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John Cena the biggest heel the company has ever seen?

Cena is the PG-Era, as soon as he turns heel then the PG-Era should be over, on Raw atleast. This is a easy 3 step plan to turn him heel...

#1. He, on his own, needs to help Barrett capture the WWE title from Orton this next PPV. Not because he is ordered to, but because he wants too.

#2. Find out he is the person behind Nexus. He wanted to get back at all the wrestlers that talked shit on him, and all the people that have bad mouthed him for the past few years. He will become like a manager for Nexus and a huge heel. Starting to wear Nexus colors and ingauge sadistically in the beat downs. Locking the person in the STFU at the end of each beat down until they are unconcoius. This should be a powerhouse heel stable. With Cena not needing the Title to be the leader.

Cena - Leader/Manager
Barrett- WWE Champion
Justin Garberal - United States Champion (That would be a good fued with Daniel Bryan)
Otunga & Tarver - Tag Champs

Severe Domination!!!

#3. Cena win the Rumble and Challenges Undetaker for the Title. Aagin trying to make his stable more evil and powerful by not only Getting both World title (thus unitfying them later) but Ending both the Undertaker and his streak at WM 27. Cena will WIN. Thus making him the Biggest Heel ever.
OK I know you think that orton isn't the kind of face that can take cena's place but these are kids your dealing with here all that orton has to do is ruin his career (or cement it) and stay face for the next five years and the kids will still love him even if he does slightly heel things. Case and point john cena FU'ing a guy through the stage AFTER he's already said I quit which is a pretty heel thing to do if ya think about it. Once your in with kids your in.

So as long as orton is willing to be boring for the rest of his peak in wrestling for this one story then WWE will be OK to turn cena. Only problem for merchandise is that orton doesn't wear his shirt enough. Maybe he can become the corporate viper? Or if he's going to be the new cena, supersnake, sounds cool, kids will love it, sounds like a cartoon hero....:suspic:
Heel circa 1990, maybe. The game has changed. Being a face is no longer about taking your vitamins and never kicking a man while he's down; it's about having the snappiest comebacks and destroying your enemy.

There's also the misconception that the WWE is programmed for kids. They're merely professing to create a more kid-friendly product. (Which I don't quite get- does kid-friendly programming feature the good guy breaking into the bad guy's house and threatening his wife?) It's not about getting the 12-17 demographic; it's about creating a product that, supposedly, you could bring your 9 year-old son to and not have to explain to him what a 'ho' is afterward.

It's hip on these boards to blame the PG era for everything; but beyond silly stuff like pausing matches to clean up blood*, the product really hasn't changed all that much. They just have writers who, for various reasons, aren't making compelling television. Besides the Nexus angle, this year has been a down year for creative.

*I'm pretty convinced that the only reason the WWE pauses matches to clean up blood is so that wrestlers don't take it upon themselves to blade in the match and call it hardway. Look at Wrestlemania 8; Vince wanted no blood, and both Bret Hart and Ric Flair bladed, Ric juicing like Muta. If you pause the match, it looks like shit, and enforces the message that there will be no blood. Since those two match-pausing incidents, we haven't seen blood period.
It's obviously difficult to predict whether a heel turn can lead to "the biggest heel of all time", but I definitely think that John Cena is capable of becoming a great heel. And if done properly (which is the KEY), I think fans will be very satisfied with the results. So let's try to come up with a specific, logical, and practical way to turn John Cena heel before we debate how successful a heel he can actually become. Remember, you have to learn to walk before you can run.

So after much thought, I believe I have a solid way to turn John Cena heel. And while it is along similar lines to many of the proposed ideas we have heard before, it varies just slightly.

Most people believe that the best way to turn John Cena into a MAJOR heel is to screw the Undertaker over at Wrestlemania and end his undefeated streak. The 3 main constants are always the Undertaker, Wrestlemania, and "the streak". The MAJOR downside; however, is that you're ruining something that has been building for nearly 20 years and has become the staple of Wrestlemania. If you decide to end "the streak", future Wrestlemanias (with or without the Undertaker) will take a significant hit unless Wrestlemania can regain the mystique it once had.

I am on board; however, with many of the factors talked about above...just not all of them. I think turning John Cena heel at Wrestlemania is absolutely the way to go. I also believe the Undertaker is the one, current superstar who can instantly turn someone heel...in fact, he can turn them into a MAJOR heel. I don't agree with taking the Undertaker's streak; however. Maybe it's because the Undertaker is my favorite superstar, maybe it's because he is a living legend, maybe because it's because the streak has taken on a life of it's own. But as much as I'd like to see a new phase of John Cena's career, I don't believe it should come at the expense of the Undertaker's streak.

