Yes...for my memory, one I very much recall, not for me, but for family history was Hulk Hogan. I was 16 or 17 when it happened. My dad always watched WCW. I remember him getting up early ALL the time to watch CNN news every morning as I was getting ready for school. Well on the Monday morning news, the world headlines was "Hogan goes to the Darkside" and oh my goodness... my dad was freaking out.

I had never seen him so livid. I go to school, then come home and he's watching WCW, and

he's yelling and cursing at the tv set. He's throwing the remote, his workboots at it. You'd have thought he caught my mom cheating or something. But no, it was the hero I grew up idolizing. Hogan, my dad, and my dearly departed uncle, they would all watch WCW together and always have their Hogan moment and always tell me and my cousins "That's who you kids need to grow up to be like." But after that, oh man, that name was considered a sin to be spoken in the house. LOL
For me personally, my shock to see turn heel was Matt Hardy on Jeff Hardy. When Jeff had all those accidents happen to him. His car nearly wreck, the pyro accident on Smackdown. Then his house burn down. Everyone was waiting for Christian to supposedly come back, or assumed it was Edge doing it. But then come, Royal Rumble, I think. It was Jeff's title match against Edge. Matt had already competed and lost his title the ECW match. Then Vickie was out to try to help Edge, but Matt runs interference and you think Matt will help Jeff. Jeff turns to take care of Edge, and BOOM!! Matt slams Jeff with the chair on the head, allowing Edge the win.

That really tore me up, I think you could hear everyone in the audience gasp at once. The promos that were cut up to WM 25 were AMAZING !! That promo with the group Decyfer Down, and the song, Crash, talk about emotional, and to show the real battle between brothers. But that still makes me shake my head.