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John Cena the biggest heel the company has ever seen?

The biggest heel the WWE has ever seen? So....this means that along the lineage of The Iron Shiek, DiBiase, Sgt. Slaughter, ---Cena is to out heel them all? Remember though....even during that time, it was kinda PG rated anyway....so...on one hand, it could be possible. The second thing is,.....I think right off the bat, in order to garner some heat, he would HAVE to align himself with Vickie Guerrero. I'm saying that because she is a chick with IMMENSE heat.....even her promos can't be heard because of the hatred she is given by the fans. How many times would you see "Excuse me"...and Cena follow her....and I'm not sure how much of a chance then--Cena would be given to talk.

I don't overall like the idea, and I wonder really if Vinnie Mac looked at his profit/loss report on merchandising, because I got a feeling that will take an immense hit.
Ok, first off I think a heel turn is great at this point of his career, if you look at it in wrestling, and entertainments perspective.

Now lets look at the business perspective:
How will this help the WWE marketing wise?

What does Vince care about Money or Us?...of course money.
So with Cena turning heel, will that slow down the merchandise sales?

My answer: Someone stated that NWO Shirts where selling even though they were a heel faction, but NWO represented WCW that time, and that was the "cool" thing. That time wrestling was all about popularity & cool.
Now its about heel/face. (thats my opinion)

So if Cena becomes heel will that make the sales slow down? Maybe.

The solution for that is to find a new face?.

Who can be that top face? Orton? Sorry to say this but he is boring, I know he gets huge pops when he hits the RKO, but I cant see him being the SuperFace, and his merchandise selling out.

So there is no doubt, Vince keeps having thoughts wether or not Cena should turn heel, he worries who will be the face of the company.

I think Cena screwing Taker at Mania, or Cena defeating Taker will cause major heel heat, but I dont see Cena being heel for too long, because to be honest, kids will buy into this heel/face crap. Once there fav turns heel, they wont wear his shirts.

So go ahead WWE try this out, but I dont think Cena could be the biggest heel now, it just wont work in the WWE PG Enviroment right now. WWE cant lose their top face, theres honestly noone that can be as good of a face of the WWE as Cena.
It's very possible for Cena to be come a great heel. But because of the obvious PG restraints, it will be hard to match his predecessors.

The best faces can beceome the best heels. Why? Because the fans have an emotional investment in faces. And when they turn heel, fans take it personally.

I agree the best way for Cena to turn heel is for him to take the Undertaker's streak. Not just take it... but steal, cheat, do it in the most underhanded way. I would prefer the Taker go into WM as a heel and they do a double swith, but that is too much to ask for.

As for merchindising sales being loss if Cena turns heel, they will make it back quickly because there is a concept that has driven some of the greatest inspirational stories in history and it is called REDEMPTION.

After Cena plays the heel, he will be able to come back as a bigger face than he was before. People are inspired by those who were bad and become good. "Seeing the light."

The characteristics of a heel Cena would be those that are the opposite of what he is now?
Loyalty- Let him have form friendships then heartlessly turn his back on them.
Respect- Let him spit in the face of wrestler below him.
Hustle- Let him become lazy, and not want to wrestle. Turn down challenges. Run from the difficult.
As for Orton being a better wrestler and talker than Cena? WOW! Cena is one of the best wrestlers in the world today. He draws the crowd into the match by telling a story, NOT by relying on a single move. Orton may be good, but to say he's better than Cena is being a blind smark.

