Whatever Happened to My Ask Questions Thead...

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Anyway, I have some questions that I want y'all to answer

1) When taking a piss, have you ever aimed at the side of the toilet so you wouldn't make noise?

2) Would you do Flo from the Progressive Insurance commercials (pic below)?


3) Have you or your family ever owned a pug?

4) What do you think of this video?


5) What's the longest you've ever been awake?
Anyway, I have some questions that I want y'all to answer

1) When taking a piss, have you ever aimed at the side of the toilet so you wouldn't make noise?
I have kids and live in a small house, it's all I aim for. It's the equivalent of a penis silencer.

2) Would you do Flo from the Progressive Insurance commercials (pic below)?

Only if she wore the trampy lipstick.


3) Have you or your family ever owned a pug?

No, no I have not.

4) What do you think of this video?


Can't see it but if it is Youtube I can only assume it is young Asian girls making out. So whatever "flo"ats your boat.

5) What's the longest you've ever been awake?

About 40 hours drinking and gambling in Vegas. It was a very expensive experiment in sleep deprivation. I fell asleep in the airport getting reading for my flight buit still made the flight because I'm the man.
1) My flatmate is a girl, so, yes. I make no effort to hide the usual accompanying fart, though...
2) I want to say yes, because I don't really have standards, but that mouth is too off-putting.
3) We only adopt Border Collies.
4) Not bad
5) 2 nights without sleep (not a third full day, though)
1.- About 5 minutes ago.
2.- Never.
3.- Yep.
4.- Like A Boss
5.- About 40 hours. Couldn't make it a whole two nights.
1) All the time
2) Sure, with that mouth I bet she can take a good face fucking.
3) Nope which is odd since I've often lived with dog lovers (I currently have 4 dogs at my place)
4) Good for him
5) About 2 days straight. 36 of those hours for school, then a few hour break, then 8 hours on shroomz, then I passed out for about a day.
If I'm not alone, yeah.

The quirky Flo from a few years ago, yeah.

Is that a hamster or something? I don't think so.

That was awesome and I will emulate what I just saw.

A little under two days, but I might've taken a nap at school so it might not count.
All the time

With the extreme prejeduce

I soon will, oddly enough

I didnt watch it

50 something hours. Though I have gone weeks on end with 3 or 4 hours of sleep per night
Anyway, I have some questions that I want y'all to answer

1) When taking a piss, have you ever aimed at the side of the toilet so you wouldn't make noise?
all the time, especially at night when people are sleeping
2) Would you do Flo from the Progressive Insurance commercials (pic below)?

more than once yes
3) Have you or your family ever owned a pug?
6 of them. my mother used to breed them.
4) What do you think of this video?

5) What's the longest you've ever been awake?
I would say about 20 hours.
1) What extreme outdoor recreational activities have you partaken in (e.g., bungee jumping, whitewater boarding/rafting, skydiving, spelunking, ice climbing, etc.)? If you've partaken in more than one, what would you consider the most extreme? If you've partaken in none, which ones would you like to try?

2) What's the strangest/weirdest/creepiest type of store you've ever been in (e.g., ultra-feminist bookstore, adult video shop specializing in scat porn, head shop, etc.)?

3) Do you like all-you-can-eat buffets? What's the best one you've ever been to?

4) Did Han shoot first?

5) In relationships do you tend to be the reacher or settle?
1) What extreme outdoor recreational activities have you partaken in (e.g., bungee jumping, whitewater boarding/rafting, skydiving, spelunking, ice climbing, etc.)? If you've partaken in more than one, what would you consider the most extreme? If you've partaken in none, which ones would you like to try?

I've flown a plane doing aerobatics, probably that.

2) What's the strangest/weirdest/creepiest type of store you've ever been in (e.g., ultra-feminist bookstore, adult video shop specializing in scat porn, head shop, etc.)?

This toy shop.


3) Do you like all-you-can-eat buffets? What's the best one you've ever been to?

Yes. One in Australia.

4) Did Han shoot first?

Yes, and they should have left it that way.

5) In relationships do you tend to be the reacher or settle?

Looks wise, definitely the reacher.

1) When taking a piss, have you ever aimed at the side of the toilet so you wouldn't make noise?

All the time

2) Would you do Flo from the Progressive Insurance commercials (pic below)?


3) Have you or your family ever owned a pug?


4) What do you think of this video?

Indifferent to it.

5) What's the longest you've ever been awake?

66 hours. I was delirious, and at the end of it, I got really, really drunk on vodka and dandelion and burdock.
1. No not really. I've been on a roller-coaster if that counts. I'll never do it again.

2. There's a juice bar a few miles away that had glory holes in the bathroom. When they were busted, it was revealed that it was all dudes on the other side of the wall. I never went back after my first visit since the girls were even below my standards. Yeah, I know.

3. Not really. I've worked at one so I know how shitty the food is for the most part. I like Pizza Street though.

4. I don't know what that means.

5. I go back and forth. Right now I'm totally the settler, but I've been the reacher more often than not. I takes what I can gets.
1. Nothing really extreme beyond skiing and roller coasters and I have no interest in doing any others.
2. Can't really think of anywhere.
3. I like them. Best I have been to? Maybe Jimmy Chungs in Edinburgh; there was another Chinese place in America that I loved but I cannot remember the name of it
4. Of course, he did.
5. Relationships? What the hell are they? Although I would say that I am virtually always attempting to punch above my weight.
1) mountain climbing

2) The type of store where sex toys are in abundance.