So here is what I propose. Much like Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker, I think seeds need to be planted months prior to Wrestlemania. Whether it be in the ring or backstage, the two need to cross paths (and I don't care how they decide to bring the two together or what the storyline is because that will become irrelevant in the grand scheme of things). A slow build needs to happen, though. From there, John Cena will face the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. And it will be FACE vs. FACE. Yes, that's right! John Cena will not be a heel prior to Wrestlemania. The Undertaker will say that he respects John Cena, but he will not be able to end the streak. John Cena will say that he respects the Undertaker, too and considers him the legend of legends, but he will never back down, never give up, and will defeat the Undertaker. It will basically be a super face vs. super face match.

When the match actually takes place, it will be very competitive and long. Of course, we'll have numerous close calls and multiple finishing moves will be hit. In the end, though, the Undertaker will defeat John Cena (maybe, even by submission). The streak will remain intact. From there, the Undertaker will celebrate to close out Wrestlemania, as usual. As John Cena finally struggles to his feet, he will approach the Undertaker and offer a handshake. The Undertaker will accept it, and everything will be just peachy. John Cena will appear to leave the ring, but he'll change his mind at the last minute and brutally attack the Undertaker. He'll hit him with a chair, slap on the STFU, etc. It'll be a vicious assault (PG style, of course). Wrestlemania will close with everybody in shock.

What you will have essentially done is turned John Cena into a super heel, kept the Undertaker's streak intact, and given a legitimate reason for the Undertaker to take off significant time after Wrestlemania (as he usually likes to take months off after Wrestlemania). From there, John's heel character can grow. As stated several times, many people like the idea of John Cena's character being frustrated over the fan's lack of support for him. Why do they cheer the Orton's and Jericho's of the world but not him? Why should he put himself on the line for the fans if they don't even respect him? And even though that's a textbook heel turn, is there any other superstar that it would ring true for more than John Cena? Even though most people don't hate the actual John Cena, he would essentially be pointing out what is legitimately true in terms of his John Cena character.

I think he would do an absolutely brilliant job and would build his heel character up quite a bit. From there, you can even set up a rematch between a heel John Cena and a face Undertaker at Summerslam. All in all, I know it is a big leap to make such a significant change, but in the grand scheme of things, it could also lead to something quite special.
Most people believe that the best way to turn John Cena into a MAJOR heel is to screw the Undertaker over at Wrestlemania and end his undefeated streak. The 3 main constants are always the Undertaker, Wrestlemania, and "the streak". The MAJOR downside; however, is that you're ruining something that has been building for nearly 20 years and has become the staple of Wrestlemania. If you decide to end "the streak", future Wrestlemanias (with or without the Undertaker) will take a significant hit unless Wrestlemania can regain the mystique it once had.

I am on board; however, with many of the factors talked about above...just not all of them. I think turning John Cena heel at Wrestlemania is absolutely the way to go. I also believe the Undertaker is the one, current superstar who can instantly turn someone heel...in fact, he can turn them into a MAJOR heel. I don't agree with taking the Undertaker's streak; however. Maybe it's because the Undertaker is my favorite superstar, maybe it's because he is a living legend, maybe because it's because the streak has taken on a life of it's own. But as much as I'd like to see a new phase of John Cena's career, I don't believe it should come at the expense of the Undertaker's streak.

The reason I believe so strongly that Cena could be the guy should break the streak is in everything here. People hold onto it so fervently and so strongly. People hold onto the Undertaker's mystique so tightly(thanks to WWE's reverence of Taker), and his legend so tightly, and the idea that the streak is so essential to Wrestlemania, and WWE has done a great job of making it that important.

IMO, the prime way, the ultimate way to make John Cena the biggest heel in a generation would be to take something that is seen as nearly-transcendent of the wrestling business...and destroying it. This is more than just breaking the hearts of the kids.