On the mic? Cena is full of energy and is interesting to listen to. Orton talks like Michael McGillicutty. Orton's character should just stay silent, because being on the mic isn't doing him any favors.

you can't honestly say that Cena is a better wrestler than Orton, i like Cena, and i actually am one of the people who think hes a good wrestler, but he's not better than Orton. Orton rko's everyone now because there are such massive Rko chants, the crowd also goes nuts for the elevted ddt or the punt or any move he does really. cena is good and he's finally starting to prove it to those who don't believe it, but orton's always been that way.

on the mic yea cena is without a doubt better, i wouldn't call orton bad but he just doesn't compare to cena.

as a heel cena would be great, at first, but he wouldn't be able to keep it up as long as orton or jericho did. when he first turns he'll be th biggest heel, but after that it won't be as big a deal. but hey a change is always good.
The only saving grace about a Cena heel turn is that it might signal the end of the PG shite. Cena is the symbol of the pg era in selling orange and purple caps to 12 yr olds. If and when Linda losses the senate race, VKM might decide to use the legions of cena pre pube fans as the basis for a heel turn. I dont think it'll go back to the attitude era but, it might save us watching anymore sanitised crap.

All that is a way off yet. Senate race ends in Nov, so the first signs I doubt would emerge until the rumble. Besides, the current nexus angle as little way to run to get Barrett and Gabriel (the only likely survivors) over. People might thinks this automatically means cena v taker at WM, but I doubt that. VKM may kiss up to cena, but it is dwarfed by the arse licking for Calloway. Taker retires unbeaten and strait into the Hall of Fame, simple as. I fear that might leave yet another Hunter v cena mania match. It'll sell tickets and with hunter to save the match with mic skills it might work.

Bottom line, Cena doesnt have to do much to be a good heel as he as so many simple minded kids supporting him who will easily be flipped to booing him, and the mature WWE universe hates him already!

For one, John Cena was never unanimously adored by everyone in the first place. He's probably the biggest face to be booed by a large amount of people in the history of the business. That right there is a big reason why he won't be that "big" of a heel.

Then you have the fact that he's already "with" a heel group right now. Sure, at the moment it's "against his will" but the shock and awe factor is less effective when the circumstances are as such.

You then add the fact that ever since the NWO, heels aren't really that disliked as much anymore. The younger kids and parents taking them will usually stick with the routine and boo the heels and cheer loudly for the faces...but wrestling is no longer just a kids entertainment business anymore. The kids that grew up loving it are still watching it in their older ages...and due to the "attitude era" and general change in lifestyle and outlook since the 80's and early 90's - rooting for a heel isn't as taboo as it used to be. Another reason for this is that it's much easier being a heel. A great heel will have a great personality and such...but good heels can still have no personality or in-ring ability and still get over quite well due to being able to gather pure hatred towards one self...and doing the wrong things are easy and entertaining this day and age. Being a face and doing the right things aren't all that commended these days anymore. Which is why you see faces more and more using cheating tactics and "heel-like" tendancies during a match.

John Cena may be a successful heel - but it will be close to impossible for him to be the "biggest" heel the company has ever seen due to the surrounding circumstances.
To be honest as mentioned earlier they will want to turn Cena heel once they have replaced his babyface role. I can see this being Jericho on his return following his time away, coming back as Y2J.

If people are saying heels don't sell merc then Y2J returning as a face would hopefully fill most of the sales lost with Cena turning heel as Jericho was a heel when he left.

Based on timings this would allow the heel turn to go on for longer until Jericho is free to return as he is on tour I believe?!?!? This would allow Barrett to hold the title getting Orton to chase the title which is what he is best at doing. It also allows Cena to turn slower (even though a shock turn would have been better to get the full heel effect imo)

I think will the major face Y2J on the mic doing a few promos with Cena as the heel would really get Cena over as you need that major face to help someone come across as a major heel.
Yay a fanboy bashing the WWE. Number 1 Cena is fantastic on the miv and a good wrestler, his character limits him and just have perspective on Cena's timing and delivery. Cena constantly has great matches on PPV's but of course let's just bash him for being in the WWE! Cm Punk, Chris Jericho, Miz, Sheamus ALL better heels than TNA has created in the last couple of years but of course because it's WWE we have to bash it! HEHE delusional TNA fanboy you think Cena being heel won't be interesting despite the fact he can make it work and people want to see it. Orton and Cena are on the same level and lol Orton a better talker?

