch SD to find out what Laycool is going to do next. Michelle has good mic skills her voice is just annoying and her in-ring skills are good.

Natayla: Stuck with the Hart Dynasty as soon as she is away from them she will become a major threat in the title picture.

Rosa Mendes: Jobber and comedy act and thats all she'll ever be.

Serena: In the SES and she has great in-ring skills and mic skills as she has proven while she has been in the SES.

Tamina: Is an awesome heel and just like Natayla could be a major threat in the title picture.

Tiffany: I'm a fan of hers and as much as I want her to succed and win championships I don't see it happening anytime soon at least.

So see we have a lot of great divas Vince just doesn't know how to use them or put them in storylines. If he would give them more air time and better storylines that don't always center around the title more people would care about the divas. Either way I am always going to be a fan of the womans division and hopefully I will be a WWE diva one day.
i never cared. tho i like looking at their sexual assets. ie, maryse, bella twins, eve, layla *drools* those type of divas. call me a perve i don't care
Molly Holly, recently had an interview just a few weeks back before getting married, and losing her virginity at the age of 32... Bullshit, but hey.

She was asked about female wrestling, and what it would take to make it a big deal.

She stated it best as well. You will never have a female wrestler be as entertaining as a Stone Cold or a Rock. It's just how the business goes.

Women wrestling has had some great moments, but it was never really a big draw. So, Women's Wrestling is no big deal.
For me, Sable and Jacqueline. These girls could put on a MATCH and their fued was fantastic. To me the women's division was never better. There was also a good time from 2000 to 2003 with Ivory, Chyna, Lita, and JAZZ who was such a good wrestler. The Jazz/Trish fued was amazing.
I do care about Beth Phoenix and Michelle McCool, 2 of the best women wrestlers right now. They can still put great matches if given the appropriate time, and yeah no interference or tag-matches.
It was....uh.....wait...hold on a second....I should be able to remember a time when I cared about the women's division...hm.....ugh, c'mon....there's got to be at least ONE time when I cared about the women's division........................searching.....searching.......thinking...................nope.

Never. There have been matches I've "cared about" more than others, and naturally, I would rather see certain people be champ than others, but I wouldn't shed a tear if I woke up tomorrow and they said "no more women wrestling in the WWE period". I think it's always been overrated by the fans of it, as well as RIDICULOUSLY overrated by those directly involved (especially when they say that they're doing a bad job because they aren't given enough time, as if that makes any logical sense at all that you'd be able to pull out a 20 minute match when you can't even stumble around correctly for 5).

Most of the women are hot, but if they're not showing anything, who cares about that, as if I'm in the mood for some action, the last thing I'm going to do is watch the divas "wrestle" clothed. The athleticism has never really ever been there in my mind, nor has the talent (including people like Lita and company, as even though they might have been better than some of the people now, they still sucked in comparison to giving those extra few minutes to another match). I highly doubt they're drawing money for the company (and it surely doesn't seem like they're boosting the ratings either). Really, the only reasons I can see them keeping the divas at all is to promote themselves as an equal opportunity company that markets to women as well, and blah blah blah, just to make sure they don't get called sexist - which they do anyway, so really, what's the point? You can throw the positive role model stuff around, but my perspective has always been that if you need to have a role model, you're not strong enough to be worth anything anyway, so your opinion doesn't really matter lol.

All in all, nope, never cared, doubt I ever will, though since they're a part of the product, I'll obviously wish that certain people win over certain other people, as a sort of "lesser of evils" scenario.
I'll tell ya what. the last time I can remember caring about the divas was when lita and trish were still around. Even back in the attitude era you had better divas than you do now. Gail Kim, laycool, and whoever else is there couldn't handle Lita, Trish, marlena, sable, chyna, and sonny. Among the others. The divas are still around so vince doesn't seem sexist and so guys have somthin to look at when he can't find anything good enough to fill that time slot.
I don't think I've ever truly cared about the Women's division from a wrestling standpoint. As sexist as it is I've only really looked at them for the sake of looking at them. As talented as some of them are in the ring, professional wrestling is a sport dominated by men and it will always be that way.
I lost touch with the division when Lita left, she was the best there ever will be, and I never really got into it again. I'm not saying there isn't good women wrestlers anymore because there is, like Kelly Kelly (my personal favourite), Natalya (probably the best), Melina, Michelle, Serena and Beth just to name a few but I just never got back into it since Lita left. But I think the division is getting alot better, I think they need to put them all onto one show so that they can have the best vs the best which will make the division look better.
I have "cared" about the Divas if you catch my drift, but other than that, I haven't really cared about the Divas in the entire time I've watched it. Granted that I have only watched it for a couple of years, but no Divas match can reach the standard or caliber that it was before. I was left in awe while re watching some Divas match and how Vince let it slide so much. Hopefully, with Serena now wrestling and I heard a rumor that AJ Lee is arriving the 'E soon, they can slowly redeem themselves from the slump that they've put themselves in.

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