This is taking an institution and knocking it down, and shaking the entire industry to its foundation. THAT'S what needs to be done right now. There needs to be a shock to everyone's system, and John Cena MAKING TAKER TAP OUT at Wrestlemania is the way to do it, I believe.
I want to know why everyone on here is so hell bent on wanting the WWE to make the kids cry and saying that they should use Cena to do so look face it wrestling once catered to us now they cater to whom they know is the future of wrestling as far as fans are concerned so stop saying how you want to see kids cry and get some help on topic Cena could be a good heel if they want to go that direction with him his rapper heel gimmick was good so maybe he could do something along those lines as far as the biggest heel ever hed have to do some pretty sick stuff like "paralyze" randy orton or something so i can see him being a big heel but unless he does some crazy shit like i mentioned he wont be the biggest ever

I will say it again I WANT TO SEE KIDS CRY! Not because I am a bad person or anything but like I said before and I will say it again if their hero betray them they will be devasted and the person or group of person who will oppose Cena will become monster face. You NEED a heel that you hate with a passion (for me it's Kofi Kingston... I know, I know) and want to see him lose. When HHH was beating EVERY face challenger a couple of years ago people were tired and really wanted to see him lose. Same with the Slaughter, Volkof and Sheik people wanted to see them lose.

In this day and age there's not a monster heel. In PG you can't have a heel come out with a sledge hammer and kill puppies to be hated. But if the SUPERHERO that his Cena betray their trust he will achieve the monster heel status and I am of the belief that you need a monster heel to make your face relevant.

Why is Cena so boring now as a face? Because he doesn't have one opponnent on his level that could kick his ass, you know that Cena will (almost) always win.

Think about it before saying someone need help because if I only wanted to see kid cry for the sake of it I could go hit one in the street :p
The best way to turn him heel in my opinion is to end Taker's streak. Make it a face thing first, tease a little bit of heelish tactics and when they go one on one, let Taker dominate Cena. Cena not bieng able to take this anymore because he can't be super-Cena would bring in Nexus or hit some sort of low blow to get a win. The next night on raw he could cut a "Eddie Gurerro: Why'd you make me do it?" esque promo and be a real monster heel after that holding the belt and everything.
now that i think about it. this could be slowly starting to unfold...i know its suddle but r-truth telling cena to quit could be the start of it...then orton telling him he'll put him out of his misery...maybe next week jomo says something and then maybe bret gives up on him...causing cena to jus give in to nexus
I think Cena will make an excellent heel for a few reasons:

Cena has proven he has the ability to manipulate the crowd in whatever way he needs to. I even think he kinda enjoys the frequent boos and the "Cena sucks" chants. All successful heels have the ability to manipulate the fans and then take a certain amount of enjoyment in being hated.

Any guy that can go into WrestleMania as a face and see the "We Hate Cena" t shirts in the front row, win the match and go directly in the middle of them with his newly won tile and POSE with them with a big smile on his face while the cuss him DEFINITELY has the ability to go over as a top heel. What balls Cena had to do that. He could've easily gone over to the section that loves him and shake hands and kiss babies but no, he walked over to give the haters a big "Fuck you".

Deny it if you want to but it reminded me of HBK back when the feud with Bret Hart was heating up. Fans threw beer on him cussed him, threatened him and he just reveled in it. EXACTLY the way Cena handled the haters.

I hope this will take a little of the "Super Cena" coating off him and bring back a little bit of the Dr. of Thuganomics that made him easier to accept. Besides, it's not like there would be a big adjustment because he regularly has a section of Cena haters virtually every Monday night. Also, even with the rumors of HHH returning as a heel (if he EVER comes back) this would make an EXCELLENT storyline for HHH to return as a top face, IMO.
One thing I have to say about turning Cena heel that I believe.

He should absolutely not, ever, ever, ever under any circumstances do anything that resembles his old rapping character.

Because that's what people liked about him.
My only issue is that as atop heel and to become the best heel in the business he needs a TOP face to feud with. While The Undertaker can serve as the catalyst for turning him heel I dont see him as a longterm counterpart for a heel Cena. When you think about it there really arent that many guys that could fill that spot. Orton is the obvious choice and could work, then there is guys like Miz, Christian, possibly Punk, and few others who could make face turns to be top faces. But its hard to say right now.

But, I really think Cena has the ability to be one of the best heels in WWE history. Maybe not the biggest but one of the top. Hogan was able to do it in the 90s and i would equate Cenas turn to something of that magnitude. The guy has been a top face for the better two-thirds of a decade and a heel turn would be huge. However it does have to be handled correctly and what better way than to face him against one of the top faces in the company, the Undertaker? Im not a fan of breakign the streak because I think that is one of wrestlings sacreligious deeds but I agree with the previous post of having him lose and then go for a handshake and then annihilate The Undertaker with a beating that hasnt been seen in a long time.