Agreed with your statement, we don't need TNA smarks comming on spamming and dissing WWE's decision.
On Topic: John Cena turning heel would be great. His character is getting so stale it's unbelievable. This should have happened a year ago. Right now though, John Cena is in an interesting storyline. He's Wade's bitch right now,and funny enough, he gets water in his face. Though, if Cena would turn heel, he can't cost Undertaker the streak. The dumbasses on here say he should cost the Undertaker's streak as if the streak means so little. The plan is to face Taker in WrestleMania, not interfere and cost him the streak for a stupid reason. In any PPV, John Cena needs to be in a situation, where he no longer follows Nexus. While everyone think Cena will just attack Nexus like never before, he joins them unexpectedly. He turns on a big face like Randy Orton or someone. And he stays in Nexus, but only as a real member. This won't actually happen obviously, but I'd do it something like this.
in this Era I think it would be the biggest heel turn ever. Not of all time, as that would go to Hogan. Austin turned at WM17 to me was very big and unexpected especially since he hooked up with Vince but I still don't think it was really taken that well.

Everyone is waiting for Cena to turn so I agree it has to somehow have some shock value. Taking Undertaker's streak imo is the only real way to do it, any other way & it flops. Also if they do have him take the streak, that must be done right too I'm not sure if WWE has the ability to do either right now
the biggest heel the company has ever seen? LOL :lol: john can't even pull off being the biggest face of the company, let alone being the biggest heel!! he just doesn't have that it factor that say's BIGGEST HEEL!! that title will and alway's belong to hulk hogan.
Bragging Rights is perfect for Cena to turn heel. If they want to do this do this now. Have him accept his role within Nexus. Have Cena help Kane bury the undertaker. It gives the Undertaker some time off make Cena a heel. Have Taker come back around Royal Rumble and have him win it to face a heel champion Cena as wrestlemania.
HHH was the biggest heel because he got the casual fan to hate him as well as the smark because he was with Stephanie.

If Cena end Taker streak the smark will hate him and the kids will cry. The day Cena tear a kid sign apart will be one of the best day in my life. If their hero turn heel their heart will be crushed and they will be ready to cheer like crazy for whoever will face him, best way to create star imo.
Is there any real logical reason for Cena to turn heel? People bring up Hogan, Austin, etc etc. But really? Are you guys so programmed to think everyone needs to turn heel that you would ignore the business Cena makes? He is the only legitimate draw they have in the WWE. He always takes up at least 35% of the top seller's list on WWEShop.com (he has the 10 out of 20 as of this post).

And I think Cena is getting back to his 2007 self. The guy has been knocking it out of the park all this year. This Barrett/Cena angle is turning mixed crowds for Cena into pro-Cena/anti-Nexus crowds.
would it hurt business? as far as sales yes maybe a little but, but with ppv buy rates hurting ratings down and overall the WWE in a down period there's no doubt in my mind that a Cena turn would bring some attention back to the WWE. Look even now as the Nexus/Cena angle has ever so slightly improved the Raw ratings over the past few weeks
I could be wrong, but what Vince might be getting at is that Cena needs to be an unlikable piece of shit heel that you literally can't take anything positive out of, like Iraqi-Sympathizer Sgt. Slaughter, or that terrorist dude a few years back.

Notice a pattern?

If Cena is going to be the ultra-mega-super-duper-heel to end all heels, he's going to have to be an America hating, terrorist sympathizing, communist preaching asshole, who also utilizes all the other heel tactics, like cheating, being selfish, and acting like a d-bag.

