What to do with the New Nexus...


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After finally seeing what looks to be the end of the Corre (and the world rejoices), it made me look at the New Nexus and really notice how much wasted potential there is in the group. I'm a huge Punk fan, but I think the groups holding him back right now imo. So what do you think could be done to help the other members grow? Here's my suggestions: David Otunga needs his "A lister" character back. He's not now, nor will he probably ever be a great technical wrestler, but he has a swagger (no pun intended) that made him stick out along with Barrett and Bryan in NXT. I would have him look at the team of himself and Mike McG as a waste of time since he's a star on his own. He needs to be a divisive force like he was with the original Nexus and NXT. His ego should challenge CM Punk's. Michael McGillicutty: he needs to channel his dad, seriously he needs to. While Otunga gets his swag back, Michael needs to get cocky on his own. He needs to see Otunga as being techically inferior and should be constantly hounding him to perfect his skill (which would annoy Otunga who thinks he's a superstar already). During matches he should perform a signature move and openly brag to the audience, by wiping his hands and saying stuff like "that...was perfect", and "see that? Flawless execution!". He needs to become a cross of his dad and and early Hart Foundation Bret Hart. He should even critique Ryan and Punk, which of course would piss him off. Mason Ryan: my advice to him, don't just look at early Evolution Batista, go back farther...He needs to be Diesel to Punk's HBK. Let the New Nexus splinter and break up so Ryan can become Punks muscle (like he's been doing, but w/o the other two). Have Punk win the WWE title with a solid assist from Ryan, and have Punk of course take all the credit. Of course Ryan will eventually turn on him, just let it build while Ryan (hopefully) adds to his arsenal, with a solid trainer in Punk. I think these ideas could work for these 3. What do you think would? Discuss.
I'm not even convinced the WWE knows what to do with the New Nexus, a couple of weeks ago they seemed to be on the road to recovery when Michael and Otunga Tag Titles and Punk beating Mysterio and then a week later they lost to Marella and Kozlov and then Punk loses to Mysterio

So if you ask me I think it's best if they just disbanded, Otunga needs to go back into devolpment or to acting school or whatever and start all over again as he looks very sloppy in the ring

Mcgillicutty is good in the ring, haven't heard much of his mic work but his name just really fecks me off and I think a name change is needed and i'm not saying he should go to Joe Henning, if he or the WWE doens't want to go down that root that's fine with me but just give him something better than Mcgillicutty

Ryan, I haven't seen much that has impressed me with Ryan so far he looks like your ordinary big guy, sluggish in-ring work and limited to what he can do on the mic, he needs to show me something out of the ordinary if he wants to start makeing an impact

Punk, I'm not a 100% sure he will sign a contract with the WWE and I think the issues go further than the trademarking of his name, while I think he enjoys working with-in the WWE and the tradem I don't think he enjoys the fame that comes with it and it could play a huge factor in his decision come September
As I said before the only way Punk is gonna resign is if Jericho returns anf those two fued. He is already taking shots at WWE via his Twitter page so the writing may already be on the wall.

As for New Nexus I don't want to see them disband just yet. With the Corre splitting up New Nexus is the only stable left in the WWE.
I would say they should do this with the following...

Punk: the WWE need s to resign him at all costs. he is carrying the new nexus and is he, like the OP said, dropped all but Ryan he could make another Batista easily.

Ryan: I thought he was worthless until he destroyed Kane and Big show. the wwe wants a new animal so let punk train him some more and give it to them!

Otunga: Send him back to FCW and make him start from scratch. when Ryan looks like benoit in comparison you need more training.

Mike: send him off to go have brilliant matches with Bryan and Ziggler and maybe ignite a NXT based feud with Kofi like what miz and riley are doing.
CM Punk needs to remain in the WWE and helps these 3 develop. There's no doubt in my mind Punk can become one of the Elite wrestlers of our time and can really put on a great program with anyone that is placed before him.

Mason Ryan has what it takes to be the next Batista, but only if Punk is there to help him learn the ropes. His arsenal is shit still considering how slow and green hs is in the ring still. Punk could really make this guy a decent wrestler for the future.

David Otunga...well the A Lister Character defenitly stood out and would help make him relevant again. This is the next leader of Nexus if the group stays together. He can talk a little but needs Punk just as bad as Ryan does.

Michael Mcgillicutty just needs to let some of his old man come out in him. He could really use some of the perfection quotes and executions and hopefully get some mic time in. He doesn't need Punk as much as the other two, but to stay afloat, it would help.
I would really like Wade Barrett take over The Nexus again. Like I said in a previous threat he can re-merge Nexus and The Corre and form them as the Core Nexus. Barrett, Otunga, Gabriel, Slater, McGuillycutty, and Mason Ryan. If they can bring back Husky Harris and Darren Young then you could have a dominant force again.

