What would be the biggest heel turn in WWE today?

Who do you think would be the biggest heel turn in WWE?

  • John Cena

  • Rey Mysterio

  • The Undertaker

  • Triple H

  • Bret Hart

  • Teddy Long

  • Shawn Michaels


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Dark Match Jobber
I was thinking, what do you guys think would be the biggest heel turn in WWE today? I would have to say John Cena. With him getting these huge pops, imagine all the heat he could get.

What do you guys think?

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We have seen Cena as a heel so I say the biggest would be Rey. He is the most loved person in the WWE. Little kids would freak out and the Hispanic fans would be up in arms. It has got to be Rey because everyone is waiting for Cena to turn.
All good ones, but I think that one that people may be over looking is Taker. Many of the newer fans don't know him very well, and it wouldn't take much for him to get under someone's skin as a heel. Or maybe that's just my justification for wanting to see it. lol.
Yeah I was going to say Cena until I saw other post. Cena has been heel but rey mysterio has never been heel. So that will probably be the biggest heel turn.
someone already said but REY MYSTERIO to me he is more loved by the kids then CENA and plus he has all the MEXICAN fans aswell and i have a feeling if REY was taller he would be CENA right now. like someone else THE UNDERTAKER sure he's been one with the MINSTRY and as a biker for alittle bit but the newer fans like the kids[which is WWE majority aduince nowdays] have never seen him as a heel and like me i've never seen him as a heel because i started watching around WM 20 but i've seen videos on youtube of THE MINSTRY OF DARKNESS and UNDERTAKER played that role excellent and the kids would boo him like crazy if he went heel because he would scare the h*ll out of them espically if they brought back THE MINSTRY.
out of the two i said i see UNDERTAKER making 1 last heel run before he retires and i see it happening this year IF TAKER takes time off again due to the injuries in the match against MYSTERIO [not a spoiler i said IF he takes time off IF] i could see him coming back as a bad*ss and beating the hell out of MYSTERIO because he took him out because like i said above REY to me is loved more than CENA so if thats happens i'm pretty sure all the kids would boo him out of the building.
OOOOOOOH , I would love to see a heel Taker. I know this may be a little outt there, but I have a sneaky feeling he's gonna come back all healed to jin Punk leading the SES.
I dunno why I think that, but it's nagging in the back of my mind...
I think the biggest heel turn would be John Cena! he's been face since 2004.....his gimmick is stale as hell, and its time for a fresh start! how appropriate would it be to see cena go heel at say, a ppv....Maybe Wrestlemaina!! it would cause a huge increase in ratings the next night on raw thats for sure!
I say triple H. He could go back to being the game/cerebral assassin. It would be bog because so many kids love him because of DX. It would be different to see trips be the heal vs orton or cena.
Undertaker would be good but his career is winding down now hes getting on a bit, Rey is probably the longest running guy on the roster to never have a heel run so i'd love to see that but its his popularity with kids and Mexicans and the merchandise he sells that keep him back and he probably would not get over as a heel due to his size- if he got smart to a face they'd probably just knock him-generally why heels are bigger guys
I'm still going to say Cena even though he has been a heel before...he wasn't as over as he is now...so if he had turned heel now...it would be like hogan turning heel back in 96'...although the impact won't be as huge..
How about Teddy Long? This is a more realistic turn than any of the others mentioned IMO. A heel GM usually makes things more interesting.
HHH and Taker would be good but it won't happen because of their age. Cena and Rey won't turn because of how much money they bring in though merchandise
Shawn Micheals..

He comes back and turns on Brett Heart and you find out he has been working for Vince..

If not HBK coming back then the biggest shocker right now would be The Hitman turning..
It's got to be John Cena. He's the biggest face in wrestling, not just WWE. He gets massive pops and kids love him. However, people are expecting it to happen. Everyone knows Cena will turn heel at some point. It's only natural when you are a huge face.

So other than him, I would say Bret Hart. No one would see that coming. He's a Hall of Famer and a living legend. He is held in the highest regard by the fans and also gets huge pops whenever he appears. This won't happen because his dramatic return, beating Vince and then The Miz would be pointless.
I'm still going to say Cena even though he has been a heel before...he wasn't as over as he is now...so if he had turned heel now...it would be like hogan turning heel back in 96'...although the impact won't be as huge..

I would say Cena as well but I disagree with him not being as over as he is now, these days, I dont care about John Cena, hes on the screen Im taking a bathroom break, when he was a heel I was a cena fan, even when he went face I liked him untill he stopped being a rapper
For me, it's almost a tie between Cena and Mysterio.

