When Exactly Was Attitude?

The Brain

King Of The Ring
I notice there are A LOT of people in these forums that crave the days of the attitude era. Personally I think it was fun for a little while, but was tired of it by 1999. My question is when was the attitude era in your opinion. We all know what someone means when the mention the attitude era, but when did it begin and when did it end? Was there one specific event that started it and one that ended it, or is it impossible to pinpoint it exactly? Here are some events that may be considered the beginning:

King of the Ring 96: Austin 3:16
January 1997: Launch of Shotgun Saturday Night (remember the early days?)
WrestleMania 13: Fans turn on Hart and side with Austin
Fall 1997: HBK and Triple H form DX
Survivor Series 97: Montreal Screw Job/Vince the heel
WrestleMania 14: Austin wins first world title

I think Austin planted the seeds at King of the Ring. It started to grow with Shotgun. It was here in full force after Mania 13.

When did it end?

December 1999: McMahon-Helmsley era
WrestleMania 17: Purchase of WCW/Invasion
Spring 2002: Brand Extension

I'm curious what people think since so many think so highly of this attitude era. Because of all the fuss I want to know specifically what time period everyone loves so much.
Wikipedia says: The official date of the Attitude Era was between March 29, 1998 when Stone Cold Steve Austin became the WWF Champion at WrestleMania XIV to April 1, 2001 at WrestleMania X-Seven, days after World Championship Wrestling (WCW) was bought out by the WWF.

Notable moments
March 10, 1997 - Monday Night Raw officially became Raw is War; the show introduced the TitanTron, the pyro openings and the Raw is War banners over the ring.

September 22, 1997 - During this episode of Raw, Vince McMahon receives his first Stone Cold Stunner from Stone Cold Steve Austin.

October 5, 1997 - The Hell in a Cell match was first introduced at In Your House: Badd Blood at the Kiel Center in St. Louis, Missouri. It featured The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels. In that match, the door was unlocked to allow the removal of an injured cameraman. This led to Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker fighting outside the cell, eventually climbing the structure and fighting on top of the cell. The fighting taking place outside of the Cell led to the first fall from the cell, when Shawn Michaels, hanging from the edge of the structure, had his hands stepped on by The Undertaker and fell from the structure, crashing into the table below. Also in that match, the goal of no interference was not achieved when The Undertaker's younger brother Kane made his debut, ripping the door off of the cage and giving a Tombstone piledriver to The Undertaker, allowing Michaels to crawl and pin Undertaker.

November 9, 1997 - at the 1997 Survivor Series, with the match between Shawn Michaels and WWF Champion Bret "The Hitman" Hart for the WWF Title, when Michaels locked Bret Hart into Bret's own submission, The Sharpshooter, Vince McMahon, who was at ringside, order referee Earl Hebner to ring the bell. The post-match events came under fire of controversy the fact that in the storyline, Bret did not tap out when locked into submission and was not supposed to lose at all. Due to the fact it took place in Montreal, Canada, the event has been dubbed as The Montreal Screwjob. This was also known to be Bret Hart's last match in the WWF.

December 8, 1997 – During this episode of Raw, Stone Cold Steve Austin knocks WWF Chairman Vince McMahon off the ring, thus entering the Austin/McMahon saga.

March 29, 1998 – The Undertaker beats Kane at WrestleMania XIV, making Kane the seventh opponent whom Taker had beaten. Later that night "Stone Cold" Steve Austin wins the WWF Championship from Shawn Michaels

March 30, 1998 – With Shawn Michaels out because of back injury, Triple H calls himself the leader of DX, which he adds the New Age Outlaws and X-Pac to the group.

April 6, 1998 - For the first time since June 17, 1996, WWF Raw won over WCW's Monday Nitro in the ratings when on Raw, Stone Cold Steve Austin was supposed to face Vince McMahon for the first time, one on one.

April 27, 1998: – D-Generation X actually invades WCW headquarters.

June 28, 1998 – At the 1998 King of the Ring, Mankind loses against The Undertaker in the third Hell in a Cell match. In the opening moments of the match, the Undertaker threw Mankind off the roof of the cage. Later that night, Kane won his first major title from Stone Cold Steve Austin.