Maybe they can work their way with Ezekiel Jackson then maybe have a rivalry with Orton and Cena next. I believe this could work and maybe once CM Punk decides to return he can start a feud with Barrett. With Punk as a face and Barrett as a heel.
disband them

realy when cm punk too over the nexus it made no sence

he was much better with the straid edge society for him to be the leader of nexus was just plain stupid.

the corre dident work at all

barette needs to be the leader of nexus if not just disband them like the spirit squad
Splitting the Original Nexus into The Corre and New Nexus was a bad idea in the first place. Either disband or reform the two factions back into the original Nexus.
This one is a tough one. Some of the ideas folks have posted sound good, but the main problem I see with them is that they pretty much take some idea from the past we've seen many times and redo it. For example, Mason Ryan as Punk's bodyguard who interferes in matches and eventually turns on Punk once the abuse gets to be too much. I can't count the number of times the WWE has used this storyline. And turning otunga and mcgillicuddy into cocky arrogant heels...sure, that could work, but right now the WWE is full of cocky arrogant heels, do we need a few more in the mix, especially ones who aren't that exciting to watch in the ring? Will that really help them?

And recreating the original nexus...sure, it worked when it came out but to redo it again just because it worked the first time I think would be a big mistake. Before, there was a lot of mystery and unknown about these nexus members...who are they, what do they want, can anyone stop them? But now, time has passed, all the members have been systematically decimated at different points by cena, orton, kane and big show, and we've all seen that they are not that good in the ring. I don't think a reunion will really have the impact or the wow factor.

I think the problem is that there does not really seem to be a lot of interest in the nexus members from the fans, most of them aren't that great in the ring, and as a result of these two things, I am not entirely sure there is something that can be done for them.
1. Get Punk the heck out of there.........as it is really ruining him and burying him by having to lug dead weight around.

2. Disband the thing, get rid of Otunga, make McGuillicutty into Joe Hennig with a Mr. Perfect gimmick. There is another solid midcarder for you now.

3. Actually decide on what you want from Mason Ryan.......do you want him to be Batista, or do you want him to be Punk's muscle ?
3. Actually decide on what you want from Mason Ryan.......do you want him to be Batista, or do you want him to be Punk's muscle ?

Chedawg, Batista being HHH's muscle is what made him the force he was in WWE. So making Mason Ryan CM Punk's muscle, can do wonders for him in the long run. As for the rest of Nexus, well they should keep them as is but give Mcgillicuty his real name (Hennig) back for satan's sake.
Personally I would want Barrett to take over the group again. Ever since Punk took over they have not been the same. It looks like the idea of merging the Corre and new Nexus back into the original Nexus might not happen now either but that would have been the best option because the original Nexus was almost unstoppable but the new one has been pointless. I say make them cause trouble on both shows with Barrett leading again. Punk is better off without Nexus.
3. Actually decide on what you want from Mason Ryan.......do you want him to be Batista, or do you want him to be Punk's muscle ?

Chedawg, Batista being HHH's muscle is what made him the force he was in WWE. So making Mason Ryan CM Punk's muscle, can do wonders for him in the long run. As for the rest of Nexus, well they should keep them as is but give Mcgillicuty his real name (Hennig) back for satan's sake.

Yep, that would be ideal..........also Joe Hennigs gimmick in FCW was great, a little of his dad, a little new school, and he even had the old Perfect theme, might have been remixed , not sure........but bottom line it was a whole lot better than a generic Mike McGuillicutty.
What happens to the New Nexus all depends on what transpires with CM Punk. If he stays(I Pray to God he does) then I see The New Nexus being used as a stepping stone for Mason Ryan to be launched as a main event WWE Superstar.
I think the New Nexus should break up. There's no point too the group now other than to take a beating for CM Punk. The only guy that should stay with CM Punk is Ryan. He's already playing the role as Punk's bodyguard and it's going pretty well. Keep that story going but drop the other 2.
Personally I am oblivious to the fact that the New Nexus need or have a reason to break-up. The group is built around CM Punk, and yes although that makes Punk the one who has the spotlight in the group, this "potential" behind him is still going more over than they would if they were singles competitors.

McGillicutty and Otunga are the current WWE Tag Team Champions, hence they are fulfilling their potential because to be totally honest, chances are Henning would be sent back to development and Otunga would either be given a small push, fail, and end up on Superstars. Or, he'd be sent directly to Superstars.

And then Mason Ryan. Dude is big, very big. Okay, he's a fucking mammoth, and him being around Punk helps Punk and Ryan. He's almost to Punk as Riley was to The Miz. He's there during every match, protecting Punk, so the longer Ryan stays alongside Punk, the more heat that will generate so that when Ryan eventually does turn on New Nexus/CM Punk, he'll be getting the same support or near enough the support which Riley is getting.

There is no need to break-up The Nex Nexus. Corre broke up because at least three of them(Barrett, Jackson and Gabriel) will make it by themselves. THAT is potential. The New Nexus is building in potential.
I remember the Raw that Punk became the leader. Before punk put on the wrist band and Cena got beat up by Otunga, Magillicutty, Harris, Gabriel, and Slater I'm like this could work. I was actually digging the fact of Otunga being thier new leader and seeing where this could go and see if they could succeed where Barrett had failed. The Punk picked up the wrist band and I'm like okay lets see where this goes.

First mistake was creating The Corre. When Barrett went to Smackdown I was excited that he would finally get to show what he was made of on his own but noooo they had to link Gabriel and Slater with him. Okay fair enough because I was intrigued at the potential of a Nexus vs. Corre war.