From there once the initial turn takes place he needs to almost completely overhaul his image and gimmick, like when the Rock joined the corporation or Jericho turned heel a few years ago. New attire, new demeanor, new delivery, new moves, everything.... He can talk on the mic and thats how I expect him to get over the most. No witty comments, no motivational crap, no pandering....just ruthlessness. Have him degrate the fans, have him mock kids ringside and parents, attack announcers, cameramen, lower card wrestlers, etc. Overall it could work but needs to be done right.
He won't be the BIGGEST heel that we've ever seen, but it'll be huge. The little kids crying, the mass boos. It'll be insane. Cena is a really good heel, really good, and it's been a while. I'd welcome his heel turn, but will he really be able to go to the point that he used to go? He used to be ruthless and cold blooded, and he talked so much trash about the fans. Will it really be believable? Will the fans accept it.

If done correctly, I think it could be reminiscent of Hogan turning heel when he joined nWo. I think that Cena is just as big of a star as Hogan was at that time. Some people will disagree, but I'm not backing down off this point. At the time that Hogan turned he was at the same point Cena is now. If it worked then, it'll work now.
The officials want to do it, but they're scared to. John Cena has been the face of Raw for five years now, if he becomes a heel it could hurt the financial point of the wwe a lot. I don't mean them going broke, but they'll lose a lot of watchers and lose a lot of money from the merchandise.

The people won't just stop watching. A heel turn will NOT effect the WWE if they do it correctly. Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart, two of 6 of the biggest faces in the company, yet they turned heel in between. The people will move on from Cena to Randy Orton. You will see Orton t-shirts everywhere. Orton already gets a bigger pop than Cena.

There is one problem with this. Randy's character is dangerous, it's not the super-hero gimmick of Cena, it's a viper. Orton can't attend a place like Kids Choice Awards and RKO everybody, can he? Maybe they can try bringing in older audiences? He can go on late-night talk shows more than Kid/Teen Choice Awards.

WWE will figure something out, they always do. Like I said, as long as a Cena heel turn is done correctly, it will not harm the WWE.

CROCK* : Orton get's a fucking bigger pop than Cena sometimes, get your facts straight. And, when was Orton at the Kids Choice Awards? I don't recall...
For him to be able to be a HUGE heel while still facing Undertaker at Wrestlemania would be to BURY TAKER ALIVE at Bragging Rights during the Buried Alive Match.

Yes, his whole Nexus angle could end but it doesn't have to. He could be ordered to help Barrett and the rest of Nexus make an impact so they could gain even more momentum.
This angle could also work at any other PPV as long as Undertaker is there. Cena could be ordered to beat up anyone who stands in Nexus' way which could include all of the top faces in the whole company.

It's just a thought that may not even be close to reason but anything is possible as a "swerve".
Why does everyone think if Cena turned heel that his sales would suffer?

I dont own a John Cena shirt now because he sucks.

But if Cena went legitimate super heel, lol I would buy a Cena shirt.

Sooo... sales might increase :)
You crap on TNA the same way I crap on WWE. It's really hypocritical of you to call me names.

And yes, Orton is a better talker than Cena. I think it's quite obvious. He's much better in the ring as well. He's more fluid, has an arsenal of BELIEVABLE moves, he's transfering his gimmick into the ring and his moniker actually fits him. Orton beats Cena's white boy ass in any department, including the being a heel one.

John Cena's best matches are only against top players. Let me elaborate - only against people who can carry him. That's it. Cena is a brainless, talentless piece of shit. He's working hard but his effort is nullified by his zero in-ring presence, lack of ability, lack of creativity. All he does is walk down the ramp, smile at everyone, get his ass beat and do his set of moves. It works for everyone else, but not Cena. Why? Because he's all cosmetic value and nothing else. He's bland at best. A puppet. He has never impressed with a great promo or an amazing match. That's WWE's top guy we're talking about. Talk shit about TNA all you want, pick one of TNA's current Main Eventers and you'll have a guy that's light years ahead of Cena.