If Cena turns, Vince doesn't want it so that his current fans boo him and his current detractors finally start to cheer for him. He wants it so that nobody, not .01% of fans, like John Cena. If Cena turns heel, he can't be one of those cool heels like Edge was, or popular for who they are, like Jericho, or funny heels like The Rock was towards the end of his last heel turn, he needs to be 100% hated for this to be a total success.
I'm not really sure how they'd pull this one off. Hearing Vince wanting to go that far with a proposed Cena heel turn is a great thing though. This tells me that Vince will invest in this turn and really give it all it needs. They've done turns before and not committed to them, ala Orton's 1st face turn, and they fail.
For this to work they have to fully invest in Cena being a heel. He needs to make some kids cry. OH I KNOW! Bring some kids into the ring like Koko used to do. Instead of teaching them the bird dance he clothslines one, FU's another and STFUs a third. Then he punches thier parents in the face. This just might work......

No friggin way. WWE can't afford to turn Cena heel. Certainly he would be better off for it because he's been stale for about 2 years now. As long as there is nobody in position to move the merchandise he's moving expect Cenamania to run wild.

Aside from that, how do you do it. He should have turned earlier when the Nexus thing was at a fever pitch, that would have done it. They blew that opportunity and in the PG era its going to be impossible to do something irredeemable that turns Super Cena into Hollywood Cena. He'd have to cheat to beat taker at Wrestlemania to even come close and there would have to be one hell of a post match beatdown sponsored by the newly revealed mystery GM Michael Cole, preferably using the laptop. Still pales in comparison to the turns that have come before but it's about the best you can hope for in such a restricted environment.
Whereas WCW was heel-oriented, WWE is face-oriented. You won't see John Cena go heel until the WWE has another mega-face on their hands, and Randy Orton isn't it. I like him as a wrestler and all, but Orton as a heel is just so much better then he is as a face.

But heels sell less merchandise, and Randy's been good for so long that he's earned that chance to raise the cut he gets from his shirt sales. (Assuming his contract is structured that way, and unless he hasn't renegotiated in a long time, he's not dumb enough to pass on merchandising money.)

And Zeven, you don't get to bitch about people bashing your favorite promotion if you're turning around and doing the exact same thing. I mean, you can, but you sound like a massive hypocrite.

OK I know you think that orton isn't the kind of face that can take cena's place but these are kids your dealing with here all that orton has to do is ruin his career (or cement it) and stay face for the next five years and the kids will still love him even if he does slightly heel things. Case and point john cena FU'ing a guy through the stage AFTER he's already said I quit which is a pretty heel thing to do if ya think about it. Once your in with kids your in.

So as long as orton is willing to be boring for the rest of his peak in wrestling for this one story then WWE will be OK to turn cena. Only problem for merchandise is that orton doesn't wear his shirt enough. Maybe he can become the corporate viper? Or if he's going to be the new cena, supersnake, sounds cool, kids will love it, sounds like a cartoon hero....:suspic:
sarcy i'm with you on this one......... as i mentioned before a few seconds ago he can't pull off a heel character, he can barely pull off being the company face, mcjackass would be making a huge mistake turning him heel at this stage in his life, all this bullshit of it being the biggest heel turn the company has ever seen, is exactly that... BULLSHIT!! everyone including the wwe troll universe already has been clamoring for it so it won't be the end all be all, of heel turns, nobody saw hulk's heel turn coming so that's why it remains in my opinion the biggest heel turns ever, john's turn won't get half of the reaction that hulk got when he turned, unless he does the FANS CAN STICK IT SPEECH hogan gave at the end of bash at the beach.
Now, just for a second, let's take the idea that WWE won't totally go into absolute failure without John Cena's merchandise sales away for a second. I know that's hard, because that's what's perpetuated by lots of outlets, but just go with it for a second.

John Cena vs. The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. My scenario is that heel John Cena defeats Undertaker with the STF.

Don't act like people won't crap themselves. The smart fans will see it as "disrespectful" to Taker and his yard and will also be upset that their last little bit of kayfabe will have been destroyed forever by SuperCena.

The kiddies will see that their hero Superman has turned into Darkseid, and will have their hearts broken.

And the rest of the WWE Universe will finally be able to boo John Cena without just looking like douchebags.