June 29, 1998 - Stone Cold Steve Austin wins the WWF Championship back from Kane

July 27, 1998 – Triple H and X-Pac face each other for the first time in a Triple Threat Match, against The Rock.

October 5, 1998 – On this episode of Raw, Mankind visits an injured Vince McMahon. During this segment, Mankind introduces Mr. Socko, a hand-drawn sock puppet. Mr. Socko became so popular, that it became part of the Mankind gimmick. A few moments later, in another segment, Stone Cold Steve Austin impersonates a doctor and starts attacking McMahon. From this date until Nitro's last episode on March 26, 2001, Raw took the lead in the "ratings war" and was never beaten by Nitro since (except on Oct 26, 1998).

November 23, 1998 – After his return, Shawn Michaels turns on D-Generation X and joins Vince McMahon’s Corporation after hitting X-Pac with Sweet Chin Music.

December 7, 1998 - The Undertaker has his druids chain Stone Cold Steve Austin to his "Undertaker Symbol" and raised high into the arena in the entranceway. As it physically symbolized Austin being crucified, it was one of the most controversial moments in Raw history

January 4, 1999 – Shawn Michaels turns against The Corporation and rejoins DX. After rejoining DX, the Corporation attacks Michaels, indicating he is definitely out. Later that night, Mankind won his first World Title from The Rock. On Monday Nitro WCW gave away Mankind's victory at the beginning of the show resulting in hundreds of thousands of viewers switching over to Raw to see the title change. This was also the night of the Fingerpoke of Doom, an infamous match between Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash that many fans see as the beginning of the downfall of WCW.

March 28, 1999 – The Undertaker defeats Big Boss Man in the fifth Hell in a Cell match at WrestleMania XV, making Boss Man the eighth opponent whom Taker beaten at the pay-per-view event. After the match, Taker (kayfabe) hung Boss Man from the cell. It is also the same WrestleMania that Triple H turns against X-Pac and joins The Corporation.

April 26, 1999 - The Undertaker tries to marry Stephanie McMahon in a black unholy wedding, in order to get the attention of Vince McMahon.

May 23, 1999 – At the 1999 WWF Over the Edge event, Owen Hart, who was going under the name The Blue Blazer against The Godfather for the IC Title, Owen fell to his death when he was lowering himself from the rafters, but released himself too early. WWF was criticized for going on with the show, even after then-Raw announcer Jim Ross had said that Owen died.

July 25, 1999 – X-Pac and Road Dogg defeat Chyna and Billy Gunn for the rights of D-Generation X.

August 9, 1999 - "Y2J" Chris Jericho makes his first WWF appearance.

September 23, 1999 – Road Dogg and Billy Gunn reform the New Age Outlaws to win the WWF Tag Team titles from the Rock 'n' Sock Connection.

September 27, 1999 – In this episode of Raw, Mankind hosted the famous This is Your Life segment, for The Rock. This segment alone garnered the highest rating for any professional wrestling segment on television (8.4) to date.

November 1999 – August 2000: Triple H left DX when he "married" Stephanie McMahon, Billy Gunn was soon kicked out, and Road Dogg and X-Pac soon split up after a brief time as a tag team.

March 26, 2001 - Vince McMahon announces to the world on Monday Night Raw that he has acquired WCW. Later in the night during a live Raw/Nitro simulcast, Shane McMahon appeared on WCW Monday Nitro and (kayfabe) announced that it was he who had in fact purchased WCW and also voiced his intentions to go into competition against his father.

April 1, 2001 – The Undertaker beats Triple H at WrestleMania X-Seven, making him the ninth opponent Taker had beaten at WrestleMania. Stone Cold Steve Austin turned heel by defeating The Rock with the help of Vince McMahon. This event is considered by many to be the last day of the Attitude Era.
My opinon, 'ATTITUDE' all began at the RAW taping the night after the 'Badd Blood' PPV in October 1997. Vinnie Mac and his henchmen (led by Vince Russo), held a talent meeting that night and pretty much laid out the new direction of the company...

One thing springs to mind...I had a WWF Raw magazine from January of 1997, and Vince Russo penned an article all about 'Attitude' etc, It was a plan of his from the day he started writing WWF TV with Vince in May of 1996.

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