3) Fuck yes and the Blackfoot Inn. I'm pretty sure it had everything.

4) Hans the only one that shot.

5) A little bit of both, ive been on both sides of the fence.
Does skateboarding count?

The first adult video store I worked at. The arcade was like a fucking dungeon with gloryholes, druggies and sex fiends, piss cans and the occasional shit on the floor.

Not really.


A little bit of A, a little bit of B. Mostly the latter.
1) What extreme outdoor recreational activities have you partaken in (e.g., bungee jumping, whitewater boarding/rafting, skydiving, spelunking, ice climbing, etc.)? If you've partaken in more than one, what would you consider the most extreme? If you've partaken in none, which ones would you like to try?

I climbed up a glacier in 60mph winds. Not easy. I'm shit-scared of heights so I think I'd like to try bungee jumping or sky-diving one day.

2) What's the strangest/weirdest/creepiest type of store you've ever been in (e.g., ultra-feminist bookstore, adult video shop specializing in scat porn, head shop, etc.)?

I've been to Amsterdam. In one shop they have *********ion booths which has semen, both fresh and ancient, decorating the walls. The only thing separating the booth and the rest of the shop is a curtain, so I think that place wins.

3) Do you like all-you-can-eat buffets? What's the best one you've ever been to?

Love them. Always think I can eat more than I can and go home disappointed at myself. There's plenty of Chinese ones where I live and the desert is usually capped off with Jelly and ice cream so I can't pick, one of them. Most recently went on my birthday a few weeks back actually.

4) Did Han shoot first?

...is...this...a Star Wars reference. This is one of those things that circulated through school when you were young and when it came to you, everybody realised you didn't understand it and you looked like and ass for acting like you did. Star Wars, fingers crossed.

5) In relationships do you tend to be the reacher or settle?

Reacher more often than not I'd say.
1) What extreme outdoor recreational activities have you partaken in (e.g., bungee jumping, whitewater boarding/rafting, skydiving, spelunking, ice climbing, etc.)? If you've partaken in more than one, what would you consider the most extreme? If you've partaken in none, which ones would you like to try?

Skydiving, mountain climbing and I got to fly a plane and do aerobatics once. We pulled 6.5 G's before I started getting tunnel vision, but then we started coming out of the cloverleaf. I do want to try zip lining sometime also. I don't think I'd ever bungee jump.

I'd definitely say skydiving was the most extreme, simply because I'm afraid of heights and it was a frickin blast. My entire body was shaking when I landed from all the adrenaline pumping.
2) What's the strangest/weirdest/creepiest type of store you've ever been in (e.g., ultra-feminist bookstore, adult video shop specializing in scat porn, head shop, etc.)?

I really don't remember any that were that strange.

3) Do you like all-you-can-eat buffets? What's the best one you've ever been to?

Either the all you can eat crab legs one in the Biloxi casino, or the breakfast one with corn beef hash because it kicks ass and you don't see it very often.

4) Did Han shoot first?


5) In relationships do you tend to be the reacher or settle?

I have refused to settle anymore.
Anyway, I have some questions that I want y'all to answer

1) When taking a piss, have you ever aimed at the side of the toilet so you wouldn't make noise?

2) Would you do Flo from the Progressive Insurance commercials (pic below)?


3) Have you or your family ever owned a pug?

4) What do you think of this video?


5) What's the longest you've ever been awake?

1. Yes
2. No, unless I'm piss drunk and she mounts me.
3. No
4. Meh, would've been better at a strip club.
5. Close to 36 hours. This was when I was 12 and tried to watch 24 hours of TV.
Anyway, I have some questions that I want y'all to answer

1) When taking a piss, have you ever aimed at the side of the toilet so you wouldn't make noise?

Yep, sometimes I aim for that part that the water comes out of when you flush.

2) Would you do Flo from the Progressive Insurance commercials (pic below)?


Always yes to those questions, I am often drunk.

3) Have you or your family ever owned a pug?

Nah, fuck that.

4) What do you think of this video?


Fair play to the guy.

5) What's the longest you've ever been awake?

I was into day three but gave up when the walls started moving.

1) What extreme outdoor recreational activities have you partaken in (e.g., bungee jumping, whitewater boarding/rafting, skydiving, spelunking, ice climbing, etc.)? If you've partaken in more than one, what would you consider the most extreme? If you've partaken in none, which ones would you like to try?

I've done bungee jumping, happily do that again. I'd like to try them all though.

2) What's the strangest/weirdest/creepiest type of store you've ever been in (e.g., ultra-feminist bookstore, adult video shop specializing in scat porn, head shop, etc.)?

Been to one of those shops that specialise in dark antiques and that, old hangman's nooses and shite like that, the Woman was one of those dyed jet black haired, pasty skin types that hates the World and pretends to worship Satan. I called her out on Her bad manners actually. Not that creepy but a vaguely amusing story when told by other people.

3) Do you like all-you-can-eat buffets? What's the best one you've ever been to?

Love them, I am a skinny mofo but all you can eats hate me. There was this one in London, but as usual I was bloody drunk.

4) Did Han shoot first?


5) In relationships do you tend to be the reacher or settle?

Reacher I guess. Although I question the legitimacy of the theory.

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