Whats new WZ?


Righteously Sinful
I havn't been on here in a while, on occasion I checked up a bit just to see what was goin' on and what-not. Saw that the factions made a revival, but I guess that died now?

And I laughed hysterically at Lord Sid for his lame attempt to make people feel "ashamed" or "embarrassed" about certain topics. He failed miserably, and that makes me smile because I hate that guy.

Anyway, does anyone even remember me? I'm going to assume that only a few people will.
Indeed that is me.

It's going alright, just kinda bummed about the day. I gotta work at 7 and I havn't been able to sleep at all, so it's going to be a long day. Plus I'm headed out to enjoy the bar scene tonight, so I gotta find a way to stay awake for that.

How'r things on your side?
I wentt oiut tooo late! "i CAN MEake ur bedrock!" Please say a prayy to :"Rachet" one of ma homies back in ma other forum who got baned!!!! He was amaizng!!! Pray to bEysus! Pleasw :( RIP Ratchet! :(
I wentt oiut tooo late! "i CAN MEake ur bedrock!" Please say a prayy to :"Rachet" one of ma homies back in ma other forum who got baned!!!! He was amaizng!!! Pray to bEysus! Pleasw :( RIP Ratchet! :(

Woah.. looks like someone had a good night, eh? :lmao:

Gotta love those drunk posts.

Mount and Dew Me said:
Same shit, different day, bro. Work, drink, attend hockey games. That's the long and short.

Fun, fun. Hockey games, huh? Yeah I never got into Hockey, that is watching it on the tele', but watching it live and actually being there.. it's actually very entertaining.
Unholy Profit- the other well established and famed poster from February 2009. I think I can say without fear of contradiction- that we were the cream of our crop :p How are you anyway?
Well since you've left I've joined and taken the position of most awesome poster ever (who's name is Leafy). Quite a prestigious award.
Welcome back Profit, as Al-Leafy said, I also joined after you left, but hope to get to know you better, all thou I'm probably not the one to say i took over the position as most awesome poster ;P
The brushes you used in your sig are really useful. I use that set a lot. Bulldozer makes some good ones.

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