That, my friend, is why a Cena heel turn will never work. He is not Hogan, he is not The Rock. Hell, Rocky couldn't pull off being the biggest heel the company has ever seen ( and he's the biggest face the company has ever seen ), let alone Cena. Cena is a piece of crap. Face it. Deal with it. Don't like it? Kiss the TNA Rules tattoo on my right ass cheek.

you are officially the biggest idiot i have ever seen say something on any of the threads ive read up on. How in the world could anyone say that Orton is better on the mic then Cena. Cena is one of the best on the mic. I think even the greatest Cena hater have to admit he's good on the mic, if not that then deffinitly better then Orton. Orton is horrible on the mic.
i dont think he will become the biggest heel ever because tbh the only way they could do that i by making him break the streak and (i dont think that will ever happen) but if they wanted to surprise everyone and not make it obvious then why not instead of taker vs cena at wm then make it barrett vs cena and cena helps barrett win or something (like i said though will never happen its just a scenario before everyone starts jumping on this)
Regardless of whether I think Cena will be "the biggest heel the company has ever seen", this is all looking good for a Cene heel turn in the not-too-distant future, which is going to be a great thing for WWE, their ratings and even Cena himself, who will grow into one of the "greats" if he manages to pull it off well.

Let's face it, Cena's turn will be massive though. He has been the face of the company for many years, an icon to the younger generation and he does all that "Make A Wish" stuff. A heel turn will invoke all kinds of emotions, boos from the kiddies but possibly cheers from the older fans like me who have been saying that his character has been rather stale for too long. It will be bigger than Rock's half-assed heel turn when he faced Goldberg and possibly as big as Austin's heel turn.

The stage is already set with the Nexus angle; the heel turn should happen while he is still part of Nexus. Cena and Barrett could become a new "Power Trip", much like Austin & HHH. They would be virtually unstoppable.

Have Barrett win the WWE Championship and face either Orton or HHH at Wrestlemania, have Cena face the Undertaker. Talk about a monster Wrestlemania...not even Justin Bieber could ruin that one.

....and if Cena were to end Undertaker's streak (which I am undecided as to whether I'd be in favor of), he would be one of the most hated men in WWE history, especially if he cheats.
watched superstars earlier - really enjoyed the cena/barrett battle royal... really getting cena over as a reluctant member. not a cena fan at all - i think he's got quite stale, so i'm looking forward to his 'imminent' heel turn
I'd just like to point out all of the "I'd love to see John Cena as a heel" posts.

As they say on the Internet, "In B4 "You're not supposed to like the heels!"

Which brings me to another point, John Cena as the top heel in the company has to do everything to make people not like him, even the people that say "I like heels", for whatever reason.

Could he do it? Probably. Could Creative make it work? Who knows?
Its going to be truly epic when Cena does turn hell.

Did you see how people were reacting to when Cena lost to Barrett and had to join Nexus? Imagine that but even worse. Women and children crying, people throwing trash in the ring, its going to be a site to see.
I don't think a cena heel turn will change much bc the way the smarks act in the crowd, they will just cheer him and negate all the heat he gets. Its a no win situation I don't think people hate Cena they just hate being told who to cheer and who to boo, Orton's a face now but after he RKO's the roster people will be tired of him.

So in order for things to get right ppl need to know they role and just enjoy the show and stop trying to be the show dudes that chant usually are just attention hungry wanting to be on camera. So until ppl start being fans and stop the constant crticizing the wrestling business will never be the same.

And if the wrestling businees dies we will be forced to watch dudes in the rear mount postion in MMA does nobody think the ground game in MMA gay but me SMH, i'm out
John Cena being the biggest heel in history is quite a stretch considering that turn will never be as huge as Hogan's nWo turn. Though I guess it would be more risk taking since Cena still has a very vocal fanbase, especially, the young fans. I guess this all depends on how its being booked.

Cena can be a great heel though they just need to transform his "good clean cut image" into someone more brutal and agressive. I guess doing something early in his heel turn like beating up Mysterio, Daniel Bryan, Bret Hart, or Undertaker will do the trick; guys who have established themselves as people guys like to cheer for.

So in order for things to get right ppl need to know they role and just enjoy the show and stop trying to be the show dudes that chant usually are just attention hungry wanting to be on camera. So until ppl start being fans and stop the constant crticizing the wrestling business will never be the same.

So being a fan means were not allowed to have our own opinion and voice them out? :rolleyes:

Of course its these kind of people that turned Rocky Maivia into The Rock and Austin as a mega face but what the heck ... what do they know right? :shrug:

And if the wrestling businees dies we will be forced to watch dudes in the rear mount postion in MMA does nobody think the ground game in MMA gay but me SMH, i'm out

I am not a huge fan but I think MMA having more of a ground game is part of the competition. And saying something is "gay" is borderline homophobic and offensive.

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