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What wrestler do you want to return to WWE?

undertaker fan

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It really doesn't matter who it is they just have to have had previous work in the WWE. I know i'm going to get people who say the rock and stone cold so i'm going to say right now i'm going to eliminate those two. So other than the rock and stone cold what superstar do you want to return to WWE and it could be more than 1 superstar. So heres who I would like to return. I would want RVD to return to WWE because he was my favorite I guess you can say mid card wrestler back when he was in WWE and I want to see him back in the WWE. I would also like to see GOLDBERG come back even though that I think this would most likely never happen because I don't think he would even fit in WWE's current PG era but it would be great if we could here the GOLDBERG chant 1 more time. So anyway what superstar(s) do you want to return to WWE.
Brian Pillman. JK. Even if he were alive he'd be long gone based on injuries. I'd have to probably say RVD. I know that he isn't fond of WWE's schedule so his coming back on any full time basis is apparently unlikely but I liked him. Granted he basically did the same few things in most of his wwe matches (it can be argued that everyone does) but I was a fan of his in ECW and WWE. I'd even say the Dudleys. I know that they're not quite as "good" as before but they're an identifiable tag team and one that has an established name and gimmick so they could maybe spice things up in the WWE tag division. I know that being in TNA that's not realistic.
Randy Savage just for the shock & pop alone Vince needs to squash it and let him come back

I'd also really like Sunny to come back, I miss her, also Sable too

but over any Legend or Superstars there is one person I want back more than anything. My favorite Diva of all time. Trish Stratus

She can still go as seen from her last two matches and I dont feel like she'll go out on those two alone anyway or a tag match in general. I see her competing in one final one on one match as it should be likely at WrestleMania after being inducted or atleast a Divas tag match with Mickie or Melina against two others or something, but I definately want her back

aside from that, I know she hasnt left but as far as returning on WWE TV I'd really like to see Stephanie McMahon Helmsley come back on Raw, Smackdown or NXT just as long as she comes back. She's hot and she's a great character to watch. You gotta love Steph
I think I'd have to go with Goldberg. I've always been a fan of his since his debut against Hugh Morris and I'd love to see him back in a WWE ring. And since my long sufferring Saints are in the Superbowl, thus making hell freezing over official, I think Bill should be debuting in the next week or so.
First of all, theres a video on youtube of goldberg explaining why he quit wrestling and he said because kids watch it and he didnt think all the divas stuff was very appropriate. So maybe he would fit in the PG era..
But yes, him and RVD would be my picks to come back. Goldberg is like the ultimate dominator, so itd be good to see him destroy orton or taker or someone.

RVD because WWE doesnt really have any risk takers left now that Jeff's gone. granted theres still people that do top rope moves but how many other people would jump from the raw set? or a truck? RVD is an excellent high flyer and id like to see him back.
Even though it won't happen: THE NEXT BIG THING. It would be SWEET to have MIZ run his mouth for awhile and then Brock Lesnar jumps the railing, F5's him and leaves.
This is weird because earlier tonight I was thinking Goldberg would make a cool guest host. Maybe he could settle some of the animosity that he and Triple H have. He probably wouldn't wrestle but he could use that time to have a real end to his wrestling career instead of just fading away. I'd much rather see Goldberg than Austin since a Goldberg appearance is actually rare.

For wrestlers, I'd love to see Kurt Angle make a triumphant return. That man is the best in the world and any product he's on is better for it. The only downside is it would hurt TNA badly, so whatever Kurt wants is cool with me.
The Raw GM. That's the biggest hole in the product right now. Talk about RVD and Goldberg but they offer no more than the product currently provides. RVD is never going to be accepted as a big game player and Goldberg would just hang onto his past accomplishments and never be quite deserving of where he'd automatically be placed on the roster.

Bring back someone like Heyman, Bischoff, Shane. Give it to JBL or Regal again. I was very annoyed when his time as GM was cut short due to him being suspended. He could have easily just taken up the role again when he returned. It promised to be pretty cool to witness.