And also this gives someone on the WWE roster an opportunity to become the next top babyface.

So....what's the problem? You've got unreal heat on Cena, who is your new mega ultra heel, and potential for a babyface (IMO, it should be CM Punk) to take him on.
Bragging Rights is perfect for Cena to turn heel. If they want to do this do this now. Have him accept his role within Nexus. Have Cena help Kane bury the undertaker. It gives the Undertaker some time off make Cena a heel. Have Taker come back around Royal Rumble and have him win it to face a heel champion Cena as wrestlemania.

This type of storyline has been done before with vince vs taker buried alive match in which kane helped vince bury taker, taker spooks kane at the royal rumble.

Plus why would he accept his role with Nexus. Cena's not a role player, he's a superstar he has to be the real leader of Nexus. Do you think the viewers will watch the #1 guy take orders until January.
I wouldn't mind seeing Cena as a heel and I definitely think he could pull it off but before this decision is made the WWE needs to make sure they have that one mega face that can help carry the company. Every major antagonist needs a major protagonist and without one, turning Cena heel could do more harm then good.

I guess Randy Orton has the potential to be that but I'm still not sold on him being a mega face capable of carrying the company. If he proves to me that he can then I'm all for turning Cena heel but if Orton can't do it then they need to make sure they have someone who can. The Undertaker match at Mania would be nice but that would be more of a one off thing rather then a major feud that could carry the company. In theory I like the idea but certain things have to happen for it to work.
Turning Cena heel really wouldn't be that difficult. The fans are already playing into it.

On the one hand you have the concrete fact (kayfabe at least) that if Cena does not do what Barrett says that he will be fired. We have already heard all the chanting of "Don't give up" (or whatever they chanted) and I would imagine the fans will start booing Cena to some degree if and when he has to follow through on something bad Barrett tells him to do (like the tease with giving Orton the AA on Monday). Have it start slow with Cena maybe costing Orton the title at Bragging Rights by distracting the ref or tripping Orton (nothing major). The fans will boo this. Have it escalate from there with more of these minor things for a couple weeks and then have Barrett finally have Cena join in on a group beatdown of someone the fans really like. The fans will go apeshit and boo them mercilessly. That is when you have Cena embrace "the dark side" and snap on the fans. His motive is simple. "I have given you everything I have for years. Always stood for what was right, and now, when if I don't follow orders I will BE FIRED, you boo me? The hell with all of you. You are either NEXUS or against us!"

I just really think this would work and would be believable as well.
Like most fans, I've grown tired of Cena's current character. But I'm not really sure he can pull of being a convincing heel. After all these years of him being so kid-friendly, for him to just suddenly change his persona would be a bit hard to believe for me. Some will mention Hogan pulling it off, but there were three big reasons why that worked so well:

1)Hogan was past his prime and his 80's persona was outdated
2)He was now in a different company (WCW), bashing his former employees (WWF). Not sure NWO "Hollywood" Hogan would have worked in WWF. Wouldn't have had the same effect.
3)It was the attitude era. You could say and do things that you're just not allowed to do nowadays in the PG era. Heels can't curse at the fans or make guys bleed or have trash thrown in the ring at them anymore.

So I'm really not sure how they'd pull off making Cena a believable heel. My best guess is they do with him what they did with Bret Hart in the late 90's. Bret turned on the fans who were booing him (the american fans), but remained loyal to his Canadian fans.
I want to know why everyone on here is so hell bent on wanting the WWE to make the kids cry and saying that they should use Cena to do so look face it wrestling once catered to us now they cater to whom they know is the future of wrestling as far as fans are concerned so stop saying how you want to see kids cry and get some help on topic Cena could be a good heel if they want to go that direction with him his rapper heel gimmick was good so maybe he could do something along those lines as far as the biggest heel ever hed have to do some pretty sick stuff like "paralyze" randy orton or something so i can see him being a big heel but unless he does some crazy shit like i mentioned he wont be the biggest ever

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