These guys are HUGE with the younger crowd. They are almost like cartoon/comic book characters. Children identify with them and worship them. Thus, it would be devastating to the kid for either of these guys to turn heel.

When I was a kid, Hulk Hogan was that larger than life, cartoon character for me. I could not have imagined him as a heel in the 1980's/Early 90's.

Now, it would be freaking hilarious if Mysterio went heel...I can't even begin to picture it.

If I had to choose one, I would say Cena.
i would like to see Cena turn heel again he been a face for too long and it would be big if he did turn but we all want that and HHH i think should i just think he is better a heel than a face cerebral assassin HHH is so much better than this watered down DX HHH

but i voted for rey how shocking would that be he been a face since coming to wwe and even before that in wcw he is the biggest fan favorite in wwe it would shock the world to see rey turn (not like hogan heel turn but still huge)
Wow, way to go for a few people here stereotyping Mysterio's fanbase.

Anyway, I voted Triple H.

Cena is too predictable and how do we know how the crowd reaction will be during his matches. Now that I think of it, it'll be refreshing to see Cena run into the ring and cost someone a title.

Undertaker...well, what is he right now, face or heel? I doubt it'll make a difference, especially come Wrestlemania.

Mysterio...to me, he'll come off as an annoyance, especially if he faces off against someone bigger - reality flies out the window all over again. But isn't annoyance a factor for heels sometimes? It might benefit him.

Now, the reason I chose Triple H was due to nostalgia. I guess that pretty much sums it up. I mean, how long has it been since he was last heel? As a face, he's gotten a bit repetitive, along with Cena.

I'm not going to type an long explanation for everyone else through a PS3. Wouldn't make sense for Hart, Michaels is gone if you haven't noticed, and Long would only impact Smackdown.
First I Voted Cena, because its for the best if he turns heel, but then i read someone else's post (Cant remember the name) And They said Rey-Rey. It would be amazing to see him as heel! I thought that if he lost to CM Punk and joined SES then the heel storyline would have came into place, but you all know what happened. But Imagine if rey became heel, Removed his mask to make a more serious persona, and a new era could begin! ...I'm Just Sayin!
Now, considering that John Cena is the biggest face of the company adored by so many fans, turning him against everyone would be pretty huge. The problem I see with this is that a lot of people are expecting this to one day happen and there will be those fans that will cheer for him because he has finally gone heel. He has also known to work as an excellent heel before to the point where people will begin to cheer for him, so this would be pretty stupid in the long-run.

Rey Mysterio, on the other hand, has hardly ever (if he has been) a heel. The man is a legend and an ambassador in the WWE and one of the few men to match up to John Cena in terms of popularity. His moveset and build isn't something you'd consider to be heelish properties, so a turn would work brilliantly. No-one would expect it and everyone would be booing him, making the kids cry in the process. It'd be very hard to execute and maintain, but it's workable.

John Cena would be huge, but expected. Mysterio would be a complete swerve yet its high risk. It's basically a tie.
I think the biggest would be Bret Hart he is a mega face .
He is loved by everyone and hated by few he is a canadian hero and a great face.

Just my Two cents
I voted for Rey Rey as he has never done it and it would make for great viewing. Have him align with a few monster goons to beat down on people and have him as the leader....
im gonna throw a screwball out there, how about a full fledged heel turn for michael cole

ive been very impressed with his current fued with bryan danielson, we only have to see cena around 15 minutes a night, but we have to listen to cole for the whole 2 hours (excluding commericial time)

also i wouldn't mind seeing michael cole leaving the announcing table (just for the match) to join miz at ring side, to introduce the miz, or be a manager for a any other wrestler
I have to go with Cena. For me personally, it would be a godsend. I don't hate the guy, but he's so heavily featured that it's disappointing I can't be interested in the main events. If he turned heel, I would definitely be invested.
Rey Mysterio

Cause I don't think he's ever been a heel during his entire WWE career (forgive me if i'm mistaken) and it would be pretty awesome to see him as a heel for the first time since he's one of the (IMO) biggest faces in the WWE.
You really need to bulid toward a heel turn or have it make some sense. Most of those guys it wouldn't really do much for them. Unlike TNA WWE started to stop doing the whole I'm a bad guy one month a good guy the next.
I think a Cena turn wouldn't really do anything right now, maybe in 5-10 years you could maybe try to make a Hogan type Heel turn work with Cena.
I wish HHH would turn though, as he was a awesome bad guy + you get the whole heat for being married to Steph makes fans hate him more, also I hate HHH as a good guy it just doesn't feel right.

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