I suppose as far as active competitors go, bring back the Dudleys, The Outlaws and Jeff Hardy and lets have one last hurrah for Tag Teams!
I'd like to see Hardcore Holly back in WWE. Sure, the guy was known for being a 'dick' backstage and being rough with the young guys, but he was damn entertaining. And hell, maybe his roughness made the young talent become more serious in Wrestling, or something like that. I've always been a Hardcore Holly fan and I always will, so I really do hope so that we get to see him in the World Wrestling Entertaining ring one last time. It'd definitely be a 'mark out' moment if it's a good surprise and everything. He's still awesome!
I'd do a top five here:

1. Paul London: very very unlikely, he bashed a lot of people upon his release but when London had his push, he was (and still is) a stellar performer. Bring back the cruiser weight division, possibly on NXT. That would rule. Oh and dont ban his SSP this time... feud with Bourne for the use of it on TV. Interesting feud it would be indeed.

2. RVD: A few years ago, I'd pine for this. Revitalize the Old ECW.. but he had to be stupid and blow it. I lost a lot of respect for RVD at that point. But, again he's one of my all time favs, an upper-level push on Raw would do him good.

3. Brock Lesnar: a far cry, but would be cool to see him re-kindle a feud with Undertaker. Despite his size and obvious amounts of steroid use, Brock was a decent performer and could go toe to toe with the best.

4. Kurt Angle: speaking of the best, if WWE were to lessen his workload and give a HBK-esque schedule, it would be amazing. Good for the ratings too.

5. Eugene.... just kidding.. Stone Cold Steve Austin. Give him another run as GM/Sheriff/CEO.. whatever. Ratings would skyrocket.

honorable mention: Jeff Hardy... NOT.... Jim Neidhart. Do some kind of Hart Dynasty angle or something with Nattie to push her to a title.
Although I'm sure he will get used incorrectly, I'd love to see Goldberg on WWE TV once more. I was mark for him in 98, and I'd mark for him even today. He may not be a Ric Flair in the ring technically and charismatically, but he knows how to work a decent match and can get a good feud if given the right storyline. His feud with Brock was BS imo.

I'd also like to see Brock back, although that's another far cry from happening. He's completely soured on the business, so seeing him lace up the boots probably won't happen.

DEAN "THE ICEMAN" MALENKO. The moment I'd see this man walk through the curtain I'd be jumping around my living room like I was 16 again. That man, in my opinion, is the best wrestler to ever grace a wrestling ring. He may not have been the most charismatic, but he was solid on the mic, and he was damned technical in the ring. His matches with Benoit, Guerrero, Saturn, and anyone else for that matter in Catch-as-Catch-Can tradition were completely amazing, and blew the top off of anyone watching me with it. Although it's not likely to happen, he'd be my number one pick for returns.
Kurt Angle. He was a great athlete, great on the mic, had solid matches. He was the best all around superstar. He would once again bring the WWE to a whole new level.
i would like to see kurt angle come back to the wwe. He is still one of the best in ring performers on the planet and consistently has great matches. I would love to see angle and michaels one more time
1. Kurt Angle-He can still get it done in the ring at a very high level. He could have some type of heel stable with former college wrestlers-Swagger, Ziggler, I'm sure there's another one I'm forgetting. They could talk about being pure athletes and "real" wrestlers.

2. JBL-He isn't the greatest wrestler, but he is a great heel. And with the current hatred of Wall Street, his gimmick would generate incredible heat.

3. Jeff Hardy-Yeah, I know about his real life problems. But the guy is great to watch, and his feud with Punk was very entertaining. He'll probably return to WWE at some point, but I say the sooner the better.
RVD: RVD is one of my favorite wrestlers, plus a fued of RVD (MR.420) vs CM Punk (WWE Surgeon General) would be amazing.

Kurt Angle: Can't Believe Im gonna say this, but Angle is one heck of a wrestler. It's True, It's True

Eddie Guerrero: Miss him like crazy

Tommy Dreamer: I miss Dreamer and his ability to elevate the young guns.

Scotty Goldman: Man right before Punk gets drafted to Smackdown he gets cut, a reunion of the Second City Saints would be awesome.

Ace Steel: Same reason as above.

Claudio Castagnoli: Alot may not know, but he was once signed to WWE development & the guy has the WWE look. Think he is a real good up and comer

I really am not looking to see anyone come back, except for RVD & Angle. I really like how WWE for once is growing their own talent, while sprinkling guys from ROH. Im canot wait to see Danielson & Kaval get called up.
I'd like Lance Storm. I always like his in-ring. Ok I'll admit he was kinda dry on the mic but whatever.