Mistake number two...They never finished a war that was started. Rumors circulated rampantly that The Corre Vs. Nexus will get a match at Wrestlemania. Definitely would have rather see that than them vs. Big Show, Kane, Kofi, and Santino. Even with Punk busy with Orton the remanining Nexus Members vs. The Corre would have made for an interesting 4 on 4 match.

Then that doesn't happen either. We see Big Show and Kane alternately face The Corre and Nexus on their respective shows and then we hear that the Nexus and Corre may re-unite into a big Nexus stable again. If there was anytime to re-unite them than that was the perfect time. Both stables had a common enemy and wanted something that their enemy had which was the tag straps. Obviously once the merger happened they could have still had Big Zeke defect from the stable and possibly Punk being kicked out as there could only be one true leader. Hell possibly even Otunga being booted since him and Barrett had past problems. But once that happened it would have been great for The Nexus to refocus and take on both shows.

Wade Barret-WWE or World Champion
Mason Ryan-US Champion
Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater-WWE Tag Team Champions
Joe Henning-IC Champion

If thats the route they wanted to take with running the stable on both shows. They definitely could have had plenty of feuds with the current top faces and their defected/kicked out members.

I don't know just a thought. I'm also the person who thought it would have been priceless if on this past Raw after Nexus and Christian beat up Mysterio if Christian would have put a Nexus wristband on. Would have been even more spot on if Punk and crew attacked Orton seeing as that is somebody Punk still would have issues with if they stayed on the same show. With Nexus holding the tag straps it wouldn't have been so far fetched for them to help Christian on Smackdown gain the World Title. But that's another thread.
The Nexus should have been gone after Barrett lost to Cena at TLC. The group serves no purpose honestly. Punk is, in my opinion, being held back being the leader of the groups, not to mention the initial storyline was a bunch of pissed off NXT guys, and now half of the stable didn't even come from NXT. From what I read Punk is not going to resign, which is a travesty in it's own right. McGillicutty is obviously the most talented however, I don't think he needs to become "Mr. Perfect." If that is the case Randy Orton should come out next week dressed as a cowboy or Husky Harris come out in a shirt and tie carrying a breifcase. These second generation guys don't need their fathers gimmicks to get over. You could have McGillicutty come out give a pissed off promo about how he was forced to have a ridiculous name and how his name is Joe Henning and the WWE Universe is going to take him serious, that alone would probably get him at least a mid-card push. Otunga needs to either be put in a tag team where he is the mouthpiece or go to FCW for a while, because at this moment I can't see him as a serious singles star when you have guys like Drew McIntyre, Jack Swagger and Tyler Reks who are way better talents barely getting any TV time if any at all in Reks' case. Mason Ryan needs to be somebody's muscle for a while. Batista was muscle for about four years before he ever seen a singles push. If Punk does resign you could put him there, I think Drew is too tall and it wouldn't look right on camera, or even have Regal be his handler for a while I really like that pairing for some reason. Whatever they decide it needs to go, the angle is doing nothing for any of these guys anymore, and before somebody says well McGillicuty and Otunga are tag champs, that doesn't even matter anymore. McGillicutty is jobbing to Johnny Curtis in dark matches and Otunga is MIA, at this point if Colin Delaney and Gillberg showed up Monday and won the tag titles I would not be suprised.
- I believe CM Punk SHOULD take a leave of absence, at least until the Royal Rumble PPV. If he leaves, SmackDown DESPERATELY needs a upper mid-card face, while RAW DESPERATELY needs a heel to make feuds fresh. Both shows will be fresher and better off, which is good for the fans, and CM Punk will get as much rest and thinking time as he can. Everybody wins ...
I think that both CM Punk and Wade Barrett are way too kick-ass to need the members in the group.

Maybe merge it and give it to a not-so-over guy, like Drew Mac?
Okay so hear me out. Punk is talking about taking some time off. If Vince is smart he goes to Punk and says I'll give you the rest of 2011 off after Summer Slam granted we have an agreement in place that you come back in January for the Rumble and the Road to Wrestlemania. At Summer Slam Punk has a match with Mysterio or whatever and the Nexus comes down to the ring. The Nexus surrounds the ring and Punk smiles. As Punk gets ready to call his dogs in Wade Barretts music hits and he starts to walk down the aisleway. He stops and smiles. From behind him walks Justin Gabrial and Heath Slater. They come out and behind them comes Skip Sheffield. The Nexus walks down to the ring and surrounds the ring with Punk and Mystery Opponent X standing in the ring. Barrett looks at the other members of the New Nexus and nods. The Nexus then hit the ring and proceed to take out Punk and his opponent and destroy him to the extent that he will be out of action for 2-4 months. After they turn on Punk Barrett asks if they're with the Nexus or not. Otunga and McGuillicuty nod but Mason Ryan looks out of control. He then becomes the focus of the beat down and they take him out. The last part I don't really care about. But it's a good way to get that power faction back that the E needs (the Nexus was the best power faction in quite some time) and give Punk some time to rest himself and take a quick break.

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