Ps for those saying Goldberg. Ya think Bret would go along with that? Sure Vince has the say but I'm sure Bret would walk.
1. Kurt Angle
2. Matt Morgan
3. D'Angelo Dinero (Elijah Burke)
4. Rob Van Dam

These would be the only 4 people that could come back to WWE and the news would make me excited.

Kurt Angle is a no-brainer. You have easily one of the best wrestlers of the past decade in Angle and even after the surgeries he still looks as good as ever. To this day I say he's one of the biggest talents that WWE let go.

Which brings me to the next two on my list. Matt Morgan and Elijah Burke, two young guys with tons of talent and potential, and look what happened. Morgan had a decent run back when Lesnar was around (Survivor Series Team Lesnar vs Team Angle) and then the next thing I know he's a stuttering giant. They never gave the guy a decent chance and he ended up going to TNA where he's become one of their top guys.

Elijah Burke. Somebody tell me what WWE was thinking when they let this guy go? Was there a good reason that I don't know about? Because unless there was, they were a bunch of damn idiots.

As for RVD, I've been a fan of his since the days of the REAL ECW and have always wished he would come back. I'll admit I marked out harder than anybody when he showed up at the Rumble and right off the bat started thinking he was back for good. But alas, it wasn't to be.

So there you go, the guys I most want to see come back to WWE.
Bring back Macho Man Randy Savage and let him win the world title..make him an old man that none of the young guys can beat..give him a 170-0 win streak like Goldberg and watch Hulk Hogan get really jealous and TNA would start to crack..Hogan would want to get out of there to get another WWE run so he could beat Savage for the one hundredth time in a row
We all know the obvious ones of RVD, Kurt Angle, and Jeff Hardy. So I will exclude them. I would love to see the E bring back D'Angelo Dinero aka Elijah Burke. I really think the E missed on him, as he is a rising star in TNA. The guy just oozes charisma and can work the stick with the best of them. Plus he is pretty solid in the ring. I really wonder how good he could have been in the E if they gave him a push.

I'd also like to see Kennedy return. I was one of the guys who said Kennedy was the future of the E. I still think the guy can be solid and be a potential main eventer. Maybe there is a slim chance he makes a return once he is finished up with TNA. Doubtful, but who knows.
Brock Lesnar.

The man was a beast, who instantly changed the sport and helped signal the beginning of the "new era," post-Attitude, in the WWE. It would be nice to see him grace a wrestling ring again, despite the slim-to-none chance of it ever happening.

He would be an instant heel, given the fact that he "turned his back" on the WWE and pursued a career in UFC. He could have awesome feuds with the likes of Batista, Cena, HHH, Taker....the list could continue. Any of those rivalries would be instant money-makers. It would be easy to market him as well, just brag about the fact that he was a "former UFC champion" or whatever...

My second choice would have to be Mr. Kennedy / Anderson, for simpler reasons. While he will no doubt succeed in TNA, he seemed more of a natural fit in the WWE. Plus, "Anderson" doesn't have the same ring to it as "Kennedy."
As far as someone that could realistically come back (i.e. age wise) Muhammed Hassan, he could have been one of the greatest heel of recent years, he had the look and the mic skills. There is still time!

For the RAW GM, I think JBL would be a GREAT Raw GM, he would get a ton of heat, but he does also get a laugh from time to time.

Someone from yesteryear... The Godfather, purely because I think he is funny.

But the main point I want to make is MUHAMMED HASSAN.
I would also like to see Kurt Angle back, I think he wasn't bad on the mic and found hi sometimes funny and as far as ring skills I think its pretty obvious.
Brock Lesnar.
Paul Heyman if he has storyline input. Actually it'd be fun to see what Paulie can come up with if he had control of the WWE NXT show.

Btw, did Goldberg ever face off against Undertaker? I don't think he did. So that would be a nice fan match.
One guy who is much too ok that should come back just for a short time was a guy the WWE used poorly. A a kid there was one guy I loved more than most in the WCW. His name was Diamond Dallas Page. He now runs a yoga program, so I am sure he is still in great shape. I would love to see him back, as I always found him to be quote exciting.

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